Lies and the Lying Liars That Tell Them

Cool. Obama lies less than some other politicians. No wonder this country is a clusterfuck... Personally, I have slightly higher standards for 'my guy'... he needs to be honest. But, you console yourself with voting for a liar who lies just like the rest of them by pretending it's acceptable to lie as long as you lie less than the other guy.

Fucking idiot.

Oh, and.... put a fucking link in for your bullshit stats, assclown.

Fantastic! Who's your guy? I said right in my OP that the stats came from Politifact. You can't go to without having a link? And that makes ME the "assclown"? Okay.

She's the poster most likely to tell you to do your own research when you ask her for a link.


Again, when one starts a thread and uses information from a 'source', the rule is to provide a link to that source. Since I rarely start threads, and when I do, I tend to use my own thought processes instead of the latest 'talking point' from some bullshit media source, I tend not to value the 'link' thing. Apparently, using one's own intellect is a dying art - at least that is the impression one gets from this forum. Very few poster appear capable of starting threads from their own mind. I find that sad.... but not at all surprising. Dumbing down the country is working well.
I keep seeing RWers on this board decrying President Obama's "lying" so I decided to look a bit into who the liars are. Here's the Politifact breakdown:


True: 20
Mostly True: 17
Half True: 19
Mostly False: 13
False: 16
Pants on Fire: 9

Or 60% True and 40% not


True: 3
Mostly True: 0
Half True: 6
Mostly False: 3
False: 3
Pants on Fire: 1

56% True 44% Not


True: 3
Mostly True: 4
Half True: 9
Mostly False: 7
False: 9
Pants on Fire: 8

40% True 60% Not


True: 15
Mostly True: 12
Half True: 31
Mostly False: 22
False: 23
Pants on Fire: 12

50% True 50% Not

President Obama

True: 80
Mostly True: 75
Half True: 82
Mostly False: 42
False: 51
Pants on Fire: 4

71% True 29% Not

So, if I were looking for the most truthful candidate...President Obama is still my guy!

Wow, that Gingrich is a professional liar though isn't he?

Oh, and sorry Paul Heads, I was only looking at the candidates that stand even a remote chance of being the nominee.

It's all meaningless to conservatives because they could care less who's the most honest, despite their blather to the contrary.
Deflection from a RWer? How shocking. Do you have alternate sources that tell a different story?

Try a non biased source.

Thats where the left falls apart.

LOL...any site that posts facts with sources is considered "biased" by the right. Politifact is hardly a biased "lefty" site.

The Bias has been proven countless times.

Get up to speed. I dont want to trash you like I enjoy with others.
people believe the liar that tells them the lies they want to hear...simple as that.....

somehow the truth is totally ignored.....

the us president is truly the man behind the curtain now,,,,,

as in macbeth.....

a tale told by an idiot fill of sound and fury......

that is all this is....different parties but the same results......over and over...there are no real changes.....each party is given the chance to make a difference and does little.....

obama has done several things that dont allow me to vote for him again....i.e. bills that make the government more powers and the rights of the citizens taken more and more....and the horse slaughtering ....but mostly the limitation of the rights of americans....neither party wants to restore those rights....

i remember when this whole country was a 'free speech zone'
Fantastic! Who's your guy? I said right in my OP that the stats came from Politifact. You can't go to without having a link? And that makes ME the "assclown"? Okay.

She's the poster most likely to tell you to do your own research when you ask her for a link.


Again, when one starts a thread and uses information from a 'source', the rule is to provide a link to that source. Since I rarely start threads, and when I do, I tend to use my own thought processes instead of the latest 'talking point' from some bullshit media source, I tend not to value the 'link' thing. Apparently, using one's own intellect is a dying art - at least that is the impression one gets from this forum. Very few poster appear capable of starting threads from their own mind. I find that sad.... but not at all surprising. Dumbing down the country is working well.

If you don't want to talk about the thread's topic, then why are you in the thread? Other than to rag on a liberal poster, which of course you have every right to do,

but you should at least admit that that is why you're here.
Oh, and sorry Paul Heads, I was only looking at the candidates that stand even a remote chance of being the nominee.

Well thanks for denying everyone the right to truth, justice, and freedom.

I went to the website to try and find Ron Paul statistics, and I could find NONE. Could it be because he is not lying shitbag like the others on that site? I think so. The only comment that I could find on there with Ron Pauls name was his claim that most Americans want the gold standard, which is clearly false. However most Americans agree that it is time to address the federal reserve, so even that statement is not that far fetched.

So today you get the DOUCHE award.

Paul Heads are so touchy about their "candidate". Okay, just for you since you are going to whine about it...

True: 7
Mostly True: 7
Half True: 4
Mostly False: 4
False: 6
Pants on Fire: 2

60% True 40% Not

Ron Paul
She's the poster most likely to tell you to do your own research when you ask her for a link.


Again, when one starts a thread and uses information from a 'source', the rule is to provide a link to that source. Since I rarely start threads, and when I do, I tend to use my own thought processes instead of the latest 'talking point' from some bullshit media source, I tend not to value the 'link' thing. Apparently, using one's own intellect is a dying art - at least that is the impression one gets from this forum. Very few poster appear capable of starting threads from their own mind. I find that sad.... but not at all surprising. Dumbing down the country is working well.

If you don't want to talk about the thread's topic, then why are you in the thread? Other than to rag on a liberal poster, which of course you have every right to do,

but you should at least admit that that is why you're here.

I'm ragging on an idiot who thinks lies are ok - as long as it's 'their guy' who's lying. If you cannot understand how fucking moronic that is, then you have my sympathy.
LOL...any site that posts facts with sources is considered "biased" by the right. Politifact is hardly a biased "lefty" site.

The Bias has been proven countless times.

Get up to speed. I dont want to trash you like I enjoy with others.

Saying it doesn't make it so. Provide your "countless times".

Try google, and while your at it, zero in on who started it before looking like the complete ass you are.
Again, when one starts a thread and uses information from a 'source', the rule is to provide a link to that source. Since I rarely start threads, and when I do, I tend to use my own thought processes instead of the latest 'talking point' from some bullshit media source, I tend not to value the 'link' thing. Apparently, using one's own intellect is a dying art - at least that is the impression one gets from this forum. Very few poster appear capable of starting threads from their own mind. I find that sad.... but not at all surprising. Dumbing down the country is working well.

If you don't want to talk about the thread's topic, then why are you in the thread? Other than to rag on a liberal poster, which of course you have every right to do,

but you should at least admit that that is why you're here.

I'm ragging on an idiot who thinks lies are ok - as long as it's 'their guy' who's lying. If you cannot understand how fucking moronic that is, then you have my sympathy.

For someone who claims intellectual superiority over all the rest of us, you are being intellectually dishonest. I never said that lying is okay, I said I'm supporting the candidate who lies the least. That candidate IS Barack Obama...despite all the right wingers decrying him a "liar" while supporting candidates who lie considerably more.
Deflection from a RWer? How shocking. Do you have alternate sources that tell a different story?

Try a non biased source.

Thats where the left falls apart.

LOL...any site that posts facts with sources is considered "biased" by the right. Politifact is hardly a biased "lefty" site.

except their right wing sites like the heritage foundation.

Lets not forget who created these type of right wing spin master sites.

The people who have worked for decades to keep legal Americans from voting
[ame=]Paul Weyrich - "I don't want everybody to vote" (Goo Goo) - YouTube[/ame]
Cool. Obama lies less than some other politicians. No wonder this country is a clusterfuck... Personally, I have slightly higher standards for 'my guy'... he needs to be honest. But, you console yourself with voting for a liar who lies just like the rest of them by pretending it's acceptable to lie as long as you lie less than the other guy.

Fucking idiot.

Oh, and.... put a fucking link in for your bullshit stats, assclown.

Fantastic! Who's your guy? I said right in my OP that the stats came from Politifact. You can't go to without having a link? And that makes ME the "assclown"? Okay.
[ame=]Best Of Skype Laughter Chain - YouTube[/ame]

I keep seeing RWers on this board decrying President Obama's "lying" so I decided to look a bit into who the liars are. Here's the Politifact breakdown:


True: 20
Mostly True: 17
Half True: 19
Mostly False: 13
False: 16
Pants on Fire: 9

Or 60% True and 40% not


True: 3
Mostly True: 0
Half True: 6
Mostly False: 3
False: 3
Pants on Fire: 1

56% True 44% Not


True: 3
Mostly True: 4
Half True: 9
Mostly False: 7
False: 9
Pants on Fire: 8

40% True 60% Not


True: 15
Mostly True: 12
Half True: 31
Mostly False: 22
False: 23
Pants on Fire: 12

50% True 50% Not

President Obama

True: 80
Mostly True: 75
Half True: 82
Mostly False: 42
False: 51
Pants on Fire: 4

71% True 29% Not

So, if I were looking for the most truthful candidate...President Obama is still my guy!

Wow, that Gingrich is a professional liar though isn't he?

Oh, and sorry Paul Heads, I was only looking at the candidates that stand even a remote chance of being the nominee.

The only one on that list with the power to affect me with his lies is Obama.
somehow the truth is totally ignored.....

It is a symptom of the degeneration of society. Washington is not the cause it is the effect. Liberalism has turned this nation into society of babies unable to take matters into there own hands. Morals are no longer important. Honestly is no longer important. Fidelity is dismissed. The rule of law is only a problem to circumvent.

What is bad is good, and what is good is bad. Do you think 100 years ago 'nice guys' would have finished last? No, people were dependent on honesty and strong morals to survive. Now life has been simply been made to easy by the nanny state. Instead of living your life striving to be a better person we live our lives striving to satisfy our boredom.

Soon it is going to reset.
Fantastic! Who's your guy? I said right in my OP that the stats came from Politifact. You can't go to PolitiFact | Sorting out the truth in politics without having a link? And that makes ME the "assclown"? Okay.

I can, but the forum rules are that you provide a link. Not rocket science, is it?

The reason why I don't have 'a guy' is that they are all fucking dishonest. I don't find it acceptable to say 'my guy lies less than your guy'.... because I have higher standards. Of course, this makes me slightly off kilter from many Americans - most of y'all appear incapable of holding your politicians accountable. Which is why our country is a fucking mess. You are the problem. I am the solution.

LOL...right, staying home and not voting at all is the solution. Brilliant!

Indeed. Something tells me that while she complains about Obama's "honesty record" she'll be going out and voting for one of these GOP folks with an even lower record.

Anyway, one thing that occurs to me is that the percentages you list are based on different sample sizes. Obama has a total of comments appraised for their accuracy that far exceeds those of the others you've mentioned, which lends more reliability to your per-individual conclusions. Santorum especially has a very few statements upon which to draw conclusions, and his figures are probably least reliable because they are so few. Though they are still worth considering as indications of how he will trend.

Also, while your true/false percentage totals are interesting and worth consideration, I'm not sure that a person's overall truthfulness can be determined by lending equal amounts of weight to answers that have different amounts of truthfulness. For example, a candidate who offers one "true" answer, and one "mostly false" answer would have a 50% total score with your method. But certainly he is a much more truthful candidate than one who gives one "half true" answer, and one "pants on fire" answer," who would also score a 50% with your method. Greater weight should be given to categories that are farther from the middle of the spectrum, and lesser weight to those closer to the middle.

Finally, it occurs to me that, at least if we accept the terminology of the categories at face value, the scale is actually biased toward truthful answers. With "half true" being adjacent to "mostly false" the scale gives a "benefit of the doubt" of sorts at the middle ground. The result is that half of the scale is dedicated to truthful appraisals, and probably somewhere between 30%-40% is dedicated to false answers. A five category scale with a middle "gray zone" would be more useful.
people believe the liar that tells them the lies they want to hear...simple as that.....

somehow the truth is totally ignored.....

the us president is truly the man behind the curtain now,,,,,

as in macbeth.....

a tale told by an idiot fill of sound and fury......

that is all this is....different parties but the same results......over and over...there are no real changes.....each party is given the chance to make a difference and does little.....

obama has done several things that dont allow me to vote for him again....i.e. bills that make the government more powers and the rights of the citizens taken more and more....and the horse slaughtering ....but mostly the limitation of the rights of americans....neither party wants to restore those rights....

i remember when this whole country was a 'free speech zone'

I totally agree with you bones.
We have almost become the monarchy of which we fought against in the revolutionary war.
And I remember free speech too, before political correctness. It's not even a law and people are getting fired because of this stupidity.
It's freedom of speech not freedom from speech.
Both parties have grown our government and it has gotten way too big for it's britches.
Last edited:
It is a symptom of the degeneration of society. Washington is not the cause it is the effect. Liberalism has turned this nation into society of babies unable to take matters into there own hands. Morals are no longer important. Honestly is no longer important. Fidelity is dismissed. The rule of law is only a problem to circumvent.

What is bad is good, and what is good is bad. Do you think 100 years ago 'nice guys' would have finished last? No, people were dependent on honesty and strong morals to survive. Now life has been simply been made to easy by the nanny state. Instead of living your life striving to be a better person we live our lives striving to satisfy our boredom.

Soon it is going to reset.

You must be young. You think that all this stuff is a recent phenomena. It's not. It's been that way for thousands of years, grasshopper. Your cute, though.
Fantastic! Who's your guy? I said right in my OP that the stats came from Politifact. You can't go to PolitiFact | Sorting out the truth in politics without having a link? And that makes ME the "assclown"? Okay.

I can, but the forum rules are that you provide a link. Not rocket science, is it?

The reason why I don't have 'a guy' is that they are all fucking dishonest. I don't find it acceptable to say 'my guy lies less than your guy'.... because I have higher standards. Of course, this makes me slightly off kilter from many Americans - most of y'all appear incapable of holding your politicians accountable. Which is why our country is a fucking mess. You are the problem. I am the solution.

LOL...right, staying home and not voting at all is the solution. Brilliant!

You do realize I didn't say I stay home and don't vote, right?

Although your comment does help me to understand why you support Obama... you're a fucking idiot who lacks basic comprehension skills.

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