Life as the Palestinian's know it

You didn't answer my question. What would happen if the people of Gaza and the people of "Palestine" just stopped attacking the people of Israel?
They are not "attacks". They are responses to the occupation and blockade.

Keep in mind, Palestinian's have had to endure 34 years of occupation, before the first rocket went up.
You didn't answer my question. What would happen if the people of Gaza and the people of "Palestine" just stopped attacking the people of Israel?
They are not "attacks". They are responses to the occupation and blockade.

Keep in mind, Palestinian's have had to endure 34 years of occupation, before the first rocket went up.


The Arabs, including the Jordanians, IE all of todays palestinians declared war in 1948.

They attacked the fledgling state of Israel and they continue to do so today. They as Arab Muslims attacked Judiac people wherever they found them for hundreds of years. Out of pure bigotry and racism.

The Arab Muslims have been the aggressor since the days of Islam's inception. Or did you forget that the Arab Muslims broke out of the Arabian peninsula on a wave of warfare.

Israel is responding to Arab attacks.

but again I'd have to ask, what you might know of life as a pali ? Are you one ? Do you live in any of the terrorist enclaves ? Have you ever been to Israel ?

It seems very obvious that the UNWRA has contributed to teaching racism and bigotry to the Arab Muslims and that unless the incitement is addressed there's really no chance of peace.
You didn't answer my question. What would happen if the people of Gaza and the people of "Palestine" just stopped attacking the people of Israel?
They are not "attacks". They are responses to the occupation and blockade.

Keep in mind, Palestinian's have had to endure 34 years of occupation, before the first rocket went up.

Fine. Whatever. What if the people of Gaza and the people of Palestine just stopped responding with murderous violence against the people of Israel?
You crack me up with this shit. OK so you seem to think you have an automatic right to access your property.
Absolutely. And you have no right to put one foot on my property without my permission.

Sorry but you'd better read that deed carefully. Lots of properties can be had cheap because they lack access.
WTF are you talking about, troll?

The land use dep definitely has the ability to tell you what you can and can't do on your own property.
What's "dep"? Or "land use dep"? You keep digging yourself in a deeper hole. Are you referring to the Building and Safety Dept? It's quite obvious you have no idea what you're talking about.

As far as that fence is concerned, pre existing or court ordered right of way is often an obstacle on private property.
Courts don't order right of ways, it's a totally separate government entity that does that. Or it could be a utility company easement. Whatever agency it is, it is normally referred to as the AHJ (authority having jurisdiction).

BTW, you cannot build on a public right of way. Therefore, your whole analogy is bullshit.

Depends if you had a driveway permit ;--)
There's no such thing as a "driveway permit", unless you are building a driveway.

The main thing is, my property is NOT YOURS! And if you just happen to be my neighbor, you can't do anything on my property, without my permission. If you think you can, come on over to my house and we'll see how well you do.

And last but not least that nonsense about Israeli's living in the disputed territories. What makes you think the remnant Arab Armies and their families living in the disputed territories have any more right to that area than Israel does ? Given Israel has the last legally binding claim; the mandate. Everything west of the Jordan is open to use for the creation of the national Jewish homeland.
Wrong. Palestinian's have been living there for over a 1000 years. The fact that you refuse to acknowledge the rights of others, is a perfect example of what the Palestinian's have had to endure, since Zionists started migrating in at the beginning of the last century.

Just look at what you were just saying. You had no clue as to what you were talking about, yet you still jumped through hoops to find something that would allow you to do what YOU wanted, on MY property.

You had no desire to find out what the applicable ordinances are regarding my home, so you just decided to make shit up on the fly. This is exactly what Israel is doing to the Palestinian's. Just making shit up on the fly. Like your "disputed" territory garbage.

Your funny. I've been having way to much fun refuting your nonsense, but yeah at least this time you stuck to the subject.
You haven't refuted jack shit. You play word games, then "act" like you just said something.

The simple reality is neither of us can speak from a position of experience of life as a pali, so the subject is kinda moot. As there is no one here who is an Arab Muslim living in Israel.
We don't have to be. As long as we back up what we say with corroborative citations, we've satisfied our burden of proof. And it doesn't matter whether a citation comes from a UN report, or Fox News, how the opposition "feels" towards our sources, has nothing to do with the truth or falsehood of our claims.

I will end this by saying, I agree with you, neither of us are experts, but I am the bigger asshole.
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Fine. Whatever. What if the people of Gaza and the people of Palestine just stopped responding with murderous violence against the people of Israel?
That would mean Israel had ended the occupation and blockade.

You need to spend more time discussing Israeli aggression, than you do about what the Palestinian's do. Israeli aggression, is the root cause of all the violence.
Fine. Whatever. What if the people of Gaza and the people of Palestine just stopped responding with murderous violence against the people of Israel?
That would mean Israel had ended the occupation and blockade.

You need to spend more time discussing Israeli aggression, than you do about what the Palestinian's do. Israeli aggression, is the root cause of all the violence.

Still avoiding the question.

What would happen if the people of Gaza and the people of Palestine just stopped the violence against the people of Israel? What would be the result? If they just unilaterally stopped using violence to try to get what they want?

The Arabs, including the Jordanians, IE all of todays palestinians declared war in 1948.

They attacked the fledgling state of Israel and they continue to do so today. They as Arab Muslims attacked Judiac people wherever they found them for hundreds of years. Out of pure bigotry and racism.

The Arab Muslims have been the aggressor since the days of Islam's inception. Or did you forget that the Arab Muslims broke out of the Arabian peninsula on a wave of warfare.

Israel is responding to Arab attacks.

but again I'd have to ask, what you might know of life as a pali ? Are you one ? Do you live in any of the terrorist enclaves ? Have you ever been to Israel ?

It seems very obvious that the UNWRA has contributed to teaching racism and bigotry to the Arab Muslims and that unless the incitement is addressed there's really no chance of peace.
In 1948, they were responding to Jewish terrorism and Zionist violence that was increasing as the British vacated the area. The Arab armies went in to restore law and order. The fact that they couldn't do that, doesn't change the mission.

Zionists started the fight.
Still avoiding the question.

What would happen if the people of Gaza and the people of Palestine just stopped the violence against the people of Israel? What would be the result? If they just unilaterally stopped using violence to try to get what they want?
Israel would just make up some bullshit reason to attack, like they did in 2008 and 2014.
Still avoiding the question.

What would happen if the people of Gaza and the people of Palestine just stopped the violence against the people of Israel? What would be the result? If they just unilaterally stopped using violence to try to get what they want?
Israel would just make up some bullshit reason to attack, like they did in 2008 and 2014.

The violence stopped in 2008 and 2014? Do tell.

No really, what would happen if the people of Gaza and the people of Palestine just stopped the violence?
Are you getting bored with flailing around trying unsuccessfully to defend your silly notion that Israel is committing a genocide in Gaza and the West Bank?

All right then. Let's try this one:

Having your free movement denied by enclosed population centers, closed borders, regular curfews, roadblocks, checkpoints, electric fences, and separation walls.

The problem with this is that it fails to recognize the responsibility for one's own actions. The reason these things exist is because of the violence committed against innocent Israeli citizens. The way to solve the problem is to stop the violence. It doesn't serve any purpose anyways, in that it is not an effective way of furthering the Palestinians cause.

What do you think will happen if the people of Gaza and the West Bank Palestine just stopped attacking the people of Israel?
Do you think you have a right to tell me what I can (and cannot) do on my own property?

Do you think you have a right to build a fence on my front lawn?

Do you think you have a right to prevent me from accessing my own driveway?

Because that's what you're doing in the OPT.

BTW, Israeli's living in the West Bank, should be attacked. They are there illegally and are doing nothing but exacerbating the problem.

YES if it is illegal and causes harm to others.

YES if it stops you from causing harm to others

YES if it is for an illegal prupose

For the self same reasons, safety of the Israeli civilians targeted by the illegal acts of the Palestinians. Still waiting for your link to show that firing illegal weapons at Israeli children is allowed under the Geneva conventions

Link to show they are there illegally, as the land records show the land was Jewish prior to the invasion and theft in 1948/1949. Why wont you accept the word of the Palestinians on this when they admit they expelled the Jews in their hundreds of thousands from international corpus seperatum land.
Are you getting bored with flailing around trying unsuccessfully to defend your silly notion that Israel is committing a genocide in Gaza and the West Bank?
I almost forgot; the answer is 'no'. I dig this shit. Arguments are my Disneyland.

Then it is time you grew up and realised that you are arguing for arguments sake and don't have a leg to stand on
There was a janitor at my high-school, Ace, who also called himself an engineer.
Custodial engineer?

Sometimes they call themselves Plant Manager.

Sometimes they call them sir and bow down low to them, or face losing their job.

Some places require minimal entrance qualifications like trainee doctors need to show a level of science and maths higher than that expected of an electrician. I became over qualified when I did courses to alleviate the boredom, and not having hands on experience meant I was not even short listed.
Since Nazi Germany, there have been genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Sudan, Bosnia, and in the Middle East today (concerning Christians). Don't they qualify as people?
Did theirs last 60 years?

They did not need to as the results were noticeable within 6 months when the population decreased faster than normal. As in the Christian population of Palestine that has decreased by 90% due to the arab muslim genocide of Christians.

This fact PROVES that there is no genocide of the arab muslims by Israel, and there never has been. Where are the piles of bodies showing a mass murder of the population over and above the birth rate, this is the standard measure of a genocide
Still avoiding the question.

What would happen if the people of Gaza and the people of Palestine just stopped the violence against the people of Israel? What would be the result? If they just unilaterally stopped using violence to try to get what they want?
Israel would just make up some bullshit reason to attack, like they did in 2008 and 2014.

Like the UN proven 2000 plus illegal rockets fired at Israeli civilians, or the kidnapping, torture, murder and defilement of the 3 boys. How were those made up bullshit with the level of evidence available to prove they happened. The Palestinians even admitted to having done the murders.

The UN agreed that Israel had the right to respond to the attacks and stepped out of the way while they meted out a response, once the response hit a certain level the UN stepped in and said halt. Problem was hamas still had weapons and so broke the ceasefire terms and got clobbered again by Israel.

Now produce your links from your anti Jew sites that admit they are lying.
Yes they did meet Hitler, but they were negotiating peace. When the Mufti met Hitler they were planning genocide
How do you know, you wern´t there

Because the meetings were documented, or haven't you heard of the Germans meticulous lists and minute that detail everything. If a soldier lost one stud from his boots the Sergeant would hear it from 100 yards and put him on a charge
You didn't answer my question. What would happen if the people of Gaza and the people of "Palestine" just stopped attacking the people of Israel?
They are not "attacks". They are responses to the occupation and blockade.

Keep in mind, Palestinian's have had to endure 34 years of occupation, before the first rocket went up.

So how is cross border fire of illegal weapons targeting children a response to an occupation. How is cross border bombings prior to the occupation a response to an occupation that is not in place. Even the UN have said that the rocket attacks are not responses to the occupation but acts of war, war crimes and illegal.

Remember the violence started in 1923 when the arab muslims decided to attack the Jews and drive them from their land. This is well before any occupation was in place. And from 1948 to 1967 the land was occupied by Egypt and Jordan and the terrorists did not start their violence against them until 1969 when they tried to assassinate King Jordan
You crack me up with this shit. OK so you seem to think you have an automatic right to access your property.
Absolutely. And you have no right to put one foot on my property without my permission.

Sorry but you'd better read that deed carefully. Lots of properties can be had cheap because they lack access.
WTF are you talking about, troll?

The land use dep definitely has the ability to tell you what you can and can't do on your own property.
What's "dep"? Or "land use dep"? You keep digging yourself in a deeper hole. Are you referring to the Building and Safety Dept? It's quite obvious you have no idea what you're talking about.

As far as that fence is concerned, pre existing or court ordered right of way is often an obstacle on private property.
Courts don't order right of ways, it's a totally separate government entity that does that. Or it could be a utility company easement. Whatever agency it is, it is normally referred to as the AHJ (authority having jurisdiction).

BTW, you cannot build on a public right of way. Therefore, your whole analogy is bullshit.

Depends if you had a driveway permit ;--)
There's no such thing as a "driveway permit", unless you are building a driveway.

The main thing is, my property is NOT YOURS! And if you just happen to be my neighbor, you can't do anything on my property, without my permission. If you think you can, come on over to my house and we'll see how well you do.

And last but not least that nonsense about Israeli's living in the disputed territories. What makes you think the remnant Arab Armies and their families living in the disputed territories have any more right to that area than Israel does ? Given Israel has the last legally binding claim; the mandate. Everything west of the Jordan is open to use for the creation of the national Jewish homeland.
Wrong. Palestinian's have been living there for over a 1000 years. The fact that you refuse to acknowledge the rights of others, is a perfect example of what the Palestinian's have had to endure, since Zionists started migrating in at the beginning of the last century.

Just look at what you were just saying. You had no clue as to what you were talking about, yet you still jumped through hoops to find something that would allow you to do what YOU wanted, on MY property.

You had no desire to find out what the applicable ordinances are regarding my home, so you just decided to make shit up on the fly. This is exactly what Israel is doing to the Palestinian's. Just making shit up on the fly. Like your "disputed" territory garbage.

Your funny. I've been having way to much fun refuting your nonsense, but yeah at least this time you stuck to the subject.
You haven't refuted jack shit. You play word games, then "act" like you just said something.

The simple reality is neither of us can speak from a position of experience of life as a pali, so the subject is kinda moot. As there is no one here who is an Arab Muslim living in Israel.
We don't have to be. As long as we back up what we say with corroborative citations, we've satisfied our burden of proof. And it doesn't matter whether a citation comes from a UN report, or Fox News, how the opposition "feels" towards our sources, has nothing to do with the truth or falsehood of our claims.

I will end this by saying, I agree with you, neither of us are experts, but I am the bigger asshole.

WRONG if their is enough belief that a crime is taking place I can

Access to your property

Local government in charge of property permits, who can tell you just what you can and cant do on " your property ".

That is just one small part of their remit, and I get this from watching US DIY/building shows. showing I know more than you do.

You can if the civil courts grant you the right to pass over it, or over a neighbors property.

Define what you mean by your property, if you rent from me I can demand access at any reasonable time and you cant stop me.

Not according to the UN who in 1949 said that the Palestinian refugees not meeting the criteria for refugee status would be covered by the UNWRA. ( the criteria was 2 years residency on the land, and because they arrived with the arab league troops they did not meet it ) The only Palestinians to have lived there for thousands of years were the Jews, and they were named by the Romans.
Life as Palestinians know it:

7 A.M. -- wake up after dreaming of killing Jews.
7-8 A.M. -- eat breakfast provided by charitable contributions from useful idiots while thinking of killing Jews.
8-8:05 A.M. Brush tooth while thinking of killing Jews.
8:05 -9 A.M. -- attend motivational meeting on the killing of Jews.
9-11 A.M. -- exercise time! Help dig tunnel for the purpose of killing Jews.
11 A.M-12 P.M. -- sort rocks of proper weight to give to children for the purpose of killing Jews.
12 P.M. - 1 P.M. -- eat lunch provided by charitable contributions from useful idiots while thinking of killing Jews.
1 P.M. to 3 P.M. -- Work on propaganda video aimed at enlisting useful idiots in your campaign to kill Jews.
3 P.M. to 5 P.M. -- Try to find a Jew to kill.
5 P.M. to 6 P.M. -- work on suicide vest used to kill Jews to make sure it is in working order.
6 P.M. to 7 P.M. -- eat dinner provided by charitable contributions from useful idiots while thinking of killing Jews.
7 P.M to 9 P.M. -- infest political discussion groups using names like "Billo", Tinmore", Fanger, "Challenger', "Coyote", "Penelope"and "Montelicini" to try to persuade others that all today's hip and happening kids support the killing of Jews.
9 P.M. to 10 P.M. -- Watch a little Palestinian television as Farfur the mouse explains to the kiddies that they should grow up to kill Jews.
10 P.M. to 11 P.M. -- attempt to impregnate he chattel in order to create more killers of Jews. Kill her for Honor if she resists.
11 P.M. -- beddy bye time and a hopefully a restful night dreaming sweat dreams about the killing of Jews.

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