Liberals: YOU Have Created Donald Trump


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Just as "moderate" Republicans paved the way for Obama, liberal Democrats have wreaked such havoc on our country that a blowhard like Donald Trump has become a serious contender to become President of the United States. And who do you offer as an alternative? One of the most corrupt individuals in the history of American politics. If given that choice, a majority of voters (including myself) may have no choice but to vote for Trump.

Donald Trump was created by far right and mindless cretins who are unable to accept the demographic changes in America means the white America of the 1950s is gone forever.

Donald cannot bring that back if he is elected.
The Teatards created Donald Trump

They are his base
Just as "moderate" Republicans paved the way for Obama, liberal Democrats have wreaked such havoc on our country that a blowhard like Donald Trump has become a serious contender to become President of the United States. And who do you offer as an alternative? One of the most corrupt individuals in the history of American politics. If given that choice, a majority of voters (including myself) may have no choice but to vote for Trump.

That's some mighty fine spin right there...yesirree.
Just as "moderate" Republicans paved the way for Obama, liberal Democrats have wreaked such havoc on our country that a blowhard like Donald Trump has become a serious contender to become President of the United States. And who do you offer as an alternative? One of the most corrupt individuals in the history of American politics. If given that choice, a majority of voters (including myself) may have no choice but to vote for Trump.


Got any details on this "havoc" thingy?

You aren't, by any chance, an Unrepentant 2 Time Scrub Voter?
Donald Trump was created by far right and mindless cretins who are unable to accept the demographic changes in America means the white America of the 1950s is gone forever.

Donald cannot bring that back if he is elected.
Can't blame him for trying
Just as "moderate" Republicans paved the way for Obama, liberal Democrats have wreaked such havoc on our country that a blowhard like Donald Trump has become a serious contender to become President of the United States. And who do you offer as an alternative? One of the most corrupt individuals in the history of American politics. If given that choice, a majority of voters (including myself) may have no choice but to vote for Trump.

Fantastic.....right along the lines of a wife causes her husband to hit her.
Just as "moderate" Republicans paved the way for Obama, liberal Democrats have wreaked such havoc on our country that a blowhard like Donald Trump has become a serious contender to become President of the United States. And who do you offer as an alternative? One of the most corrupt individuals in the history of American politics. If given that choice, a majority of voters (including myself) may have no choice but to vote for Trump.


Hell- why do I care who you vote for?

Trump is both a gift to the DNC- and the most liberal of the Republican candidates. He says whatever crap he thinks you will eat up and you do.

Vote away. Not as if you would be voting Democrat anyway.
Can't think of a better way to further fragment the GOP than the Trumpster.
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Just as "moderate" Republicans paved the way for Obama, liberal Democrats have wreaked such havoc on our country that a blowhard like Donald Trump has become a serious contender to become President of the United States. And who do you offer as an alternative? One of the most corrupt individuals in the history of American politics. If given that choice, a majority of voters (including myself) may have no choice but to vote for Trump.


Hey, I agree with you, but will add that the Republican establishment helped too. Both parties told their voters to pound sand, and would not put up anyone who would tell the truth.

When Trump or Cruz gets elected in 16, the whole Washington ring of power is going away. Deal with it folks-)
Trump if elected as president with Cruz as VP better watch Cruz very carefully,

He is the Theo Gallivan among the candidates.
Just as "moderate" Republicans paved the way for Obama, liberal Democrats have wreaked such havoc on our country that a blowhard like Donald Trump has become a serious contender to become President of the United States. And who do you offer as an alternative? One of the most corrupt individuals in the history of American politics. If given that choice, a majority of voters (including myself) may have no choice but to vote for Trump.


And now the GOP is stuck with the lunatic. PRICELESS! :banana:
Trump is like a great big infected cyst on the ass of the GOP.

A lot of the far right are up Trump's ass well.

When that cyst is lanced and excised, the party will be much healthier.
Just as "moderate" Republicans paved the way for Obama, liberal Democrats have wreaked such havoc on our country that a blowhard like Donald Trump has become a serious contender to become President of the United States. And who do you offer as an alternative? One of the most corrupt individuals in the history of American politics. If given that choice, a majority of voters (including myself) may have no choice but to vote for Trump.


And now the GOP is stuck with the lunatic. PRICELESS! :banana:

Trump is like a great big infected cyst on the ass of the GOP.

A lot of the far right are up Trump's ass well.

When that cyst is lanced and excised, the party will be much healthier.

What you two incompetents don't get, is that BOTH are supported by some of your Democrats. Hello, that is how Mcain lost in reverse; not to mention, he probably should have never been elected anyway.........but I digress.

If you do not get it, then I do not know what to say. Your own people are pissed, you have the whole GOP chompng at the bit to vote, and your candidate puts everyone who listens to sleep. Some of the Democrats want to vote for the GOP because they finally, figured it out!

OK, go to Vegas and bet, lol. I know unless things change dramatically, the left is hosed, it is over, you are ALL in pretend mode. IC all of you on here trying to change the narrative, but you are failing to do it.

What has happened there ASTRO TURFERS-) And remember, I am just trying to HEEEEEEELP you-)
Less than 10% of Dems say they would consider voting for Trump, about the same amount as Pubs who won't for HRC.

If you think that the crazy 15% of America that will vote for Trump will scare off the other 85% from doing the right thing and voting against him, you are a confirmation believer.
Just as "moderate" Republicans paved the way for Obama, liberal Democrats have wreaked such havoc on our country that a blowhard like Donald Trump has become a serious contender to become President of the United States. And who do you offer as an alternative? One of the most corrupt individuals in the history of American politics. If given that choice, a majority of voters (including myself) may have no choice but to vote for Trump.


And now the GOP is stuck with the lunatic. PRICELESS! :banana:

Trump is like a great big infected cyst on the ass of the GOP.

A lot of the far right are up Trump's ass well.

When that cyst is lanced and excised, the party will be much healthier.

What you two incompetents don't get, is that BOTH are supported by some of your Democrats. Hello, that is how Mcain lost in reverse; not to mention, he probably should have never been elected anyway.........but I digress.

If you do not get it, then I do not know what to say. Your own people are pissed, you have the whole GOP chompng at the bit to vote, and your candidate puts everyone who listens to sleep. Some of the Democrats want to vote for the GOP because they finally, figured it out!

OK, go to Vegas and bet, lol. I know unless things change dramatically, the left is hosed, it is over, you are ALL in pretend mode. IC all of you on here trying to change the narrative, but you are failing to do it.

What has happened there ASTRO TURFERS-) And remember, I am just trying to HEEEEEEELP you-)

Have you factored in the percentage of Republicans who're considering voting for Sanders?
If you can get a loud-mouthed Yankee rich boy to go into the deep south and get them dancing in the streets with joy...............something is going on.

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