Liberals, would you get in your car if there was a 10% chance it might explode ?

and what? It's just a question. What percent of Christians in America do you think would say yes or always as Billy just said?
what christians? Which group? The catholics, the protestants? who?

What church did they attend?

All of them, the ones that believe Jesus was the Christ. You know anyone who calls themselves Christian. It was a rhetorical question that no pollster I know of has asked so your guess is as good as mine I suppose.
who did they kill, I missed that one. hmmmm perhaps you just don't like christians and are just a jagbag. Yep jagbag winner.
Germans, English, Japanese.......Yeah I'd say you missed the boat but excel at your new career of being a Nugent Brigade recruiter. Nothing personal, just I don't believe in hierarchical polytheism.
they did, prove it. Let's see the headlines that state christians killed the jews, the germans the english and the japanese. I'm game for your nonsense. But you don't have any and that's why you fail. pacman died.

Carpet bombing! You good with it for destroying ISIS?

Support for abortion is dropping precipitously.

"Pro-Choice" Americans at Record-Low 41%

What will y'all do if you run out of victims? Infant sacrifice is a key element to the democratic - socialist brand...

Funny, last I remember you were blaming Obama for the number of abortions. Here it is:

In the Obamanation, a baby is damned lucky to be born. Their odds are not good. It's pretty sad that the chance of being killed by another person are greater in your mothers womb than walking through the streets of Compton at midnight carrying a Confederate flag....

And, why not throw a racial component into it to boot? amiright?

People who identify as pro-choice is not the same as people who support abortion rights.



But, if you want an updated Gallup poll (yours is from 2012) about who identifies as pro choice then here you go:


You're clearly not very bright.
how many dead babies at planned parenthood?

sure there were, those dead babies removed from their mommies. Those ladies carrying a baby. those babies, the innocent ones who had their life snuffed out by whacko's playing god.

One, you should use grown up words.

Two, by definition a baby is born. Words have meaning.

You sound like the psycho in Colorado Springs.
a baby is conceived. look up the big word.

Yes, they are also born. The word you should be using is fetus but that doesn't give off that warm and fuzzy vibe like dead babies.

Yeah but it just wouldn't work if Alice called it Dead Fetuses.......

Of course you wouldn''d be calling the bomb squad or at least be suing the manufacturer....

According to Pew research about 80% of U.S. Muslims say (lie?) that "suicide bombing is never justified"....flip that around and you have about 20% who DO believe suicide bombing is sometimes justified.....

Mind you.....that 20% rate is for American Muslims....

Of the young Muslims in Europe, 20-40 percent, depending on country, believe suicide bombing may be justified.

Why on earth would America even consider bringing in such a dangerous group of people.....? It would be like getting in that car you know will blow up at some point.....

Yet the clueless Dhimwits want to align with Muslims.....Debbie Wasserman Shultz even wants to 'bring a Muslim' to the State of the Union....

Read more: Articles: If You Find Yourself in an Immigration Hole, Stop Digging
Blog: Debbie Wasserman Schultz: let's bring Muslims to State of the Union
They wouldn't hesitate if Hillary was driving, even with an ISIS flag waving on the antenna.
and what? It's just a question. What percent of Christians in America do you think would say yes or always as Billy just said?
what christians? Which group? The catholics, the protestants? who?

What church did they attend?

All of them, the ones that believe Jesus was the Christ. You know anyone who calls themselves Christian. It was a rhetorical question that no pollster I know of has asked so your guess is as good as mine I suppose.
who did they kill, I missed that one. hmmmm perhaps you just don't like christians and are just a jagbag. Yep jagbag winner.
Germans, English, Japanese.......Yeah I'd say you missed the boat but excel at your new career of being a Nugent Brigade recruiter. Nothing personal, just I don't believe in hierarchical polytheism.
hey so jagbag, is obama a christian? I swear Reverend Wright was. Is he bombing ISIS? He said he was, then he's a christian killing muslims. Interesting.

He says so. Why? Does it matter?
Of course you wouldn''d be calling the bomb squad or at least be suing the manufacturer....

According to Pew research about 80% of U.S. Muslims say (lie?) that "suicide bombing is never justified"....flip that around and you have about 20% who DO believe suicide bombing is sometimes justified.....

Mind you.....that 20% rate is for American Muslims....

Of the young Muslims in Europe, 20-40 percent, depending on country, believe suicide bombing may be justified.

Why on earth would America even consider bringing in such a dangerous group of people.....? It would be like getting in that car you know will blow up at some point.....

Yet the clueless Dhimwits want to align with Muslims.....Debbie Wasserman Shultz even wants to 'bring a Muslim' to the State of the Union....

Read more: Articles: If You Find Yourself in an Immigration Hole, Stop Digging
Blog: Debbie Wasserman Schultz: let's bring Muslims to State of the Union

SInce your links are blogs, I (again) had to find a link to your source and (as usual) you have oversimplified a question that was much more complex in the asking and also outdated (again), this info from 2007. Fear-mongering really is the label slapped on your forehead back in the Bush years.
So, if you have more current info that supports your 20%, DO FEEL FREE to post the link to Pew.

Can Suicide Bombing be Justified?
In addition to being more concerned about the rise of Islamic extremism, Muslims in the U.S. are far less likely than Muslims in other parts of the world to accept suicide bombing as a justifiable tactic. The overwhelming majority of Muslims in the U.S. (78%) say that the use of suicide bombing against civilian targets to defend Islam from its enemies is never justified. In this regard, American Muslims are more opposed to suicide bombing than are Muslims in nine of the 10 other countries surveyed in 2006; opposition is somewhat greater among Muslims in Germany (83%). Overall, 8% of Muslim Americans say suicide bombings against civilian targets tactics are often (1%) or sometimes (7%) justified in the defense of Islam. Muslims in France, Spain and Great Britain were twice as likely as Muslims in the U.S. to say suicide bombing can be often or sometimes justified, and acceptance of the tactic is far more widespread among Muslims in Nigeria, Jordan and Egypt. There are few differences on this question in the United States across Muslim ethnic groups, but age is an important factor. Younger Muslims in the U.S. are more willing to accept suicide bombing in the defense of Islam than are their older counterparts. Among Muslims younger than 30, for example, 15% say that suicide bombing can often or sometimes be justified (2% often, 13% sometimes), while about two-thirds (69%) say that such tactics are never justified.

Among Muslims who are 30 or older, by contrast, just 6% say suicide bombings can be often or sometimes justified, while 82% say such attacks are never warranted. The higher levels of support for suicide bombing seen among young American Muslims resembles patterns found among Muslims in Europe, where Muslims also constitute a minority population. In Great Britain, France and Germany, Muslims under the age of 30 are consistently the least likely to say that suicide bombing is never justified. In other words, the share who think suicide bombing against civilians can ever be justified, even if rarely, is higher among those younger than 30 compared with those who are older. About a quarter (26%) of younger U.S. Muslims say suicide bombing can at least rarely be justified, 17 percentage points higher than the proportion of Muslims ages 30 and older (9%) who share that view. The age gap is about as wide in Great Britain (18 percentage points) but somewhat narrower in Germany (12 points), France (11 points) and Spain (7 points).
We know Republicans want gays dead but does that mean all Republicans that want gays dead are going go out looking for gays to kill?

This guy

This guy

hmmm, don't know them. could be whackOmoles.
One, you should use grown up words.

Two, by definition a baby is born. Words have meaning.

You sound like the psycho in Colorado Springs.

In the Obamanation, a baby is damned lucky to be born. Their odds are not good. It's pretty sad that the chance of being killed by another person are greater in your mothers womb than walking through the streets of Compton at midnight carrying a Confederate flag....

Abortions Are Going Down
so they're not killing as many, but still killing babies.
what christians? Which group? The catholics, the protestants? who?

What church did they attend?

All of them, the ones that believe Jesus was the Christ. You know anyone who calls themselves Christian. It was a rhetorical question that no pollster I know of has asked so your guess is as good as mine I suppose.
who did they kill, I missed that one. hmmmm perhaps you just don't like christians and are just a jagbag. Yep jagbag winner.
Germans, English, Japanese.......Yeah I'd say you missed the boat but excel at your new career of being a Nugent Brigade recruiter. Nothing personal, just I don't believe in hierarchical polytheism.
hey so jagbag, is obama a christian? I swear Reverend Wright was. Is he bombing ISIS? He said he was, then he's a christian killing muslims. Interesting.

He says so. Why? Does it matter?
I wrote why, read.
Lets resign this to propaganda in the same way Nazis talked about Jews...
The way progressives talk about Christians is akin to the way Nazis talked about Jews.

Jews were never a safety risk or a threat to anybody. Jews did not blow people up and had not declared war on the western world.

Lets resign this to propaganda in the same way Nazis talked about Jews...
did the Jews slaughter the Germans like what happened in San Bernardino....?
I haven't seen the security footage at the clinic proving that those accused actually did the deed, have you?

Isn't it possible these two were patsies?

Terror suspects attorney questions if clients are patsies, questions reality of ‘Sandy Hook’
Terror suspects attorney questions if clients are patsies, questions reality of 'Sandy Hook'

We're just supposed to believe the establishment that they were "radicalized." :eusa_think:

San Bernardino Killers Did Not Post Public Terror Messages
San Bernardino Killers Did Not Post Public Terror Messages

The whole thing stinks. People that have the media and government do their thinking for them are being led around by the nose.

Folks that have heard of Operation Gladio aren't so quickly convinced.
and there weren't bombs in their home either correct?
News 8 Exclusive: 911 phone call from Escondido bomb maker moments after blast
Funny, last I remember you were blaming Obama for the number of abortions.

Yes, but then you huff Easy-Off by the case...

Here it is:

In the Obamanation, a baby is damned lucky to be born. Their odds are not good. It's pretty sad that the chance of being killed by another person are greater in your mothers womb than walking through the streets of Compton at midnight carrying a Confederate flag....

Where does that blame your little tin god?

And, why not throw a racial component into it to boot? amiright?

You're a demagogue, and your party thanks you for it, but you're not a very good one.

You've purged yourself of ethics, but you lack the wits to appear anything but a drooling moron.. :dunn:

People who identify as pro-choice is not the same as people who support abortion rights.



But, if you want an updated Gallup poll (your's is from 2012) about who identifies as pro choice then here you go:


You're clearly not very bright.

Tell me, do you think revelations of Planned Parenthood selling human organs will increase support for your, um "proclivities?"
Of course you wouldn''d be calling the bomb squad or at least be suing the manufacturer....

According to Pew research about 80% of U.S. Muslims say (lie?) that "suicide bombing is never justified"....flip that around and you have about 20% who DO believe suicide bombing is sometimes justified.....

Mind you.....that 20% rate is for American Muslims....

Of the young Muslims in Europe, 20-40 percent, depending on country, believe suicide bombing may be justified.

Why on earth would America even consider bringing in such a dangerous group of people.....? It would be like getting in that car you know will blow up at some point.....

Yet the clueless Dhimwits want to align with Muslims.....Debbie Wasserman Shultz even wants to 'bring a Muslim' to the State of the Union....

Read more: Articles: If You Find Yourself in an Immigration Hole, Stop Digging
Blog: Debbie Wasserman Schultz: let's bring Muslims to State of the Union

SInce your links are blogs, I (again) had to find a link to your source and (as usual) you have oversimplified a question that was much more complex in the asking and also outdated (again), this info from 2007. Fear-mongering really is the label slapped on your forehead back in the Bush years.
So, if you have more current info that supports your 20%, DO FEEL FREE to post the link to Pew.

Can Suicide Bombing be Justified?
In addition to being more concerned about the rise of Islamic extremism, Muslims in the U.S. are far less likely than Muslims in other parts of the world to accept suicide bombing as a justifiable tactic. The overwhelming majority of Muslims in the U.S. (78%) say that the use of suicide bombing against civilian targets to defend Islam from its enemies is never justified. In this regard, American Muslims are more opposed to suicide bombing than are Muslims in nine of the 10 other countries surveyed in 2006; opposition is somewhat greater among Muslims in Germany (83%). Overall, 8% of Muslim Americans say suicide bombings against civilian targets tactics are often (1%) or sometimes (7%) justified in the defense of Islam. Muslims in France, Spain and Great Britain were twice as likely as Muslims in the U.S. to say suicide bombing can be often or sometimes justified, and acceptance of the tactic is far more widespread among Muslims in Nigeria, Jordan and Egypt. There are few differences on this question in the United States across Muslim ethnic groups, but age is an important factor. Younger Muslims in the U.S. are more willing to accept suicide bombing in the defense of Islam than are their older counterparts. Among Muslims younger than 30, for example, 15% say that suicide bombing can often or sometimes be justified (2% often, 13% sometimes), while about two-thirds (69%) say that such tactics are never justified.

Among Muslims who are 30 or older, by contrast, just 6% say suicide bombings can be often or sometimes justified, while 82% say such attacks are never warranted. The higher levels of support for suicide bombing seen among young American Muslims resembles patterns found among Muslims in Europe, where Muslims also constitute a minority population. In Great Britain, France and Germany, Muslims under the age of 30 are consistently the least likely to say that suicide bombing is never justified. In other words, the share who think suicide bombing against civilians can ever be justified, even if rarely, is higher among those younger than 30 compared with those who are older. About a quarter (26%) of younger U.S. Muslims say suicide bombing can at least rarely be justified, 17 percentage points higher than the proportion of Muslims ages 30 and older (9%) who share that view. The age gap is about as wide in Great Britain (18 percentage points) but somewhat narrower in Germany (12 points), France (11 points) and Spain (7 points).
We know Republicans want gays dead but does that mean all Republicans that want gays dead are going go out looking for gays to kill?

This guy

This guy

hmmm, don't know them. could be whackOmoles.
One, you should use grown up words.

Two, by definition a baby is born. Words have meaning.

You sound like the psycho in Colorado Springs.

In the Obamanation, a baby is damned lucky to be born. Their odds are not good. It's pretty sad that the chance of being killed by another person are greater in your mothers womb than walking through the streets of Compton at midnight carrying a Confederate flag....

Abortions Are Going Down
so they're not killing as many, but still killing babies.

Ah, are you going to be a warrior for the babies?
Funny, last I remember you were blaming Obama for the number of abortions.

Yes, but then you huff Easy-Off by the case...

Here it is:

In the Obamanation, a baby is damned lucky to be born. Their odds are not good. It's pretty sad that the chance of being killed by another person are greater in your mothers womb than walking through the streets of Compton at midnight carrying a Confederate flag....

Where does that blame your little tin god?

And, why not throw a racial component into it to boot? amiright?

You're a demagogue, and your party thanks you for it, but you're not a very good one.

You've purged yourself of ethics, but you lack the wits to appear anything but a drooling moron.. :dunn:

People who identify as pro-choice is not the same as people who support abortion rights.



But, if you want an updated Gallup poll (your's is from 2012) about who identifies as pro choice then here you go:


You're clearly not very bright.

Tell me, do you think revelations of Planned Parenthood selling human organs will increase support for your, um "proclivities?"

So, I see, you're going to pretend you didn't just get planted and now retreat back to your next goal line stand? I don't blame you.
SInce your links are blogs, I (again) had to find a link to your source and (as usual) you have oversimplified a question that was much more complex in the asking and also outdated (again), this info from 2007. Fear-mongering really is the label slapped on your forehead back in the Bush years.
So, if you have more current info that supports your 20%, DO FEEL FREE to post the link to Pew.

Can Suicide Bombing be Justified?
In addition to being more concerned about the rise of Islamic extremism, Muslims in the U.S. are far less likely than Muslims in other parts of the world to accept suicide bombing as a justifiable tactic. The overwhelming majority of Muslims in the U.S. (78%) say that the use of suicide bombing against civilian targets to defend Islam from its enemies is never justified. In this regard, American Muslims are more opposed to suicide bombing than are Muslims in nine of the 10 other countries surveyed in 2006; opposition is somewhat greater among Muslims in Germany (83%). Overall, 8% of Muslim Americans say suicide bombings against civilian targets tactics are often (1%) or sometimes (7%) justified in the defense of Islam. Muslims in France, Spain and Great Britain were twice as likely as Muslims in the U.S. to say suicide bombing can be often or sometimes justified, and acceptance of the tactic is far more widespread among Muslims in Nigeria, Jordan and Egypt. There are few differences on this question in the United States across Muslim ethnic groups, but age is an important factor. Younger Muslims in the U.S. are more willing to accept suicide bombing in the defense of Islam than are their older counterparts. Among Muslims younger than 30, for example, 15% say that suicide bombing can often or sometimes be justified (2% often, 13% sometimes), while about two-thirds (69%) say that such tactics are never justified.

Among Muslims who are 30 or older, by contrast, just 6% say suicide bombings can be often or sometimes justified, while 82% say such attacks are never warranted. The higher levels of support for suicide bombing seen among young American Muslims resembles patterns found among Muslims in Europe, where Muslims also constitute a minority population. In Great Britain, France and Germany, Muslims under the age of 30 are consistently the least likely to say that suicide bombing is never justified. In other words, the share who think suicide bombing against civilians can ever be justified, even if rarely, is higher among those younger than 30 compared with those who are older. About a quarter (26%) of younger U.S. Muslims say suicide bombing can at least rarely be justified, 17 percentage points higher than the proportion of Muslims ages 30 and older (9%) who share that view. The age gap is about as wide in Great Britain (18 percentage points) but somewhat narrower in Germany (12 points), France (11 points) and Spain (7 points).
We know Republicans want gays dead but does that mean all Republicans that want gays dead are going go out looking for gays to kill?

This guy

This guy

hmmm, don't know them. could be whackOmoles.
One, you should use grown up words.

Two, by definition a baby is born. Words have meaning.

You sound like the psycho in Colorado Springs.

In the Obamanation, a baby is damned lucky to be born. Their odds are not good. It's pretty sad that the chance of being killed by another person are greater in your mothers womb than walking through the streets of Compton at midnight carrying a Confederate flag....

Abortions Are Going Down
so they're not killing as many, but still killing babies.

Ah, are you going to be a warrior for the babies?

sounds like the whackOmole arrested was. I am merely pointing out that anyone who has an abortion is a murderer. They and you can justify to your own god, but for me they are murderers. A baby is a baby when it is conceived and is therefore always a baby.

Hell flowers on the side of the road are better protected than babies in a mothers womb.
Do you think it is sometimes justified?

To be called that by you folks in the Nugent Brigade is a complement.

While I would imagine that you would be drawn to Kazoo bands doing the Carpenters greatest hits, liking the some of the best guitarists in history isn't a vice, sploogy. I mean, it's not like I'm killing babies and then cooking. I mean, only some real sick fucks would do that.. :eusa_whistle:

Look, you're utterly without integrity or any sense of ethics, so arguing moral issues with you is like arguing wine vintage with pig. You have no ability to grasp that which is outside of your ability to grasp.

Carpet bombing is done to destroy the ability of the enemy to continue to wage war. We Bombed Dresden because it was a major hub for the manufacture of munitions that allowed the German war machine to continue. The loss of civilian lives was terrible, but that loss was collateral.

When your allies attacked in San Bernardino, there was no purpose other than to kill as many civilians as possible. Again, you have no ability to grasp such distinctions because you cannot comprehend the notion of ethics. But it is a clear distinction.
We know Republicans want gays dead but does that mean all Republicans that want gays dead are going go out looking for gays to kill?

This guy

This guy

hmmm, don't know them. could be whackOmoles.
One, you should use grown up words.

Two, by definition a baby is born. Words have meaning.

You sound like the psycho in Colorado Springs.

In the Obamanation, a baby is damned lucky to be born. Their odds are not good. It's pretty sad that the chance of being killed by another person are greater in your mothers womb than walking through the streets of Compton at midnight carrying a Confederate flag....

Abortions Are Going Down
so they're not killing as many, but still killing babies.

Ah, are you going to be a warrior for the babies?

sounds like the whackOmole arrested was. I am merely pointing out that anyone who has an abortion is a murderer. They and you can justify to your own god, but for me they are murderers. A baby is a baby when it is conceived and is therefore always a baby.

Ok, let's ignore the fact that you don't know the definition of the word baby. You want to throw women in prison who have abortions? Even if it saves the life of the mother?

Do you think Robert Dear did the right thing? If not, why not?
Lets resign this to propaganda in the same way Nazis talked about Jews...
did the Jews slaughter the Germans like what happened in San Bernardino....?
I haven't seen the security footage at the clinic proving that those accused actually did the deed, have you?

Isn't it possible these two were patsies?

Terror suspects attorney questions if clients are patsies, questions reality of ‘Sandy Hook’
Terror suspects attorney questions if clients are patsies, questions reality of 'Sandy Hook'

We're just supposed to believe the establishment that they were "radicalized." :eusa_think:

San Bernardino Killers Did Not Post Public Terror Messages
San Bernardino Killers Did Not Post Public Terror Messages

The whole thing stinks. People that have the media and government do their thinking for them are being led around by the nose.

Folks that have heard of Operation Gladio aren't so quickly convinced.
and there weren't bombs in their home either correct?
News 8 Exclusive: 911 phone call from Escondido bomb maker moments after blast
Wow, thanks for that. I never made that connection. Apparently this guy is connected to the war crimes and black ops nasty stuff in Bosnia.

I can't imagine the shit Big Brother is up to. That would be some nice speculation as to where the bombs came from. :eusa_whistle:

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