Lies, damn lies and statistics


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
“People do not expect to find chastity in a whorehouse. Why, then, do they expect to find honesty and humanity in government, a congeries of institutions whose modus operandi consists of lying, cheating, stealing, and if need be, murdering those who resist?”

H. L. Mencken

Now we face a total crushing of all liberty at the hands of the state, and few have been able to grasp the absolute urgency of this situation, as most are still of the belief that all will be fine, and we soon will return to the normal amount of tyranny that has escalated for decades on end without resistance. For all those that take this uninformed and absurd position, maybe you should consider just some of the things happening right before your eyes, instead of “hoping” that all will magically be remedied.

Mask wearing is still mandated in many areas across many states, but people are still wearing them even if not ordered to do so, so mass compliance and cowardice is evident.

What is it going to take to get you people who aren't awake to get that way? Just curious.

My opinion, is identical to the italics at the opening- the US gov't is the lyingest entity on the planet and has help from it's lackeys (acolytes), presstitutes pretending to be intelligent-
“People do not expect to find chastity in a whorehouse. Why, then, do they expect to find honesty and humanity in government, a congeries of institutions whose modus operandi consists of lying, cheating, stealing, and if need be, murdering those who resist?”

H. L. Mencken

Now we face a total crushing of all liberty at the hands of the state, and few have been able to grasp the absolute urgency of this situation, as most are still of the belief that all will be fine, and we soon will return to the normal amount of tyranny that has escalated for decades on end without resistance. For all those that take this uninformed and absurd position, maybe you should consider just some of the things happening right before your eyes, instead of “hoping” that all will magically be remedied.

Mask wearing is still mandated in many areas across many states, but people are still wearing them even if not ordered to do so, so mass compliance and cowardice is evident.

What is it going to take to get you people who aren't awake to get that way? Just curious.

My opinion, is identical to the italics at the opening- the US gov't is the lyingest entity on the planet and has help from it's lackeys (acolytes), presstitutes pretending to be intelligent-
The only reason Biden is asking states to re-institute mandates is so he can string this crisis out as long as possible.
Their goal is to ruin our he can "Build Back Better"....with a socialist state.
“People do not expect to find chastity in a whorehouse. Why, then, do they expect to find honesty and humanity in government, a congeries of institutions whose modus operandi consists of lying, cheating, stealing, and if need be, murdering those who resist?”

H. L. Mencken

Now we face a total crushing of all liberty at the hands of the state, and few have been able to grasp the absolute urgency of this situation, as most are still of the belief that all will be fine, and we soon will return to the normal amount of tyranny that has escalated for decades on end without resistance. For all those that take this uninformed and absurd position, maybe you should consider just some of the things happening right before your eyes, instead of “hoping” that all will magically be remedied.

Mask wearing is still mandated in many areas across many states, but people are still wearing them even if not ordered to do so, so mass compliance and cowardice is evident.

What is it going to take to get you people who aren't awake to get that way? Just curious.

My opinion, is identical to the italics at the opening- the US gov't is the lyingest entity on the planet and has help from it's lackeys (acolytes), presstitutes pretending to be intelligent-
The only reason Biden is asking states to re-institute mandates is so he can string this crisis out as long as possible.
Their goal is to ruin our he can "Build Back Better"....with a socialist state.
Too bad dipshitz like Republicans are still playing voodoo economics from the Reagan era.
So there's no point in doctors wearing masks during surgery? ...
Non sequitur.

Surgical masks are surgical grade (which 99.999% of face diapers on the street are not) and are used in a closed sterile theater with negative atmospheric pressurization....Under all those circumstances, those face masks have a useful lifespan of 20-30 minutes.

And you clod maskurbators think that hose flimsy non-surgical face diapers are effective for anything but making you look like a servile subject?....lmao!
Politian's don't lie they just bend the truth. IF they didn't then they would be blamed for everything that is wrong. They really are so misunderstood. They just want people to like them.

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