Life In Another Democrat Hellhole: 4y Old Boy Among Dozens Victims -- Chicago Tops 400 Homicides...

Oh, they 'love' their city. That's why they've tolerated over 80yrs of Democrat-created misery? Ok, i guess they really are insane. Good luck to em. They're gonna need all the luck they can get.
Love of home is a universal sentiment that defies all reason, I am sure you love whatever horrible, screwed-up place you live in, see, didn't like that did you? Until republicans quit talking about cities like they are garbage they have no right to complain about their lack of support there.

I live in the wetback infested shithole that is North Mexico (Southern California) and I hate it.
What now smart guy?
I see, don't know why you would live somewhere you hate. There is this thing called "moving" where you put your stuff in a truck and go to a place you like better. I've done it several times and it usually works out for the best.

I own to much shit in college here. I'm trapped in this shithole with low grade human cockroaches for a few more years then I'm gone and I'll watch it further decay from a far.

I know what you're saying. Hopefully, you'll make your escape soon. California will be Venezuela in the near future. The Democrats are too entrenched there. Third World Misery is all Californians have to look forward to. Hope you get out man. God Bless.

Oh, I'm getting out....I have one foot in and one foot out now. I have a beautiful ranch in Montana that awaits. I'm surrounded by moral, legitimate, decent humans there. I'll start dumping real estate here next year and positioning businesses for sale in 2-3 years...two of my kids will graduate from college by then and we're taking our youngest with us up north. I'll miss the Pacific Ocean but that's about it.
I'll sit back and watch this shithole burn down.
Thanks bud...God Bless you as well
More proof Democrats destroy everything they touch. Another once grand American city destroyed by them.

A 4-year-old boy is among at least 29 people shot in Chicago this weekend as violence across the city left two dead and more than two dozen others wounded.

The child was wounded in a shooting that also left a woman dead and a teen injured on the city's West Side Friday, marking the weekend's first homicide and bringing the city to more than 400 homicides so far this year.

The shooting occurred at about 5:19 p.m. in the 5200 block of West Kamerling Avenue in the city's Austin neighborhood. The child was shot in the arm and taken to Stroger Hospital, police said.

A 19-year-old man was shot in the left arm and taken to Mt. Sinai. And a 27-year-old woman was also shot in the head and taken to Stroger Hospital, police said. The woman was later pronounced dead...

Boy, 4, Among 29 Shot in Chicago Weekend Violence So Far
Thanks to frivolous gun control laws...
Love of home is a universal sentiment that defies all reason, I am sure you love whatever horrible, screwed-up place you live in, see, didn't like that did you? Until republicans quit talking about cities like they are garbage they have no right to complain about their lack of support there.

I live in the wetback infested shithole that is North Mexico (Southern California) and I hate it.
What now smart guy?
I see, don't know why you would live somewhere you hate. There is this thing called "moving" where you put your stuff in a truck and go to a place you like better. I've done it several times and it usually works out for the best.

I own to much shit in college here. I'm trapped in this shithole with low grade human cockroaches for a few more years then I'm gone and I'll watch it further decay from a far.

I know what you're saying. Hopefully, you'll make your escape soon. California will be Venezuela in the near future. The Democrats are too entrenched there. Third World Misery is all Californians have to look forward to. Hope you get out man. God Bless.

Oh, I'm getting out....I have one foot in and one foot out now. I have a beautiful ranch in Montana that awaits. I'm surrounded by moral, legitimate, decent humans there. I'll start dumping real estate here next year and positioning businesses for sale in 2-3 years...two of my kids will graduate from college by then and we're taking our youngest with us up north. I'll miss the Pacific Ocean but that's about it.
I'll sit back and watch this shithole burn down.
Thanks bud...God Bless you as well

Good on ya. :thup:
More proof Democrats destroy everything they touch. Another once grand American city destroyed by them.

A 4-year-old boy is among at least 29 people shot in Chicago this weekend as violence across the city left two dead and more than two dozen others wounded.

The child was wounded in a shooting that also left a woman dead and a teen injured on the city's West Side Friday, marking the weekend's first homicide and bringing the city to more than 400 homicides so far this year.

The shooting occurred at about 5:19 p.m. in the 5200 block of West Kamerling Avenue in the city's Austin neighborhood. The child was shot in the arm and taken to Stroger Hospital, police said.

A 19-year-old man was shot in the left arm and taken to Mt. Sinai. And a 27-year-old woman was also shot in the head and taken to Stroger Hospital, police said. The woman was later pronounced dead...

Boy, 4, Among 29 Shot in Chicago Weekend Violence So Far
Funny how racists Republicans care so much for blacks in Chicago and nothing for poor and distressed whites in Appalachia. Why is that?

Well, the answer is simple. They don't care anything for their poor base and use the threat of dangerous blacks to keep the ignorant base in line and voting GOP.
More proof Democrats destroy everything they touch. Another once grand American city destroyed by them.

A 4-year-old boy is among at least 29 people shot in Chicago this weekend as violence across the city left two dead and more than two dozen others wounded.

The child was wounded in a shooting that also left a woman dead and a teen injured on the city's West Side Friday, marking the weekend's first homicide and bringing the city to more than 400 homicides so far this year.

The shooting occurred at about 5:19 p.m. in the 5200 block of West Kamerling Avenue in the city's Austin neighborhood. The child was shot in the arm and taken to Stroger Hospital, police said.

A 19-year-old man was shot in the left arm and taken to Mt. Sinai. And a 27-year-old woman was also shot in the head and taken to Stroger Hospital, police said. The woman was later pronounced dead...

Boy, 4, Among 29 Shot in Chicago Weekend Violence So Far
Funny how racists Republicans care so much for blacks in Chicago and nothing for poor and distressed whites in Appalachia. Why is that?

Well, the answer is simple. They don't care anything for their poor base and use the threat of dangerous blacks to keep the ignorant base in line and voting GOP.

No one but you, mentioned race. You're the racist. But hey, keep on voting for Democrats. They're gonna fix everything. :cuckoo:
Well, ya, moonblow, they all vote Democrat.
It does not help that republicans continually use the place as an example of failure and yet never seem to have any ideas to fix it. They despair on the loss of our industrial base when it's some depressed, medium-sized, republican voting town but seeming don't care about the large cities similarly devastated by outsourcing.

There is an idea to fix out the democrats who keep the problem going.....then put actual gun criminals in jail for 30 years.....two very positive steps to fixing Chicago....
More cops and prisons, now there's some original thinking.

Well.....twit.....Chicago is short 2,000 police officers, 1,000 because they have refused to hire more since they want to use that money to fund vanity projects for the rich democrat politicians, and another 1,000 due to vacations and sick leave, and of the police they have, they have turned the ACLU loose on them and attacked them after Ferguson to the point they have reduced their criminal interactions by 80%...........and then you have the fact that too many of the chicago aldermen are getting their voting directions from gangs....who are telling their pet politicians to vote against increasing prison sentences for actual repeat gun know, twit, the very people shooting other people.....

You can talk about root causes all day long, but Chicago doesn't have enough cops, undermines the cops they have and refuses to lock up violent shooters who are shooting all those people......

Then, after you contain that problem then you can deal with single teenage girls having multiple male children with different fathers who are then unable to raise the young males to be civilized adult men......
Chicago does not have a problem that is not also present in any depressed little rural town that votes overwhelmingly republican.
Please name the depressed little rural town full of Republican voters where white criminal thugs shoot one another in the streets all year long. Thanks.
More proof Democrats destroy everything they touch. Another once grand American city destroyed by them.

A 4-year-old boy is among at least 29 people shot in Chicago this weekend as violence across the city left two dead and more than two dozen others wounded.

The child was wounded in a shooting that also left a woman dead and a teen injured on the city's West Side Friday, marking the weekend's first homicide and bringing the city to more than 400 homicides so far this year.

The shooting occurred at about 5:19 p.m. in the 5200 block of West Kamerling Avenue in the city's Austin neighborhood. The child was shot in the arm and taken to Stroger Hospital, police said.

A 19-year-old man was shot in the left arm and taken to Mt. Sinai. And a 27-year-old woman was also shot in the head and taken to Stroger Hospital, police said. The woman was later pronounced dead...

Boy, 4, Among 29 Shot in Chicago Weekend Violence So Far
Funny how racists Republicans care so much for blacks in Chicago and nothing for poor and distressed whites in Appalachia. Why is that?

Well, the answer is simple. They don't care anything for their poor base and use the threat of dangerous blacks to keep the ignorant base in line and voting GOP.

I think you'll find that intelligent people tend to more or less ignore the micro percentages of almost's just not constructive to spend time and energy there....ignorant low-life's will play fiddle to even the .0002%.....think men in dresses.
More proof Democrats destroy everything they touch. Another once grand American city destroyed by them.

A 4-year-old boy is among at least 29 people shot in Chicago this weekend as violence across the city left two dead and more than two dozen others wounded.

The child was wounded in a shooting that also left a woman dead and a teen injured on the city's West Side Friday, marking the weekend's first homicide and bringing the city to more than 400 homicides so far this year.

The shooting occurred at about 5:19 p.m. in the 5200 block of West Kamerling Avenue in the city's Austin neighborhood. The child was shot in the arm and taken to Stroger Hospital, police said.

A 19-year-old man was shot in the left arm and taken to Mt. Sinai. And a 27-year-old woman was also shot in the head and taken to Stroger Hospital, police said. The woman was later pronounced dead...

Boy, 4, Among 29 Shot in Chicago Weekend Violence So Far
Funny how racists Republicans care so much for blacks in Chicago and nothing for poor and distressed whites in Appalachia. Why is that?

Well, the answer is simple. They don't care anything for their poor base and use the threat of dangerous blacks to keep the ignorant base in line and voting GOP.
What makes you think republicans dont care about "poor and distressed whites in Appalachia"?
The folks in New Orleans, Baltimore, Philly, Newark, DC, Chicago, Detroit, & St Louis only need more tax dollars, social programs, govt services, entitlements, welfare and handouts to change things around.....
In exchange for their votes........ lol

You reap what you sow........

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