Lies and Hypocrisy Are Essential Components of Liberalism


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
I've been saying this for years. You can't be a liberal/progressive without being a no-good, low-down, two-faced liar.

Lies and Hypocrisy Are Essential Components of Liberalism - Kurt Schlichter - Page full

Recent events once again demonstrate that there is no point arguing with liberals. Reason, facts, truth – these bourgeois concepts mean nothing to the adherents of progressivism. You are never going to change the mind of someone who believes in nothing except the imperative of his own absolute power. You simply have to defeat him.

Progressivism is not a coherent ideology so much as a purpose – to control every aspect of our lives. It is about consolidating progressive power. Nothing else matters. That includes the truth.

This is why we see YouTube videos of Harry Reid, Joe Biden and Barack Obama waxing eloquently, while in the minority, about the moral necessity of the preserving the filibuster that they just shot through the forehead when in the majority.

This is what led to an agreement ensuring that a power that explicitly states its intention to reboot the Holocaust, once it finishes hanging all its gays, will be able to create the means to do so.

This is the reason the President repeated dozens of times that if you like your health plan and your doctor you can keep them even though he knew this to be an outright lie.

Progressivism is not about principles but necessity. Yesterday, the left needed the filibuster to bar conservative judges. Today, it needs to pack courts with allies who will rule in whatever way progressives need, so the filibuster goes.
Progressivism is not about principles but necessity. Yesterday, the left needed the filibuster to bar conservative judges. Today, it needs to pack courts with allies who will rule in whatever way progressives need, so the filibuster goes.

Yep. And progressive elite sycophants will argue that this was simply a necessary step to take in order to get judges appointed. Every progressive individual is a full blown hypocrite who only truly cares about seeing the screwed up vision they have come to reality. No matter the cost.
Check out: 'Understanding How Modern Liberals Think- Evan Sayet on Youtube.
Bit long but spot on.
I've been saying this for years. You can't be a liberal/progressive without being a no-good, low-down, two-faced liar.

Lies and Hypocrisy Are Essential Components of Liberalism - Kurt Schlichter - Page full

Recent events once again demonstrate that there is no point arguing with liberals. Reason, facts, truth – these bourgeois concepts mean nothing to the adherents of progressivism. You are never going to change the mind of someone who believes in nothing except the imperative of his own absolute power. You simply have to defeat him.

Progressivism is not a coherent ideology so much as a purpose – to control every aspect of our lives. It is about consolidating progressive power. Nothing else matters. That includes the truth.

This is why we see YouTube videos of Harry Reid, Joe Biden and Barack Obama waxing eloquently, while in the minority, about the moral necessity of the preserving the filibuster that they just shot through the forehead when in the majority.

This is what led to an agreement ensuring that a power that explicitly states its intention to reboot the Holocaust, once it finishes hanging all its gays, will be able to create the means to do so.

This is the reason the President repeated dozens of times that if you like your health plan and your doctor you can keep them even though he knew this to be an outright lie.

Progressivism is not about principles but necessity. Yesterday, the left needed the filibuster to bar conservative judges. Today, it needs to pack courts with allies who will rule in whatever way progressives need, so the filibuster goes.

Is this guy the spawn of Glenn Beck? I mean he is just about as stupid as Glenn. Of course, who in god's name would ever want to have sex with Glenn Beck?

This is another obvious case of a stupid con who has never actually had a discussion with a liberal of average intelligence or above. He just hears what he wants to hear to reaffirm his brain dead bias.

Some of you cons are such knuckle draggers. You ideology is driven much more by emotion than actual facts. God forbid you learn basic critical thinking skills. This guy lacks any.
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I've been saying this for years. You can't be a liberal/progressive without being a no-good, low-down, two-faced liar.

Lies and Hypocrisy Are Essential Components of Liberalism - Kurt Schlichter - Page full

Recent events once again demonstrate that there is no point arguing with liberals. Reason, facts, truth – these bourgeois concepts mean nothing to the adherents of progressivism. You are never going to change the mind of someone who believes in nothing except the imperative of his own absolute power. You simply have to defeat him.

Progressivism is not a coherent ideology so much as a purpose – to control every aspect of our lives. It is about consolidating progressive power. Nothing else matters. That includes the truth.

This is why we see YouTube videos of Harry Reid, Joe Biden and Barack Obama waxing eloquently, while in the minority, about the moral necessity of the preserving the filibuster that they just shot through the forehead when in the majority.

This is what led to an agreement ensuring that a power that explicitly states its intention to reboot the Holocaust, once it finishes hanging all its gays, will be able to create the means to do so.

This is the reason the President repeated dozens of times that if you like your health plan and your doctor you can keep them even though he knew this to be an outright lie.

Progressivism is not about principles but necessity. Yesterday, the left needed the filibuster to bar conservative judges. Today, it needs to pack courts with allies who will rule in whatever way progressives need, so the filibuster goes.

Is this guy the spawn of Glenn Beck? I mean he is just about as stupid as Glenn. Of course, who in god's name would ever want to have sex with Glenn Beck?

This is another obvious case of a stupid con who has never actually had a discussion with a liberal of average intelligence or above. He just hears what he wants to hear to reaffirm his brain dead bias.

Some of you cons are such knuckle draggers. You ideology is driven much more by emotion than actual facts. God forbid you learn basic critical thinking skills. This guy lacks any.

Typical liberal b.s. ad hominem attack with some name-calling thrown in. Address the writers points and let us know where you think he is going wrong, otherwise, your post is worthless.
I've been saying this for years. You can't be a liberal/progressive without being a no-good, low-down, two-faced liar.

Lies and Hypocrisy Are Essential Components of Liberalism - Kurt Schlichter - Page full

Recent events once again demonstrate that there is no point arguing with liberals. Reason, facts, truth – these bourgeois concepts mean nothing to the adherents of progressivism. You are never going to change the mind of someone who believes in nothing except the imperative of his own absolute power. You simply have to defeat him.

Progressivism is not a coherent ideology so much as a purpose – to control every aspect of our lives. It is about consolidating progressive power. Nothing else matters. That includes the truth.

This is why we see YouTube videos of Harry Reid, Joe Biden and Barack Obama waxing eloquently, while in the minority, about the moral necessity of the preserving the filibuster that they just shot through the forehead when in the majority.

This is what led to an agreement ensuring that a power that explicitly states its intention to reboot the Holocaust, once it finishes hanging all its gays, will be able to create the means to do so.

This is the reason the President repeated dozens of times that if you like your health plan and your doctor you can keep them even though he knew this to be an outright lie.

Progressivism is not about principles but necessity. Yesterday, the left needed the filibuster to bar conservative judges. Today, it needs to pack courts with allies who will rule in whatever way progressives need, so the filibuster goes.

Is this guy the spawn of Glenn Beck? I mean he is just about as stupid as Glenn. Of course, who in god's name would ever want to have sex with Glenn Beck?

This is another obvious case of a stupid con who has never actually had a discussion with a liberal of average intelligence or above. He just hears what he wants to hear to reaffirm his brain dead bias.

Some of you cons are such knuckle draggers. You ideology is driven much more by emotion than actual facts. God forbid you learn basic critical thinking skills. This guy lacks any.

Sure thing.

Is that why progressives were so happy about the hypocrisy regarding the change in senate fillibuster rules?

You guys do nothing but lie, obfuscate, cheat, steal and murder. That is the progressive mentality.
Liberals also hate facts. Any fact. Facts are not their friends. Also, they do not want anyone to ever read the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. Take away the people's power. Make them weak. Make them feel like the only thing that matters is Government.
Lies and hypocrisy are a part of being a human. Being unable to engage in any kind of self examination is a quality reserved almost exclusively to conservatives. Turn that critical eye on your own political beliefs, see it's impossible for you. You cannot do it and so you are very easily duped.
I've been saying this for years. You can't be a liberal/progressive without being a no-good, low-down, two-faced liar.

Lies and Hypocrisy Are Essential Components of Liberalism - Kurt Schlichter - Page full

Recent events once again demonstrate that there is no point arguing with liberals. Reason, facts, truth – these bourgeois concepts mean nothing to the adherents of progressivism. You are never going to change the mind of someone who believes in nothing except the imperative of his own absolute power. You simply have to defeat him.

Progressivism is not a coherent ideology so much as a purpose – to control every aspect of our lives. It is about consolidating progressive power. Nothing else matters. That includes the truth.

This is why we see YouTube videos of Harry Reid, Joe Biden and Barack Obama waxing eloquently, while in the minority, about the moral necessity of the preserving the filibuster that they just shot through the forehead when in the majority.

This is what led to an agreement ensuring that a power that explicitly states its intention to reboot the Holocaust, once it finishes hanging all its gays, will be able to create the means to do so.

This is the reason the President repeated dozens of times that if you like your health plan and your doctor you can keep them even though he knew this to be an outright lie.

Progressivism is not about principles but necessity. Yesterday, the left needed the filibuster to bar conservative judges. Today, it needs to pack courts with allies who will rule in whatever way progressives need, so the filibuster goes.

Is this guy the spawn of Glenn Beck? I mean he is just about as stupid as Glenn. Of course, who in god's name would ever want to have sex with Glenn Beck?

This is another obvious case of a stupid con who has never actually had a discussion with a liberal of average intelligence or above. He just hears what he wants to hear to reaffirm his brain dead bias.

Some of you cons are such knuckle draggers. You ideology is driven much more by emotion than actual facts. God forbid you learn basic critical thinking skills. This guy lacks any.

Typical liberal b.s. ad hominem attack with some name-calling thrown in. Address the writers points and let us know where you think he is going wrong, otherwise, your post is worthless.

Seriously? What the fuck am i supposed to say to it? The whole thing is hyperbolic non sense. It's gross, lazy generalizing of an entire group of people that lacks any basic facts. I mean okay, he brings up the issue of ObamaCare and Obama's handling of it but then somehow connects it with liberals in general. What sense does that make? Since when does Obama and ObamaCare somehow represent liberalism in general? He's an idiot.
Oh look another thread created by hypocrites pandering to fellow hypocrites accusing "the other side" of being hypocrites.

Pretty funny actually.
Lies and hypocrisy are a part of being a human. Being unable to engage in any kind of self examination is a quality reserved almost exclusively to conservatives. Turn that critical eye on your own political beliefs, see it's impossible for you. You cannot do it and so you are very easily duped.


Notice that progressive LOLberals come in to try and turn this against conservatives. Do you know why that is?

Lies and hypocrisy are a part of being a human. Being unable to engage in any kind of self examination is a quality reserved almost exclusively to conservatives. Turn that critical eye on your own political beliefs, see it's impossible for you. You cannot do it and so you are very easily duped.

Conservatives are easily duped? Really?

And you guys are the morons who put an empty-suited con-man in the White House twice?

Try again, bud.
Lies and hypocrisy are a part of being a human. Being unable to engage in any kind of self examination is a quality reserved almost exclusively to conservatives. Turn that critical eye on your own political beliefs, see it's impossible for you. You cannot do it and so you are very easily duped.

Conservatives are easily duped? Really?

And you guys are the morons who put an empty-suited con-man in the White House twice?

Try again, bud.

I notice you did not make any attempt to paint your own politics as being subject to self examination from time to time.
I'm sure someone has already listed the pages and pages of Republicans calling filibusters of judicial nominees unconstitutional when a small handful of Bush's nominees were being blocked.

50% of all judicial filibusters have been of President Obama's nominees.

Had the GOP simply confirmed his three DC nominees, there would have been no rule change.
Lies and hypocrisy are a part of being a human. Being unable to engage in any kind of self examination is a quality reserved almost exclusively to conservatives. Turn that critical eye on your own political beliefs, see it's impossible for you. You cannot do it and so you are very easily duped.

Conservatives are easily duped? Really?

And you guys are the morons who put an empty-suited con-man in the White House twice?

Try again, bud.

Liberals didn't elect GW Bush you moron.
I'm sure someone has already listed the pages and pages of Republicans calling filibusters of judicial nominees unconstitutional when a small handful of Bush's nominees were being blocked.

50% of all judicial filibusters have been of President Obama's nominees.

Had the GOP simply confirmed his three DC nominees, there would have been no rule change.

Why are you for activist Judges that make their own law, rather than congress?
I've been saying this for years. You can't be a liberal/progressive without being a no-good, low-down, two-faced liar.

Lies and Hypocrisy Are Essential Components of Liberalism - Kurt Schlichter - Page full

Recent events once again demonstrate that there is no point arguing with liberals. Reason, facts, truth – these bourgeois concepts mean nothing to the adherents of progressivism. You are never going to change the mind of someone who believes in nothing except the imperative of his own absolute power. You simply have to defeat him.

Progressivism is not a coherent ideology so much as a purpose – to control every aspect of our lives. It is about consolidating progressive power. Nothing else matters. That includes the truth.

This is why we see YouTube videos of Harry Reid, Joe Biden and Barack Obama waxing eloquently, while in the minority, about the moral necessity of the preserving the filibuster that they just shot through the forehead when in the majority.

This is what led to an agreement ensuring that a power that explicitly states its intention to reboot the Holocaust, once it finishes hanging all its gays, will be able to create the means to do so.

This is the reason the President repeated dozens of times that if you like your health plan and your doctor you can keep them even though he knew this to be an outright lie.

Progressivism is not about principles but necessity. Yesterday, the left needed the filibuster to bar conservative judges. Today, it needs to pack courts with allies who will rule in whatever way progressives need, so the filibuster goes.

You needed to quote someone else to say that? Ha, my first laugh out loud of the week.
I'm sure someone has already listed the pages and pages of Republicans calling filibusters of judicial nominees unconstitutional when a small handful of Bush's nominees were being blocked.

50% of all judicial filibusters have been of President Obama's nominees.

Had the GOP simply confirmed his three DC nominees, there would have been no rule change.

Why are you for activist Judges that make their own law, rather than congress?

Why are you stupid enough to think that liberals would support rightwing nuts for judges?

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