Libs want to ban loud movies

About time. I don't go to movies much but this is one reason I don't -- deaf projectionists setting volume so they can feel the sound wave all the way up in the booth, meanwhile those who paid to get in get assaulted. Dipshits.

And yes Virginia, there's a huuuge difference between a "nanny state", and casting sonic physical assault upon a literal captive audience, just as there's a huge difference between making smoking illegal and making it illegal to force on others in an enclosed room. And only a moron obsessed with forcing things on others, even to the point of physically harming them, would imagine an issue out of this. Fucking Randbot wankers...

Btw for point of reference: 110 dB is 16 times louder than standing 50 feet from a busy freeway, and the average human threshhold of physical pain.

You do whatever the fuck you want -- but you don't get to force it on me. Those guys you see walking on the tarmac with hearing protectors, they have 'em on for a reason.
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So you are against the health an well being of society? Some movies are so loud at theaters it is very annoying. While I expect this law will fail, it is attempting to address an issue that become more apparent as one ages. The loss of hearing, due to things like loud music, movies, and commercials when we are younger is a real and persistent problem. You are trying to make a political issue out of a health concern issue.

LAME THREAD! :bsflag:
I guess volumes in bars should be limited and make headphones that can be made loud and ban concerts
What is so bad about the sound being loud?

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. I'll never forget seeing the preview for the film named Air Force One at a movie theater back in 1997. How loud and intense it was is what drew me into seeing it and to this day, it is one of my most favorite films. I love how action filled and suspenseful that it was. :) :) :)
About time. I don't go to movies much but this is one reason I don't -- deaf projectionists setting volume so they can feel the sound wave all the way up in the booth, meanwhile those who paid to get in get assaulted. Dipshits.

And yes Virginia, there's a huuuge difference between a "nanny state", and casting sonic physical assault upon a literal captive audience, just as there's a huge difference between making smoking illegal and making it illegal to force on others in an enclosed room. And only a moron obsessed with forcing things on others, even to the point of physically harming them, would imagine an issue out of this. Fucking Randbot wankers...

Btw for point of reference: 110 dB is 16 times louder than standing 50 feet from a busy freeway, and the average human threshhold of physical pain.

You do whatever the fuck you want -- but you don't get to force it on me. Those guys you see walking on the tarmac with hearing protectors, they have 'em on for a reason.

I don't care. If it's too loud for people then don't go. Wait till the movie comes out on DVD or Netflix. There are options. My liberal heart is not bleeding.
I know what's best for you!

It's actually quantifiable. 110 dB is damaging; that's just a fact.

Looking for an emoticon that denotes the guy who wants to bend over for the moneychangers... I guess the OP is the guy on the right here: :whip:

Enjoy it. He knows what's best for you. You weren't using your hearing anyway.
My wife is an audiologist and Sudden Impact is a major cause of Noise Induced Hearing Loss.
There should be a warning and movie goers can choose for themselves whether or not to submit themselves to possible hearing loss.

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