Lies and Hypocrisy Are Essential Components of Liberalism

The least you could do is spell it correctly.

My apologies. I haven't had as much practice typing it out as you have. But then again, I'm guessing you have it saved as a keyboard shortcut at this point.

Like most LOLberals, the only thing you have lots of practice at is obfuscating, lying, cheating and stealing. Typing and other skills require too much focus on being correct and honest.

It appears my OP really scraped a liberal sore spot. They know they're nothing but a bunch of lying scumbags, and they are soooo sensitive when you point it out.
The least you could do is spell it correctly.

My apologies. I haven't had as much practice typing it out as you have. But then again, I'm guessing you have it saved as a keyboard shortcut at this point.

Like most LOLberals, the only thing you have lots of practice at is obfuscating, lying, cheating and stealing. Typing and other skills require too much focus on being correct and honest.

Skills he says. This coming from the guy who apparently lacks skills to pull himself out of being lower middle class.

Let's face it. You're a joke and you're upset that you've never amounted to much. But hey, you said LOLberals again. That has to count for something.

Did I spell it right that time?
The idea that you ever posted an original thought is too preposterous for words to describe.

So I guess we're the same.

Only difference is one of us lives in a house with wheels and looks forward to Macaroni and cheese night every Thursday.

We don't need to know the sordid details of your lifestyle.

Ooooh another good one! You're on a roll! You must really knock 'em dead with your witty zingers down at the bingo hall.
I've been saying this for years. You can't be a liberal/progressive without being a no-good, low-down, two-faced liar.

Lies and Hypocrisy Are Essential Components of Liberalism - Kurt Schlichter - Page full

Recent events once again demonstrate that there is no point arguing with liberals. Reason, facts, truth – these bourgeois concepts mean nothing to the adherents of progressivism. You are never going to change the mind of someone who believes in nothing except the imperative of his own absolute power. You simply have to defeat him.

Progressivism is not a coherent ideology so much as a purpose – to control every aspect of our lives. It is about consolidating progressive power. Nothing else matters. That includes the truth.

This is why we see YouTube videos of Harry Reid, Joe Biden and Barack Obama waxing eloquently, while in the minority, about the moral necessity of the preserving the filibuster that they just shot through the forehead when in the majority.

This is what led to an agreement ensuring that a power that explicitly states its intention to reboot the Holocaust, once it finishes hanging all its gays, will be able to create the means to do so.

This is the reason the President repeated dozens of times that if you like your health plan and your doctor you can keep them even though he knew this to be an outright lie.

Progressivism is not about principles but necessity. Yesterday, the left needed the filibuster to bar conservative judges. Today, it needs to pack courts with allies who will rule in whatever way progressives need, so the filibuster goes.

Wow, you should do something about that.

I know what; nominate a "true conservative" like Ted Cruz in 2016. That'll work.
My apologies. I haven't had as much practice typing it out as you have. But then again, I'm guessing you have it saved as a keyboard shortcut at this point.

Like most LOLberals, the only thing you have lots of practice at is obfuscating, lying, cheating and stealing. Typing and other skills require too much focus on being correct and honest.

Skills he says. This coming from the guy who apparently lacks skills to pull himself out of being lower middle class.

Let's face it. You're a joke and you're upset that you've never amounted to much. But hey, you said LOLberals again. That has to count for something.

Did I spell it right that time?

The lower middle class of NYC?


I'm perfectly content with my above the national average income and career, fella. Your constant attempts at belittling my education and profession tend to fall short when you realize my status describes my location, not the national average.

Then again, LOLberal morons dont really think. They just spew. It's part of the lack of charm they display.
I've been saying this for years. You can't be a liberal/progressive without being a no-good, low-down, two-faced liar.

Lies and Hypocrisy Are Essential Components of Liberalism - Kurt Schlichter - Page full

Recent events once again demonstrate that there is no point arguing with liberals. Reason, facts, truth – these bourgeois concepts mean nothing to the adherents of progressivism. You are never going to change the mind of someone who believes in nothing except the imperative of his own absolute power. You simply have to defeat him.

Progressivism is not a coherent ideology so much as a purpose – to control every aspect of our lives. It is about consolidating progressive power. Nothing else matters. That includes the truth.

This is why we see YouTube videos of Harry Reid, Joe Biden and Barack Obama waxing eloquently, while in the minority, about the moral necessity of the preserving the filibuster that they just shot through the forehead when in the majority.

This is what led to an agreement ensuring that a power that explicitly states its intention to reboot the Holocaust, once it finishes hanging all its gays, will be able to create the means to do so.

This is the reason the President repeated dozens of times that if you like your health plan and your doctor you can keep them even though he knew this to be an outright lie.

Progressivism is not about principles but necessity. Yesterday, the left needed the filibuster to bar conservative judges. Today, it needs to pack courts with allies who will rule in whatever way progressives need, so the filibuster goes.

Can you define progressivism, I mean a scholarly definition, the sort of definitions found in textbooks, books on political ideologies and so forth?
Like most LOLberals, the only thing you have lots of practice at is obfuscating, lying, cheating and stealing. Typing and other skills require too much focus on being correct and honest.

Skills he says. This coming from the guy who apparently lacks skills to pull himself out of being lower middle class.

Let's face it. You're a joke and you're upset that you've never amounted to much. But hey, you said LOLberals again. That has to count for something.

Did I spell it right that time?

The lower middle class of NYC?


I'm perfectly content with my above the national average income and career, fella. Your constant attempts at belittling my education and profession tend to fall short when you realize my status describes my location, not the national average.

Then again, LOLberal morons dont really think. They just spew. It's part of the lack of charm they display.

Oh you're perfectly happy? Yet, you're on this site complaining every day about how LOLberals and poor people are dragging you down. Doesn't sound like someone who is very content. Face it, you're a whiny failure who blames poor people for everything you haven't been able to achieve in your miserable existence.
This is another obvious case of a stupid con who has never actually had a discussion with a liberal of average intelligence or above.
Well, you certainly don't suffice.

Some of you cons are such knuckle draggers. You ideology is driven much more by emotion than actual facts. God forbid you learn basic critical thinking skills. This guy lacks any.

Man, the irony around here today is thick as a London fog! :lol:
Skills he says. This coming from the guy who apparently lacks skills to pull himself out of being lower middle class.

Let's face it. You're a joke and you're upset that you've never amounted to much. But hey, you said LOLberals again. That has to count for something.

Did I spell it right that time?

The lower middle class of NYC?


I'm perfectly content with my above the national average income and career, fella. Your constant attempts at belittling my education and profession tend to fall short when you realize my status describes my location, not the national average.

Then again, LOLberal morons dont really think. They just spew. It's part of the lack of charm they display.

Oh you're perfectly happy? Yet, you're on this site complaining every day about how LOLberals and poor people are dragging you down. Doesn't sound like someone who is very content. Face it, you're a whiny failure who blames poor people for everything you haven't been able to achieve in your miserable existence.

You just make shit up and run with it, dont you? Of course you do. ALL progressive LOLberals do it. Read the OP. That's what thsi is all about. The lying, cheating, stealing and murdering LOLberals.

I dont blame the poor for anything. I blame LOLberals for the theft I must endure. They love theft and use the poor as the excuse for it. The OP hit the nail on the head.

Otherwise, projecting your own misery on others is part of the progressive MO. the OP column forgot to mention that.
I've been saying this for years. You can't be a liberal/progressive without being a no-good, low-down, two-faced liar.

Lies and Hypocrisy Are Essential Components of Liberalism - Kurt Schlichter - Page full

Recent events once again demonstrate that there is no point arguing with liberals. Reason, facts, truth – these bourgeois concepts mean nothing to the adherents of progressivism. You are never going to change the mind of someone who believes in nothing except the imperative of his own absolute power. You simply have to defeat him.

Progressivism is not a coherent ideology so much as a purpose – to control every aspect of our lives. It is about consolidating progressive power. Nothing else matters. That includes the truth.

This is why we see YouTube videos of Harry Reid, Joe Biden and Barack Obama waxing eloquently, while in the minority, about the moral necessity of the preserving the filibuster that they just shot through the forehead when in the majority.

This is what led to an agreement ensuring that a power that explicitly states its intention to reboot the Holocaust, once it finishes hanging all its gays, will be able to create the means to do so.

This is the reason the President repeated dozens of times that if you like your health plan and your doctor you can keep them even though he knew this to be an outright lie.

Progressivism is not about principles but necessity. Yesterday, the left needed the filibuster to bar conservative judges. Today, it needs to pack courts with allies who will rule in whatever way progressives need, so the filibuster goes.

Can you define progressivism, I mean a scholarly definition, the sort of definitions found in textbooks, books on political ideologies and so forth?

"Progressivism" is Marxism without the integrity to admit it.
Lies and hypocrisy are found in almost every group of people that have existed.

Our primary concern should be eliminating our lies and our hypocrisy. When we do that, we will have power to influence others to do the same.
I've been saying this for years. You can't be a liberal/progressive without being a no-good, low-down, two-faced liar.

Lies and Hypocrisy Are Essential Components of Liberalism - Kurt Schlichter - Page full

Recent events once again demonstrate that there is no point arguing with liberals. Reason, facts, truth – these bourgeois concepts mean nothing to the adherents of progressivism. You are never going to change the mind of someone who believes in nothing except the imperative of his own absolute power. You simply have to defeat him.

Progressivism is not a coherent ideology so much as a purpose – to control every aspect of our lives. It is about consolidating progressive power. Nothing else matters. That includes the truth.

This is why we see YouTube videos of Harry Reid, Joe Biden and Barack Obama waxing eloquently, while in the minority, about the moral necessity of the preserving the filibuster that they just shot through the forehead when in the majority.

This is what led to an agreement ensuring that a power that explicitly states its intention to reboot the Holocaust, once it finishes hanging all its gays, will be able to create the means to do so.

This is the reason the President repeated dozens of times that if you like your health plan and your doctor you can keep them even though he knew this to be an outright lie.

Progressivism is not about principles but necessity. Yesterday, the left needed the filibuster to bar conservative judges. Today, it needs to pack courts with allies who will rule in whatever way progressives need, so the filibuster goes.

Can you define progressivism, I mean a scholarly definition, the sort of definitions found in textbooks, books on political ideologies and so forth?

"Progressivism" is Marxism without the integrity to admit it.

Do you make up your own definitions? If progrssivism is Marxism, can you then define Marxism?
Can you define progressivism, I mean a scholarly definition, the sort of definitions found in textbooks, books on political ideologies and so forth?

"Progressivism" is Marxism without the integrity to admit it.

Do you make up your own definitions? If progrssivism is Marxism, can you then define Marxism?

The difference between progressivism and communism is that communism was revolutionary marxism and progressivism is evolutionary marxism.

Unfortunately, our educational system is such that the history of such movements has been largely untaught.
I'm sure someone has already listed the pages and pages of Republicans calling filibusters of judicial nominees unconstitutional when a small handful of Bush's nominees were being blocked.

50% of all judicial filibusters have been of President Obama's nominees.

Had the GOP simply confirmed his three DC nominees, there would have been no rule change.

Why are you for activist Judges that make their own law, rather than congress?

What making of their own laws are you referring to?

Supreme Court Justice Roberts off the top of my head, there are many more than just this one, who rewrote the ACA from a mandate to a tax. He did this based on his personal preferences not the law, that states that mandates are unconstitutional.

Judicial activism occurs when judges fail to apply the Constitution or laws impartially according to their original public meaning, regardless of the outcome, or do not follow binding precedent of a higher court and instead decide the case based on personal preference. The proper measure is not whether a judge votes to uphold or strike down a statute in any given case. Adhering to an original understanding of the law is the only way to consistently “minimize or eliminate the judge’s biases.” At times, this means that judges must strike down laws that offend the Constitution.
Can you define progressivism, I mean a scholarly definition, the sort of definitions found in textbooks, books on political ideologies and so forth?

"Progressivism" is Marxism without the integrity to admit it.

Do you make up your own definitions? If progrssivism is Marxism, can you then define Marxism?

It doesn't matter how you define it. We all know what the end result of trying to implement it is.
I've been saying this for years. You can't be a liberal/progressive without being a no-good, low-down, two-faced liar.

Lies and Hypocrisy Are Essential Components of Liberalism - Kurt Schlichter - Page full

Recent events once again demonstrate that there is no point arguing with liberals. Reason, facts, truth – these bourgeois concepts mean nothing to the adherents of progressivism. You are never going to change the mind of someone who believes in nothing except the imperative of his own absolute power. You simply have to defeat him.

Progressivism is not a coherent ideology so much as a purpose – to control every aspect of our lives. It is about consolidating progressive power. Nothing else matters. That includes the truth.

This is why we see YouTube videos of Harry Reid, Joe Biden and Barack Obama waxing eloquently, while in the minority, about the moral necessity of the preserving the filibuster that they just shot through the forehead when in the majority.

This is what led to an agreement ensuring that a power that explicitly states its intention to reboot the Holocaust, once it finishes hanging all its gays, will be able to create the means to do so.

This is the reason the President repeated dozens of times that if you like your health plan and your doctor you can keep them even though he knew this to be an outright lie.

Progressivism is not about principles but necessity. Yesterday, the left needed the filibuster to bar conservative judges. Today, it needs to pack courts with allies who will rule in whatever way progressives need, so the filibuster goes.

Is this guy the spawn of Glenn Beck? I mean he is just about as stupid as Glenn. Of course, who in god's name would ever want to have sex with Glenn Beck?

This is another obvious case of a stupid con who has never actually had a discussion with a liberal of average intelligence or above. He just hears what he wants to hear to reaffirm his brain dead bias.

Some of you cons are such knuckle draggers. You ideology is driven much more by emotion than actual facts. God forbid you learn basic critical thinking skills. This guy lacks any.

In other words, you can't refute the OP or defend Progressivism so you toss out "spawn of Glen Beck, a personal appearance derived insult against Beck, my personal favorite, "knuckle draggers" and then talk about critical thinking as if you knew what that was.

How about you speak to the subject? Or are you not a Liberal of average intelligence?
Why are you for activist Judges that make their own law, rather than congress?

What making of their own laws are you referring to?

Supreme Court Justice Roberts off the top of my head, there are many more than just this one, who rewrote the ACA from a mandate to a tax. He did this based on his personal preferences not the law, that states that mandates are unconstitutional.

Judicial activism occurs when judges fail to apply the Constitution or laws impartially according to their original public meaning, regardless of the outcome, or do not follow binding precedent of a higher court and instead decide the case based on personal preference. The proper measure is not whether a judge votes to uphold or strike down a statute in any given case. Adhering to an original understanding of the law is the only way to consistently “minimize or eliminate the judge’s biases.” At times, this means that judges must strike down laws that offend the Constitution.

Judges are the ones who get to decide the meaning of the Constitution. That is their mandate.

Your example is simply an example of you trying to find some higher principle above the simple fact that you didn't like the ruling.

You didn't like the ruling not because you think it's judicial activism; you didn't like the ruling because of its outcome.
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