Lies of the Waqf in Jerussalem

Your husband is from Yemen, isn't he? I take it he is also Jewish????

Sudanese animists were enslaved by Christians like John Garang of the SPLA and the Lord's Resistance Army... and the Dinka and Nuer are still killing each other... and they have lived by raiding livestock and women for well over a thousand years so that may not change soon.
You FILTHY Lying arab-by-insemination-slut.. I already Porked you on this:

You're a LIAR.
As always, a RAGING Serial Liar.
A Criminal Sociopath.

The First Genocide in Sudan was by the Ruling NIF (Natl Islam Front) against Southern Christians and Animists

Genocide I (the Big one before trendy Darfur.) said:
Genocide in Sudan

Who: Southern ethnic and religious groups

When: 1983 to present
Where: Mainly southern Sudan with some northern spillover
Estimated Numbers: Approx. 2 Million killed, 4-5 Million displaced

Sudan long has experienced conflicts over religious, ethnic, and political differences. It geographically is split in half by its ethno-religious composition. The north is mainly Muslim of Arab and Spanish descent while the south is Christian or traditional animist black African with several tribes or bands further dividing identity.

In 1983 the dominant Muslim parties under the National Islamic Front declared the institution of Islamic law,
which protected religious minorities under Muslim rules of pluralism. Non-Muslim political groups however perceived the declaration as a threat, and a civil war broke out. From the southern territories, the Sudan People's Liberation Army (military wing) and Liberation Movement (political wing) called for political autonomy for the south and joined an alliance of anti-government groups consisting of parties from both north and south. The Islamic Front launched a suppressive response to the challenge and occupied many southern villages, often destroying them in the process. Ethnically, the battle lines were drawn between southern Nuer and the Upper Nile, and the southeastern Dinkas vs. Didinga.

The occupying forces created a slave trade of southern Christians and, according to the US Committee for Refugees, around 2 million people have been killed and 4 to 5 million internally displaced since 1983. Refugee organizations report that, as of 1999, 420,000 Sudanese refugees are dispersed across 7 countries. To add to the hardship, the UNHCR estimates that 391,500 external refugees from neighboring conflicts have fled into Sudan over the past 35 years.

Relief operations became involved with Sudan in 1967 to aid in supporting the mass influx of refugees from Eritrea, Ethiopia, Chad, Uganda, DRC, and Somalia. Since the civil war started, the UN's Operation Lifeline Sudan and the Red Cross have provided food and provisions to the refugees and villagers and monitored developments. Unfortunately, the Sudanese government has detained humanitarian shipments, restricted distribution of aid to the opposition groups, and bombed civilian and Red Cross airstrips.

For more information:
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
US Committee for Refugees
Yet more later.

The issue in Darfur is water.. Everyone is black and Muslim.. That's why Saudi Arabia has drilled 90 water wells and built 14 clinics.

The SPLA was run by John Garang .. a self-professed Marxist Christian.. and he often raided relief trucks.

When Islamic Law was passed in Sudan.. non-muslims were exempt from Muslim observance.. You might want to READ the law.
Of course I know Alfred Lillianthal----he is a treasure to the cause of islamo nazism .
As far as DHIMMIA is concerned I know all about it -----My husband was born
a DHIMMI ----a victm of the filth that both you endorse and adolf abu ali and osama bin laden endorsed
The same filth that still holds thousands of sudani christans as slaves
See? I know you. What does "live in peace" mean to you?

Your husband is from Yemen, isn't he? I take it he is also Jewish????

Sudanese animists were enslaved by Christians like John Garang of the SPLA and the Lord's Resistance Army... and the Dinka and Nuer are still killing each other... and they have lived by raiding livestock and women for well over a thousand years so that may not change soon.

The southern sudanese of current times are christians------very few animists. Christianity
in Sudan preceded islam------but SUDAN as an OUTPOST of ARAB SLAVE TRADING has
been ongoing for MANY THOUSANDS OF YEARS-----preceding both islam and christianity---the RULERS OF SUDAN maintained their ARAB (ie from arabia) identity and became
muslim along with their bretheren back there and continued with slavery
as their main industry. You made no point other than to try to deflect from
actual reality by pointing out the relatively exceptional issues. You learned your lessons
well. There is no question that some christians were engaged in the slave trade---either
directly or indirectly both in africa and "TRANSATLANTIC"----but the largest single portion of slave trade involving subsaharan blacks has been an ARAB INDUSTRY ----for the past
several thousand years. In ancient times-----arab slave trade supplied even greece and

In the early 1990s, official records of Sudan as a whole (Sudan and South Sudan) showed that a large percentage adhered to African Traditional Religion (17%) and Christianity (8%) (though both located mainly in the south, some also at Khartoum). Among Christians, most are Catholic and Anglican, though other denominations are also active, and African Traditional Religion beliefs are often blended with Christian beliefs.[10] [11][12]

In addition to news sources, the Anglican and Catholic churches claim large membership. The US Episcopal Church claimed 2 million members in 2005 in the Episcopal Church of the Sudan.[13]

The most recent Pew Research Center on Religion and Public Life report from December 2012 estimated that in 2010, there were 6.010 million Christians (60.46%), 3.270 million followers of African Traditional Religion (32.9%), 610,000 Muslims (6.2%) and 50,000 unaffiliated (no known religion) of a total 9,940,000 people in South Sudan.[14]

Religion in South Sudan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sudan has traded with and intermarried with Arabs for several thousand years.

Viking and Khazars were also involved in the slave trade..
Your husband is from Yemen, isn't he? I take it he is also Jewish????

Sudanese animists were enslaved by Christians like John Garang of the SPLA and the Lord's Resistance Army... and the Dinka and Nuer are still killing each other... and they have lived by raiding livestock and women for well over a thousand years so that may not change soon.
You FILTHY Lying arab-by-insemination-slut.. I already Porked you on this:

You're a LIAR.
As always, a RAGING Serial Liar.
A Criminal Sociopath.

The First Genocide in Sudan was by the Ruling NIF (Natl Islam Front) against Southern Christians and Animists

Genocide I (the Big one before trendy Darfur.)

Yet more later.

The issue in Darfur is water.. Everyone is black and Muslim.. That's why Saudi Arabia has drilled 90 water wells and built 14 clinics.

The SPLA was run by John Garang .. a self-professed Marxist Christian.. and he often raided relief trucks.

When Islamic Law was passed in Sudan.. non-muslims were exempt from Muslim observance.. You might want to READ the law.

LOL tell us all about that MARVELOUS FAVOR-----'non muslims are exempt
from "MUSLIM OBSERVANCES" -------in return for being enslaved to the
disgusting stench of shariah and the filth of DAR AL ISLAM
You FILTHY Lying arab-by-insemination-slut.. I already Porked you on this:

The issue in Darfur is water.. Everyone is black and Muslim.. That's why Saudi Arabia has drilled 90 water wells and built 14 clinics.

The SPLA was run by John Garang .. a self-professed Marxist Christian.. and he often raided relief trucks.

When Islamic Law was passed in Sudan.. non-muslims were exempt from Muslim observance.. You might want to READ the law.

LOL tell us all about that MARVELOUS FAVOR-----'non muslims are exempt
from "MUSLIM OBSERVANCES" -------in return for being enslaved to the
disgusting stench of shariah and the filth of DAR AL ISLAM

I would suggest that you read the law.
The issue in Darfur is water.. Everyone is black and Muslim.. That's why Saudi Arabia has drilled 90 water wells and built 14 clinics.

The SPLA was run by John Garang .. a self-professed Marxist Christian.. and he often raided relief trucks.

When Islamic Law was passed in Sudan.. non-muslims were exempt from Muslim observance.. You might want to READ the law.

LOL tell us all about that MARVELOUS FAVOR-----'non muslims are exempt
from "MUSLIM OBSERVANCES" -------in return for being enslaved to the
disgusting stench of shariah and the filth of DAR AL ISLAM

I would suggest that you read the law.

read what law? THE LAW? all of it? Like abraham lincoln----learn to
ba a lawyer at home? an interesting idea-----a friend of mine who is a lawyer
told me that I could get a law degree on line-----easily-----he said he would sponsor me.

I am not sure I have the patience at my age to learn all the crap. As to---shariah law
and dhimmia---- I know all about it already. I know the ramifications of any system
LOL tell us all about that MARVELOUS FAVOR-----'non muslims are exempt
from "MUSLIM OBSERVANCES" -------in return for being enslaved to the
disgusting stench of shariah and the filth of DAR AL ISLAM

I would suggest that you read the law.

read what law? THE LAW? all of it? Like abraham lincoln----learn to
ba a lawyer at home? an interesting idea-----a friend of mine who is a lawyer
told me that I could get a law degree on line-----easily-----he said he would sponsor me.

I am not sure I have the patience at my age to learn all the crap. As to---shariah law
and dhimmia---- I know all about it already. I know the ramifications of any system

Why do you have to be a lawyer to read the law of Sudan? Its posted on line.. has been for years.
I would suggest that you read the law.

read what law? THE LAW? all of it? Like abraham lincoln----learn to
ba a lawyer at home? an interesting idea-----a friend of mine who is a lawyer
told me that I could get a law degree on line-----easily-----he said he would sponsor me.

I am not sure I have the patience at my age to learn all the crap. As to---shariah law
and dhimmia---- I know all about it already. I know the ramifications of any system

Why do you have to be a lawyer to read the law of Sudan? Its posted on line.. has been for years.

I have no interest in reading the law of sudan-----I already know what that filth has
accomplished ----the enslavement and rape of thousands of children---the stink
my own mother-in-law escaped I am fully informed as to the filth you endorse,
An interesting aside-----sometime ago I discussed the filth you endorse with a poster
who described herself as a "lawyer" and "a muslim"-----we discussed the
DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW------she also endorsed it as an ACT OF KINDNESS---for
fatherless kaffirin children------you have colleagues in cyberspace
Your husband is from Yemen, isn't he? I take it he is also Jewish????

Sudanese animists were enslaved by Christians like John Garang of the SPLA and the Lord's Resistance Army... and the Dinka and Nuer are still killing each other... and they have lived by raiding livestock and women for well over a thousand years so that may not change soon.
You FILTHY Lying arab-by-insemination-slut.. I already Porked you on this:

You're a LIAR.
As always, a RAGING Serial Liar.
A Criminal Sociopath.

The First Genocide in Sudan was by the Ruling NIF (Natl Islam Front) against Southern Christians and Animists

Genocide I (the Big one before trendy Darfur.) said:
Genocide in Sudan

Who: Southern ethnic and religious groups

When: 1983 to present
Where: Mainly southern Sudan with some northern spillover
Estimated Numbers: Approx. 2 Million killed, 4-5 Million displaced

Sudan long has experienced conflicts over religious, ethnic, and political differences. It geographically is split in half by its ethno-religious composition. The north is mainly Muslim of Arab and Spanish descent while the south is Christian or traditional animist black African with several tribes or bands further dividing identity.

In 1983 the dominant Muslim parties under the National Islamic Front declared the institution of Islamic law,
which protected religious minorities under Muslim rules of pluralism. Non-Muslim political groups however perceived the declaration as a threat, and a civil war broke out. From the southern territories, the Sudan People's Liberation Army (military wing) and Liberation Movement (political wing) called for political autonomy for the south and joined an alliance of anti-government groups consisting of parties from both north and south. The Islamic Front launched a suppressive response to the challenge and occupied many southern villages, often destroying them in the process. Ethnically, the battle lines were drawn between southern Nuer and the Upper Nile, and the southeastern Dinkas vs. Didinga.

The occupying forces created a slave trade of southern Christians and, according to the US Committee for Refugees, around 2 million people have been killed and 4 to 5 million internally displaced since 1983. Refugee organizations report that, as of 1999, 420,000 Sudanese refugees are dispersed across 7 countries. To add to the hardship, the UNHCR estimates that 391,500 external refugees from neighboring conflicts have fled into Sudan over the past 35 years.

Relief operations became involved with Sudan in 1967 to aid in supporting the mass influx of refugees from Eritrea, Ethiopia, Chad, Uganda, DRC, and Somalia. Since the civil war started, the UN's Operation Lifeline Sudan and the Red Cross have provided food and provisions to the refugees and villagers and monitored developments. Unfortunately, the Sudanese government has detained humanitarian shipments, restricted distribution of aid to the opposition groups, and bombed civilian and Red Cross airstrips.

For more information:
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
US Committee for Refugees
Yet more later.

Years ago I read about the "Lost Boys of the Sudan." What a sad and perilous life they led. Thankfully for some of them, a Christian group in San Diego brought them over here. I believe Simon Deng (who was one of the "Lost Boys") is now one of the spokesmen for them.

Lost Boys of Sudan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Your husband is from Yemen, isn't he? I take it he is also Jewish????

Sudanese animists were enslaved by Christians like John Garang of the SPLA and the Lord's Resistance Army... and the Dinka and Nuer are still killing each other... and they have lived by raiding livestock and women for well over a thousand years so that may not change soon.
You FILTHY Lying arab-by-insemination-slut.. I already Porked you on this:

You're a LIAR.
As always, a RAGING Serial Liar.
A Criminal Sociopath.

The First Genocide in Sudan was by the Ruling NIF (Natl Islam Front) against Southern Christians and Animists

Genocide I (the Big one before trendy Darfur.)

Yet more later.

Years ago I read about the "Lost Boys of the Sudan." What a sad and perilous life they led. Thankfully for some of them, a Christian group in San Diego brought them over here. I believe Simon Deng (who was one of the "Lost Boys") is now one of the spokesmen for them.

Lost Boys of Sudan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the question now is -----what about the ones who are STILL LOST over there
You FILTHY Lying arab-by-insemination-slut.. I already Porked you on this:

Years ago I read about the "Lost Boys of the Sudan." What a sad and perilous life they led. Thankfully for some of them, a Christian group in San Diego brought them over here. I believe Simon Deng (who was one of the "Lost Boys") is now one of the spokesmen for them.

Lost Boys of Sudan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the question now is -----what about the ones who are STILL LOST over there

The Lost Boys of Sudan was a way of financing the Christian militias of the South.. What a stink when the duped learned they were buying the same "slaves" over and over again. Must have been in the early 1990s when that fraud was exposed.
Years ago I read about the "Lost Boys of the Sudan." What a sad and perilous life they led. Thankfully for some of them, a Christian group in San Diego brought them over here. I believe Simon Deng (who was one of the "Lost Boys") is now one of the spokesmen for them.

Lost Boys of Sudan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the question now is -----what about the ones who are STILL LOST over there

The Lost Boys of Sudan was a way of financing the Christian militias of the South.. What a stink when the duped learned they were buying the same "slaves" over and over again. Must have been in the early 1990s when that fraud was exposed.

Really, who told you this, Shaarona? Don't you have any compassion for what these young boys went through.
the question now is -----what about the ones who are STILL LOST over there

The Lost Boys of Sudan was a way of financing the Christian militias of the South.. What a stink when the duped learned they were buying the same "slaves" over and over again. Must have been in the early 1990s when that fraud was exposed.

Really, who told you this, Shaarona? Don't you have any compassion for what these young boys went through.

Oh I do have compassion for them.. Animist children were kidnapped and brutally used by Christian factions in South Sudan.

I have been following events in Sudan for over 30 years because I have known many Sudanese. Have you been to Asmara?

The Sudanese people are quite beautiful.
I would suggest that you read the law.

read what law? THE LAW? all of it? Like abraham lincoln----learn to
ba a lawyer at home? an interesting idea-----a friend of mine who is a lawyer
told me that I could get a law degree on line-----easily-----he said he would sponsor me.

I am not sure I have the patience at my age to learn all the crap. As to---shariah law
and dhimmia---- I know all about it already. I know the ramifications of any system

Why do you have to be a lawyer to read the law of Sudan? Its posted on line.. has been for years.

How would you react if the USA were to institute the laws of dhimmi but applied them to islam and muslims. Were you had to wear only brown clothes with an upside down crescent moon sewn in. Could not own a car or even ride in one, had to walk in the gutter at all times. Could not build a mosque over 12 foot tall at its highest point, and could not repair any once built. Had to pay a tax that equalled up to 100% of your earnings, and could be beaten and ridiculed by the local tax collector on a whim. Could not own any weapon and could not show any outward sign of your religion. Just a small part of the laws regarding dhimmi for you to try and refute as the evidence is freely available online from Islamic sources.
read what law? THE LAW? all of it? Like abraham lincoln----learn to
ba a lawyer at home? an interesting idea-----a friend of mine who is a lawyer
told me that I could get a law degree on line-----easily-----he said he would sponsor me.

I am not sure I have the patience at my age to learn all the crap. As to---shariah law
and dhimmia---- I know all about it already. I know the ramifications of any system

Why do you have to be a lawyer to read the law of Sudan? Its posted on line.. has been for years.

How would you react if the USA were to institute the laws of dhimmi but applied them to islam and muslims. Were you had to wear only brown clothes with an upside down crescent moon sewn in. Could not own a car or even ride in one, had to walk in the gutter at all times. Could not build a mosque over 12 foot tall at its highest point, and could not repair any once built. Had to pay a tax that equalled up to 100% of your earnings, and could be beaten and ridiculed by the local tax collector on a whim. Could not own any weapon and could not show any outward sign of your religion. Just a small part of the laws regarding dhimmi for you to try and refute as the evidence is freely available online from Islamic sources.

Some ignorance is just impossible to overcome. Let your fear dominate you.
The Lost Boys of Sudan was a way of financing the Christian militias of the South.. What a stink when the duped learned they were buying the same "slaves" over and over again. Must have been in the early 1990s when that fraud was exposed.

Really, who told you this, Shaarona? Don't you have any compassion for what these young boys went through.

Oh I do have compassion for them.. Animist children were kidnapped and brutally used by Christian factions in South Sudan.

I have been following events in Sudan for over 30 years because I have known many Sudanese. Have you been to Asmara?

The Sudanese people are quite beautiful.

Then you know thawt the Muslim Sudanese have murdered over 2 millions Christians in the Sudan, and that just recently the President of Sudan said that he wants no Christians and Black tribes in his country. Sounds like a nice guy, doesn't he? What has their beauty have to do with anything? I think the Ethiopians are beautiful, but more important I would hate to see them murdered because of the religion they followed.
the question now is -----what about the ones who are STILL LOST over there

The Lost Boys of Sudan was a way of financing the Christian militias of the South.. What a stink when the duped learned they were buying the same "slaves" over and over again. Must have been in the early 1990s when that fraud was exposed.

Really, who told you this, Shaarona? Don't you have any compassion for what these young boys went through.

Be not amazed,, sally-------she has not yet REVVED UP the real BS
Why do you have to be a lawyer to read the law of Sudan? Its posted on line.. has been for years.

How would you react if the USA were to institute the laws of dhimmi but applied them to islam and muslims. Were you had to wear only brown clothes with an upside down crescent moon sewn in. Could not own a car or even ride in one, had to walk in the gutter at all times. Could not build a mosque over 12 foot tall at its highest point, and could not repair any once built. Had to pay a tax that equalled up to 100% of your earnings, and could be beaten and ridiculed by the local tax collector on a whim. Could not own any weapon and could not show any outward sign of your religion. Just a small part of the laws regarding dhimmi for you to try and refute as the evidence is freely available online from Islamic sources.

Some ignorance is just impossible to overcome. Let your fear dominate you.

Who is an Arab Jew? by Albert Memmi
The Lost Boys of Sudan was a way of financing the Christian militias of the South.. What a stink when the duped learned they were buying the same "slaves" over and over again. Must have been in the early 1990s when that fraud was exposed.

Really, who told you this, Shaarona? Don't you have any compassion for what these young boys went through.

Be not amazed,, sally-------she has not yet REVVED UP the real BS

Sorry, Lady.. you may be cranky and abusive but you don't know squat about Sudan. You have bought into George Clooney's Hollywood version of Sudan.
Of course they know.. Read the Treaty of Omar or Umar.

When he conquered Jerusalem from the Christians, he found the site had been the city dump for a couple hundred years.

Dayan was much too smart to consider tearing down a 1300 year old mosque built to honor the God of Abraham.

The site had never been the city dump. There was no reason NOT to tear the
mosque apart------it was built ON TOP OF A HOLY JEWISH SITE Just about two years
ago the dogs of tunisia who worship the pig of mecca----tore a 2500 year old
synagogue apart in honor of the stench of their creed Why do you insist that jews
are SO MUCH BETTER PEOPLE? Why do you insist that the meccaist dogs must always
be put to shame. are you THAT RACIST?

I am sorry but it was the city dump for nearly 400 years. The Christians didn't care about it and there were few Jews in Jerusalem until Omar invited them to return.

Are there many Jews in Tunisia?

the buildings were DETERIORATED and FALLING APART-------not the "city dump"
There had been jews in Tunisa since the babylonian exile-----then islam happened---
things went fairly well whilst ITALY had control-----then circa 1950----it became
independent of italy and ISLAM happened again------with the usual genocidal
policies that depleted the population In the past two years-----the "arab" spring
put the nail in the coffin of TUNISIAN jewry------there may be a few dozen
left on a local island----I just do not know if any are still there
Why do you have to be a lawyer to read the law of Sudan? Its posted on line.. has been for years.

How would you react if the USA were to institute the laws of dhimmi but applied them to islam and muslims. Were you had to wear only brown clothes with an upside down crescent moon sewn in. Could not own a car or even ride in one, had to walk in the gutter at all times. Could not build a mosque over 12 foot tall at its highest point, and could not repair any once built. Had to pay a tax that equalled up to 100% of your earnings, and could be beaten and ridiculed by the local tax collector on a whim. Could not own any weapon and could not show any outward sign of your religion. Just a small part of the laws regarding dhimmi for you to try and refute as the evidence is freely available online from Islamic sources.

Some ignorance is just impossible to overcome. Let your fear dominate you.

You are the one in ignorance as you refuse to even consider that islam could be wrong. So I ask again how would you like to live under dhimmi laws if they were instituted in the USA.
Having spoken to muslims in the UK I know that they would not want that form of RACISM and INTOLERANCE to be set against them. It made them sit up and take stock of islam and what it teaches and many are looking at ways to leave islam safely.

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