Liberals, what are your actual standards? What do you really believe?

Here's the challenge, liberals. I'm calling you amoral liars on everything you say. I'm saying you have no standards that you apply ... to yourself. So this thread is easy. That is if you have any morality at all.

What principles do you believe in. Here's what you mean. That means you would apply them to yourself, and you would apply them to other Democrats. My contention is there are no standards that you apply to yourselves. So, here's your chance. Prove me wrong. Name the standards. Name standards that if another Democrat said you'd lose it. You'd call them out and blast them.

So? Go ahead, you have no chance at this question, you're amoral lying intellectual whores. Your chance to prove me wrong. Go to it ...

I'm a liberal. I'm not a Democrat.

I agree you deviate from Democrats occasionally

"I deviate frequently. I do not support regime change" - I know what you are saying, but Democrats say they don't while they do. I agree it would not be like the Democrats to back it up that you don't support regime change. Note I agree with you on this, and unlike the Democrats I mean it

"I do not support the world bank or the IMF" - Agreed on this one. Democrats love the world bank. Again I'm with you it should be abolished

"I do not support corporate wars" - Same answer as regime change

"I do not support charter schools" - It's Democrats who fight charter schools wanting everyone to get the same education. Though there are many Democrats who support them. It's Republicans who support charter schools pretty much across the board

" or FBOs funded with public money" - Are you talking about Federal Business Opportunities? I agree with you on that again and Democrats don't
What are my 'actual standards'? Buy one get one for 50% off.

Of course if it's late term then I think it's a straight up 2fer.

You can't provide one answer, where are you going to find a second one?

Now run along and apply another standard to Republicans you don't hold yourself or other Democrats to

Why would any liberal take your condescending post seriously?
Here's the challenge, liberals. I'm calling you amoral liars on everything you say. I'm saying you have no standards that you apply ... to yourself. So this thread is easy. That is if you have any morality at all.

What principles do you believe in. Here's what you mean. That means you would apply them to yourself, and you would apply them to other Democrats. My contention is there are no standards that you apply to yourselves. So, here's your chance. Prove me wrong. Name the standards. Name standards that if another Democrat said you'd lose it. You'd call them out and blast them.

So? Go ahead, you have no chance at this question, you're amoral lying intellectual whores. Your chance to prove me wrong. Go to it ...

I thought you said you were an independent? Obviously, you're just another dishonest Repug.

Liberals don't want to elect a dangerous, unqualified racist fanatic like Trump as President because democracy will end in this country and there will be no more Presidential elections. There's the answer to your question, Repug goober.

Read my sig. And you consider my putting Trumpettes on the spot to be biased to Republicans? How far to the left are you? Can you even stand up?
What are my 'actual standards'? Buy one get one for 50% off.

Of course if it's late term then I think it's a straight up 2fer.

You can't provide one answer, where are you going to find a second one?

Now run along and apply another standard to Republicans you don't hold yourself or other Democrats to

Why would any liberal take your condescending post seriously?

Tissue? You can't answer the question. If you could, you'd be glad to obliterate me with examples. That's why you're going the deflection path.

You did however give a great example of my point. You write smug, condescending crap all the time. Suddenly you're a sensitive soul who can't answer a question that doesn't rub your belly and scratch your neck. Note your posts will not follow this standard you discovered for me ...
Just look up Pol Pot, Stalin, Mao, Hitler to get your answer on leftist agendas and standards.
What are my 'actual standards'? Buy one get one for 50% off.

Of course if it's late term then I think it's a straight up 2fer.

You can't provide one answer, where are you going to find a second one?

Now run along and apply another standard to Republicans you don't hold yourself or other Democrats to

Why would any liberal take your condescending post seriously?

Tissue? You can't answer the question. If you could, you'd be glad to obliterate me with examples. That's why you're going the deflection path.

You did however give a great example of my point. You write smug, condescending crap all the time. Suddenly you're a sensitive soul who can't answer a question that doesn't rub your belly and scratch your neck. Note your posts will not follow this standard you discovered for me ...

You want me to answer your question after calling liberals amoral? Why would I take you seriously?

Hey, do me a favor and find a thread I started where I insulted conservatives and pretended I wanted to have a serious discussion about your beliefs. Good luck.
Here's the challenge, liberals. I'm calling you amoral liars on everything you say. I'm saying you have no standards that you apply ... to yourself. So this thread is easy. That is if you have any morality at all.

What principles do you believe in. Here's what you mean. That means you would apply them to yourself, and you would apply them to other Democrats. My contention is there are no standards that you apply to yourselves. So, here's your chance. Prove me wrong. Name the standards. Name standards that if another Democrat said you'd lose it. You'd call them out and blast them.

So? Go ahead, you have no chance at this question, you're amoral lying intellectual whores. Your chance to prove me wrong. Go to it ...
We are all in this together. You are every man for himself.
So? Go ahead, you have no chance at this question, you're amoral lying intellectual whores. Your chance to prove me wrong. Go to it ...

Why would anyone answer your question? You are already locked in an echo chamber, as this post makes abundantly clear.

OK, so you answer the question then. What standards do Democrats hold themselves and Democrat politicians to?

Ask a Democract. Or wasn't this thread directed at liberals?

Hell, ask yourself. You are closer to being a Democrat and a liberal than I am, you dumb fuck.

So far you're just blowing smoke out of your ass ... again ...

I notice liberals are running away and hiding. Despite their endless standards for Republicans, they can't name a standard they apply to themselves. That is the accurate answer, no answer

No, they probably just saw right through your obvious baiting.

Only an idiot would actually believe that you are looking for a serious intellectual discussion.
What are my 'actual standards'? Buy one get one for 50% off.

Of course if it's late term then I think it's a straight up 2fer.

You can't provide one answer, where are you going to find a second one?

Now run along and apply another standard to Republicans you don't hold yourself or other Democrats to

Why would any liberal take your condescending post seriously?

Tissue? You can't answer the question. If you could, you'd be glad to obliterate me with examples. That's why you're going the deflection path.

You did however give a great example of my point. You write smug, condescending crap all the time. Suddenly you're a sensitive soul who can't answer a question that doesn't rub your belly and scratch your neck. Note your posts will not follow this standard you discovered for me ...

You want me to answer your question after calling liberals amoral? Why would I take you seriously?

Hey, do me a favor and find a thread I started where I insulted conservatives and pretended I wanted to have a serious discussion about your beliefs. Good luck.

I'm going to run out of tissues for you at this rate. And I've never seen you say to a liberal their snotty post is snotty ever. And you write completely vacuous crap all over the board like you are now. This is again a standard you hold yourself and other liberals to not one iota. All you have done so far is prove my point. You created a standard for your political enemies. You don't do it, you don't ask it of other Democrats.

And I didn't ask for a serious discussion, I asked you to provide me examples proving me wrong. And so far, the entire left is 0 fer on that. I set it up so you could shove it in my fat face if I'm wrong. All you've done so far is show I'm right
They are social justice warriors.

They would rather the country go in the tank financially and politically than have Lena Dunham call them a RACIST!!

They are sheep that have been duped by the Dems to vote against their own interests.
I notice liberals are running away and hiding. Despite their endless standards for Republicans, they can't name a standard they apply to themselves. That is the accurate answer, no answer

No, they probably just saw right through your obvious baiting.

Only an idiot would actually believe that you are looking for a serious intellectual discussion.

Liberals are a hoot. I've never seen you hold other Democrats to that standard. You just whine when what you do is pointed out. A standard you don't do yet you hold others to isn't a standard, it's just a political attack
Liberals are a hoot. I've never seen you hold other Democrats to that standard. You just whine when what you do is pointed out. A standard you don't do yet you hold others to isn't a standard, it's just a political attack

Here's the challenge, liberals. I'm calling you amoral liars on everything you say. I'm saying you have no standards that you apply ... to yourself. So this thread is easy. That is if you have any morality at all.

What principles do you believe in. Here's what you mean. That means you would apply them to yourself, and you would apply them to other Democrats. My contention is there are no standards that you apply to yourselves. So, here's your chance. Prove me wrong. Name the standards. Name standards that if another Democrat said you'd lose it. You'd call them out and blast them.

So? Go ahead, you have no chance at this question, you're amoral lying intellectual whores. Your chance to prove me wrong. Go to it ...
We are all in this together. You are every man for himself.

Swish, another non answer. But I agree, you're socialists, we're individuals. Though we do actually help others, we just do it by choice while you do it by confiscation.

As for standards you apply to yourselves, you have nothing too, huh?
What are my 'actual standards'? Buy one get one for 50% off.

Of course if it's late term then I think it's a straight up 2fer.

You can't provide one answer, where are you going to find a second one?

Now run along and apply another standard to Republicans you don't hold yourself or other Democrats to

Why would any liberal take your condescending post seriously?

Tissue? You can't answer the question. If you could, you'd be glad to obliterate me with examples. That's why you're going the deflection path.

You did however give a great example of my point. You write smug, condescending crap all the time. Suddenly you're a sensitive soul who can't answer a question that doesn't rub your belly and scratch your neck. Note your posts will not follow this standard you discovered for me ...

You want me to answer your question after calling liberals amoral? Why would I take you seriously?

Hey, do me a favor and find a thread I started where I insulted conservatives and pretended I wanted to have a serious discussion about your beliefs. Good luck.

I'm going to run out of tissues for you at this rate. And I've never seen you say to a liberal their snotty post is snotty ever. And you write completely vacuous crap all over the board like you are now. This is again a standard you hold yourself and other liberals to not one iota. All you have done so far is prove my point. You created a standard for your political enemies. You don't do it, you don't ask it of other Democrats.

And I didn't ask for a serious discussion, I asked you to provide me examples proving me wrong. And so far, the entire left is 0 fer on that. I set it up so you could shove it in my fat face if I'm wrong. All you've done so far is show I'm right

Your thread is a steaming pile of shit. It's like you started it for the sole purpose of feeling better about yourself at the expense of others. Why would I pretend this thread is for any other purpose?
So? Go ahead, you have no chance at this question, you're amoral lying intellectual whores. Your chance to prove me wrong. Go to it ...

Why would anyone answer your question? You are already locked in an echo chamber, as this post makes abundantly clear.

OK, so you answer the question then. What standards do Democrats hold themselves and Democrat politicians to?

Ask a Democract. Or wasn't this thread directed at liberals?

Hell, ask yourself. You are closer to being a Democrat and a liberal than I am, you dumb fuck.

So far you're just blowing smoke out of your ass ... again ...


Another Democrat troll spamming the thread because you can't answer the question. Though again your non answer about what standards you hold yourself and other Democrats to is the answer to the question. None
Your thread is a steaming pile of shit. It's like you started it for the sole purpose of feeling better about yourself at the expense of others. Why would I pretend this thread is for any other purpose?

Couldn't of said it better myself.
You can't provide one answer, where are you going to find a second one?

Now run along and apply another standard to Republicans you don't hold yourself or other Democrats to

Why would any liberal take your condescending post seriously?

Tissue? You can't answer the question. If you could, you'd be glad to obliterate me with examples. That's why you're going the deflection path.

You did however give a great example of my point. You write smug, condescending crap all the time. Suddenly you're a sensitive soul who can't answer a question that doesn't rub your belly and scratch your neck. Note your posts will not follow this standard you discovered for me ...

You want me to answer your question after calling liberals amoral? Why would I take you seriously?

Hey, do me a favor and find a thread I started where I insulted conservatives and pretended I wanted to have a serious discussion about your beliefs. Good luck.

I'm going to run out of tissues for you at this rate. And I've never seen you say to a liberal their snotty post is snotty ever. And you write completely vacuous crap all over the board like you are now. This is again a standard you hold yourself and other liberals to not one iota. All you have done so far is prove my point. You created a standard for your political enemies. You don't do it, you don't ask it of other Democrats.

And I didn't ask for a serious discussion, I asked you to provide me examples proving me wrong. And so far, the entire left is 0 fer on that. I set it up so you could shove it in my fat face if I'm wrong. All you've done so far is show I'm right

Your thread is a steaming pile of shit. It's like you started it for the sole purpose of feeling better about yourself at the expense of others. Why would I pretend this thread is for any other purpose?

So why don't you list a bunch of standards you do hold yourself and other Democrats to and shove my question in my fat lying face? Because .... YOU CAN'T!

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