Libertarian Candidate Lands Dig at Trump...

It is the lesser of two evils. One of them is going to run the country no matter how you feel about it. The only given in any election is the libertarian candidate is going to lose. That’s a fact. The decision to be made is do you fuck over the lesser of two evils over your standards, or do you actually help the greater evil by doing that.

The only place I'd disagree with you here is that you can't really say that in any given election the libertarian candidate is going to lose. The best member of Congress is a libertarian. He had to run as a Repubublican, but that's just gaming the system. That's the way to do it.
No libertarian candidate is taking votes from the democrats.

We do all the time.. When we run in districts where the Dems dont even FIELD a candidate we do much better than in districts so heavily Democrats that the REPUBS don't field a candidate.. This idea that we steal ONLY Repubs is a myth propagated to keep folks like you from supporting viable Libertarian candidates.

And this year WILL PROVE that. Because Jorgensen is more AN ANARCHIST than she is a Libertarian.. We've had to contend with that for a LONG time and now she's putting us in a different portion of our "political spectrum" of support.,.. She SOUNDS a bit like BLM -- Green Party.. You'll see.
Flac? You are not doing a good job of selling me on this chick. I don’t want fucking anarchy. I have no desire at all to send my wife out to the grocery store and if she isn’t the toughest bitch in Walmart she gets nothing, or gets beat up or worse. I want law and order. I also don’t want a fucking thing to do with BLM or the Green Party communist bullshit.

Thanks for the effort but you put me firmly in the Trump camp. I want nothing to do with that brand of libertarianism. fucking cool...a normal everyday bitch with no chance at winning anything said something cool that gets weird people hard or wet...fucking cool. Let me know when the bulk of America thinks it’s cool and I’m all in....LIKE A FUCKING SHEEP!
It is the lesser of two evils. One of them is going to run the country no matter how you feel about it. The only given in any election is the libertarian candidate is going to lose. That’s a fact. The decision to be made is do you fuck over the lesser of two evils over your standards, or do you actually help the greater evil by doing that.

The only place I'd disagree with you here is that you can't really say that in any given election the libertarian candidate is going to lose. The best member of Congress is a libertarian. He had to run as a Repubublican, but that's just gaming the system. That's the way to do it.

Rand Paul is "almost libertarian" but is too invested in governing to diss the Repubs. He's there to TRY to give them backbone to stand firm on the "hard stuff"...

There's a Republican Liberty Caucus.. Don't know who's still there -- but many of them are in "principle" pretty libertarian..

Jim Jordan
Thomas Massie
Jason Chafetz

Hey Repubs -- here's the TEACHABLE moment.. What do these Congressional Liberty Caucus members have in common OTHER THAN being "libertarian republicans"?? C'mon -- I KNOW you get this..

I have no desire at all to send my wife out to the grocery store and if she isn’t the toughest bitch in Walmart she gets nothing, or gets beat up or worse.
It is the lesser of two evils. One of them is going to run the country no matter how you feel about it. The only given in any election is the libertarian candidate is going to lose. That’s a fact. The decision to be made is do you fuck over the lesser of two evils over your standards, or do you actually help the greater evil by doing that.

The only place I'd disagree with you here is that you can't really say that in any given election the libertarian candidate is going to lose. The best member of Congress is a libertarian. He had to run as a Repubublican, but that's just gaming the system. That's the way to do it.

Rand Paul is "almost libertarian" but is too invested in governing to diss the Repubs. He's there to TRY to give them backbone to stand firm on the "hard stuff"...

There's a Republican Liberty Caucus.. Don't know who's still there -- but many of them are in "principle" pretty libertarian..

Jim Jordan
Thomas Massie
Jason Chafetz

Hey Repubs -- here's the TEACHABLE moment.. What do these Congressional Liberty Caucus members have in common OTHER THAN being "libertarian republicans"?? C'mon -- I KNOW you get this..

Rand Paul is "almost libertarian" but is too invested in governing to diss the Repubs. He's there to TRY to give them backbone to stand firm on the "hard stuff"...

To be fair with his case....He saw his old man become the legendary "Dr. No" and saw that he got nowhere....So he's playing the game differently to see if he gets a better result....At least that's the way I see it.

He actually got the call on carpetbagging moron Matt Bevin correct....Not that McTurtle is any bargain, but Bevin is in fact a schmuck.
Rand Paul is "almost libertarian" but is too invested in governing to diss the Repubs. He's there to TRY to give them backbone to stand firm on the "hard stuff"...

There's a Republican Liberty Caucus.. Don't know who's still there -- but many of them are in "principle" pretty libertarian..

Jim Jordan
Thomas Massie
Jason Chafetz

Hey Repubs -- here's the TEACHABLE moment.. What do these Congressional Liberty Caucus members have in common OTHER THAN being "libertarian republicans"?? C'mon -- I KNOW you get this..

Rand knows what he's doing. He's playing the game, and I think rather well.He's playing a more long-term game. But, yeah, there's a few scattered about. Way more than that actually. Jason is a bit of a meh, but what's a disagreement here and there among friends anyway.

Actually, expect to start seeing libertarians running as democrats. It's been done. You won't hear about it, of course. But watch for it. Actually, that's kind of the beauty of it, haha.

When I say libertarians running for whatever office, I'm talking about small l libertarians, not Libertarian Party. But I like the Libertarian Party better than the duopoly, no doubt.

I actually had half a mind to write Adam Kokesh in, just because he's one of the old gang. That's how much I don't care about my Individual vote this cycle.
Rand Paul is "almost libertarian" but is too invested in governing to diss the Repubs. He's there to TRY to give them backbone to stand firm on the "hard stuff"...

There's a Republican Liberty Caucus.. Don't know who's still there -- but many of them are in "principle" pretty libertarian..

Jim Jordan
Thomas Massie
Jason Chafetz

Hey Repubs -- here's the TEACHABLE moment.. What do these Congressional Liberty Caucus members have in common OTHER THAN being "libertarian republicans"?? C'mon -- I KNOW you get this..

Rand knows what he's doing. He's playing the game, and I think rather well.He's playing a more long-term game. But, yeah, there's a few scattered about. Way more than that actually. Jason is a bit of a meh, but what's a disagreement here and there among friends anyway.

Actually, expect to start seeing libertarians running as democrats. It's been done. You won't hear about it, of course. But watch for it. Actually, that's kind of the beauty of it, haha.

When I say libertarians running for whatever office, I'm talking about small l libertarians, not Libertarian Party. But I like the Libertarian Party better than the duopoly, no doubt.

I actually had half a mind to write Adam Kokesh in, just because he's one of the old gang. That's how much I don't care about my Individual vote this cycle.
Jason Lewis would make a nice addition to the Senate.
No libertarian candidate is taking votes from the democrats.

We do all the time.. When we run in districts where the Dems dont even FIELD a candidate we do much better than in districts so heavily Democrats that the REPUBS don't field a candidate.. This idea that we steal ONLY Repubs is a myth propagated to keep folks like you from supporting viable Libertarian candidates.

And this year WILL PROVE that. Because Jorgensen is more AN ANARCHIST than she is a Libertarian.. We've had to contend with that for a LONG time and now she's putting us in a different portion of our "political spectrum" of support.,.. She SOUNDS a bit like BLM -- Green Party.. You'll see.
Flac? You are not doing a good job of selling me on this chick. I don’t want fucking anarchy. I have no desire at all to send my wife out to the grocery store and if she isn’t the toughest bitch in Walmart she gets nothing, or gets beat up or worse. I want law and order. I also don’t want a fucking thing to do with BLM or the Green Party communist bullshit.

Thanks for the effort but you put me firmly in the Trump camp. I want nothing to do with that brand of libertarianism.

I started OUT saying that I wasn't sold either. At least to date. But WE'D get better candidates as a PARTY if all our energy wasn't thwarted by "ballot and debate" access issues. And as much as I've worked those issues for about 2 decades -- we've joined with Indies and Greens and others to UNBLOCK the access to ballots and debates.

Sometimes OUR candidates suck -- which is why I'm focusing on the Indies right now.. Indies just LEAP onto ballots.. Hardly ANY restrictions on them. The Repubs and Dems are just scared of PARTIES or anything that looks like ORGANIZED competition.. But in TRUTH -- we could GET better candidates if just SOME Dems and Repubs said sayonara to party and DECLARED Indie..

THEY would be the INTERESTING interviews in Congress -- because they would be FREE of Pelosi Schumer, McTurtle and McWhatsHisName. And they would SOUND more intelligent as INDIES rather than as Dems or Repubs..

THAT'S what I'm working on and selling lately... In my "other job"...
Jason Lewis would make a nice addition to the Senate.

Yeah. He sure would. Take em as you get em.

I guess you know who he's running against already, lol.

Exhibit A: In 2006, Smith left her job at Planned Parenthood to serve as chief of staff to Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak. In 2010 she was picked to manage Rybak's gubernatorial campaign, which ended after Margaret Anderson Kelliher won the DFL endorsement. Smith then joined the campaign of Mark Dayton, who skipped the endorsing convention and eventually won the DFL primary. After Dayton defeated Republican Tom Emmer in the general election, Smith was named a co-chair of the transition. When Dayton took office in January 2011, he appointed Smith his chief of staff.

For those who dont know...

Jason Lewis would make a nice addition to the Senate.

Yeah. He sure would. Take em as you get em.

I guess you know who he's running against already, lol.

Exhibit A: In 2006, Smith left her job at Planned Parenthood to serve as chief of staff to Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak.[11] In 2010 she was picked to manage Rybak's gubernatorial campaign, which ended after Margaret Anderson Kelliher won the DFL endorsement.[9] Smith then joined the campaign of Mark Dayton, who skipped the endorsing convention and eventually won the DFL primary.[8] After Dayton defeated Republican Tom Emmer in the general election, Smith was named a co-chair of the transition. When Dayton took office in January 2011, he appointed Smith his chief of staff.[12]

For those who dont know...

That's why Lewis calls her the "accidental Senator"...I've never heard anything out of her mouth, that wasn't already some memorized boilerplate, that leads me to believe that she's any brighter than a Christmas tree light.
That's why Lewis calls her the "accidental Senator"...I've never heard anything out of her mouth, that wasn't already some memorized boilerplate, that leads me to believe that she's any brighter than a Christmas tree light.

Heh heh. She's a plant for the not yet named Planned Parenthood Party. Trying to sneak in as a regular demmy under the radar. lol.
No libertarian candidate is taking votes from the democrats.

No Libertarian candidate is "taking" votes from anyone. Such a claim presumes that the votes were someone else's property to begin with. It's closer to the truth to observe that Republicans steal votes from Libertarians, with the "lesser-of-two-evils" threat.
It is the lesser of two evils.
Lesser of two evils is a fucking con, propagated by the Ds and Rs to scare the rubes into voting for them.
Realize that I'm NOT jazzed by "our" choice this year.. May not support her.. But I just got an email blast from Jo Jorgensen landing her BEST punch this campaign at Trump's whine that the Commission on Political Debates (CPD) is "picking on him"....

Jorgensen to Trump: Join the club!

Libertarian for President Jo Jorgensen finds it hilarious that Trump accuses the CPD of trying to silence him

GREENVILLE, S.C.— “Join the club, President Trump,” said Dr. Jo Jorgensen, Libertarian for president in response to his claim that the Commission on Presidential debates is “trying to silence” him. “The CPD, along with its Democratic and Republican colluders – including you, have been silencing the Libertarian Party for decades. Your hypocritical criticism of your own co-conspirators is hilarious.”

The Commission on Presidential Debates consists of well-connected Democrats and Republicans who conspire every election with media elites to set debate rules that deliberately exclude alternative party competitors
Since billionaire Ross Perot was in the presidential debates in 1992, the CPD has required presidential candidates to poll an average of fifteen percent in polls by five pre-selected polling firms – a percentage that was carefully calculated to make it virtually impossible for an outsider to qualify.

Those same Democrats and Republicans allow presidential candidates to participate in primary election debates with poll numbers as low as one percent.

“Do you want to show some consistency for a change, President Trump?” asked Jorgensen. “Tell the CPD to set rules that accommodate all viable candidates for president.”

Jo Jorgensen is the only alternative-party candidate for president who is on the ballot in all fifty states, plus the District of Columbia -- in spite of rules set by Democratic and Republican lawmakers to make it very difficult to achieve this.

Think I had more faith in national campaigns back when the League of Women Voters were in charge of debates.
This is just one more insult to people's confidence in our election systems.. This election night is gonna look like 3rd world politics with all the ad hoc partisan hacking that PUTIN wishes he COULD have done...

The fact is the commission should be shit canned. The so called "republicans" are never Trumpers. But as of 6 Oct, the libertarians are only polling at 2.2% nationally, so there's no reason to waste TV time on them.

I disagree.

America needs to hear a third perspective. Otherwise, it's "vote for me because you have no choice.".

50-state ballot achievement should qualify the party candidate. The Duopoly can fuck off.
The real problem is that 48 or so states have those 'winner take all' provisions re their electoral votes; this is what narrows the field down to the two biggest money raisers; it works no different than the real life economy does, eventually the most 'efficient' end up controlling the 'market' and dominating everything. If the assorted 'third parties' could pick up a few seats here and there, they could eventually get the experience and even seniority needed. Just reduce the influence of money and get rid of the 'winner take all' scam re electoral votes; the latter smacks of unconstitutional political hackery anyways, as it can easily be seen as restricting representation.

Not that the Libertarian Party would win much, since few people would ever vote for one in real life outside a few cranks and crazy rural types, but they do have a valid snivel re how the GOP is always challenging their being placed on state ballots, same as the Democrats do with Greens and other left wingers. Even so, there is little evidence other parties produce better candidates, in any case; without the two major changes above we'll never know. But, look how the Greens swung between a Ralph Nader to lunatic racist Cynthia McKinney ... such wild swings are sure losers, and indicate a base just as loony as the current Democrats are.
The real problem is that 48 or so states have those 'winner take all' provisions re their electoral votes; this is what narrows the field down to the two biggest money raisers; it works no different than the real life economy does, eventually the most 'efficient' end up controlling the 'market' and dominating everything. If the assorted 'third parties' could pick up a few seats here and there, they could eventually get the experience and even seniority needed. Just reduce the influence of money and get rid of the 'winner take all' scam re electoral votes; the latter smacks of unconstitutional political hackery anyways, as it can easily be seen as restricting representation.

Not that the Libertarian Party would win much, since few people would ever vote for one in real life outside a few cranks and crazy rural types, but they do have a valid snivel re how the GOP is always challenging their being placed on state ballots, same as the Democrats do with Greens and other left wingers. Even so, there is little evidence other parties produce better candidates, in any case; without the two major changes above we'll never know. But, look how the Greens swung between a Ralph Nader to lunatic racist Cynthia McKinney ... such wild swings are sure losers, and indicate a base just as loony as the current Democrats are.

You CAN win in a 3 race as an Indie or 3rd party.. And "take it all".. Only have to get 34% or MORE of the voters to PREFER YOU.. And that wouldn't mean that ALL of the OTHER 66% hate you..

Happens all the time in Primary races.. With even 4 or 5 contestants and "winner takes all"...

Not a real road block.
Realize that I'm NOT jazzed by "our" choice this year.. May not support her.. But I just got an email blast from Jo Jorgensen landing her BEST punch this campaign at Trump's whine that the Commission on Political Debates (CPD) is "picking on him"....

Jorgensen to Trump: Join the club!

Libertarian for President Jo Jorgensen finds it hilarious that Trump accuses the CPD of trying to silence him

GREENVILLE, S.C.— “Join the club, President Trump,” said Dr. Jo Jorgensen, Libertarian for president in response to his claim that the Commission on Presidential debates is “trying to silence” him. “The CPD, along with its Democratic and Republican colluders – including you, have been silencing the Libertarian Party for decades. Your hypocritical criticism of your own co-conspirators is hilarious.”

The Commission on Presidential Debates consists of well-connected Democrats and Republicans who conspire every election with media elites to set debate rules that deliberately exclude alternative party competitors
Since billionaire Ross Perot was in the presidential debates in 1992, the CPD has required presidential candidates to poll an average of fifteen percent in polls by five pre-selected polling firms – a percentage that was carefully calculated to make it virtually impossible for an outsider to qualify.

Those same Democrats and Republicans allow presidential candidates to participate in primary election debates with poll numbers as low as one percent.

“Do you want to show some consistency for a change, President Trump?” asked Jorgensen. “Tell the CPD to set rules that accommodate all viable candidates for president.”

Jo Jorgensen is the only alternative-party candidate for president who is on the ballot in all fifty states, plus the District of Columbia -- in spite of rules set by Democratic and Republican lawmakers to make it very difficult to achieve this.

Think I had more faith in national campaigns back when the League of Women Voters were in charge of debates.
This is just one more insult to people's confidence in our election systems.. This election night is gonna look like 3rd world politics with all the ad hoc partisan hacking that PUTIN wishes he COULD have done...

The fact is the commission should be shit canned. The so called "republicans" are never Trumpers. But as of 6 Oct, the libertarians are only polling at 2.2% nationally, so there's no reason to waste TV time on them.


Depends on your definition of waste of time.. No one that lives on USMB is concerned with "wasting their time" are they??? :up:

That MAIN EVENT debate -- Trump v Biden -- turned into a LARGER waste of my time than watching your typical "congressional hearing"... WHY?? Because it was a "bad blood feud" -- not a debate. With LIES flying like a swirl of gnats.. No questions truly answered. No issues resolved.

I see NO problem with injecting fresh ideas into public debate at Pres. election time.. My major beef with Trump and Republicans is that they DONT defend their principles and actions very well at all.. I could NAIL the door SHUT on "alternative energy" or "global warming" or "justice reform" or "keeping the voting system" in 2 minutes each.. These clowns just can't refuse taking bait and being trolled...

So have EIGHT debates -- 2 hours long -- with ONLY 3 topics per debate. Let them have FOUR minutes if they stay on the TOPIC AND the QUESTION -- and cut them off at 2 minutes if they dont.

That way, more ideas from problem SOLVERS -- NOT "problem creators".. And that what voters want...

I said that first debate was a shit show, and the mod should have had a mute button. That said, Wallace is just as much a lefty as his dad was, he just doesn't hide it as well. But no party deserves to have a spot on the general election debate stage when they're only polling at 2.2%.

It is the lesser of two evils. One of them is going to run the country no matter how you feel about it. The only given in any election is the libertarian candidate is going to lose. That’s a fact. The decision to be made is do you fuck over the lesser of two evils over your standards, or do you actually help the greater evil by doing that.

The only place I'd disagree with you here is that you can't really say that in any given election the libertarian candidate is going to lose. The best member of Congress is a libertarian. He had to run as a Repubublican, but that's just gaming the system. That's the way to do it.

Rand Paul is "almost libertarian" but is too invested in governing to diss the Repubs. He's there to TRY to give them backbone to stand firm on the "hard stuff"...

There's a Republican Liberty Caucus.. Don't know who's still there -- but many of them are in "principle" pretty libertarian..

Jim Jordan
Thomas Massie
Jason Chafetz

Hey Repubs -- here's the TEACHABLE moment.. What do these Congressional Liberty Caucus members have in common OTHER THAN being "libertarian republicans"?? C'mon -- I KNOW you get this..

Chafetz is gone.


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