Libs Mistakenly Picket the Home of Scott Walker's Parents

Here's a winner. Nice truck. Bet the kids got a kick out of that parked in front of the house eh?
Liberals need boogie men (or women) in their lives. Palin, Guliani, Walker, etc.

It's like they aren't happy unless they are outraged over something. to me it;s a sad existence.

I don't get it but thinks it's PATHETIC

I hope the people keep in mind all these protesting, calling people racist every time they criticized Obama, just all the CHAOS they have put on us for SIX years now and we have to put up with their bullshit until that ugly man leaves the white house. it's been nothing but misery

so the lesson to keep in mind folks at the next elections. you kicked that party out of power in Congress now don't ELECT another Democrat/progressive/commie EVER AGAIN to run our government and country

Sounds like you two dingbats are projecting. Aren't you outraged over something every day, Negative Nancy?
Liberals need boogie men (or women) in their lives. Palin, Guliani, Walker, etc.

It's like they aren't happy unless they are outraged over something. to me it;s a sad existence.

I don't get it but thinks it's PATHETIC

I hope the people keep in mind all these protesting, calling people racist every time they criticized Obama, just all the CHAOS they have put on us for SIX years now and we have to put up with their bullshit until that ugly man leaves the white house. it's been nothing but misery

so the lesson to keep in mind folks at the next elections. you kicked that party out of power in Congress now don't ELECT another Democrat/progressive/commie EVER AGAIN to run our government and country

Sounds like you two dingbats are projecting. Aren't you outraged over something every day, Negative Nancy?

Go shave your back
The Castle Doctrine reigns supreme in American law...
Exactly who tells you such nonsense, since that is nothing like true. If you have a public space in front of your house, I can stand there and protest to my heart's content. The anti-abortion people do and they say it works, according to them.

Who's house did anti-abortion protestors demonstrate at?
The abortion doctor's of course. It's a well-known tactic, just not to you little morons apparently.
There are proper places for protests, homes are not one of them
Boy, we got some serious Nazis going now. No picket for you, go eat soup...

Grow the help up, you whiny little ass. I swear every post I read of yours it's whine, whine, whine or attack. It's no wonder you and your ilk are despised
My apologies, for spanking you so often.

You've never laid a glove on me...and you never will. You're a dimwitted progtard, I can't lose
Sweetcheeks, you lost before you started, before you were even born.
There are proper places for protests, homes are not one of them
Boy, we got some serious Nazis going now. No picket for you, go eat soup...

Grow the help up, you whiny little ass. I swear every post I read of yours it's whine, whine, whine or attack. It's no wonder you and your ilk are despised
My apologies, for spanking you so often.

You've never laid a glove on me...and you never will. You're a dimwitted progtard, I can't lose
Sweetcheeks, you lost before you started, before you were even born.

Run along, Sparky...before you get hurt.
Boy, we got some serious Nazis going now. No picket for you, go eat soup...

Grow the help up, you whiny little ass. I swear every post I read of yours it's whine, whine, whine or attack. It's no wonder you and your ilk are despised
My apologies, for spanking you so often.

You've never laid a glove on me...and you never will. You're a dimwitted progtard, I can't lose
Sweetcheeks, you lost before you started, before you were even born.

Run along, Sparky...before you get hurt.
Learn to do math little one. When you get to 17,000 post, you let me know.
The Castle Doctrine reigns supreme in American law...
Exactly who tells you such nonsense, since that is nothing like true. If you have a public space in front of your house, I can stand there and protest to my heart's content. The anti-abortion people do and they say it works, according to them.

Who's house did anti-abortion protestors demonstrate at?
The abortion doctor's of course. It's a well-known tactic, just not to you little morons apparently.

You were right. We do it too. But anyone who does it is a terrorist. If people showed up at my home to picket, I would gladly put a 5.56 round through their eye socket like the Osama Bin Ladens they are. You don't have a family, so you don't understand. I have a wife and 4 kids, and if protesters are picketing my house, I will mow them down like the summer grass.
Grow the help up, you whiny little ass. I swear every post I read of yours it's whine, whine, whine or attack. It's no wonder you and your ilk are despised
My apologies, for spanking you so often.

You've never laid a glove on me...and you never will. You're a dimwitted progtard, I can't lose
Sweetcheeks, you lost before you started, before you were even born.

Run along, Sparky...before you get hurt.
Learn to do math little one. When you get to 17,000 post, you let me know.

AHAHAHAHAHA 17,000 posts only means you have a big mouth. What a loon, typical dumb downed libturd
Grow the help up, you whiny little ass. I swear every post I read of yours it's whine, whine, whine or attack. It's no wonder you and your ilk are despised
My apologies, for spanking you so often.

You've never laid a glove on me...and you never will. You're a dimwitted progtard, I can't lose
Sweetcheeks, you lost before you started, before you were even born.

Run along, Sparky...before you get hurt.
Learn to do math little one. When you get to 17,000 post, you let me know.

As long as the disability checks keep coming, I'm sure you'll get to 100k. We'll throw a party for you in celebration.
Well Freedom of Speech fans, to picket homes or not? You'd better make up your minds since you can't have it both ways.

Freedom of speech does allow them to picket the homes of politicians, but in my opinion it's in bad taste. Nobody should have to tell them they can't. They just shouldn't.
And what of the homes of anyone else?

Depends on the issue. Somebody would have to do something pretty bad for me to see picketing their house. Over a political disagreement, take it to their office. And if you do insist on picketing their house make sure you have the right fucking house first. :lol:
One of you loons form the left tries and picket our home and I'll simply turn loose 130 pounds of Bull Mastiff...and even include new panties for you
You were right.
Very much appreciated. Like pulling teeth but what the hell.

And I have a family; just not kids, and I live on property so tucked away that I don't even bother to lock the doors. I wave at my neighbors, IO have a couple, from a very great distant. If they protested here I wouldn't know it until I drove through the gates.
Libs have no boundaries

Neither do conservatives, it appears. We're doing this shit too. I don't care who's doing it, anyone who pickets somebody's home should be shot on site if the homeowner feels threatened and feels the need to defend his property.
Seek help freak

You seek help, supporting terrorism like you do. Better yet, take a bath with a toaster.
Supporting terrorism?


You really are a fucking retard. I've called for the nuking of all towlheads. Crawl back under your bridge dumbass
My apologies, for spanking you so often.

You've never laid a glove on me...and you never will. You're a dimwitted progtard, I can't lose
Sweetcheeks, you lost before you started, before you were even born.

Run along, Sparky...before you get hurt.
Learn to do math little one. When you get to 17,000 post, you let me know.

As long as the disability checks keep coming, I'm sure you'll get to 100k. We'll throw a party for you in celebration.
Nah, I'm pretty damn bored with this site actually.
You were right.
Very much appreciated. Like pulling teeth but what the hell.

And I have a family; just not kids, and I live on property so tucked away that I don't even bother to lock the doors. I wave at my neighbors, IO have a couple, from a very great distant. If they protested here I wouldn't know it until I drove through the gates.

If people who hated you protested your home, you might get a sense of what I'm talking about, the fear that they mean more than just words. You'll get the shotgun ready and even you will defend his home and his family like anyone else.

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