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Libertarians for Romney

What makes you think I'm upset? I'm not a Republican. I used to be. But they lost me when they lost their credibility on fiscal responsibility. Now I'm an independent.

pray tell...who does a former GOP supporter who lost faith in the party because of fiscal irresponsibility vote for this coming election.....

This is one of the major contentions that Paul supporters have.....
What makes you think I'm upset? I'm not a Republican. I used to be. But they lost me when they lost their credibility on fiscal responsibility. Now I'm an independent.

So rather than trying to do something about it like convince people of the error of their ways you just gave up and quit and now you want to denigrate us for trying to make a difference?

I appreciate people trying to make a difference. But if they want me to join in with them, they are going to have to do it in a way I can respect. And I have to fundamentally agree with the majority of their beliefs - or I'm not aligning myself with them.

You do it your way if that's what you preffer. Has there ever been a fully contested state in which a Libertarian running in a Republican primary has gotten more than 20%? Any more than 10% nationwide? (not in online polling)???

You feel it's working out well, then congratulations.
What makes you think I'm upset? I'm not a Republican. I used to be. But they lost me when they lost their credibility on fiscal responsibility. Now I'm an independent.

pray tell...who does a former GOP supporter who lost faith in the party because of fiscal irresponsibility vote for this coming election.....

This is one of the major contentions that Paul supporters have.....

Not sure. I'm not going to have a candidate that I can support 100% on economic issues (and had Paul won the nomination that would STILL be true.) Don't know that I can cast my vote on fiscal responsibility because I don't think either of the major party nominees is more than a dime's worth different than the other.
Not sure. I'm not going to have a candidate that I can support 100% on economic issues (and had Paul won the nomination that would STILL be true.) Don't know that I can cast my vote on fiscal responsibility because I don't think either of the major party nominees is more than a dime's worth different than the other.

Sounds like you are sitting this one out then....the establishment relies upon your apathy
There is a Libertarian Party in America, right? So why not invest your energies in building that? Personally, I'd respect that a lot more than just giving up on your party and trying to swipe another
What makes you think I'm upset? I'm not a Republican. I used to be. But they lost me when they lost their credibility on fiscal responsibility. Now I'm an independent.

So rather than trying to do something about it like convince people of the error of their ways you just gave up and quit and now you want to denigrate us for trying to make a difference?

you think you "convince people of the error of their ways?"

Not sure. I'm not going to have a candidate that I can support 100% on economic issues (and had Paul won the nomination that would STILL be true.) Don't know that I can cast my vote on fiscal responsibility because I don't think either of the major party nominees is more than a dime's worth different than the other.

Sounds like you are sitting this one out then....the establishment relies upon your apathy

I wouldn't jump to any conclusions if I were you.
I can't vote for Romney because I have absolutely no clue where he really stands on anything and the ads I've seen him run during the primaries make him out of the question. Looks like I'll be voting for Obama. He's a long way from what I'd like to see in my president, but he's closer than his competition.
What makes you think I'm upset? I'm not a Republican. I used to be. But they lost me when they lost their credibility on fiscal responsibility. Now I'm an independent.

So rather than trying to do something about it like convince people of the error of their ways you just gave up and quit and now you want to denigrate us for trying to make a difference?

you think you "convince people of the error of their ways?"


Are you saying that I haven't? Ever? Never Ever? You presume too much.

People can change thier minds, I have done it myself.
There is a Libertarian Party in America, right? So why not invest your energies in building that? Personally, I'd respect that a lot more than just giving up on your party and trying to swipe another

When is the last time you saw a libertarian debate on national television? How long before the next one?

The establishment uses the media to select candidates and we are only given the illusion of choice. Just look at the media blackout on Ron Paul and he is a republican. He grudgingly gets some coverage now but I think it was only because it was becoming too glaringly obvious and it was threatening their credibility.

The only way to change the system is from within.
.....because losertarians are closet liberals.

They are anti-military like liberals, they support legalizing drugs, they are anti-Israel, etc, etc.

Liberals are losertarians except they like big Govt and high taxes on certain groups......

Do you think it lends any strength to your argument to use pejorative terms to describe them?

Clearly you don't understand libertarianism because libertarians and liberals are actually at opposite ends of the political spectrum. Even on the issues where they superficially appear to agree -it is for completely different reasons.
I'm a Republican who has looked at a lot of issues, and I am convinced we would be a very, very clueless country if it were not for some very valiant libertarian men and women who bring a lot to the table when it comes to lower taxes and smaller government, conservation issues, and human rights.

We are a richer nation for having the Libertarian perspective as we are for having the conscience of faithful people who just want to work hard to achieve a share in the American dream.

In some parts of the country, Republican Party Senators and Congressmen are more like libertarians, and their voting records against bills laden with pork barrel spending and writers that preclude civil liberties prove it.

All I can say is I love the Libertarians, and I am sorry that some of the best of them despise the Republican Party for one reason or another. I have to admit, many of us are a little unhappy when Republicans in charge fail in sensitivity issues to the most conservative people in America, and I have no idea how we can bridge such a gap.

My deepest thanks to those of libertarian heart here to keep on being America's conscience. Our country would be lessened if you were any different, of that I'm certain. :)
All I can say is I love the Libertarians, and I am sorry that some of the best of them despise the Republican Party for one reason or another.

Because you are statist, fascist freaks who like to expand our debt, start unnecessary wars that kill people, and encroach on civil liberties.

Then you pretend to be for limited government, fiscal responsibility, and civil liberties while supporting fucking rejects like Romney and Santorum.

Go fuck yourself. I fucking hate Republican freaks, like you.
I'm not trying to imply that Libertarians are trying to steal the Republican Party. I'm saying it flat out.
You can whine and make excuses for why "you have to do it" and rationalize it any way you need to in order to feel good about yourself. I'm just calling a spade a spade. If you have fundamental differences with the majority of Republicans then you are not a Republican. Why are you trying to shift the Republican Party in any direction? You aren't a Republican so it's none of your business which direction the Republican Party sways. And I'm certainly not going to lament "how hard" it is to build up your own party. The Tories made it hard, the Whigs made it hard, it's not their job to make it easy for you and frankly, if your looking for "easy" you best just stay out of politics altogether.

Simple question...Should the people do the bidding of the party, or should the party do the bidding of the people...There is no consensus with in the GOP over all the issues...Libertarian or no libertarians. Therefore parties constantly evolve. You think the GOP of today is the same GOP as in the 40's....If so you are wrong... Folks like Paul are just trying to salvage a burning house...if it burns up to much then i guess you are right, we will just go and build another house....

I fully expect political parties to evolve. But by definition - you call your self Libertarian - but rather than do the work necessary to establish a Libertarian Party - you are just trying (very unsucessfully I might add) to turn the Republican Party into your Libertarian Party.
It's just LAZY.

WTF? Gee, do you feel the same way about the leftwing radical extremists who successfully took over the Democrat Party and drove out lifelong conservative Democrats? Or do you reserve your venom for the fact Republicans actually have a much larger umbrella and a much broader range of ideas to debate as a result -because libertarians aren't trying to drive out non-libertarians! They are trying to influence the internal debate and in a way most Republicans actually have no problem with whatsoever, even if they reject certain positions, they firmly agree with the basic and fundamental principles of libertarianism. Totally unlike the new Democrat Party now firmly in the control of leftwing extremist radicals who tolerate no dissent within the party.

The new Democrat Party run by the radical left has the same old cookie cutter answer to everything regardless of the issue. It doesn't matter what the problem is -their answer is ALWAYS the same -bigger and more powerful government that must constantly expand and increase the rate of confiscation of the fruits of our labor, leaving us with ever less power and control to run our own lives as we see fit.

Libertarians are actually closer to the original Republican founding platform than the Republican party of today -and they have every right to try and enter the internal debate in the effort to urge it to move closer to that again in order to reclaim its own founding principles. It isn't a matter of laziness -but of facing reality that political clout still lies with the two main parties and you either figure out how to stake out a piece or get left behind with no option but yet again be faced with two undesirable candidates and casting your vote based on nothing but who you believe is the lesser of two evils. No third party candidate can win a Presidential election -we have seen proof positive several times now they can only give a greater advantage to the one candidate they least liked in the first place! Which means third parties must first establish firm roots locally and on the state level BEFORE trying to really win a President election -and on the state and local level in many states, Libertarians are doing just that and very successful. In my city Libertarians hold more elected offices than either of the other two parties -but on the national level, they still cannot compete and must work within the Republican party which no matter what -still has far more in common with them than they ever will with the new Democrat party.

Even though the candidates offered for election, especially nationally, are nearly always just a Democrat and Republican because they are far away the most powerful, largest and wealthiest political parties -this nation doesn't just belong to Democrats and Republicans! Which means if you want to be able to vote for a national candidate closer to one's own views, you still need to figure out which party is the best general fit and then work within it to make it an even better fit. At least Libertarians aren't trying to drive out those who aren't but want a debate and discussion of ideas. Unlike the new Democrat Party where the leftwing radical extremists first made it unrecognizable from what it was even a few decades ago -but then turned around and not only drove out and purged the party of lifelong conservative Democrats and those with any but the leftwing extremist views, but tried to personally and politically destroy them as they did.
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All I can say is I love the Libertarians, and I am sorry that some of the best of them despise the Republican Party for one reason or another.

Because you are statist, fascist freaks who like to expand our debt, start unnecessary wars that kill people, and encroach on civil liberties.

Then you pretend to be for limited government, fiscal responsibility, and civil liberties while supporting fucking rejects like Romney and Santorum.

Go fuck yourself. I fucking hate Republican freaks, like you.

That's not how you bring people to the darkside. BTW, we have good cookies. :D
Not sure. I'm not going to have a candidate that I can support 100% on economic issues (and had Paul won the nomination that would STILL be true.) Don't know that I can cast my vote on fiscal responsibility because I don't think either of the major party nominees is more than a dime's worth different than the other.

Sounds like you are sitting this one out then....the establishment relies upon your apathy
They win no matter what you do.

I do, however, feel a lot better since I gave up all hope.
All I can say is I love the Libertarians, and I am sorry that some of the best of them despise the Republican Party for one reason or another.

Because you are statist, fascist freaks who like to expand our debt, start unnecessary wars that kill people, and encroach on civil liberties.

Then you pretend to be for limited government, fiscal responsibility, and civil liberties while supporting fucking rejects like Romney and Santorum.

Go fuck yourself. I fucking hate Republican freaks, like you.

That's not how you bring people to the darkside. BTW, we have good cookies. :D

I am not here to change hearts. Republicans can go fuck themselves.

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