Libs: When the stock market hits a low does the economy suddenly become Donny’s?

I’m just seeking clarity...I’m pretty sure I know the LefTard guidelines and how the LefTard rulebook is worded...just making sure.

When you have a President like Donny, who takes sole credit for the rises in the stock market which he has done on numerous occasions, you can bet your sweet potato that he inherently will also take credit for the downsides.

Which is why all other Presidents zip it up and never have
I’m just seeking clarity...I’m pretty sure I know the LefTard guidelines and how the LefTard rulebook is worded...just making sure.

When a President takes credit for the gains in the stock market, which (Donny) has continually done, you can bet your sweet potato that he will inherently take credit for the downturns and crashes. Of course, he will not publicly come out and do that nor make an apology for it--:auiqs.jpg: Only the gains.
Before drop, Trump boasted about the stock market once every 35 hours

We had posters all over this board, (you were probably one of them, that were continually braging about the stock market gains, and calling that an (achievement) of (Donny's.)

Donny is the only President in the history of this nation that was STUPID enough to take credit for stock market gains. The only times other Presidents even addressed the stock market, was when it crashed, in an effort to restore confidence.

Unfortunately for you, there are a lot of stupid voters out there that actually believed him, and they're wondering right now, why (Donny) isn't FIXING it.--:auiqs.jpg:

It doesn't help the stock market jiration that he is continually threatening tariffs, sending the market even lower and making investors very nervous. But not long ago, since he told you that he made you so much money in the stock market, that you can now afford the "pain" of his tariffs.
Analysis | Trump is betting American families are willing to pay for his trade war


So when you Lil economic Eiensteins LEARN that the ONLY person that has their finger on the economy & stock market is the Federal Reserve Chairman, who (Donny) can't control & is not in charge of, whom will raise and lower interest rates, along with those price to earnings ratio's which (Donny) can't control--maybe you'll find the other half of your brain.

That’s weird...anybody sane and in touch knows that the POTUS can utter a single sentence and change the course of trading behavior and stock values. However, third graders know that yesterday’s sell off happened because of The Fed and interest rate hikes. But carry on with your novel’s fun.

Well there's a lot of TRUMP Tards that don't know it. They have been all over this board for over a year braging about the Stock Market gains--and have given Trump credit for it. Again, Trump has on numerous ocassions taken credit for the gains in the stock market, but I doubt he'll take credit for the loss's---:auiqs.jpg: This link explains it.
Libs: When the stock market hits a low does the economy suddenly become Donny’s?
Why do you think consumer confidence is so high?

Hint: It isn't because of Obama.

With an 800+ down arrow loss in the stock market yesterday--what does that tell you about consumer confidence right now?--:auiqs.jpg:

They economy is cyclical--we have our good times and we have our bad times. I live in Colorado and over the last 4-5 years--we have had the highest rise in property values. Homes for sale were actually being bid UP several times from the asking price. In July it fell off a cliff. The buyers are no longer there, and owners are now having to lower the price to get buyers interested. It was like someone flipped a switch.

That switch was the Federal Reserve, (again that Trumo has NO control over.) . Over the last several years mortgage interest rates were at historic all time lows, and the chairman is now in a raise interest mode to fight off inflationary pressures. This will affect everything, construction, homes for sale business loans, etc. etc. etc,,and will eventually affect every industry in the economy.

The economy started to come back 2 years before Obama left office, so I don't want to hear that TRUMP did it. He didn't. We were in such a long recession, that the economy would have come booming back, regardless of who was in office.

So we're on the tip of the downside. We will go into a correction, how deep it goes no one knows. We will now go through a series of dead cat bounces, (up & down days) with the fools rushing into buy, thinking it is bottom. But when irrational exuberance is then replaced with rational p/e (price to earnings ratio's) it could be severe. Investors will dump stocks and will move money into Treasury bonds and other instruments that are deemed safer.

With the Ass Clown continually threatening tariffs it makes it worse. Now we have several countries threatening us with tarriffs on American products, which expodentially increases the panic in the stock markets.
China Threatens New Tariffs on $60 Billion of U.S. Goods.
EU weighs tariffs on bourbon, blue jeans, Harley-Davidson
EU, Canada And Mexico Threaten Tariffs To Retaliate Against U.S.

And You're supposed to be O.K. with this according to Trump, because he has made you so much money in the Stock Market--:auiqs.jpg:
Analysis | Trump is betting American families are willing to pay for his trade war

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Well, it is 13:22 CST on 11 October 2018, and the stock market is at negative 234.

Just 45 min. ago, it was at minus 184.

Stock market is still dropping. If we get another bunch of losses tomorrow, it's gonna be looking more and more like 2008.
It's only two days. We've had bigger drops than this on Trump's watch.

As I pointed out before, 5 out of the top 10 Dow point drops in history have been on Trump's watch.

I've been worried for a very long time, though, that the bottom would drop out of the bond market once the Fed started raising interest rates.

The Fed's Bond Bubble Doomsday Machine
Imagine how low the DOW would have been if the Federal Reserve had ever increased the interest rates on Obama.
Well, it is 13:22 CST on 11 October 2018, and the stock market is at negative 234.

Just 45 min. ago, it was at minus 184.

Stock market is still dropping. If we get another bunch of losses tomorrow, it's gonna be looking more and more like 2008.
It's only two days. We've had bigger drops than this on Trump's watch.

As I pointed out before, 5 out of the top 10 Dow point drops in history have been on Trump's watch.

I've been worried for a very long time, though, that the bottom would drop out of the bond market once the Fed started raising interest rates.

The Fed's Bond Bubble Doomsday Machine

If it closes low again today in seriously negative territory, and then opens in negative territory tomorrow with yet another drop, I'm gonna start getting worried, because that is how it started in 2008.
As opposed to when it increased for months without stopping?
Well,,"Donny" took credit for the rise, correct? And the Little Trumpetsers ate it up.
So a more correlating question would be, "Little Trumpsters, when the stock market hits a low is the economy suddenly not Donny’s?"

So Obama was responsible for the 800 point drop
Well,,"Donny" took credit for the rise, correct? And the Little Trumpetsers ate it up.
So a more correlating question would be, "Little Trumpsters, when the stock market hits a low is the economy suddenly not Donny’s?"

If the libs are to be believed, Trump is just riding the Obama wave. sooo...


its called an economic cycle Goober.

Tell that to these goobers:
Trump rides economic momentum from Obama | …
Trump is riding the economic momentum created under Obama. Trump's policies haven't taken effect yet.

Looks like Obama's Dow is hitting a low, unless Obama only gets credit for the good stuff that has been happening since Trump took office. You can't have it both ways. Derp duh-mass..
I’m just seeking clarity...I’m pretty sure I know the LefTard guidelines and how the LefTard rulebook is worded...just making sure.

When you have a President like Donny, who takes sole credit for the rises in the stock market which he has done on numerous occasions, you can bet your sweet potato that he inherently will also take credit for the downsides.

Which is why all other Presidents zip it up and never have
I’m just seeking clarity...I’m pretty sure I know the LefTard guidelines and how the LefTard rulebook is worded...just making sure.

When a President takes credit for the gains in the stock market, which (Donny) has continually done, you can bet your sweet potato that he will inherently take credit for the downturns and crashes. Of course, he will not publicly come out and do that nor make an apology for it--:auiqs.jpg: Only the gains.
Before drop, Trump boasted about the stock market once every 35 hours

We had posters all over this board, (you were probably one of them, that were continually braging about the stock market gains, and calling that an (achievement) of (Donny's.)

Donny is the only President in the history of this nation that was STUPID enough to take credit for stock market gains. The only times other Presidents even addressed the stock market, was when it crashed, in an effort to restore confidence.

Unfortunately for you, there are a lot of stupid voters out there that actually believed him, and they're wondering right now, why (Donny) isn't FIXING it.--:auiqs.jpg:

It doesn't help the stock market jiration that he is continually threatening tariffs, sending the market even lower and making investors very nervous. But not long ago, since he told you that he made you so much money in the stock market, that you can now afford the "pain" of his tariffs.
Analysis | Trump is betting American families are willing to pay for his trade war


So when you Lil economic Eiensteins LEARN that the ONLY person that has their finger on the economy & stock market is the Federal Reserve Chairman, who (Donny) can't control & is not in charge of, whom will raise and lower interest rates, along with those price to earnings ratio's which (Donny) can't control--maybe you'll find the other half of your brain.

That’s weird...anybody sane and in touch knows that the POTUS can utter a single sentence and change the course of trading behavior and stock values. However, third graders know that yesterday’s sell off happened because of The Fed and interest rate hikes. But carry on with your novel’s fun.

Well there's a lot of TRUMP Tards that don't know it. They have been all over this board for over a year braging about the Stock Market gains--and have given Trump credit for it. Again, Trump has on numerous ocassions taken credit for the gains in the stock market, but I doubt he'll take credit for the loss's---:auiqs.jpg: This link explains it.
Libs: When the stock market hits a low does the economy suddenly become Donny’s?
Why do you think consumer confidence is so high?

Hint: It isn't because of Obama.

With an 800+ down arrow loss in the stock market yesterday--what does that tell you about consumer confidence right now?--:auiqs.jpg:

They economy is cyclical--we have our good times and we have our bad times. I live in Colorado and over the last 4-5 years--we have had the highest rise in property values. Homes for sale were actually being bid UP several times from the asking price. In July it fell off a cliff. The buyers are no longer there, and owners are now having to lower the price to get buyers interested. It was like someone flipped a switch.

That switch was the Federal Reserve, (again that Trumo has NO control over.) . Over the last several years mortgage interest rates were at historic all time lows, and the chairman is now in a raise interest mode to fight off inflationary pressures. This will affect everything, construction, homes for sale business loans, etc. etc. etc,,and will eventually affect every industry in the economy.

The economy started to come back 2 years before Obama left office, so I don't want to hear that TRUMP did it. He didn't. We were in such a long recession, that the economy would have come booming back, regardless of who was in office.

So we're on the tip of the downside. We will go into a correction, how deep it goes no one knows. We will now go through a series of dead cat bounces, (up & down days) with the fools rushing into buy, thinking it is bottom. But when irrational exuberance is then replaced with rational p/e (price to earnings ratio's) it could be severe. Investors will dump stocks and will move money into Treasury bonds and other instruments that are deemed safer.

With the Ass Clown continually threatening tariffs it makes it worse. Now we have several countries threatening us with tarriffs on American products, which expodentially increases the panic in the stock markets.
China Threatens New Tariffs on $60 Billion of U.S. Goods.
EU weighs tariffs on bourbon, blue jeans, Harley-Davidson
EU, Canada And Mexico Threaten Tariffs To Retaliate Against U.S.

And You're supposed to be O.K. with this according to Trump, because he has made you so much money in the Stock Market--:auiqs.jpg:
Analysis | Trump is betting American families are willing to pay for his trade war

Colorado is a shit state full of idiots who think getting high is the most important thing in life.

Nobody wants to live there. Not even fleeing Californians.
The Left only accepts accountability and credit when the milestone is positive. True leaders take credit for positve AND personal accountability for the negative. George Bush was that kind of President. Obama never accepted responsibility for anything negative. Trump is a mix between the two.

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