"Liberals, what have been your favorite part of the Presidency so far?"

The very best part of the Biden administration... trump is out of the White House along with his total incompetence and corruption. That alone makes anything done by Biden... acceptable.

Sadly, the trump Nazis' stupidity blinds them to how really sh!tty the trump presidency was.


Say what you will about Trump, at least he didn't shit his pants in front of the Pope.
The very best part of the Biden administration... trump is out of the White House along with his total incompetence and corruption. That alone makes anything done by Biden... acceptable.

Sadly, the trump Nazis' stupidity blinds them to how really sh!tty the trump presidency was.

Biden is incompetent and corrupt. Obviously those two things don’t bother lefties.

These things didn’t bother you when Trump was in office, or when Cheney refused to divest his Haliburton stock, and then gave hundreds of billions of untendered government contracts to Haliburton when W was in office. Wash rinse and repeat for Rumsfeld and his Tamiflu Stock and Ron DeSantis and his Regeneron Stock.

Why do you think Ron DeSantis is promoting monoclonal antibodies at $6000 a treatment cycle, over a $40 vaccine? Why is DeSantis blinking President Biden for more monoclonal antibodies to fight the virus but banning mask or vaccine mandates. With one of the highest rates of infection in the country, Ron DeSantis stands to make much more money if more Floridians get Covid I need drugs then if he pushes masks and vaccines so they don’t get sick.

Please provide a link to where Biden is making money on the pandemic. The only Democrat try to profit off the pandemic is former Governor Cuomo. That didn’t end very well for him did it.
This could become an ongoing video posting!

No porn star has accused our President of having sex. No playmate has accused our President of having a long affair while our President was married. Biden University was not closed down because of fraud. Biden charity was not closed down because money was illegally being given Biden. Our President is not having a bromance with Putin.
The concept of "addition by subtraction" may be too complicated for some to comprehend, but it does matter, especially now.

At least as important is the matter of the issues, and whether he gets those to go his way or not, at least there is support for those. And liberals tolerate Biden, as opposed to Trumpsters, who absolutely adore their embarrassing buffoon.

This really ain't all that complicated.
My favorite part was when he got lost wandering back to the White House.
No it’s true. And it has nothing to do with “Trump derangement syndrome”, which rages on today in his stalwart supporters claiming he won the election. You’re gonna have to get yourself deprogrammed to get rid of that idiocy.

One of the reasons your economy was in the toilet with the water swirling is that business people never knew what was Trump was going to do the next day when he got up. If he had bad press when he woke up in the morning, he could tear up another trade deal and slap tariffs on another of your trading partners, raising import prices, totally disrupting supply lines and potential profits.

Manufacturing was in a recession in 2019 because business owners were waiting for Trump to settle the trade wars so they would be able to sort out supply lines and potential profits under the new trading arrangements.

Of course Trump was such a terrible negotiator that those trade deals he did renegotiate result in a larger trade deficit for the US. The trade deficits with both Canada and Mexico increase substantially after he wrote now after with his USMCA.

That’s why Melania is always on top. Trump only knew how to fuck up.
Kind of a rude post, But pretty much the truth.
The concept of "addition by subtraction" may be too complicated for some to comprehend, but it does matter, especially now.

At least as important is the matter of the issues, and whether he gets those to go his way or not, at least there is support for those. And liberals tolerate Biden, as opposed to Trumpsters, who absolutely adore their embarrassing buffoon.

This really ain't all that complicated.

biden is a disaster

but liberal ego’s demand the removal of trump and his alpha make personality no matter what the consequences
So again, what it's not. Even you admit that FuckUpJoe is useless when you simply cannot find anything he's better at than President Trump.

He's better at getting his agenda passed. The American Rescue Plan, The Infrastructure Bill. Those are two of the biggest piece of legislation passed in the past 40 years. There is still Voting Rights to protect, but Merrick Garland is going after the gerrymandering, and other crap being pulled in red states to undermine the ability of voters to get to the polls. Law suits have already been filed in Texas, and I think Georgia, but I'm not sure and I'm just heading out.

He's shored up the Affordable Care Act, improved air and water regulation, and given working American families thousands of dollars in Child Tax Benefits.

He's provided a calm, steady reasonable voice outlining a clear path forward through the pandemic and beyond, based on shared values of hard work, education and opportunity.

And has restored decency, empathy and good manners to the White House. He treats others the way he expects to be treated, with decency and respect, not denigrating, mocking or humiliating others in an effort to make himself look "tough".

This is what people want: A capable administrator who is working on behalf of the American people, and listening to what they want, not some blustering bully trying to cling to power to enrich himself and his buddies.

biden is a disaster

but liberal ego’s demand the removal of trump and his alpha make personality no matter what the consequences

You need a new translator. Trump was a disaster. Biden is a capable administration.

Biden has never asked for a loyality oath or slavish devotion, while Trump demands both. Yesterday he publically disowned a Republican Senator simply because that Senator said Joe Biden won the election, and we need to tell the truth. That tells you everything you need to know about why people say they love Donald Trump in public.
So, prosperity and national security are dysfunction and stifled economy and unnecessary fascist edicts and lockdowns are normal?

8 million people fell into poverty, half a million died, and you're calling that "prosperity and national security"?
You need a new translator. Trump was a disaster. Biden is a capable administration.

Biden has never asked for a loyality oath or slavish devotion, while Trump demands both. Yesterday he publically disowned a Republican Senator simply because that Senator said Joe Biden won the election, and we need to tell the truth. That tells you everything you need to know about why people say they love Donald Trump in public.
Jesus H, I want some of what you're smoking so I can live in a perfect world too.

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