Libs Mistakenly Picket the Home of Scott Walker's Parents

One day the Renta mob will show up at the wrong house and get shot.

Then it will stop.
The Castle Doctrine reigns supreme in American law...
Exactly who tells you such nonsense, since that is nothing like true. If you have a public space in front of your house, I can stand there and protest to my heart's content. The anti-abortion people do and they say it works, according to them.

Who's house did anti-abortion protestors demonstrate at?
The abortion doctor's of course. It's a well-known tactic, just not to you little morons apparently.

You were right. We do it too. But anyone who does it is a terrorist. If people showed up at my home to picket, I would gladly put a 5.56 round through their eye socket like the Osama Bin Ladens they are. You don't have a family, so you don't understand. I have a wife and 4 kids, and if protesters are picketing my house, I will mow them down like the summer grass.

You are a psychotic nut and should probably be locked up.
The Castle Doctrine reigns supreme in American law...
Exactly who tells you such nonsense, since that is nothing like true. If you have a public space in front of your house, I can stand there and protest to my heart's content. The anti-abortion people do and they say it works, according to them.

Who's house did anti-abortion protestors demonstrate at?
The abortion doctor's of course. It's a well-known tactic, just not to you little morons apparently.

You were right. We do it too. But anyone who does it is a terrorist. If people showed up at my home to picket, I would gladly put a 5.56 round through their eye socket like the Osama Bin Ladens they are. You don't have a family, so you don't understand. I have a wife and 4 kids, and if protesters are picketing my house, I will mow them down like the summer grass.

You are a psychotic nut and should probably be locked up.
If you plan to threaten my home and family, you deserve to be shot. If you don't, then you don't need to worry about the voices in my head.
I'd put money on they're UNION/democrat thugs. he beat the shit out them when they tried to have him recalled

but this is how low they crawl. protesting outside people's homes.
That's not a new tactic for the Left.

One of the ways they created the housing crisis that caused the huge 2008 recession (that we still haven't recovered from), was by suing various banks for not giving out as many risky loans to minorities, as the liberals thought they should. And to make sure their tactics worked, they went to the homes of bank officers, judges, etc. and demonstrated loudly and obnoxiously.

But they were careful to stay just barely inside the law as they did it, so they could continue their harassment for weeks and even months without their victims being able to do anything about it.

And to stay barely inside the law, they hired lawyers to guide them on exactly how far onto their victims' lawns they could walk, how close to the windows they could get, how much noise they could make without actually being arrested, and how to react to the complaints sent to police stations, city councils etc.

One of those lawyers (aka "community organizers") they hired was a bright, upcoming young man just out of college named Barack Obama.

So it's no surprise the leftist fanatics are still using the same tactics. They chased off a lot of the people whose businesses they wanted to damage or destroy, and even won several important court cases, resulting in lenders being coerced into making loans to people who couldn't pay them back. After years of this commercial sabotage, lenders and groups who bought those loans started collapsing, falling like dominoes, and the 2008 recession was on.

And why should they worry about being held responsible, when they need to practice such sabotage again? One of the key players who developed the tactics, is now President of the United States.

The fix is in. Don't expect the saboteurs and other lowlifes to stop any time soon.

Yeah, right.

Democrats who so hate the older generation that they engineered Obama's death panels to get rid of them surely wouldn't do anything hateful to those folks in their own homes......
Exactly who tells you such nonsense, since that is nothing like true. If you have a public space in front of your house, I can stand there and protest to my heart's content. The anti-abortion people do and they say it works, according to them.

Who's house did anti-abortion protestors demonstrate at?
The abortion doctor's of course. It's a well-known tactic, just not to you little morons apparently.

You were right. We do it too. But anyone who does it is a terrorist. If people showed up at my home to picket, I would gladly put a 5.56 round through their eye socket like the Osama Bin Ladens they are. You don't have a family, so you don't understand. I have a wife and 4 kids, and if protesters are picketing my house, I will mow them down like the summer grass.

You are a psychotic nut and should probably be locked up.
If you plan to threaten my home and family, you deserve to be shot. If you don't, then you don't need to worry about the voices in my head.

I am now seriously wondering if I should report this to the FBI...
I'd put money on they're UNION/democrat thugs. he beat the shit out them when they tried to have him recalled

but this is how low they crawl. protesting outside people's homes.

So typical that they would bully an elderly couple and make them afraid to leave their home. Unions specialize in making life hell for those who cross them.
If you plan to threaten my home and family, you deserve to be shot. If you don't, then you don't need to worry about the voices in my head.

I am now seriously wondering if I should report this to the FBI...[/QUOTE]

Are you fucking serious? You guys tell us not to worry about real terrorists, then can't handle an obviously glib response to your bullshit.
Are you on DRUGS, kid?! I will give you one million dollars if you can show ONE POST where I said to "not worry" about terrorists, you lying shit.
Who's house did anti-abortion protestors demonstrate at?
The abortion doctor's of course. It's a well-known tactic, just not to you little morons apparently.

You were right. We do it too. But anyone who does it is a terrorist. If people showed up at my home to picket, I would gladly put a 5.56 round through their eye socket like the Osama Bin Ladens they are. You don't have a family, so you don't understand. I have a wife and 4 kids, and if protesters are picketing my house, I will mow them down like the summer grass.

You are a psychotic nut and should probably be locked up.
If you plan to threaten my home and family, you deserve to be shot. If you don't, then you don't need to worry about the voices in my head.

I am now seriously wondering if I should report this to the FBI...
Report away, jackass.
The abortion doctor's of course. It's a well-known tactic, just not to you little morons apparently.

You were right. We do it too. But anyone who does it is a terrorist. If people showed up at my home to picket, I would gladly put a 5.56 round through their eye socket like the Osama Bin Ladens they are. You don't have a family, so you don't understand. I have a wife and 4 kids, and if protesters are picketing my house, I will mow them down like the summer grass.

You are a psychotic nut and should probably be locked up.
If you plan to threaten my home and family, you deserve to be shot. If you don't, then you don't need to worry about the voices in my head.

I am now seriously wondering if I should report this to the FBI...
Report away, jackass.


Karl has completely flipped out. She got so bad in another thread, making crazy assed statements... claiming to have a trillion dollars... only to have to finally admit that she didn't... (I know... I was surprised myself, poor kid.)

And now... she's 'concerned' that an American would defend their home and that such is SO CONCERNING that the Federal Authorities need to be alerted that an American is stating that they will bear their responsibilities.

And finally, in that... we can now put a pin in that contributor being fore and again a member of the Ideological Left.

Sadly, such is never flattering when what that means is set in the clear light of day.

Karl, would ya do me a favor? When ya report the Saint to the Feds, be sure to tell them that when someone threatens my home, they threaten the lives of my family and where my family is threatened, I have no choice but to destroy that threat and that such will likely be through the highly effective use of my firearms.

Ya see Scamp... as is noted in the US Constitution, such is essential to the state of freedom.

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