Libs Mistakenly Picket the Home of Scott Walker's Parents

One of you loons form the left tries and picket our home and I'll simply turn loose 130 pounds of Bull Mastiff...and even include new panties for you
Does he carry them around his neck, like this?

Forget the underpants, send the booze...
Libs have no boundaries

Neither do conservatives, it appears. We're doing this shit too. I don't care who's doing it, anyone who pickets somebody's home should be shot on site if the homeowner feels threatened and feels the need to defend his property.
Seek help freak

You seek help, supporting terrorism like you do. Better yet, take a bath with a toaster.
Supporting terrorism?


You really are a fucking retard. I've called for the nuking of all towlheads. Crawl back under your bridge dumbass

Yet you support domestic terrorism. Good trade off.
Yo, if you`re picketing a killers house? I see no problem with that! But picketing a Politician or his family for running for office, is immature and radically nuts! By the way, it worked for Chapter 37, a few days after our picket McClain’s spokesperson called the President of the Naples Pro Life Council to say the doctor had gotten the message; he would no longer engage in the killing of the unborn. - See more at: Chapter 37 Picket An Abortionist s House Pro-Life Hotline

You were right.
Very much appreciated. Like pulling teeth but what the hell.

And I have a family; just not kids, and I live on property so tucked away that I don't even bother to lock the doors. I wave at my neighbors, IO have a couple, from a very great distant. If they protested here I wouldn't know it until I drove through the gates.

If people who hated you protested your home, you might get a sense of what I'm talking about, the fear that they mean more than just words. You'll get the shotgun ready and even you will defend his home and his family like anyone else.
Just try not to shoot anyone unarmed on public property because they are carrying a sign. That's usually very illegal.
Libs have no boundaries

Neither do conservatives, it appears. We're doing this shit too. I don't care who's doing it, anyone who pickets somebody's home should be shot on site if the homeowner feels threatened and feels the need to defend his property.
Seek help freak

You seek help, supporting terrorism like you do. Better yet, take a bath with a toaster.
Supporting terrorism?


You really are a fucking retard. I've called for the nuking of all towlheads. Crawl back under your bridge dumbass

Yet you support domestic terrorism. Good trade off.
Walking up & down a sidewalk chanting nonsense IS NOT TERRORISM you stupid fuck.

God help us
Yo, if you`re picketing a killers house? I see no problem with that! But picketing a Politician or his family for running for office, is immature and radically nuts! By the way, it worked for Chapter 37, a few days after our picket McClain’s spokesperson called the President of the Naples Pro Life Council to say the doctor had gotten the message; he would no longer engage in the killing of the unborn. - See more at: Chapter 37 Picket An Abortionist s House Pro-Life Hotline
This one wants is both ways. And you might want to mark pics like that "graphic". The Mods prefer that.
Neither do conservatives, it appears. We're doing this shit too. I don't care who's doing it, anyone who pickets somebody's home should be shot on site if the homeowner feels threatened and feels the need to defend his property.
Seek help freak

You seek help, supporting terrorism like you do. Better yet, take a bath with a toaster.
Supporting terrorism?


You really are a fucking retard. I've called for the nuking of all towlheads. Crawl back under your bridge dumbass

Yet you support domestic terrorism. Good trade off.
Walking up & down a sidewalk chanting nonsense IS NOT TERRORISM you stupid fuck.

God help us

Having a mob that hates you show up at your home where you have your family is terrorism. Most of us don't have to have it actually happen to understand the fear we would feel. Nobody feels safe when a mob shows up at their home. That's the very definition of terrorism.
How Scott Walker Brings Out the Worst in the Left

you can't make this shit up. My are you libs mean and stupid
suggestion for Walkers parents. allow of all their neighbors to let their dogs crap all over the front lawn while Walker is running for President. Then lets see if the blockheads "Step In It".
I'm sure they would be polite and try to stick to the sidewalk. Boy, Free Speech is taking a beating today, from everyone but the liberal.
Seek help freak

You seek help, supporting terrorism like you do. Better yet, take a bath with a toaster.
Supporting terrorism?


You really are a fucking retard. I've called for the nuking of all towlheads. Crawl back under your bridge dumbass

Yet you support domestic terrorism. Good trade off.
Walking up & down a sidewalk chanting nonsense IS NOT TERRORISM you stupid fuck.

God help us

Having a mob that hates you show up at your home where you have your family is terrorism. Most of us don't have to have it actually happen to understand the fear we would feel. Nobody feels safe when a mob shows up at their home. That's the very definition of terrorism.
No, that's not the definition of terrorism. But thanks for further exposing your complete ignorance.
How Scott Walker Brings Out the Worst in the Left

you can't make this shit up. My are you libs mean and stupid
suggestion for Walkers parents. allow of all their neighbors to let their dogs crap all over the front lawn while Walker is running for President. Then lets see if the blockheads "Step In It".

I have a different suggestion for Walker's parents. AR-15's with fully loaded 30 round magazines, intersecting sectors of fire, and 24 hour sentry watches. That's how they taught us to do it in the infantry.
Walker is a homophobe and fool. I loved it when they called the moron imitating one of the Koch brothers and Walker had his best orgasm ever. Politicians like this sycophant love the monied class, and they love too sucking on the teat of government as they whine about others.

Information below for those not inclined to worship fools.

Wisconsin Governor Moves To Block Hospital Visitation Rights For Same-Sex Couples

"It might be worth pointing out that, the same day that malevolent idiot Scott Walker announced the $300 million cut to the UW system, he pledged $220 million in state funds to build the Milwaukee Bucks a new arena. (The latter being, of course, a "common-sense, fiscally conservative approach"!)"

Wisconsin looks to cut higher ed by 300M tries to give something in return insidehighered
Walker proposes investment of 220 million for Bucks arena

'Scott Walker wants to drop ‘search for truth’ from the University of Wisconsin mission. Here’s why.'
Scott Walker moved to drop search for truth from the University of Wisconsin mission. His office claims it was an error. - The Washington Post

humor edits
Scott Walker Edits Other Documents

Cool, now explain why all the power of Unions and liberal fundraising failed to beat him in three elections.

You can't? Sweet!
Well Freedom of Speech fans, to picket homes or not? You'd better make up your minds since you can't have it both ways.

Freedom of speech does allow them to picket the homes of politicians, but in my opinion it's in bad taste. Nobody should have to tell them they can't. They just shouldn't.

Well, I would consider it criminal trespass.

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