Liberals, what are your actual standards? What do you really believe?

Here's the challenge, liberals. I'm calling you amoral liars on everything you say. I'm saying you have no standards that you apply ... to yourself. So this thread is easy. That is if you have any morality at all.

What principles do you believe in. Here's what you mean. That means you would apply them to yourself, and you would apply them to other Democrats. My contention is there are no standards that you apply to yourselves. So, here's your chance. Prove me wrong. Name the standards. Name standards that if another Democrat said you'd lose it. You'd call them out and blast them.

So? Go ahead, you have no chance at this question, you're amoral lying intellectual whores. Your chance to prove me wrong. Go to it ...

I thought you said you were an independent? Obviously, you're just another dishonest Repug.

Liberals don't want to elect a dangerous, unqualified racist fanatic like Trump as President because democracy will end in this country and there will be no more Presidential elections. There's the answer to your question, Repug goober.

You're voting for a lying, corrupt, deceptive, scandalous war mongering neocon who actually voted for the iraq war and has completely turned the ME into a powder keg through her and the incompetent idiot in office's policies.

Even if everything you say about Hillary is true (and it's not even close), she believes in democracy and she would not end democracy. Trump is a dangerous fanatic who would most certainly try to end democracy in this country. He's been talking about inciting violence for weeks if he loses and about changing the First Amendment to limit freedom of the press if he becomes President. Anyone who votes for this man is extremely misguided.

No she doesn't. She hates democracy as much as she hates america and americans.

Keep telling yourself that, goober. You don't even know why you hate Hillary, which is the saddest part. You've been fed lies and innuendo about her for years from the right-wing hate machine and it's now just part of your DNA. You can't give a coherent argument based on facts as to why you hate her and you'll never be able to.

Easy. Her policies in the ME were and continue to be abhorrent. Her cover up and slander of her husbands debauchery. Her narcissism. Her pathologicial lying. Her sloppy behavior.
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Liberals believe in mooching off others and free handouts, its disgusting. Liberals believe all wealth should be thrown into one pile and divided up even among those who sit on their fat lard ass and don't work. Liberals believe hard work and success should be punished with higher taxes. That's just for starters.

Whereas Repugs only believe in handouts to the richest 1% like Trump, who didn't pay taxes for 20 years, and for giant corporations like the oil companies who receive billions of dollars from the federal government each year for no damn reason.
I thought you said you were an independent? Obviously, you're just another dishonest Repug.

Liberals don't want to elect a dangerous, unqualified racist fanatic like Trump as President because democracy will end in this country and there will be no more Presidential elections. There's the answer to your question, Repug goober.

You're voting for a lying, corrupt, deceptive, scandalous war mongering neocon who actually voted for the iraq war and has completely turned the ME into a powder keg through her and the incompetent idiot in office's policies.

Even if everything you say about Hillary is true (and it's not even close), she believes in democracy and she would not end democracy. Trump is a dangerous fanatic who would most certainly try to end democracy in this country. He's been talking about inciting violence for weeks if he loses and about changing the First Amendment to limit freedom of the press if he becomes President. Anyone who votes for this man is extremely misguided.

No she doesn't. She hates democracy as much as she hates america and americans.

Keep telling yourself that, goober. You don't even know why you hate Hillary, which is the saddest part. You've been fed lies and innuendo about her for years from the right-wing hate machine and it's now just part of your DNA. You can't give a coherent argument based on facts as to why you hate her and you'll never be able to.

Easy. Her policies in the ME were and continue to be abhorrent. Her cover up and slander of her husbands debauchery. Her narcissism. Her pathologicial lying. Her sloppy behavior.

These are just hate-filled platitudes that you've absorbed into your DNA over the didn't mention one provable fact because you can't.
Why would I enter into any discourse with some one so uncouth & rude that they would call some one unknown to them "amoral lying intellectual whore"
Liberals believe in mooching off others and free handouts, its disgusting. Liberals believe all wealth should be thrown into one pile and divided up even among those who sit on their fat lard ass and don't work. Liberals believe hard work and success should be punished with higher taxes. That's just for starters.

You forgot about the murdering of the babies. That's my favorite part.

Liberals don't murder babies, when you brutally rip limbs the limbs off off 50 million babies and stab them in the brain they call that genocide. Somewhere in hell even Hitler is pointing and saying goddamn even I wasn't that fucking evil.

I call that 'how to make an omelet step 1'.

Let me know when you're done misconstruing what liberals believe.

Of course you do, you are a filthy evil liberal.
Liberals believe in mooching off others and free handouts, its disgusting. Liberals believe all wealth should be thrown into one pile and divided up even among those who sit on their fat lard ass and don't work. Liberals believe hard work and success should be punished with higher taxes. That's just for starters.

Whereas Repugs only believe in handouts to the richest 1% like Trump, who didn't pay taxes for 20 years, and for giant corporations like the oil companies who receive billions of dollars from the federal government each year for no damn reason.

Ahahaha :itsok: poor spoon fed liberal, go ahead name the handouts I'm calling you out. Name the handouts or admit you are a liar.
You can't provide one answer, where are you going to find a second one?

Now run along and apply another standard to Republicans you don't hold yourself or other Democrats to

Why would any liberal take your condescending post seriously?

Tissue? You can't answer the question. If you could, you'd be glad to obliterate me with examples. That's why you're going the deflection path.

You did however give a great example of my point. You write smug, condescending crap all the time. Suddenly you're a sensitive soul who can't answer a question that doesn't rub your belly and scratch your neck. Note your posts will not follow this standard you discovered for me ...

You want me to answer your question after calling liberals amoral? Why would I take you seriously?

Hey, do me a favor and find a thread I started where I insulted conservatives and pretended I wanted to have a serious discussion about your beliefs. Good luck.

I'm going to run out of tissues for you at this rate. And I've never seen you say to a liberal their snotty post is snotty ever. And you write completely vacuous crap all over the board like you are now. This is again a standard you hold yourself and other liberals to not one iota. All you have done so far is prove my point. You created a standard for your political enemies. You don't do it, you don't ask it of other Democrats.

And I didn't ask for a serious discussion, I asked you to provide me examples proving me wrong. And so far, the entire left is 0 fer on that. I set it up so you could shove it in my fat face if I'm wrong. All you've done so far is show I'm right

Your thread is a steaming pile of shit. It's like you started it for the sole purpose of feeling better about yourself at the expense of others. Why would I pretend this thread is for any other purpose?

I see you've been kazzed...
Here's the challenge, liberals. I'm calling you amoral liars on everything you say. I'm saying you have no standards that you apply ... to yourself. So this thread is easy. That is if you have any morality at all.

What principles do you believe in. Here's what you mean. That means you would apply them to yourself, and you would apply them to other Democrats. My contention is there are no standards that you apply to yourselves. So, here's your chance. Prove me wrong. Name the standards. Name standards that if another Democrat said you'd lose it. You'd call them out and blast them.

So? Go ahead, you have no chance at this question, you're amoral lying intellectual whores. Your chance to prove me wrong. Go to it ...

Nice meltdown.
Here's the challenge, liberals. I'm calling you amoral liars on everything you say. I'm saying you have no standards that you apply ... to yourself. So this thread is easy. That is if you have any morality at all.

What principles do you believe in. Here's what you mean. That means you would apply them to yourself, and you would apply them to other Democrats. My contention is there are no standards that you apply to yourselves. So, here's your chance. Prove me wrong. Name the standards. Name standards that if another Democrat said you'd lose it. You'd call them out and blast them.

So? Go ahead, you have no chance at this question, you're amoral lying intellectual an whores. Your chance to prove me wrong. Go to it ...
My first instinct is to reject the premise of your question. If you said "For a fat chick you don't sweat too much!" it could not be more off putting.

But, should you want a sincere answer, I would say my standards include liberty and equality. Egalitarianism and the brotherhood of mankind.
kaz's morality includes treating gays like dirt, allowing businesses to racially a couple examples... consider the source here when you listen to his sanctimony.
Why would any liberal take your condescending post seriously?

Tissue? You can't answer the question. If you could, you'd be glad to obliterate me with examples. That's why you're going the deflection path.

You did however give a great example of my point. You write smug, condescending crap all the time. Suddenly you're a sensitive soul who can't answer a question that doesn't rub your belly and scratch your neck. Note your posts will not follow this standard you discovered for me ...

You want me to answer your question after calling liberals amoral? Why would I take you seriously?

Hey, do me a favor and find a thread I started where I insulted conservatives and pretended I wanted to have a serious discussion about your beliefs. Good luck.

I'm going to run out of tissues for you at this rate. And I've never seen you say to a liberal their snotty post is snotty ever. And you write completely vacuous crap all over the board like you are now. This is again a standard you hold yourself and other liberals to not one iota. All you have done so far is prove my point. You created a standard for your political enemies. You don't do it, you don't ask it of other Democrats.

And I didn't ask for a serious discussion, I asked you to provide me examples proving me wrong. And so far, the entire left is 0 fer on that. I set it up so you could shove it in my fat face if I'm wrong. All you've done so far is show I'm right

Your thread is a steaming pile of shit. It's like you started it for the sole purpose of feeling better about yourself at the expense of others. Why would I pretend this thread is for any other purpose?

So why don't you list a bunch of standards you do hold yourself and other Democrats to and shove my question in my fat lying face? Because .... YOU CAN'T!
Give us a couple examples of standards you hold and see if we disagree with any of them
A progtard believes anything their masters tell them to believe. Don't think so? Read this very forum, same talking points, beliefs and stances on nearly every topic.
Here's the challenge, liberals. I'm calling you amoral liars on everything you say. I'm saying you have no standards that you apply ... to yourself. So this thread is easy. That is if you have any morality at all.

What principles do you believe in. Here's what you mean. That means you would apply them to yourself, and you would apply them to other Democrats. My contention is there are no standards that you apply to yourselves. So, here's your chance. Prove me wrong. Name the standards. Name standards that if another Democrat said you'd lose it. You'd call them out and blast them.

So? Go ahead, you have no chance at this question, you're amoral lying intellectual whores. Your chance to prove me wrong. Go to it ...

Here are some standards - behave morally, don't lie, stick to facts, substantiate what you say go fuck yourself.
Liberals believe in mooching off others and free handouts, its disgusting. Liberals believe all wealth should be thrown into one pile and divided up even among those who sit on their fat lard ass and don't work. Liberals believe hard work and success should be punished with higher taxes. That's just for starters.

You forgot about the murdering of the babies. That's my favorite part.

Liberals don't murder babies, when you brutally rip limbs the limbs off off 50 million babies and stab them in the brain they call that genocide. Somewhere in hell even Hitler is pointing and saying goddamn even I wasn't that fucking evil.

I call that 'how to make an omelet step 1'.

Let me know when you're done misconstruing what liberals believe.

Of course you do, you are a filthy evil liberal.

Keyword being misconstrue.
Jefferson put the liberal philosophy in the Declaration of Independence and it has served liberals quite well since that time.
Liberals believe in mooching off others and free handouts, its disgusting. Liberals believe all wealth should be thrown into one pile and divided up even among those who sit on their fat lard ass and don't work. Liberals believe hard work and success should be punished with higher taxes. That's just for starters.

Whereas Repugs only believe in handouts to the richest 1% like Trump, who didn't pay taxes for 20 years, and for giant corporations like the oil companies who receive billions of dollars from the federal government each year for no damn reason.

Ahahaha :itsok: poor spoon fed liberal, go ahead name the handouts I'm calling you out. Name the handouts or admit you are a liar.

Do you have any idea how easy this is, you fucking imbecile?? I guess not, what an unsophisticated rube you are. Here's an article explaining how oil companies receive at least $4 billion per year from the Federal government, despite the fact that oil companies are basically the wealthiest corporations on the planet.
Liberals believe in mooching off others and free handouts, its disgusting. Liberals believe all wealth should be thrown into one pile and divided up even among those who sit on their fat lard ass and don't work. Liberals believe hard work and success should be punished with higher taxes. That's just for starters.

Whereas Repugs only believe in handouts to the richest 1% like Trump, who didn't pay taxes for 20 years, and for giant corporations like the oil companies who receive billions of dollars from the federal government each year for no damn reason.

Ahahaha :itsok: poor spoon fed liberal, go ahead name the handouts I'm calling you out. Name the handouts or admit you are a liar.

Do you have any idea how easy this is, you fucking imbecile?? I guess not, what an unsophisticated rube you are. Here's an article explaining how oil companies receive at least $4 billion per year from the Federal government, despite the fact that oil companies are basically the wealthiest corporations on the planet.

LOL as I said spoon fed liberal. Its not the taxpayers money its the oil companies money they earned the money so that for starters. A tax deduction for business expenditures is not a subsidy, do you consider your mortgage deduction a subsidy? How about a deduction for charitable giving do you consider that a subsidy? No of course not, it was your money to start with, the government didn't go take some money from someone else and give it to you, that's a subsidy. When government takes MY money and gives it to some mooching loser for a child tax credit refund when they didn't even pay any income tax, THAT'S a subsidy. Liberals are liars start there and begin correcting the BS you have been spoon fed dummy.
Here's the challenge, liberals. I'm calling you amoral liars on everything you say. I'm saying you have no standards that you apply ... to yourself. So this thread is easy. That is if you have any morality at all.

What principles do you believe in. Here's what you mean. That means you would apply them to yourself, and you would apply them to other Democrats. My contention is there are no standards that you apply to yourselves. So, here's your chance. Prove me wrong. Name the standards. Name standards that if another Democrat said you'd lose it. You'd call them out and blast them.

So? Go ahead, you have no chance at this question, you're amoral lying intellectual whores. Your chance to prove me wrong. Go to it ...

Please. You are describing PROGRESSIVES. Far, far different from liberals. You're spot on with them though.

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