Liberty Students Would Have Been Fined If They Skipped Ted Cruz's Speech

When did anyone put you in charge of defining the word "convocation?" If Moochell gives a speech at a graduation, does that make it a "political hacks rally?" Why yes, I think it does.

Hey, idiot, Cruz was ANNOUNCING he was definition, a convocation is a meeting of the members of a college or university to observe a ceremony such as the beginning of the school year or the announcing of awards and honors of students.
Who cares? It is a private university and can fine it's students how they see fit.

There was a private college not far from where I grew up where they would fine you for swearing or dancing on campus, unless it was square. No joke.
What are you? Like 12? You expect an adult to accept your zany rw *cough* "reasoning"? :eusa_hand:
As I stated in an earlier post....I really don't care about those students having to be subjected to the lunatic, Cruz......If they're going to Liberty, they're probably brainwashed anyway.
I heard that and saw the tee-shirts.

Liberty U. is the best reason we can never let the so-called Christian conservatives take over this country. If they do, we might as well rename it the United States of Jonestown.

Any chance we could then get all you loony lefties to drink the Kool-aid?
When did anyone put you in charge of defining the word "convocation?" If Moochell gives a speech at a graduation, does that make it a "political hacks rally?" Why yes, I think it does.

Hey, idiot, Cruz was ANNOUNCING he was definition, a convocation is a meeting of the members of a college or university to observe a ceremony such as the beginning of the school year or the announcing of awards and honors of students.


noun: convocation; plural noun: convocations
1. a large formal assembly of people.

2. the action of calling people together for a large formal assembly.

The event fits the description.
I heard that and saw the tee-shirts.

Liberty U. is the best reason we can never let the so-called Christian conservatives take over this country. If they do, we might as well rename it the United States of Jonestown.

You should read Chris Hedges' book, "American Fascists." Good stuff, albeit scary. Hedges actually toured the Dominionist movement's meetings and wrote about it.
So this is the Left's definition of brainwashing I guess... (in typical Orwellian Doublespeak)

Liberty U. Students Forced to Attend Ted Cruz Speech Make Stand for Rand UPDATED - Hit Run

“Convocation is not a worship service. Convocation is Liberty’s educational forum for students to hear from speakers with a wide diversity of viewpoints from all walks of life — entertainment, business, politics, ministry, and more — many of whom are globally respected as experts in their areas. It is no secret that Convocation is held three times a week and attendance is required, just like class is required for students. No one is expected to agree with every speaker on every point. In fact, Convocation speakers do not all line up with traditional Evangelical Christian viewpoints or even Liberty University’s doctrinal statement. A fundamental part of the college experience is being exposed to a variety of viewpoints so students can better understand why they hold their own beliefs and be better prepared to defend them. Liberty intentionally gives every student this opportunity to become well-rounded on important matters of faith and culture...
I heard a lot of cheers. On the other hand it seems that students from more liberal universities would be either encouraged to commit assault on Senator Cruz or be diciplined in some way for attending. According to David Horowitz, author of "The Professors" and "Radical Son" every single high profile republican speaker has been the victim of a violent assault on a college campus sometime in their careers. Democrat party speakers don't have to worry.

David Horowitz lies about a lot of stuff.
Who cares? It is a private university and can fine it's students how they see fit.

There was a private college not far from where I grew up where they would fine you for swearing or dancing on campus, unless it was square. No joke.

Oh my no. Who cares? If that happened for an Obama appearance there would 200 threads about it.

Obama at a private university, who cares.
I heard a lot of cheers. On the other hand it seems that students from more liberal universities would be either encouraged to commit assault on Senator Cruz or be diciplined in some way for attending. According to David Horowitz, author of "The Professors" and "Radical Son" every single high profile republican speaker has been the victim of a violent assault on a college campus sometime in their careers. Democrat party speakers don't have to worry.

David Horowitz lies about a lot of stuff.

Like what?
I heard a lot of cheers. On the other hand it seems that students from more liberal universities would be either encouraged to commit assault on Senator Cruz or be diciplined in some way for attending. According to David Horowitz, author of "The Professors" and "Radical Son" every single high profile republican speaker has been the victim of a violent assault on a college campus sometime in their careers. Democrat party speakers don't have to worry.

David Horowitz lies about a lot of stuff.

Like what?

That's almost like asking for a list of Hannity or Limbaugh lies. Google it yourself. A question that dumb doesn't deserve an answer.
"Liberty Students Would Have Been Fined If They Skipped Ted Cruz's Speech"

A truly moronic venue to launch a presidential campaign; if this is typical of the lack of political acumen among Cruz's advisers, he won't be in the race for long.
I heard a lot of cheers. On the other hand it seems that students from more liberal universities would be either encouraged to commit assault on Senator Cruz or be diciplined in some way for attending. According to David Horowitz, author of "The Professors" and "Radical Son" every single high profile republican speaker has been the victim of a violent assault on a college campus sometime in their careers. Democrat party speakers don't have to worry.

David Horowitz lies about a lot of stuff.

Like what?

That's almost like asking for a list of Hannity or Limbaugh lies. Google it yourself. A question that dumb doesn't deserve an answer.

In other words, you can't name any lies.

Thanks for playing!
So let me get this straight. This Convocation was no different then any other which the students are required to attend. Rand supporters were there along with everyone else. Assuming that there was 100 percent of the rest of the students that were not Cruz supporters it seems as if this might have been good for the students to hear what a politician had to say.

So some observations. Liberals lie and this is just another case of lying. It wasn't overt lie it was an implied lie. Yes, they could have been fined but that is no different then other convocations they are required to attend.

Liberals apparently either don't read the articles they post or are just flat out dishonest.

Finally, there sure are a lot of religious bigots on the left, except when it comes to Islam.
This is Nothing but a bunch of bullshit to slam Christianity and a republican candidate from the ISIS lovers who cheer secretly when a Christian head is chopped off. The assemblies are required every Monday Wednesday and Friday regardless. The requirement to be there wasn't because of Cruz's speech. Explain the Paul supporters who were standing out with their red shirts.

Try that at a liberal university wearing a Paul shirt when Hillary is giving a presidential announcement speech.
Cruz's message was clear and consistent with its venue, that he seeks to be the president hostile toward diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty, a president motivated by fear of change and inclusion, a reactionary president trying to return America to an idealized American past that never actually existed to begin with – an America far from 'ideal' for women, gay Americans, and immigrants; his is the politics of division, of fostering conflict between and among the American people for some perceived partisan gain.
All these far right wing, tea partiers can be "defeated" with 2 simple questions:

1. Do you believe in evolution or creationism?
2. Do you dispute 90% of scientists who assure us that global warming MUST be addressed?
Nazism is alive and well in the Democrat Party. Persecution of Christians seems to be in vogue. We don't qualify our Presidents by their religious beliefs. I'd like to see a democrat candidate proudly announce he's an atheist or Muslim and try to get elected, however. Even obama had to say he was a Christian even though he was raised Muslim.

The second question is easy to answer. Nobody with brains or an agenda believes in global warming or that we should bankrupt our country to "do" something about it. Lol

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