Liberals, would you get in your car if there was a 10% chance it might explode ?

so there are no circumstances under which you could support suicide bombings?
could you ever support bombings at all?

Are there circumstances under which you would NOT support suicide bombings against the enemies of Allah and the glorious peoples democratic - socialist party?
you really are an asshole, did you know that?

are there any circumstances under which you would NOT beat a woman?
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So you can 'understand' murdering an abortion doctor. Kind of like John Kerry could see the 'rationale' for the Charlie Hebdo murder.

Tiller, Mengele, Gosnell, these are the names of the lowest scum who have perverted our species. Tiller belonged in prison, but as the Nazis protected Mengele, so the democrats protected this bag of puke. You weren't able to save Gosnell.

Tiller was the lowest sort of vermin that can exist in our species, and represents the depravity that people are capable of.

No doubt you worship him as a god.
Liberals would not get in a car if there was a 10% chance it would explode. They would, however, force everyone else to get in such cars. Failure to get in such a car is discrimination against risky cars.
so you would stop beating women under the same circumstances that caused you to start?

So, you drank a quart of vodka for breakfast and figured you were going show everyone how smart you are..

Mission accomplished Comrade!
you've ducked the question.

what circumstances caused you to start hitting women, and why would those same circumstances cause you to stop?
Do you know what the word "tact" means?

Can you denounce anti-abortion terrorism or not?

It's a yes or no question. Silence is a 'no'.
It is? I thought silence was silent.

Silence is a 'no' if you believe the people who say that the silence of peaceful Muslims towards Islamist terrorists makes them complicit, or in some similar way makes them culpable of some sort of wrongdoing.

We hear that all the time.
silence means not involved. It is their beliefs that are under attack and they do nothing to denounce those doing it. That silence is as loud as anything I've ever heard.

Just like you silence on anti-abortion terrorism.
it isn't my story to write about. Doesn't mean I don't condemn the practice.
Can you quote me saying that?

Oh wait, you're lying again - democrat after all....

I wasn't quoting you. If you want to go on record saying that all of your RW pals around here who said abortion is a black genocide are fucking retards,

by all means say so,

or, by all means, tacitly admit you agree with them.
so post that material.

He tacitly agreed by failing to denounce it. Just as you tacitly support the murder of abortion doctors.
so did I say I did? Post that quote up as well.

Do you know what the word tacit means?

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