Libs can't believe the daily details of this crumbling economy


Gold Member
Apr 8, 2009
"The word "unexpectedly" or variants thereon keep cropping up in mainstream media stories about the economy:

"New U.S. claims for unemployment benefits unexpectedly climbed," reported May 25.
"Personal consumption fell," Business Insider reported the same day, "when it was expected to rise."
"Durable goods declined 3.6 percent last month," Reuters reported May 25, "worse than economists' expectations."
"Previously owned home sales unexpectedly fall," headlined Bloomberg News May 19.
"U.S. home construction fell unexpectedly in April," wrote the Wall Street Journal May 18 ... Those examples are all from the last two weeks."

Pro-Obama media always shocked by bad economic news | Michael Barone | Politics | Washington Examiner

Then ... today's real economic news headlines aren't even mentioned in section A newsprint!

"Consumer Confidence Index fell to a six-month low of 60.8 from a revised 66 in April, a sign of the toll that high gas prices, a choppy job outlook and a moribund housing market are taking on people's psyches."

Consumer confidence falls unexpectedly in May - Yahoo! Finance

Food stamps up 40% since BO took office ...
SNAP Monthly Data

"'Double-Dip' in Housing Prices Even Worse Than Expected"
News Headlines


"But the number of limos owned by Uncle Sam increased by 73 percent during the first two years of the Obama administration ...

Limousine liberals? Number of government-owned limos has soared under Obama | iWatch News

... Obamanomics ... $4.4T in new debt ... and here we are. This is as good as it gets. There are no plans, let it ride ... one day at a time for 791 days with no fed budget.
I hate to say it but I feel a Depression coming on... I REALLY ain;t looking forward to it either.
I hate to say it but I feel a Depression coming on... I REALLY ain;t looking forward to it either.

They'll blame the GOP shortly. Everything was going along great until 2010 when the GOP took the House. And then it all fell apart.
That would suit their feeble brains.
I have been saying since this first hit that we have but hit the first step downward.
We cannot maintain our current lifestyles and compete with world labor.

Get used to living with lots less folks.

Why do we keep listening to economic experts who did not even see this coming at all or said just a 6 month adjustment and all will be fine and such?
Those stupid bastiges should be professionally strung up.
I have been saying since this first hit that we have but hit the first step downward.
We cannot maintain our current lifestyles and compete with world labor.

Get used to living with lots less folks.

Why do we keep listening to economic experts who did not even see this coming at all or said just a 6 month adjustment and all will be fine and such?
Those stupid bastiges should be professionally strung up.

Jimmy Carter said the same thing in 1978 or so. Wasn't true then. Isn't true now.
I have been saying since this first hit that we have but hit the first step downward.
We cannot maintain our current lifestyles and compete with world labor.

Get used to living with lots less folks.

Why do we keep listening to economic experts who did not even see this coming at all or said just a 6 month adjustment and all will be fine and such?
Those stupid bastiges should be professionally strung up.
Yeah....This is Obama's theory of "shared sacrifice"...he believes we should get used to being miserable.
During a speech back in 1978 Carter said that Americans needed to get used to lower standard of living. That really pissed us off. Next time we got the chance we dispatched the Peanut Farmer with all speed
. That stupid son of a bitch was a weakling of the greatest magnitude. He had zero economic expertise and almost put this country into economic reverse.
Obama is nothing but a reincarnate of Carter.
I have been saying since this first hit that we have but hit the first step downward.
We cannot maintain our current lifestyles and compete with world labor.

Get used to living with lots less folks.

Why do we keep listening to economic experts who did not even see this coming at all or said just a 6 month adjustment and all will be fine and such?
Those stupid bastiges should be professionally strung up.
Yeah....This is Obama's theory of "shared sacrifice"...he believes we should get used to being miserable.
During a speech back in 1978 Carter said that Americans needed to get used to lower standard of living. That really pissed us off. Next time we got the chance we dispatched the Peanut Farmer with all speed
. That stupid son of a bitch was a weakling of the greatest magnitude. He had zero economic expertise and almost put this country into economic reverse.
Obama is nothing but a reincarnate of Carter.

Obama is Jimmy Carter after reading FDR on steroids.
I hate to say it but I feel a Depression coming on... I REALLY ain;t looking forward to it either.

They'll blame the GOP shortly. Everything was going along great until 2010 when the GOP took the House. And then it all fell apart.
That would suit their feeble brains.

I was about to point that out. These same fools who claimed it was not the Congresses fault during Bushes last 2 terms, are now sure to blame any worsening of the Economy on the Republicans in the house. Who of course can't do jack shit with out the help of Democrats and the WH anyways.

I have been saying since this first hit that we have but hit the first step downward.
We cannot maintain our current lifestyles and compete with world labor.

Get used to living with lots less folks.

Why do we keep listening to economic experts who did not even see this coming at all or said just a 6 month adjustment and all will be fine and such?
Those stupid bastiges should be professionally strung up.

Jimmy Carter said the same thing in 1978 or so. Wasn't true then. Isn't true now.

Um, One difference. When Carter was around, we were not looking at 150 Trillion in unfunded Debts. She has a point. We can not keep this up. Something is going to have to give.
The slide started with Democrats taking over Congress in 2007.

It's obvious that the media and professional Obama/Democrat pimps have also failed in their attempts to bullshit clear thinking American voters on the actual state of the country...

The Democrat way, is a catastrophic failure..but yup, their far to gutless to accept responsibility..
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The slide started with Democrats taking over Congress in 2007.

It's obvious that the media and professional Obama/Democrat pimps have also failed in their attempts to bullshit clear thinking American voters on the actual state of the country...

The Democrat way, is a catastrophic failure..but yup, their far to gutless to accept responsibility..

Bush, with Republican collusion, was able to hide his fuck ups until Democrats took control of the house. Democrats were so shocked and stunned with the impending disaster, it took them at least a year to even begin to come up with a plan to fix at least some of the terrible and disastrous mess Republicans led the country into..
I hate to say it but I feel a Depression coming on... I REALLY ain;t looking forward to it either.

Hey...they want to raise the debt ceiling!!! That's supposed to fix everything! :eusa_wall:

I'm sure your alternative of laying off a million workers would be great for the economy!

A million unproductive gov't drones who take money from productive people? Yeah, that would be great for the economy.
I hate to say it but I feel a Depression coming on... I REALLY ain;t looking forward to it either.

They'll blame the GOP shortly. Everything was going along great until 2010 when the GOP took the House. And then it all fell apart.
That would suit their feeble brains.

So the GOP is blameless? Gotcha...... Idiot

If you think the GOP is blameless, you are entitled to that opinion. It isn't my opinion, but what's discussion for?
I think I heard that no President seeking a second term with the unemployment numbers over 8% has won
re election.I think Obama will win if the number goes to 10%

The dopes that voted for him the first time will vote for him again no matter what.The liberal media will voice the WH talking points that it's all Bush's fault.Obama has tons of money to flood the airwaves with ads of how it's still Bush's fault and people will buy into it.They will fall for all the catchy slogans and such and the economy will tank even further if that's at all possible.

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