Libs, where did all of Obama's borrowed money go?


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2011
Its one thing to have the largest deficit in the history of the United States govt
Its another for no-one to know where it went
I am serious Libs
if i was yawl I would be screaming
At least with Bush I & everyone else I know got a few hundred bucks. Under Obama I only know a few who were getting unemployment. Most of my friends & I were 1099 workers, independent contractors or small business owners. They & I have got nothing but screwed from this administration. Not a dime for small business & most have gone out of business. There is a very large segment of the population that fall into this category who see unions & pension getting bailed out, but regular mom & pop business, 1099 workers & contractors get nothing. Nothing for the hardest working unprotected citizens who work without a safety net.
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At least with Bush I & everyone else I know got a few hundred bucks. Under Obama I only know a few who were getting unemployment. Most of my friends & I were 1099 workers, independent contractors or small business owners. They & I have got nothing but screwed from this administration. Not a dime for small business & most have gone out of business. There is a very large segment of the population that fall into this category who see unions & pension getting bailed out, but regular mom & pop business, 1099 workers & contractors get nothing. Nothing for the hardest working unprotected citizens who work without a safety net.

I agree
Did you get the Making Work Pay tax credit?

That cost 60 billion a year, added to the deficit.
Its one thing to have the largest deficit in the history of the United States govt
Its another for no-one to know where it went
I am serious Libs
if i was yawl I would be screaming

I suppose you haven't notice the quieting of the sucking sound (job loss) that was so loud when he first took office, huh?
Its one thing to have the largest deficit in the history of the United States govt
Its another for no-one to know where it went
I am serious Libs
if i was yawl I would be screaming

Maybe the same place Iraq's WMD went? Y'all don't seem nearly as concerned about that....
40% of the 2009 total federal revenues were borrowed.

Military spending comprised 22% of total spending, social spending such as Medicaid, food stamps, unemployment etc., comprised 21%. 43% between the two.

There you go. The rest was paid out of revenue collected.

Now do 2010 yourself.
Or for that matter, where did Bin Laden go? When did you all stop caring about that? Right about the time Dubya told you to???
If money is to be printed, then it should go to the citizens first instead of government employees & big business.

Printed money should be divided equally among every US citizen with a social security number. Mail them all out a check & let them spend it. It is the absolute fastest & only fair way to stimulate the economy. When citizens spend the money then business & government can get theirs.
It went where it always goes - to expanding the size and scope of government in order to transfer money from taxpayers to Big Government Cronies.

One of the scariest charts around:
Obama ($3 trillion)
Tax credits
Public Works projects
Teacher, Police and Firefighter salaries
Loans to Banks and Automakers

Bush ($5 trillion)
Two unfunded wars
$2 trillion in tax cuts
Medicare Part D
Obama ($3 trillion)
Tax credits
Public Works projects
Teacher, Police and Firefighter salaries
Loans to Banks and Automakers

Bush ($5 trillion)
Two unfunded wars
$2 trillion in tax cuts
Medicare Part D

Two unfunded wars
tax cuts
medicare Part D in 2007 was only 150 billion short
where did the other 5 trillion come from?
In fact 1 war is done with. Those troops cost the same if there where at fort Bragg, just about
Its one thing to have the largest deficit in the history of the United States govt
Its another for no-one to know where it went
I am serious Libs
if i was yawl I would be screaming

Maybe the same place Iraq's WMD went? Y'all don't seem nearly as concerned about that....

and those 500 that where found I guess went no where

Satellite Photos Support Testimony That Iraqi WMD Went to Syria
The history books on this issue shouldn’t be written just yet.
June 6, 2010 - by Ryan Mauro Page 1 of 2 Next -> View as Single Page

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Ha’aretz has revived the mystery surrounding the inability to find weapons of mass destruction stockpiles in Iraq, the most commonly cited justification for Operation Iraqi Freedom and one of the most embarrassing episodes for the United States. Satellite photos of a suspicious site in Syria are providing new support for the reporting of a Syrian journalist who briefly rocked the world with his reporting that Iraq’s WMD had been sent to three sites in Syria just before the invasion commenced.

The newspaper reveals that a 200 square-kilometer area in northwestern Syria has been photographed by satellites at the request of a Western intelligence agency at least 16 times, the most recent being taken in January. The site is near Masyaf, and it has at least five installations and hidden paths leading underneath the mountains. This supports the reporting of Nizar Nayouf, an award-winning Syrian journalist who said in 2004 that his sources confirmed that Saddam Hussein’s WMDs were in Syria.

One of the three specific sites he mentioned was an underground base underneath Al-Baida, which is one kilometer south of Masyaf. This is a perfect match. The suspicious features in the photos and the fact that a Western intelligence agency is so interested in the site support Nayouf’s reporting, showing that his sources in Syria did indeed have access to specific information about secret activity that is likely WMD-related. Richard Radcliffe, one of my co-writers at, noticed that Masyaf is located on a road that goes from Hamah, where there is an airfield sufficient to handle relatively large aircraft, into Lebanon and the western side of the Bekaa Valley, another location said to house Iraqi weapons.

It seems to be commonly accepted that Iraq did not have WMDs at all. The intelligence was obviously flawed, but the book has not been closed on what actually happened. The media blasted the headline that Charles Duelfer, the head of the Iraq Survey Group tasked with finding out if Saddam had WMDs, concluded that a transfer did not occur. In reality, his report said they were “unable to complete its investigation and is unable to rule out the possibility that WMD was evacuated to Syria before the war” due to the poor security situation.

Although no conclusion was made, Duelfer has since said that he is “convinced” that no WMD went to Syria. He is a competent and credible individual, but there is evidence that key information on this possibility was not received by the Iraq Survey Group, which had many of its own problems.

On February 24, 2009, I went to see a talk Duelfer gave at the Free Library of Philadelphia to promote his book. He admitted there were some “loose ends” regarding the possibility that Iraqi WMD went to Syria, but dismissed them. Among these “loose ends,” Duelfer said, was the inability to track down the Iraqis who worked for a company connected to Uday Hussein that sources said had driven “sensitive” material into Syria. A Pentagon document reveals that an Iraqi dissident reported that 50 trucks crossed the border on March 10, 2003, and that his sources in Syria confirmed they carried WMD. These trucks have been talked about frequently and remain a mystery.

During the question-and-answer period and during a follow-up interview, Duelfer made several interesting statements to me that reinforced my confidence that such a transfer occurred, although we can not be sure of the extent of it.

General Georges Sada, the former second-in-command of the Iraqi Air Force, claimed in his 2006 book that he knew two Iraqi pilots that flew WMD into Syria over the summer of 2002, which came before a later shipment on the ground. I asked Duelfer if Nizar Nayouf or the two Iraqi pilots were spoken with.

“I did not interview the pilots nor did I speak with the Syrian journalist you mentioned,” he said. “We were inundated with WMD reports and could not investigate them all. … To narrow the problem, we investigated those people and places we knew would have either been involved or aware of regime WMD activities.”

He then told me that the lack of testimony about such dealings is what convinced him that “a lot of material went to Syria, but no WMD.” He cited the testimony of Naji Sabri, the former Iraqi foreign minister, in particular.

“I knew him very well, and I had been authorized to make his life a lot better, or a lot worse,” he told me.
Obama ($3 trillion)
Tax credits
Public Works projects
Teacher, Police and Firefighter salaries
Loans to Banks and Automakers

Bush ($5 trillion)
Two unfunded wars
$2 trillion in tax cuts
Medicare Part D

Two unfunded wars
tax cuts
medicare Part D in 2007 was only 150 billion short
where did the other 5 trillion come from?
In fact 1 war is done with. Those troops cost the same if there where at fort Bragg, just about

Do you have any idea how much a war costs and why?

Evidently not
Obama ($3 trillion)
Tax credits
Public Works projects
Teacher, Police and Firefighter salaries
Loans to Banks and Automakers

Bush ($5 trillion)
Two unfunded wars
$2 trillion in tax cuts
Medicare Part D

Two unfunded wars
tax cuts
medicare Part D in 2007 was only 150 billion short
where did the other 5 trillion come from?
In fact 1 war is done with. Those troops cost the same if there where at fort Bragg, just about

Do you have any idea how much a war costs and why?

Evidently not
The Bush Deficit, the Clinton Surplus and TARP by Gregory Hilton | The DC World Affairs Blog

your information is not accurate (the 5 trillion and 3 trillion)
this link provides accurate information
As far as the war goes
troops are here no matter as well as those things we use to support them
All i know is Iraq is done
in 2007 we where wide open in Iraq and was 150 billion over budget
its 1.5 trillion today
Its one thing to have the largest deficit in the history of the United States govt
Its another for no-one to know where it went
I am serious Libs
if i was yawl I would be screaming

You can see where most of the stimulus money went here:

Tools & Data - ProPublica

I don't know if any group is tracking any of the other big ticket items, like Obamacare.

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