"Liberals, what have been your favorite part of the Presidency so far?"

Truth is always better. How come you can’t dispute those points?
Hes actually correct on the current administration being "normal" but not for the reasons his blind ass thinks!!!!

Normal is corruption, power grabs, failure, getting NOTHING done......you know.....Democrat shit. And its exactly what's happening right now.
It has to be The Interment Camps, and COVID Swat Forces states like Washington are setting up for the non compliant.

You need a new translator. Trump was a disaster. Biden is a capable administration.

Biden has never asked for a loyality oath or slavish devotion, while Trump demands both. Yesterday he publically disowned a Republican Senator simply because that Senator said Joe Biden won the election, and we need to tell the truth. That tells you everything you need to know about why people say they love Donald Trump in public.
You need to apply for an immigration visa
These Moon Bats love the millions of Illegals that Potatohead allowed to flood across the border.

They love the tremendous inflation.

They love the out of control spending.

They loved Potatohead's debacle in Afghanistan.

They love the Negro ass kissing.

They love the hate against Whites.

They love higher fuel prices.

They love the tremendous debt.

They love the record number of Covid infections.

They love their Chinese Overloards who make Potatohead's family rich.

They love having a demented child molester in the White House.

They love America becoming a shithole. That making America great again was a real bummer for them.

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