Liberals vs Progressives


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
Being an actual conservative, it didn't take me very long to learn the HUGE differences between conservatives & republicans.
Back when I called myself a democrat, "progressives" weren't really a thing. In fact, I don't really member any democrat politician calling themselves a progressive.
But to day, they're everywhere.
On political forums like this, the two get confused. Say something about a liberal, and someone else will correct you and say it's a progressive. Or visa versa. But not much anymore. Since the MSM fails to make note of the difference, the two get lumped into the same column. Just like they do conservatives. I can't tell you how many times I've heard hannity or maddow call McConnell a conservative.
I have the general idea about their difference of liberal and progressive. My problem is, liberals just don't do much to disassociate themselves with the whacko thinking of the progressives.
Where as true conservatives will tell you flat out, they wouldn't piss on Trump if he was on fire.

Maybe the liberals are a dying breed, much like conservatives. Maybe the progressives are pushing them out. It seems that when the DNC get's a decent liberal candidate, he/she get's thrown under the bus because he/she doesn't align themselves with the new progressive way of thinking. Obama may have been the last liberal to be elected president.
That is, unless the liberal voters stand up to this new age BS. Young liberals aren't bad. You can talk to them. Like us true conservatives, they listen to all the information, and make a decision based on their own way of thinking. And not how they're supposed to think. Whereas progressive will believe even facebook headlines and share that propaganda 1 million times, before someone points out to them that it's not true.

If there's any actual liberals on this forum, I'd like to hear from you and your idea's about this new progressive BS that's being force into your party.

It's OK to stand up and be heard. I didn't when I left the GOP because I was a conservative and realized there was no room in the GOP for actual conservatism.
The Cato Institute says it best, imo.

Today, those who subscribe to the principles of the American Revolution — individual liberty, limited government, the free market, and the rule of law — call themselves by a variety of terms, including conservative, libertarian, classical liberal, and liberal. We see problems with all of those terms. “Conservative” smacks of an unwillingness to change, of a desire to preserve the status quo. Only in America do people seem to refer to free‐market capitalism — the most progressive, dynamic, and ever‐changing system the world has ever known — as conservative. Additionally, many contemporary American conservatives favor state intervention in some areas, most notably in trade and into our private lives.

“Classical liberal” is a bit closer to the mark, but the word “classical” fails to capture the contemporary vibrancy of the ideas of freedom.

“Liberal” may well be the perfect word in most of the world — the liberals in societies from China to Iran to South Africa to Argentina tend to be supporters of human rights and free markets — but its meaning has clearly been altered in the contemporary United States.

The Jeffersonian philosophy that animates Cato’s work has increasingly come to be called “libertarianism” or “market liberalism.” It combines an appreciation for entrepreneurship, the market process, and lower taxes with strict respect for civil liberties and skepticism about the benefits of both the welfare state and foreign military adventurism.

This vision brings the wisdom of the American Founders to bear on the problems of today. As did the Founders, it looks to the future with optimism and excitement, eager to discover what great things women and men will do in the coming century. Market liberals appreciate the complexity of a great society, recognizing that socialism and government planning are just too clumsy for the modern world. It is — or used to be — the conventional wisdom that a more complex society needs more government, but the truth is just the opposite. The simpler the society, the less damage government planning does. Planning is cumbersome in an agricultural society, costly in an industrial economy, and impossible in the information age. Today collectivism and planning are outmoded and backward, a drag on social progress.

Libertarians have a cosmopolitan, inclusive vision for society. We applaud the progressive extension of the promises of the Declaration of Independence to more people, especially to women, African‐Americans, religious minorities, and gay and lesbian people. Our greatest challenge today is to continue to extend the promise of political freedom and economic opportunity to those who are still denied it, in our own country and around the world.

The terms have been so butchered there's little point in untangling them.
Boil it down to conservative and progressive. Both have their wings that are "whackos".
We can call those regressives.
Being an actual conservative, it didn't take me very long to learn the HUGE differences between conservatives & republicans.
Back when I called myself a democrat, "progressives" weren't really a thing. In fact, I don't really member any democrat politician calling themselves a progressive.
But to day, they're everywhere.
On political forums like this, the two get confused. Say something about a liberal, and someone else will correct you and say it's a progressive. Or visa versa. But not much anymore. Since the MSM fails to make note of the difference, the two get lumped into the same column. Just like they do conservatives. I can't tell you how many times I've heard hannity or maddow call McConnell a conservative.
I have the general idea about their difference of liberal and progressive. My problem is, liberals just don't do much to disassociate themselves with the whacko thinking of the progressives.
Where as true conservatives will tell you flat out, they wouldn't piss on Trump if he was on fire.

Maybe the liberals are a dying breed, much like conservatives. Maybe the progressives are pushing them out. It seems that when the DNC get's a decent liberal candidate, he/she get's thrown under the bus because he/she doesn't align themselves with the new progressive way of thinking. Obama may have been the last liberal to be elected president.
That is, unless the liberal voters stand up to this new age BS. Young liberals aren't bad. You can talk to them. Like us true conservatives, they listen to all the information, and make a decision based on their own way of thinking. And not how they're supposed to think. Whereas progressive will believe even facebook headlines and share that propaganda 1 million times, before someone points out to them that it's not true.

If there's any actual liberals on this forum, I'd like to hear from you and your idea's about this new progressive BS that's being force into your party.

It's OK to stand up and be heard. I didn't when I left the GOP because I was a conservative and realized there was no room in the GOP for actual conservatism.

Progresssives want it now and aren't willing to compromise;

Liberals want it, yet are willing to wait and compromise with progressives; and listen to real conservatives, such as you and maybe one more real one;

Faux conservatives toss real republicans under the bus, so be careful, they toss real conservatives under the bus too and take away their committee chairs.
Nice post. I used to be "non-partisan", often leaned Demonicrat in my youth. Then I wised up, however PROGS made it easy, especially into Trump's term, where I registered republican and can never vote for a single Democrat again. After they rejecting Jim Webb there's not a single decent Democrat politician, and I only know of one that's honest. More than that Democrats have proved rabid and should not have power of any kind.

Left Liberalism is almost dead. Liberalism never belonged to the left to begin with, it's just loose terminology. A lot of 60-70s liberals are conservatives today, and in fact, today's conservatives lean more liberal than PROGS by a large margin.

Liberalism was a great thing, because while not perfect, look what they built, 60-70s music, great theatre and comedy, great movies and shows of quality. They supported a black man's rights, getting out of Vietnam and so forth, really an amazing group, and high as fuck.

All so PROGS could destroy all of it. Fine music is far between, none of it mainstream, technical displaced talent and imagination. Hollywood sucks, comedy sucks, so on and so forth, and why? Primarily because PROGS interject their politics into all of it, they're lazy, cowards, and technical dependent to try and make up for their own lacking. And now they market racism for political power.
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Faux conservatives toss real republicans under the bus, so be careful, they toss real conservatives under the bus too and take away their committee chairs.

CINO's, imo are republicans. That's according to Fox News and the liberal news like MSNBC and CNN. And many of the politicians themselves. McConnell will call himself a conservative. But he's not.
All of this labeling is as confusing as the trans pronoun BS.

Personally, I'll be glad when Liberals just stop bowing down too progressives. And conservatives start calling out the CINO's.
The way the democratic party is being pushed around by progressives, you'd think liberals would have the balls to stand up against them. But I understand why they don't. That would cost them votes and elections. With Gen Z on the rise, and millennials still very predominant, liberals just have to sit down and shut up, in hopes that it's all just a fad.
Being an actual conservative, it didn't take me very long to learn the HUGE differences between conservatives & republicans.
Back when I called myself a democrat, "progressives" weren't really a thing. In fact, I don't really member any democrat politician calling themselves a progressive.
But to day, they're everywhere.
On political forums like this, the two get confused. Say something about a liberal, and someone else will correct you and say it's a progressive. Or visa versa. But not much anymore. Since the MSM fails to make note of the difference, the two get lumped into the same column. Just like they do conservatives. I can't tell you how many times I've heard hannity or maddow call McConnell a conservative.
I have the general idea about their difference of liberal and progressive. My problem is, liberals just don't do much to disassociate themselves with the whacko thinking of the progressives.
Where as true conservatives will tell you flat out, they wouldn't piss on Trump if he was on fire.

Maybe the liberals are a dying breed, much like conservatives. Maybe the progressives are pushing them out. It seems that when the DNC get's a decent liberal candidate, he/she get's thrown under the bus because he/she doesn't align themselves with the new progressive way of thinking. Obama may have been the last liberal to be elected president.
That is, unless the liberal voters stand up to this new age BS. Young liberals aren't bad. You can talk to them. Like us true conservatives, they listen to all the information, and make a decision based on their own way of thinking. And not how they're supposed to think. Whereas progressive will believe even facebook headlines and share that propaganda 1 million times, before someone points out to them that it's not true.

If there's any actual liberals on this forum, I'd like to hear from you and your idea's about this new progressive BS that's being force into your party.

It's OK to stand up and be heard. I didn't when I left the GOP because I was a conservative and realized there was no room in the GOP for actual conservatism.
The media, academia, and government will shape us and mold us on how to think and how to label those who oppose them as enemies of the state, currently called insurrectionists.

Granted, a few will get passed the goalie but they will be of little consequence.
Good thread we never heard of progressives till Hillary started running against Obama her campaign highlighted it because liberals was a dirty word

It shocked the he'll out of us back in the day
Good thread we never heard of progressives till Hillary started running against Obama her campaign highlighted it because liberals was a dirty word

It shocked the he'll out of us back in the day
Democrats trashed the term liberal, so they moved on to Progressive.

Now that they have essentially trashed the term Progressive, I often wonder when they will change that term as well

Then again, now that they have essentially seized power over the country who cares what people think?

People will be told what to think as the majority will be brainwashed.
Libertarians have a cosmopolitan, inclusive vision for society. We applaud the progressive extension of the promises of the Declaration of Independence to more people, especially to women, African‐Americans, religious minorities, and gay and lesbian people. Our greatest challenge today is to continue to extend the promise of political freedom and economic opportunity to those who are still denied it, in our own country and around the world.

IMO, as someone who supports more of the LP's platform than any other, believes that the majority of the libertarian voters/supporters have lost their ever lovin mind. There are too many of them siding with the progressives BS. Especially on transgender rights, and ending the war on drugs (that's never really be fought).
1. Like progressives, they over look the fact that transwomen are stepping on the rights of biological ones. Especially when it comes to sports. They got this stupid idea that we should all accept all this "force" transgenders are pushing on people who don't want to be pushed. Especially by the government.
2. Also like Progressives, they simply don't care about all the innocent victims that drug users and dealers create. They can't see that drugs like meth, heroin & fentanyl are one of the main contributing factors in homelessness, violent crime and OD's. They try (and succeed too many times) in making martyrs out of violent druggies.
A true libertarian ideology about about druggies, is personal responsibility. But when the violent druggy commits an act of violence, while high (or trying to get the money to get high), they blame the system. They blame the war on drugs. They blame anything and everything they can, except for the violent druggy.

It seems, except for the monetary views of the LP, libertarians are socially aligned with the progressive's.

Progresssives want it now and aren't willing to compromise;

Liberals want it, yet are willing to wait and compromise with progressives; and listen to real conservatives, such as you and maybe one more real one;

Faux conservatives toss real republicans under the bus, so be careful, they toss real conservatives under the bus too and take away their committee chairs.
I think progressive people are comfortable with compulsion. AOC didn't want Amazon to even offer jobs to her constituents. BLM on some campuses sought to compel re-education (camps lol). The vast maj of citizens of color didn't want to not have cops. Requiring all states to allow gay marriage, even if it can't pass a vote. That's imo where they differ with old school (classical) libs.

But maybe that's part of wanting it now without compromise. But that's just the flip side of the faux conservatives.

The premise of the founders was that leaders would compromise to get something that was positive, but not perfect, for their constituents.
Good thread we never heard of progressives till Hillary started running against Obama her campaign highlighted it because liberals was a dirty word

It shocked the he'll out of us back in the day

I miss the days of real liberals. They stood up for the working class Americans. Like Border security. They supported keeping illegals out of this country, because illegals took the American working class jobs. Republicans bashed Bill Clinton for his tougher approach to border security.
Bill Clinton would've been praised by his party for starting a trade war with China.
Democrats trashed the term liberal, so they moved on to Progressive.

Now that they have essentially trashed the term Progressive, I often wonder when they will change that term as well

Then again, now that they have essentially seized power over the country who cares what people think?

People will be told what to think as the majority will be brainwashed.
Exactly, only liberals know how to fuck up terms

I am gay if you are~ Carol brady, Brady bunch
Exactly, only liberals know how to fuck up terms

I am gay if you are~ Carol brady, Brady bunch
Just like Fauci said that if you question him, you question science and truth, this is how the populace will be trained to think about those running the Federal government.
Bill Clinton may have been the last true liberal.

My (step) dad, is a life long democrat. A blue blood. He still refuses to vote republican. BUT, just doesn't understand this new progressive "fad" going on in the democrat party. Having discussions with him is what sparked this topic.
Bill Clinton may have been the last true liberal.

My (step) dad, is a life long democrat. A blue blood. He still refuses to vote republican. BUT, just doesn't understand this new progressive "fad" going on in the democrat party. Having discussions with him is what sparked this topic.

I disagree.

I think that the Left feigned being liberal in order to begin to infiltrate the various institutions in the US to later take them over

Think about it, if you espouse things that no one else believes or embraces, you must first call for tolerance and free speech and celebrate diversity. Then as you gain power you can then shift gears to shaming people who disagree with you via political correctness. Then when you have basically taken control you shift gears again censoring all other views and beliefs and cause them to lose their jobs and friends and family, etc.

Later you can just shoot them if people deviate from your views and condemn diversity.
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The premise of the founders was that leaders would compromise to get something that was positive, but not perfect, for their constituents.

This reminds me of Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich. Total complete opposites politicall, but came together and at least attempted to balance the budget.
Ever since then, the budget get's more and more out of whack. The deficit grows and grows. The Fed has to continuously over inflate the US dollar value. And now it's to the point that $10hr is a poverty wage.
But they, just keep kicking the can down the road.
The progressive don't even talk about the deficit, the spending or anything else along those lines. Just spend spend spend. And the CINO's are right along with them, as long as there's a republican in the white house. CINO's only address spending when there's a democrat president.
Bill Clinton may have been the last true liberal.

My (step) dad, is a life long democrat. A blue blood. He still refuses to vote republican. BUT, just doesn't understand this new progressive "fad" going on in the democrat party. Having discussions with him is what sparked this topic.

We thought they switched party's?
I disagree.

I think that the Left feigned being liberal in order to begin to infiltrate the various institutions in the US to later take them over

Think about it, if you espouse things that no one else believes or embraces, you must first call for tolerance and free speech. Then as you gain power you can then shift gears to shaming people who disagree with you via political correctness. Then when you have basically taken control you shift gears again censoring all other views and beliefs and cause them to lose their jobs and friends and family, etc.

Later you can just shoot them

How can you disagree? We're saying the same thing.

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