Liberty Students Would Have Been Fined If They Skipped Ted Cruz's Speech

Once again for nitwits like yourself, Liberty University Would Fine Students Who Skip Cruz Speech..... The Daily Caller

and the Daily Caller would make Genghis Khan blush
One time for you to understand....Universities like Liberty make it known ahead of the start of classes, that there are a certain number of mandatory convocations that must be attended. These are mandatory LONG before the speakers are selected.

You probably aren't even aware that Terry McCauliff was scheduled to speak at the same event, but pulled out.....

So, to sum up......they were not going to be fined for missing Cruz's speech, but for missing a mandatory convocation.

Now, go play on the swing...

And is it appropriate to use one of those mandatory convocations when a highly publicized, purely partisan political event is happening?

Of course it is. In fact, the ex head of the DNC was scheduled to speak until he found out it was going to be a Cruz coming out event....

I don't hear you bitching about that.

Did I just not say that partisan political events that students are forced to attend are inappropriate? Can you not read? Idiot.
Oh look....if Cruz had not used this event as a coming out, you would have remained silent about the use of this event by a politician.

I've seen far to many of your lies to worry about what way you'd go. The only idiot here is yourself.

If Cruz hadn't used this venue, I'd have never known about mandatory attendances for such events at Liberty, and neither would you or 99% of the people on this board.
No one was forced to attend his speech.
"Convocation is a mandatory Monday, Wednesday and Friday event for Liberty students"

SO,, you might want to make up your mind. You say there weren't "forced", yet convocation is mandatory with penalties enforced. Making it a kind of "forced" meeting.

You might want to read my post with your eyes open. "Kind of forced" is not forced. Those students were required by school policy - a policy they understood when they signed up for Liberty U. - to attend 3 weekly assemblies, not Cruz's speech. They all had the option to opt out and risk the fine.
a policy they understood when they signed up for Liberty U. - to attend 3 weekly assemblies, not Cruz's speech. They all had the option to opt out and risk the fine.

So you think ole Ted was to stupid to find out if there was some way to fill the auditorium with students for his coming out announcement?

You think someone at Liberty didn't tell ole Ted that look Ted, we force our students by using financial penalties to attend a convocation three time a week. Pick the one you want to announce in and we will make sure it's a full house.

You don't think that happened eh?
If Cruz hadn't used this venue, I'd have never known about mandatory attendances for such events at Liberty, and neither would you or 99% of the people on this board.

Such events? Liberty U. students are required by school policy to attend 3 assemblies a week. This one happened to be an "event," of sorts. It's kinda cool that those kids got to witness Cruz's coming out party, live and on stage. Hopefully it will engender some political discourse among them, something that apparently frightens the piss outta you.
No one was forced to attend his speech.
"Convocation is a mandatory Monday, Wednesday and Friday event for Liberty students"

SO,, you might want to make up your mind. You say there weren't "forced", yet convocation is mandatory with penalties enforced. Making it a kind of "forced" meeting.

You might want to read my post with your eyes open. "Kind of forced" is not forced. Those students were required by school policy - a policy they understood when they signed up for Liberty U. - to attend 3 weekly assemblies, not Cruz's speech. They all had the option to opt out and risk the fine.

Kind of like people can opt out of Obamacare and pay the fine? lol

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