Libs, can you please show us.....

Your POS evidence gets shot down instantly and you pretend like you never made the claim in the first place.

Yup, you're a Trump supported alright.

Take a poll. I'll bet you like stupider. I mean, all you post are lies. I accept your concession, but do flail less. It comes off as cowardly and weak.
I'd also like to know what emails that Trump or his administration has destroyed so as to render impotent any investigation.

Emails are a two way street . The only ones she could truely delete are her personal ones. Which congress was not entitled too.

Comey was looking at Flynn and Russian ties until trump fired him.
How many more months does he need to look at them? Where's the indictment?

There is none and never will be.

You know this, how? Oh you don't. Got it.

I do know it. There is nothing since last July. More people who know have said there is nothing then have said there is. Keep on though, I eagerly anticipate y'all's melt down and finally acceptance as you watch Trump get sworn in for four more years.

So what were you referring to here? The part in bold.

Be specific.
This is what it looks like when you trap a weasel with no spine.

Let the back pedaling begin.......
No one that is a part of the actual investigation has said there is nothing there. But keep cherry picking.

Yes they have. Matter of fact James Comey said it in testimony to congress as did McCabe, his replacement. You are wrong likely lying still.

No, they in fact never said such a thing.

Oh but hey did and it was on TV to.

Now stupid, wanna hear Comey say it to?

The only thing that clip says, is that at the moment the investigation can still proceed unhindered. Key phrase at the moment. At no point did it say there's nothing to the investigation.

And up to that point never had been hindered, I mean your claim is that Trump was jamming up the show from the git. Your sorry and cowardly attempt to back peddle is disgusting and sad. Much like the democrat party.

Different poster You actually never answered my reply to this OP. So no I haven't backpedaled. Secondly, the fear. A fear which is warranted since Trump admitted to firing Comey at least partly because how the investigation was being run, stating his opinion it is false. Is that Trump will specifically appoint a new FBI director who will hamstring the investigation and or leak it to the president who is, after all a concerned party. You can blame partisan politics for the negative press as much as you want but Trump quite literally hangs himself.. You don't fire the FBI director for investigating you, admit to it being about the investigation. Thern invite the other culprit under investigation, then do exactly what your being accused of, and admit to it. The fact that you and your people here still try to insist that nothing happened seems something out of a Franz Kafka story.
Emails are a two way street . The only ones she could truely delete are her personal ones. Which congress was not entitled too.

Comey was looking at Flynn and Russian ties until trump fired him.
How many more months does he need to look at them? Where's the indictment?

There is none and never will be.

You know this, how? Oh you don't. Got it.

I do know it. There is nothing since last July. More people who know have said there is nothing then have said there is. Keep on though, I eagerly anticipate y'all's melt down and finally acceptance as you watch Trump get sworn in for four more years.

So what were you referring to here? The part in bold.

Be specific.

First you say Trump is under investigation, it's proven to be a lie.

Then you say Trump and his staff clouded with Russians and that they were under criminal investigation, a proven lie

Then youwhen presented proof from the guys mouth in charge of the investigation, where he flat out says there has been no interference, yet you say that's not what he said.

In short, you are willingly suspending disbelief to push this thing. Run along to your circle jerk and Trump fantasies. I'll hand you a tissue in 2020 when nothing has happened. Bring what you go or move on. You are beat/
1. A single official document naming Donald J. Trump under any investigation criminal or otherwise.

2. Any of his whitehouse or campaign under any criminal investigation for collusion with Russia that influenced the election.

3. Proof that The third party source the reporters are quoting is 100% reliable .

4. That Trump did anything at all other then being liked more then Hillary.
Trump Foundation Now Facing Multiple Investigations, Complaints

Donald Trump unable to dissolve charitable foundation due to criminal probe

Trump’s Abuse of Trump Foundation — Criminal Tax Implications?

Trump Foundation acknowledges wrongdoing to IRS

For now, hows that? Does it work?
No one that is a part of the actual investigation has said there is nothing there. But keep cherry picking.

Yes they have. Matter of fact James Comey said it in testimony to congress as did McCabe, his replacement. You are wrong likely lying still.

No, they in fact never said such a thing.

Oh but they did and it was on TV to.

Now stupid, wanna hear Comey say it to?

he didn't say that there is "nothing there". He said he believes there was no attempt to impede the investigation. He didn't say there is "nothing there". Why have you made that claim and posted this video as evidence?

You are saying there is. You are also saying Trump is under investigation and That there was obstruction on Trumps part. Now you get cought lying and you to decide to crawfish and change your story. Gay.

I've made no claims in this thread, dummy. You have. And you have yet to support them.
1. A single official document naming Donald J. Trump under any investigation criminal or otherwise.

2. Any of his whitehouse or campaign under any criminal investigation for collusion with Russia that influenced the election.

3. Proof that The third party source the reporters are quoting is 100% reliable .

4. That Trump did anything at all other then being liked more then Hillary.
1. I think a memo written by the FBI director is an official document.
2. Unless you believe the FBI is investigating the letterhead used during the campaign. It"s safe to assume his campaign staff is under investigation, especially considering the memo in point one, outlines that Trump asked the FBI director to stop, wait for it....... The investigation into Flynn talking to the Russians during the transition.
3. Most of those third party sources get subsequently validated by a tweet by the president.
4. He did say sexuall assault on woman is OK if you're him. It's on tape. He did say he fired Comey because among other things, he didn't like how the investigation was run. It's on tape.
He did admit to give the Russian information. It's on HIS twitter account. So yea he did more than something.
The memo says nothing about Trump being under investigation. In fact, we don't actually know if the memo exists, and if it does, what it actually says. It was read to the NYT's by an unknown n unknown and unnamed person. Hell, for all we know, it was Bill Clinton reading it.

His campaign staff is NOT under investigation. Only one 'fired' employee has even been mentioned. In addition, as I stated, Trump did not tell the FBI director to stop his investigation.

Validity is not determined by a tweet but by a name.

He did NOT say he fired Comey because he didn't like how the investigation was run.

Any more lies?
How many more months does he need to look at them? Where's the indictment?

There is none and never will be.

You know this, how? Oh you don't. Got it.

I do know it. There is nothing since last July. More people who know have said there is nothing then have said there is. Keep on though, I eagerly anticipate y'all's melt down and finally acceptance as you watch Trump get sworn in for four more years.

So what were you referring to here? The part in bold.

Be specific.

First you say Trump is under investigation, it's proven to be a lie.

Then you say Trump and his staff clouded with Russians and that they were under criminal investigation, a proven lie

Then youwhen presented proof from the guys mouth in charge of the investigation, where he flat out says there has been no interference, yet you say that's not what he said.

In short, you are willingly suspending disbelief to push this thing. Run along to your circle jerk and Trump fantasies. I'll hand you a tissue in 2020 when nothing has happened. Bring what you go or move on. You are beat/

You literally did everything possible to not answer the question.

Well done. Thanks for proving everything for me.
Yes they have. Matter of fact James Comey said it in testimony to congress as did McCabe, his replacement. You are wrong likely lying still.

No, they in fact never said such a thing.

Oh but hey did and it was on TV to.

Now stupid, wanna hear Comey say it to?

The only thing that clip says, is that at the moment the investigation can still proceed unhindered. Key phrase at the moment. At no point did it say there's nothing to the investigation.

And up to that point never had been hindered, I mean your claim is that Trump was jamming up the show from the git. Your sorry and cowardly attempt to back peddle is disgusting and sad. Much like the democrat party.

Different poster You actually never answered my reply to this OP. So no I haven't backpedaled. Secondly, the fear. A fear which is warranted since Trump admitted to firing Comey at least partly because how the investigation was being run, stating his opinion it is false. Is that Trump will specifically appoint a new FBI director who will hamstring the investigation and or leak it to the president who is, after all a concerned party. You can blame partisan politics for the negative press as much as you want but Trump quite literally hangs himself.. You don't fire the FBI director for investigating you, admit to it being about the investigation. Thern invite the other culprit under investigation, then do exactly what your being accused of, and admit to it. The fact that you and your people here still try to insist that nothing happened seems something out of a Franz Kafka story.

Oops sorry.
No, they in fact never said such a thing.

Oh but hey did and it was on TV to.

Now stupid, wanna hear Comey say it to?

The only thing that clip says, is that at the moment the investigation can still proceed unhindered. Key phrase at the moment. At no point did it say there's nothing to the investigation.

And up to that point never had been hindered, I mean your claim is that Trump was jamming up the show from the git. Your sorry and cowardly attempt to back peddle is disgusting and sad. Much like the democrat party.

Different poster You actually never answered my reply to this OP. So no I haven't backpedaled. Secondly, the fear. A fear which is warranted since Trump admitted to firing Comey at least partly because how the investigation was being run, stating his opinion it is false. Is that Trump will specifically appoint a new FBI director who will hamstring the investigation and or leak it to the president who is, after all a concerned party. You can blame partisan politics for the negative press as much as you want but Trump quite literally hangs himself.. You don't fire the FBI director for investigating you, admit to it being about the investigation. Thern invite the other culprit under investigation, then do exactly what your being accused of, and admit to it. The fact that you and your people here still try to insist that nothing happened seems something out of a Franz Kafka story.

Oops sorry.

You're too stupid to understand who you're even speaking with.

Yup, you voted Trump.
1. A single official document naming Donald J. Trump under any investigation criminal or otherwise.

2. Any of his whitehouse or campaign under any criminal investigation for collusion with Russia that influenced the election.

3. Proof that The third party source the reporters are quoting is 100% reliable .

4. That Trump did anything at all other then being liked more then Hillary.

Where were all your high standards for proof when the whole Hillary email thing was going on????

What a fuken moron....
Comey flat out said she broke laws but he claimed she was too stupid to prosecute.

No he did not. You're flat out lying.
There is none and never will be.

You know this, how? Oh you don't. Got it.

I do know it. There is nothing since last July. More people who know have said there is nothing then have said there is. Keep on though, I eagerly anticipate y'all's melt down and finally acceptance as you watch Trump get sworn in for four more years.

So what were you referring to here? The part in bold.

Be specific.

First you say Trump is under investigation, it's proven to be a lie.

Then you say Trump and his staff clouded with Russians and that they were under criminal investigation, a proven lie

Then youwhen presented proof from the guys mouth in charge of the investigation, where he flat out says there has been no interference, yet you say that's not what he said.

In short, you are willingly suspending disbelief to push this thing. Run along to your circle jerk and Trump fantasies. I'll hand you a tissue in 2020 when nothing has happened. Bring what you go or move on. You are beat/

You literally did everything possible to not answer the question.

Well done. Thanks for proving everything for me.

Meh, already been done. You are just a hack. Only thing left to do is make fun of you after it all amounts to nothing. Look for lots of quotes of your posts in the days to come.
You know this, how? Oh you don't. Got it.

I do know it. There is nothing since last July. More people who know have said there is nothing then have said there is. Keep on though, I eagerly anticipate y'all's melt down and finally acceptance as you watch Trump get sworn in for four more years.

So what were you referring to here? The part in bold.

Be specific.

First you say Trump is under investigation, it's proven to be a lie.

Then you say Trump and his staff clouded with Russians and that they were under criminal investigation, a proven lie

Then youwhen presented proof from the guys mouth in charge of the investigation, where he flat out says there has been no interference, yet you say that's not what he said.

In short, you are willingly suspending disbelief to push this thing. Run along to your circle jerk and Trump fantasies. I'll hand you a tissue in 2020 when nothing has happened. Bring what you go or move on. You are beat/

You literally did everything possible to not answer the question.

Well done. Thanks for proving everything for me.

Meh, already been done. You are just a hack. Only thing left to do is make fun of you after it all amounts to nothing. Look for lots of quotes of your posts in the days to come.

You're from Texas, voted for Trump, are easily tripped up by the basics of the English language and are a proven liar.

I'm pretty sure there is nothing you can possibly say that would offend me.
1. A single official document naming Donald J. Trump under any investigation criminal or otherwise.

2. Any of his whitehouse or campaign under any criminal investigation for collusion with Russia that influenced the election.

3. Proof that The third party source the reporters are quoting is 100% reliable .

4. That Trump did anything at all other then being liked more then Hillary.

Where were all your high standards for proof when the whole Hillary email thing was going on????

What a fuken moron....
Comey flat out said she broke laws but he claimed she was too stupid to prosecute.

No he did not. You're flat out lying.
Oh but hey did and it was on TV to.

Now stupid, wanna hear Comey say it to?

The only thing that clip says, is that at the moment the investigation can still proceed unhindered. Key phrase at the moment. At no point did it say there's nothing to the investigation.

And up to that point never had been hindered, I mean your claim is that Trump was jamming up the show from the git. Your sorry and cowardly attempt to back peddle is disgusting and sad. Much like the democrat party.

Different poster You actually never answered my reply to this OP. So no I haven't backpedaled. Secondly, the fear. A fear which is warranted since Trump admitted to firing Comey at least partly because how the investigation was being run, stating his opinion it is false. Is that Trump will specifically appoint a new FBI director who will hamstring the investigation and or leak it to the president who is, after all a concerned party. You can blame partisan politics for the negative press as much as you want but Trump quite literally hangs himself.. You don't fire the FBI director for investigating you, admit to it being about the investigation. Thern invite the other culprit under investigation, then do exactly what your being accused of, and admit to it. The fact that you and your people here still try to insist that nothing happened seems something out of a Franz Kafka story.

Oops sorry.

You're too stupid to understand who you're even speaking with.

Yup, you voted Trump.

You still ain't brought it. Even the last poster was propagating the lie just like you. It's likely one of your socks or something. Here is where it all stands,

Comey either lied to congress before he was fired or after, McCabe lied in his testimony, and your third party has not come forward with he memo. There is no criminal investigation and except for mike Flynn, a big fat zero so far in any one of these investigations. Now go let your dog and color in your safe place. You are beaton.
1. A single official document naming Donald J. Trump under any investigation criminal or otherwise.

2. Any of his whitehouse or campaign under any criminal investigation for collusion with Russia that influenced the election.

3. Proof that The third party source the reporters are quoting is 100% reliable .

4. That Trump did anything at all other then being liked more then Hillary.

Where were all your high standards for proof when the whole Hillary email thing was going on????

What a fuken moron....
Comey flat out said she broke laws but he claimed she was too stupid to prosecute.

No he did not. You're flat out lying.

Of course he's lying. It's all they have at this point.
1. A single official document naming Donald J. Trump under any investigation criminal or otherwise.

2. Any of his whitehouse or campaign under any criminal investigation for collusion with Russia that influenced the election.

3. Proof that The third party source the reporters are quoting is 100% reliable .

4. That Trump did anything at all other then being liked more then Hillary.

Duh, ask your NaziCon leaders to share those documents with you. They have them.
The only thing that clip says, is that at the moment the investigation can still proceed unhindered. Key phrase at the moment. At no point did it say there's nothing to the investigation.

And up to that point never had been hindered, I mean your claim is that Trump was jamming up the show from the git. Your sorry and cowardly attempt to back peddle is disgusting and sad. Much like the democrat party.
Different poster You actually never answered my reply to this OP. So no I haven't backpedaled. Secondly, the fear. A fear which is warranted since Trump admitted to firing Comey at least partly because how the investigation was being run, stating his opinion it is false. Is that Trump will specifically appoint a new FBI director who will hamstring the investigation and or leak it to the president who is, after all a concerned party. You can blame partisan politics for the negative press as much as you want but Trump quite literally hangs himself.. You don't fire the FBI director for investigating you, admit to it being about the investigation. Thern invite the other culprit under investigation, then do exactly what your being accused of, and admit to it. The fact that you and your people here still try to insist that nothing happened seems something out of a Franz Kafka story.

Oops sorry.

You're too stupid to understand who you're even speaking with.

Yup, you voted Trump.

You still ain't brought it. Even the last poster was propagating the lie just like you. It's likely one of your socks or something. Here is where it all stands,

Comey either lied to congress before he was fired or after, McCabe lied in his testimony, and your third party has not come forward with he memo. There is no criminal investigation and except for mike Flynn, a big fat zero so far in any one of these investigations. Now go let your dog and color in your safe place. You are beaton.

Serious question. You still wear a plastic name tag to work, right?
1. A single official document naming Donald J. Trump under any investigation criminal or otherwise.

2. Any of his whitehouse or campaign under any criminal investigation for collusion with Russia that influenced the election.

3. Proof that The third party source the reporters are quoting is 100% reliable .

4. That Trump did anything at all other then being liked more then Hillary.

Where were all your high standards for proof when the whole Hillary email thing was going on????

What a fuken moron....
Comey flat out said she broke laws but he claimed she was too stupid to prosecute.

No he did not. You're flat out lying.

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