Lil Eric Swallowswell wants to impeach Trump again.

Go for it, Putz!

I would love to see these morons try it again.


During an interview with CNN on Wednesday, Swalwell, D-Calif., was asked whether Democrats would look to launch a new impeachment inquiry on the new controversy.

“You know, we’re not going to take our options off the table,” Swalwell, a member of the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees, told CNN. “We don’t wake up in the morning wanting to impeach him.”

He added: “We want to work with him on prescription drugs, background checks, and infrastructure, but we’re not going to let him just torch this democracy because he thinks that he’s been let off once and we’re not going to do something about it.”

Swalwell’s comments come as several Democrats on Capitol Hill have demanded investigations -- and even the resignation of Attorney General Bill Barr -- after the move to scale back the Stone sentence.

Democrat won’t rule out new Trump impeachment over Roger Stone case

Is Swalwell on Trump's payroll as a mole in the Democrat Party Establishment?

The libs just got schlonged royally in the first impeachment, and they want to go again? Trump will suck all of the oxygen out of the room from now to November, their candidate won't stand a chance.
The Democrats are talking about wanting to begin the next round of Never-Ending Treasonous Coup Attempts based on the fact that the US AG - which the House Censured for REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW - has ordered the sentencing in the Stone conviction be delayed until the case and its circumstances be reviewed...and because the President again exercised his Constitutional Right of Free Speech to voice his approval and thanks to his US AG for doing so.

The Democrats just HUMILIATED themselves in front of the world by sending its corrupt, criminally biased/partisan squad of proven liars, leakers, and traitors to attempt to present their 'fastest Impeachment in US history' that was based on 'the weakest Impeachment case in US history - one that found / presented NO crime, NO evidence, and NO witness.

As expected and appropriate, the 1st Partisan Political Impeachment in US history was eviscerated for what it was and rejected by a truly partisan Senate.

Their Terminal TDS knowing no limit, the shameless Trump-Hating Democrats wasted no time moving on to their next desperate, even WEAKER argument for Impeachment / coup attempt.

The reason Barr stepped in was based on several issues:

Evidence / Report proved the Obama-directed/initiated coup / FISA Court-Abuse-driven Weismann-Mueller investigation violated both Constitution and Law, included prosecutorial misconduct, and the Stone case jury was massively TAINTED by leftist extremist criminal Democrat-supporting, hate-driven TDS-suffering snowflakes.

The President exercised his Constitutionally protected right of Freedom of Speech and prerogative to give his US AG kudos for stepping in and doing so.

Evidence proves Barr acted on his own based on legitimate judicial / legal concern.

As the 2020 DNC Primaries continue to end in disaster and the frighteningly obvious revelation that a Socialist might win the DNC nomination...if not screwed out of it again....and NONE of their candidates can beat Trump, the Democrats become more and more desperate.

The recent polls show this latest treasonous F*-up coup attempt by the House Democrats hurt the Democrats and helped Trump.....

I DARE Stillwell, Schiff, Nadler, and Pelosi to DO IT AGAIN!

Not only dare, but welcome it with open arms. More theater for the ongoing movie of the "Democratic Implosion". They are heading for the door kicking, screaming and crying and it is making the escorts stronger everyday.

Trump is learning too... The more they try to impeach him the better he gets at beating them.

Go for it, Putz!

I would love to see these morons try it again.


During an interview with CNN on Wednesday, Swalwell, D-Calif., was asked whether Democrats would look to launch a new impeachment inquiry on the new controversy.

“You know, we’re not going to take our options off the table,” Swalwell, a member of the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees, told CNN. “We don’t wake up in the morning wanting to impeach him.”

He added: “We want to work with him on prescription drugs, background checks, and infrastructure, but we’re not going to let him just torch this democracy because he thinks that he’s been let off once and we’re not going to do something about it.”

Swalwell’s comments come as several Democrats on Capitol Hill have demanded investigations -- and even the resignation of Attorney General Bill Barr -- after the move to scale back the Stone sentence.

Democrat won’t rule out new Trump impeachment over Roger Stone case

Is Swalwell on Trump's payroll as a mole in the Democrat Party Establishment?

The libs just got schlonged royally in the first impeachment, and they want to go again? Trump will suck all of the oxygen out of the room from now to November, their candidate won't stand a chance.

They actually have to continue what they're doing because arrests are probably going to be made soon.

Swalwell is an imbecile. He has no ideas. He has nothing to add to any conversation. So his stock in trade has been reduced to bomb throwing. He just seems like the kid who took a lot of beatins in school and now that he has a position of power, playing bigshot is his way of saying, hey look at me now. That guy is a total dick.

They'll have to get rid of Pelosi first she's never going to let them do this again.

Go for it, Putz!

I would love to see these morons try it again.


During an interview with CNN on Wednesday, Swalwell, D-Calif., was asked whether Democrats would look to launch a new impeachment inquiry on the new controversy.

“You know, we’re not going to take our options off the table,” Swalwell, a member of the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees, told CNN. “We don’t wake up in the morning wanting to impeach him.”

He added: “We want to work with him on prescription drugs, background checks, and infrastructure, but we’re not going to let him just torch this democracy because he thinks that he’s been let off once and we’re not going to do something about it.”

Swalwell’s comments come as several Democrats on Capitol Hill have demanded investigations -- and even the resignation of Attorney General Bill Barr -- after the move to scale back the Stone sentence.

Democrat won’t rule out new Trump impeachment over Roger Stone case

Is Swalwell on Trump's payroll as a mole in the Democrat Party Establishment?

The libs just got schlonged royally in the first impeachment, and they want to go again? Trump will suck all of the oxygen out of the room from now to November, their candidate won't stand a chance.

They actually have to continue what they're doing because arrests are probably going to be made soon.


IMHO, arrests already could have been made. However, Donald J Trump has tremendous timing. JEB! et al really underestimated the Trumpster in 2016 and they continue to do so. The arrests will be completed at the moment it can do the country the most good.
Go for it, Putz!

I would love to see these morons try it again.


During an interview with CNN on Wednesday, Swalwell, D-Calif., was asked whether Democrats would look to launch a new impeachment inquiry on the new controversy.

“You know, we’re not going to take our options off the table,” Swalwell, a member of the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees, told CNN. “We don’t wake up in the morning wanting to impeach him.”

He added: “We want to work with him on prescription drugs, background checks, and infrastructure, but we’re not going to let him just torch this democracy because he thinks that he’s been let off once and we’re not going to do something about it.”

Swalwell’s comments come as several Democrats on Capitol Hill have demanded investigations -- and even the resignation of Attorney General Bill Barr -- after the move to scale back the Stone sentence.

Democrat won’t rule out new Trump impeachment over Roger Stone case

You're such a fucking idiot.
It should bother you that a jury has found yet another Trump ally to be a felon.
It should bother you that 4 career federal prosecutors resigned from this case because of Trump's interference.
It should bother you that Butt Boy Barr has interfered at the behest of his Master, and Trump doesn't respect the separation of powers.

But you're such a fucking idiot, you wouldn't know totalitarianism if it walked up and slapped you across your dumb, redneck face.

Go for it, Putz!

I would love to see these morons try it again.


During an interview with CNN on Wednesday, Swalwell, D-Calif., was asked whether Democrats would look to launch a new impeachment inquiry on the new controversy.

“You know, we’re not going to take our options off the table,” Swalwell, a member of the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees, told CNN. “We don’t wake up in the morning wanting to impeach him.”

He added: “We want to work with him on prescription drugs, background checks, and infrastructure, but we’re not going to let him just torch this democracy because he thinks that he’s been let off once and we’re not going to do something about it.”

Swalwell’s comments come as several Democrats on Capitol Hill have demanded investigations -- and even the resignation of Attorney General Bill Barr -- after the move to scale back the Stone sentence.

Democrat won’t rule out new Trump impeachment over Roger Stone case
The guy is SUCH a damned doofus. He's the perfect representation of who the crazy Californians keep electing to Congress. Dreadful.
Trump is pounding his chest, and slobbering -

his butt licking drones are pounding their chest, and slobbering -

'He doesn't give a f---': Trump is making a fool out of every Republican senator who said he learned his lesson from impeachment

makes no difference what the dems do.
The drones are the democrats who charged this nation for $100,000,000.00 of false narratives against Trump to be proven for the lies they were and still are in the minds of simple people who do not know how deranged Pelosi, Schumer, Feinstein, Schiff, and Nadler have been in attempting to take away the American people's choice of President Donald Trump away from them since padding the votes with illegal aliens they falsely claimed "owed the Democrat Party a favor."

Plans are underway to find each and every illegal alien who voted illegally in the last two elections, and they will (1) Never be citizens (2) Will be deported, and (3) will be shot on sight if they ever come back for any reason. We are also changing the law of dropping a baby here and calling it a citizen when it has no support system, and the mother will be charged with a felony, and so will the biological father.
Trump is pounding his chest, and slobbering -

his butt licking drones are pounding their chest, and slobbering -

'He doesn't give a f---': Trump is making a fool out of every Republican senator who said he learned his lesson from impeachment

makes no difference what the dems do.
Poor seedy has to resort to scatological slurping and libel of President Trump, who has done nothing but support high-paying jobs for workers and pay good enough for people on welfare to seek the jobs that have been created for them so they can hold their heads up with pride knowing that they can and will make a positive impact on this life with their efforts. I'm so happy for them becoming a positive in the workforce of America. President Trump is to be commended for attacking a problem and getting such great results.

The Demmies are so down-in-the-mouth about their impeachment leaders' lying tongues and overbearing meanness in executing their chairs and offices.

Tissue, doll?
Trump is pounding his chest, and slobbering -

his butt licking drones are pounding their chest, and slobbering -

'He doesn't give a f---': Trump is making a fool out of every Republican senator who said he learned his lesson from impeachment

makes no difference what the dems do.
Poor seedy has to resort to scatological slurping and libel of President Trump, who has done nothing but support high-paying jobs for workers and pay good enough for people on welfare to seek the jobs that have been created for them so they can hold their heads up with pride knowing that they can and will make a positive impact on this life with their efforts. I'm so happy for them becoming a positive in the workforce of America. President Trump is to be commended for attacking a problem and getting such great results.

The Demmies are so down-in-the-mouth about their impeachment leaders' lying tongues and overbearing meanness in executing their chairs and offices.

Tissue, doll?
Siete IS one of the dumber ones that post on here. Their avatar is perfect because their I.Q. seems to be about 7........
Swalwell is an imbecile. He has no ideas. He has nothing to add to any conversation. So his stock in trade has been reduced to bomb throwing. He just seems like the kid who took a lot of beatins in school and now that he has a position of power, playing bigshot is his way of saying, hey look at me now. That guy is a total dick.

All the dems have is "we will beat Trump." Lol.

The Constitution places no limits on the number of times a president can be impeached and it makes Trump so happy, maybe we should do it again and again. Think of evidence that will eventually emerge. and how happy it will make Trump and America.
This president has so many ways to worm his way into the hearts of the American people.

You had no evidence the last time, dumbass!
Swalwell is an imbecile. He has no ideas. He has nothing to add to any conversation. So his stock in trade has been reduced to bomb throwing. He just seems like the kid who took a lot of beatins in school and now that he has a position of power, playing bigshot is his way of saying, hey look at me now. That guy is a total dick.

All the dems have is "we will beat Trump." Lol.

Yep, that's ALL they have. "We need to beat Trump, Orange Man Bad." No suggestions on HOW and WHY they need to beat him, just "Orange Man Bad". Dreadful.
In all seriousness, more investigations, impeachments and probes and most democrats will just stop listening and vote Trump.

As it is Bernie Sanders is ripping the party apart. He will never be elected.

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