Like most burglars steal in the dark of the night......

You didn't mind being fucked by the Barrypuppet and that back-doored deal actually stole from the American people. This tax reform bill doesn't really affect most leftards that don't pay a tax on their labor to begin with....leftards are simply pissed that they believe those that actually PAY a tax on their labor are not paying enough to subsidize them.

Kicking your ass is like shooting fish in a barrel.

So, your half brain has "concluded" that ONLY right wing morons are the ones who pay taxes.........and you don't mind getting royally screwed as long as those darkies don't get any help....... LOL

Tell me, nitwit, how many of your toothless relatives and comrades will ALSO get the shaft?
You didn't mind being fucked by the Barrypuppet and that back-doored deal actually stole from the American people. This tax reform bill doesn't really affect most leftards that don't pay a tax on their labor to begin with....leftards are simply pissed that they believe those that actually PAY a tax on their labor are not paying enough to subsidize them.

Kicking your ass is like shooting fish in a barrel.

So, your half brain has "concluded" that ONLY right wing morons are the ones who pay taxes.........and you don't mind getting royally screwed as long as those darkies don't get any help....... LOL

Tell me, nitwit, how many of your toothless relatives and comrades will ALSO get the shaft?
..............senate GOP are about to ram through the BIGGEST heist in history on the american people (including the moronic Trump cult membership.)

Over 500 pages of this tax scam have been given to senators just a few hours ago to "review' and vote....Not one hearing was held on the "merits" and not one of the several negative reviews have been given credence........

the ONE important "clue" that we have been given is extremely telling, and that is: Middle class tax cuts are TEMPORARY, while corporate tax cuts are PERMANENT.....It is up to every common american voter with a brain to figure out what that means.

Senate GOPers are ramming this through because they are fully aware that any light shed on the bill would be disastrous to them

Further, they are proposing for the impact of this rip off to hit voters AFTER the mid-term elections.

Finally, these bribed crooks well know that Trump is in serious trouble and they need him to quickly sign off on this bill before the proverbial poop hits the fans.

After the way the commiecrats passed the 3,000 page maobamacare bill on Christmas eve, this BS is damn funny. And it costs the country a hell of a lot more.

You didn't mind being fucked by the Barrypuppet and that back-doored deal actually stole from the American people. This tax reform bill doesn't really affect most leftards that don't pay a tax on their labor to begin with....leftards are simply pissed that they believe those that actually PAY a tax on their labor are not paying enough to subsidize them.

Kicking your ass is like shooting fish in a barrel.

So, your half brain has "concluded" that ONLY right wing morons are the ones who pay taxes.........and you don't mind getting royally screwed as long as those darkies don't get any help....... LOL

Tell me, nitwit, how many of your toothless relatives and comrades will ALSO get the shaft?

Everyone pays taxes if they buy anything. It's called a consumption tax and you can avoid if you don't buy something ......but a tax on the production via the sweat of one's brow was never an intention of the founding fathers. The "Lords taking from the serfs" was the very system that they wanted to get away from....and the persecution of the Jesuits and the counter-reformation.
You didn't mind being fucked by the Barrypuppet and that back-doored deal actually stole from the American people. This tax reform bill doesn't really affect most leftards that don't pay a tax on their labor to begin with....leftards are simply pissed that they believe those that actually PAY a tax on their labor are not paying enough to subsidize them.

Kicking your ass is like shooting fish in a barrel.

So, your half brain has "concluded" that ONLY right wing morons are the ones who pay taxes.........and you don't mind getting royally screwed as long as those darkies don't get any help....... LOL

Tell me, nitwit, how many of your toothless relatives and comrades will ALSO get the shaft?

Kicking Nat's ass is exceedingly easy and all he has to come back with are insults. He is armed with emotions and facts and data are not welcome.
From the Washington Post

Final passage came with on a 7 a.m. vote Christmas Eve morning.

All told, from the Friday night, Dec. 18, when Nelson and Boxer agreed to abortion language, to the Thursday morning/Christmas Eve of final passage, there were about five days of consideration for the final bill in the Senate.

The late David Broder, the fair-minded Washington Post columnist, was scathing in his criticism of the spectacle in a column headlined “Health Reform’s Stench of Victory.” Reid, he wrote, “reduced the negotiations to his own level of transactional morality. Incapable of summoning his colleagues to statesmanship, he made the deals look as crass and parochial as many of them were — encasing a historic achievement in a wrapping of payoff and patronage.”

The Bottom Line
As we noted, Republicans have skipped the lengthy, open process of hearings and markups of legislation that characterized the Democrats’ march to passage of the ACA. Instead, they moved directly to floor votes. Moreover, Democrats at first tried to enlist some Republican support, while Republicans have not reached out to Democrats.

But recalling the second-longest Senate session obscures the fact that the floor debate was mostly for show, an exercise designed to allow the closed-door negotiations that shaped the final bill to take place. Once the deal was struck, Reid pushed the final draft forward with as much speed as possible. That’s what McConnell is doing now, having skipped the preliminaries.
After the way the commiecrats passed the 3,000 page maobamacare bill on Christmas eve, this BS is damn funny. And it costs the country a hell of a lot more.

You know the old [paraphrased] adage about looking for "revenge" and having to dig TWO graves???

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