Libertarian Anarchist

This thread should be pinned.

To some of you retards' foreheads.

You're quite the pinhead. Yes, Libtardarianism does lead to Anarchy, and the result is oligarch Fascism. At least that's what history has shown.
They can never be nailed down on a damned thing...

With the exception of the question as to when life begins, this has not been my experience, for whatever that's worth. In fact, I have found libertarians, be they from the Chicago or Austrian school, to be incredibly consistent in their positions on economic and social issues.

and are universally angry, rude and hostile to compromise and probably virgins.

Universally? I'll only speak for myself, but I do not consider libertarians to be generally angry or rude. As far as being hostile to compromise, that's not been my experience either unless your idea of compromise involves theft. That, we are universally opposed to. Virgins? Really? Now you're just making yourself look silly.

So, why don't we focus on the topic at hand, the premise that libertarians are the same thing as anarchists. Do you agree with this or not?

I have no idea, by classical definition libertarianism is rooted in anarchist movements in Europe. But as I said, when the discussion turns to what a particular libertarian believes they really don't say much concrete or specific on particular issues, usually just a rant that the government is evil and extreme statements that regulation needs to be gutted and regulatory agencies destroyed altogether and things along those lines. You guys are forever telling me I just don't understand but it is not for lack of effort it is because you guys are terrible at selling your ideology as a good idea to the skeptical taking my frankly curious skepticism as an attack on your beliefs.
libertarianism is the remnants of classical liberalism. Before everyone jumped over individual rights under rule of law and limited govt. to special interest group/social liberalism stained heavily with Marx ideas.
Libertarians want the government to the extent that government can help them

Civil Rights....Libertarian or not?

When Government steps in to protect the rights of others....that is when Libertarians throw fits

Civil rights are individual rights are they not?

The function of government is to protect the rights of its citizens.

How you call people with that belief anarchists is beyond me.

And yet noted Libertarians Ron and Rand Paul are on record as being against forcing businesses to serve all people regardless of race

Come on Libertarians

A black man comes into your restaurant and you say "We don't serve ******* here"

That is perfectly acceptable in your Libertarian mind

That's because we're smart enough to know that they would go out of business.

Being that there's obviously business owners who probably would like to be able to have that policy, why would you want to patronize a business that didn't want your kind there anyway?

Is it really the end of the world if a restaurant doesn't want to sell food to a black person? There's a billion restaurants to choose from. Let the restaurant have its policy and watch as it quickly fails.
Civil rights are individual rights are they not?

The function of government is to protect the rights of its citizens.

How you call people with that belief anarchists is beyond me.

And yet noted Libertarians Ron and Rand Paul are on record as being against forcing businesses to serve all people regardless of race

Come on Libertarians

A black man comes into your restaurant and you say "We don't serve ******* here"

That is perfectly acceptable in your Libertarian mind

That's because we're smart enough to know that they would go out of business.

Being that there's obviously business owners who probably would like to be able to have that policy, why would you want to patronize a business that didn't want your kind there anyway?

Is it really the end of the world if a restaurant doesn't want to sell food to a black person? There's a billion restaurants to choose from. Let the restaurant have its policy and watch as it quickly fails.

Come on bro. :(
This thread should be pinned.

To some of you retards' foreheads.

You're quite the pinhead. Yes, Libtardarianism does lead to Anarchy, and the result is oligarch Fascism. At least that's what history has shown.

Wait you guys need to come to a consensus here...The others are saying libertarianism has never been practiced, but here you are saying that it has been and it lead to anarchy.

You guys go huddle up, get your stories straight, and come back when you have something :thup:
This thread should be pinned.

To some of you retards' foreheads.

You're quite the pinhead. Yes, Libtardarianism does lead to Anarchy, and the result is oligarch Fascism. At least that's what history has shown.

Wait you guys need to come to a consensus here...The others are saying libertarianism has never been practiced, but here you are saying that it has been and it lead to anarchy.

You guys go huddle up, get your stories straight, and come back when you have something :thup:

Awesome Post is Awesome! :thup:


And yet noted Libertarians Ron and Rand Paul are on record as being against forcing businesses to serve all people regardless of race

Come on Libertarians

A black man comes into your restaurant and you say "We don't serve ******* here"

That is perfectly acceptable in your Libertarian mind

That's because we're smart enough to know that they would go out of business.

Being that there's obviously business owners who probably would like to be able to have that policy, why would you want to patronize a business that didn't want your kind there anyway?

Is it really the end of the world if a restaurant doesn't want to sell food to a black person? There's a billion restaurants to choose from. Let the restaurant have its policy and watch as it quickly fails.

Come on bro. :(
For real dude. How long do you think they would stay in business? It would be suicide to institute a policy like that these days.

With a law against it, that business owner gets to make money off the people they would rather exclude. In a free environment, the idiot would go out of business like he deserves to.
Civil rights are individual rights are they not?

The function of government is to protect the rights of its citizens.

How you call people with that belief anarchists is beyond me.

And yet noted Libertarians Ron and Rand Paul are on record as being against forcing businesses to serve all people regardless of race

Come on Libertarians

A black man comes into your restaurant and you say "We don't serve ******* here"

That is perfectly acceptable in your Libertarian mind

That's because we're smart enough to know that they would go out of business.

Being that there's obviously business owners who probably would like to be able to have that policy, why would you want to patronize a business that didn't want your kind there anyway?

Is it really the end of the world if a restaurant doesn't want to sell food to a black person? There's a billion restaurants to choose from. Let the restaurant have its policy and watch as it quickly fails.

That's Convenient... AFTER an Activist Government put an End to the Racism and the Standard is now Different.

The "Free Market" wasn't going to fix the South Paulie... Come on.


That's because we're smart enough to know that they would go out of business.

Being that there's obviously business owners who probably would like to be able to have that policy, why would you want to patronize a business that didn't want your kind there anyway?

Is it really the end of the world if a restaurant doesn't want to sell food to a black person? There's a billion restaurants to choose from. Let the restaurant have its policy and watch as it quickly fails.

Come on bro. :(
For real dude. How long do you think they would stay in business? It would be suicide to institute a policy like that these days.

With a law against it, that business owner gets to make money off the people they would rather exclude. In a free environment, the idiot would go out of business like he deserves to.

That depends though, if a business decided to do this in a bigger city like Chicago or Philedelphia, it would obviously fail. However if someone decided to do this in the sticks in Arkansas or Idaho where there are hardly any black people, it might succeed who knows, depends on the attitudes of the people in the local area.
Lets remember here, the government had to FORCE integration on people, the American people didn't come around to this on their own unfortunately, I wish we did.
Come on bro. :(
For real dude. How long do you think they would stay in business? It would be suicide to institute a policy like that these days.

With a law against it, that business owner gets to make money off the people they would rather exclude. In a free environment, the idiot would go out of business like he deserves to.

That depends though, if a business decided to do this in a bigger city like Chicago or Philedelphia, it would obviously fail. However if someone decided to do this in the sticks in Arkansas or Idaho where there are hardly any black people, it might succeed who knows, depends on the attitudes of the people in the local area.

I considered that already. I don't think the few local black people patronize those establishments anyway, because policy or not, they already know it's unfriendly to minorities.

Racism can not be legislated away. It's embedded within the human mind. Look around you. For the most part, on a macro level, nationalities and races tend to stick to their own groups. Society is integrated to an extent, but overall we do tend to group up.
They can never be nailed down on a damned thing...

With the exception of the question as to when life begins, this has not been my experience, for whatever that's worth. In fact, I have found libertarians, be they from the Chicago or Austrian school, to be incredibly consistent in their positions on economic and social issues.

and are universally angry, rude and hostile to compromise and probably virgins.

Universally? I'll only speak for myself, but I do not consider libertarians to be generally angry or rude. As far as being hostile to compromise, that's not been my experience either unless your idea of compromise involves theft. That, we are universally opposed to. Virgins? Really? Now you're just making yourself look silly.

So, why don't we focus on the topic at hand, the premise that libertarians are the same thing as anarchists. Do you agree with this or not?

I have no idea, by classical definition libertarianism is rooted in anarchist movements in Europe. But as I said, when the discussion turns to what a particular libertarian believes they really don't say much concrete or specific on particular issues, usually just a rant that the government is evil and extreme statements that regulation needs to be gutted and regulatory agencies destroyed altogether and things along those lines. You guys are forever telling me I just don't understand but it is not for lack of effort it is because you guys are terrible at selling your ideology as a good idea to the skeptical taking my frankly curious skepticism as an attack on your beliefs.

No ranting here. No personal attacks. I would argue you're incorrect that libertarianism is rooted in "anarchist movements in Europe". Libertarianism is rooted in the idea of liberty and non aggression. Anarchy, which is commonly seen as violence and destruction of property is the opposite of Libertarianism. Classical Liberalism/libertarianism is rooted in the idea of maximizing the tremendous benefits the division of labor brought to mankind. It is rooted in the notion of avoiding the central planning of past societies that never seemed to work out for the common man. We called ourselves Liberals long before any organized anarchy movement and before the Progressives obfuscated the name.

But to your point...You stated libertarians "don't say much concrete or specific on particular issues". Let's put that theory to the test. Give us an issue important to you and let's see if we respond with specificity, logic and reason.
Wait you guys need to come to a consensus here...The others are saying libertarianism has never been practiced, but here you are saying that it has been and it lead to anarchy.

You guys go huddle up, get your stories straight, and come back when you have something :thup:

Many ideas have been implemented as libertarian ideas, especially some of the anti-socialist economic policies in South America, but the problem always occurs because the people who move into a sudden power vacuum are by definition opportunists and rarely care one bit about undue exploitation, the environment or anyone's freedom, economic or otherwise. They never end up as a benefit to all, instead they turn out to be opening the door to ruthlessness and plutocratic corruption.
For real dude. How long do you think they would stay in business? It would be suicide to institute a policy like that these days.

With a law against it, that business owner gets to make money off the people they would rather exclude. In a free environment, the idiot would go out of business like he deserves to.

That depends though, if a business decided to do this in a bigger city like Chicago or Philedelphia, it would obviously fail. However if someone decided to do this in the sticks in Arkansas or Idaho where there are hardly any black people, it might succeed who knows, depends on the attitudes of the people in the local area.

I considered that already. I don't think the few local black people patronize those establishments anyway, because policy or not, they already know it's unfriendly to minorities.

Racism can not be legislated away. It's embedded within the human mind. Look around you. For the most part, on a macro level, nationalities and races tend to stick to their own groups. Society is integrated to an extent, but overall we do tend to group up.

I notice that, I don't like it personally but that is the way it is. Be that as it may, its not unreasonable for us to at leas get along.
This thread should be pinned.

To some of you retards' foreheads.

What's your Definition of a Libertarian and if we had a Libertarian Government what would it look like in America as opposed to what it is now?




When you get a second. :thup:



The government intended by the founders via the constitution is the best answer I can give you. When you read their writings along with it, it's clear they didn't intend for the enumerated powers to be interpreted as carte blanche to regulate infinitely.

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