Like a 3rd world dictator, Obama awards a medal to...himself

How did he award it to himself? Can't your leader Brietfart tell you?

He hired someone to do it. Duh.
And who is that someone?
Apparently Secretary Carter.

Carter was nominated by President Obama to be the 25th United States Secretary of Defense on December 5, 2014
Ash Carter - Wikipedia
Thanks..I knew that, yet was trying make a point to the rubes that the president doesn't give a medal to himself..

Yeah....he had his lackey do pointed out a great distinction must be giddy with your insight.....
Must suck to be left out of ever getting any military awards..
How did he award it to himself? Can't your leader Brietfart tell you?

He hired someone to do it. Duh.
And who is that someone?
Apparently Secretary Carter.

Carter was nominated by President Obama to be the 25th United States Secretary of Defense on December 5, 2014
Ash Carter - Wikipedia
Thanks..I knew that, yet was trying make a point to the rubes that the president doesn't give a medal to himself..

Anyone that studies mathematics, arithmetic, etc. understands the transitive property knows it amounts to the same thing.

If you phone or email your underling/friend and tell them to give you a medal, there really is no difference.
Big turn out to watch the empty suit get his participation medal.

The ceremony took place at Joint Base Myers-Henderson, before a crowd that had an awful (lot) of empty seats, almost as if the military service members who attended were there on orders.

Blog: Obama grotesquely had himself awarded a Defense Dept. medal yesterday
OK, Barry HAS GOT TO BE the all-time, award-winning 'Most Narcissistic President In US History'!

Barry, seeing Trump is going to decimate / wipe out his 'Legacy', is so DESPERATE to save/ create some type of 'Legacy' that he awards HIMSELF a Medal!

:lmao: :muahaha: :laugh: :rofl: :p

(Even if he didn't, this is funny as heel...and what makes it even funnier is how people realize this is realistically not beyond what Barry is capable of doing.)
Posting from Breitbart is like screaming through a bullhorn -- "I'm a bid dumb asshole and insecure about my penis size."
I'm shocked snowflakes are offended by and try to discredit any source that says anything negative about Barry, Hillary, or the DNC.

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