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LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

Impacts of Illegal Immigration: Jobs

The MSM report ad nauseam that illegal aliens are only "doing work that Americans won't." This mantra is mercilessly bandied about by illegal immigration supporters and echoes throughout the halls of Congress and the White House whenever the topic comes up. What is never mentioned, however, is that the illegal aliens are artificially depressing compensation and that illegal aliens are the only ones who will do the work at such low wages. In actual fact, illegal immigration distorts the law of supply and demand in a capitalistic society. Additionally it is grossly hypocritical to want to raise the minimum wage on one hand while the other hand winks at illegal aliens working at far below prevailing wages.

In any case, illegal aliens are not just picking lettuce and digging ditches any more. It wasn't that long ago that being a dry-waller, brick-layer, house framer, painter, roofer, carpet layer, plumber, or electrician was a decently compensated, middle class trade. Now it is increasingly becoming the work for illegal aliens at far less than the free market rate. While illegal alien workers are only a small portion of many of those job categories their willingness to work at dramatically lower rates artificially drags down the compensation for all workers.

Impacts of Illegal Immigration: Jobs

To say that Americans would rather sit on their butts and collect welfare rather than do these services jobs are ridiculous. You don't just decide you want welfare and stroll into an office and fill our an application and expect to get a welfare check next month. Applicaitons are atleast 25 pages long and most people tear them up before the finish filling them out. Most people are truned down for welfare than is accpeted. Plus welfare do not pay nearly as much as flipping burgers at Burger king.
This is the best article that I have read yet on the issue of jobs and illegal aliens.
AFDC. Aid for Families with Dependent Children only give assistent to the child. Never to the adult and the adult has to be unable to work for some legit reason or they are turned down. Since Welfare Reform by Clinton, there are no more career welfare dependents.
1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation ActFrom SourceWatch
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The 1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWOR) (PL 104-193), also known as the 1996 Welfare Reform Act, was signed in to law on August 22, 1996, by President Bill Clinton. The Act is described by the U.S. Government as "a comprehensive bipartisan welfare reform plan that will dramatically change the nation's welfare system into one that requires work in exchange for time-limited assistance. The law contains strong work requirements, a performance bonus to reward states for moving welfare recipients into jobs, state maintenance of effort requirements, comprehensive child support enforcement, and supports for families moving from welfare to work -- including increased funding for child care and guaranteed medical coverage."
1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act - SourceWatch

I saw welfare office almost empty after this act on welfare.

Then an increase of young hispanic women with young children applying with the increase in anchor babies. Even more now since the economy went bad with applications for food stamps to suppliment unemployment.
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The Flipside of the Immigration Issue:
American Emigrants Impact Mexico

Why is it that in Washington conversations tend to be one-sided?

Take for instance my favorite subject these days — immigration. The focus always centers on Mexican immigrants and their impact on U.S. society. Nobody wants to talk about the flip side of this conversation - that while, yes, Mexican immigrants are coming north, there also are American emigrants going south


Burns estimates, based on a range of data, that a retired couple living off $26,400 a year in Social Security benefits can raise their standard of living, without paying Medicare expenses, to $42,400 by moving to Mexico, where the cost of living can be up to 40% lower than in the USA.

U.S. retirees who can't afford private Mexican health insurance can qualify for the Mexican Social Security system. Mexico's health care system charges only $270 annual premiums that include access to hospitals, outpatient clinics, and all medications and care at no additional costs.

The Flipside of the Immigration Issue: American Emigrants Impact Mexico (Latina Lista)
Mexico's health care lures Americans Updated 9/1/2009
By Chris Hawley, USA TODAY

MEXICO CITY — It sounds almost too good to be true: a health care plan with no limits, no deductibles, free medicines, tests, X-rays, eyeglasses, even dental work — all for a flat fee of $250 or less a year.
To get it, you just have to move to Mexico.

As the United States debates an overhaul of its health care system, thousands of American retirees in Mexico have quietly found a solution of their own, signing up for the health care plan run by the Mexican Social Security Institute
Mexico's health care lures Americans - USATODAY.com
The cost of living is much lower, because the standard of living is much lower
Mexico's Immigration Law: Let's Try It Here at Home
by J. Michael Waller

Mexico has a radical idea for a rational immigration policy that most Americans would love. However, Mexican officials haven’t been sharing that idea with us as they press for our Congress to adopt the McCain-Kennedy immigration reform bill.

That's too bad, because Mexico, which annually deports more illegal aliens than the United States does, has much to teach us about how it handles the immigration issue. Under Mexican law, it is a felony to be an illegal alien in Mexico
Mexico welcomes only foreigners who will be useful to Mexican society:

McCain-Kennedy Immigration Reform Bill vs. Mexico's Immigration Law - HUMAN EVENTS
The cost of living is much lower, because the standard of living is much lower

Do you really want to eat Mexican food 3 times a day, listen to loud crappy music, get mean looks from the locals wherever you go, have to dumb down your conversations to speak to anyone, and....

....that sounds a lot like prison!!:lol:
Mexico is NOT what it used to be - no matter how it's painted it is still CRAP!!! Health care in Mexico is also crap - which will be the same here also very soon - if not already.
Mexico is NOT what it used to be - no matter how it's painted it is still CRAP!!! Health care in Mexico is also crap - which will be the same here also very soon - if not already.

What do you mean Mexico is not what it used to be? did Mexico used to be good?
The cost of living is much lower, because the standard of living is much lower

Do you really want to eat Mexican food 3 times a day, listen to loud crappy music, get mean looks from the locals wherever you go, have to dumb down your conversations to speak to anyone, and....

....that sounds a lot like prison!!:lol:

I guess thousands of Americans do. Do Mexican here have to eat hotdogs and hamburgers 3 times a day? Amerians can cook. I get mean look from Amerians all the time. I am native american and have been mistaken as an Illegal alien, Philipino, and Arab. Latino music has taken over my radio and TV stations. I sometime already feel I am living in Mexico. I just moved from a community call little Tiajuana.
I go into WalMart or K-Mart and specials are announced in Spanish. Pick up food items and you have to search for for English translation. I dial a public business and I have to punch 1 for English.
I should feel right at home in Mexico. I speak the language also. If I moved to Mexico as a retiree, my standard fof living would go way up.
The cost of living is much lower, because the standard of living is much lower

Do you really want to eat Mexican food 3 times a day, listen to loud crappy music, get mean looks from the locals wherever you go, have to dumb down your conversations to speak to anyone, and....

....that sounds a lot like prison!!:lol:

I guess thousands of Americans do. Do Mexican here have to eat hotdogs and hamburgers 3 times a day? Amerians can cook. I get mean look from Amerians all the time. I am native american and have been mistaken as an Illegal alien, Philipino, and Arab. Latino music has taken over my radio and TV stations. I sometime already feel I am living in Mexico. I just moved from a community call little Tiajuana.
I go into WalMart or K-Mart and specials are announced in Spanish. Pick up food items and you have to search for for English translation. I dial a public business and I have to punch 1 for English.
I should feel right at home in Mexico. I speak the language also. If I moved to Mexico as a retiree, my standard fof living would go way up.

When I was driving to Virginia from California after I separated from the Military I drove through Arizona, New Mexico and Texas and let me tell you, alot of the little towns down there are no different than Mexico, Spanish is the first language, the radio stations are in Spanish and they have Mexican soap operas. Large Parts of the South West are pretty much parts of Mexico only technically part of the US.
Mexico is NOT what it used to be - no matter how it's painted it is still CRAP!!! Health care in Mexico is also crap - which will be the same here also very soon - if not already.

What do you mean Mexico is not what it used to be? did Mexico used to be good?

American is not what it used to be either. :eusa_whistle:
Depends on where you go in Mexico. Go where drug cartels families actually live and there is no crime in their neighborhoods. You don't have to lock your doors are cars, Children are safe.etc.
Depends on where you live in America. Next door to the white house or in Chief of Police Beck's neighborhood.:eusa_hand:
I now finally live in a gated community and I pay for it to have a little peace in my golden years. If I moved to Mexico, I would move to Guadalajara.
The cost of living is much lower, because the standard of living is much lower

Do you really want to eat Mexican food 3 times a day, listen to loud crappy music, get mean looks from the locals wherever you go, have to dumb down your conversations to speak to anyone, and....

....that sounds a lot like prison!!:lol:

I guess thousands of Americans do. Do Mexican here have to eat hotdogs and hamburgers 3 times a day? Amerians can cook. I get mean look from Amerians all the time. I am native american and have been mistaken as an Illegal alien, Philipino, and Arab. Latino music has taken over my radio and TV stations. I sometime already feel I am living in Mexico. I just moved from a community call little Tiajuana.
I go into WalMart or K-Mart and specials are announced in Spanish. Pick up food items and you have to search for for English translation. I dial a public business and I have to punch 1 for English.
I should feel right at home in Mexico. I speak the language also. If I moved to Mexico as a retiree, my standard fof living would go way up.

I wonder what number you push for English in Mexico?
LAPD to Protect Illegal Aliens Drivers and Cars
Written by CA Political News on March 13, 2011,

LAPD limits impounding of unlicensed drivers' cars
Previous policy for sobriety checkpoints had been criticized by immigration advocacy groups.

By Joel Rubin and Ari Bloomekatz, Los Angeles Times, 3/12/11

Police Chief Charlie Beck said that since he took over the department more than a year ago, the checkpoint policy had "stuck in my craw as one of the things we weren't doing the right way." Beck said he decided to make the change after immigration rights advocates raised the issue with him anew in meetings this week.

CA Political News | show

Beck want them to have transportation to jobs they take from american, school their children attend and welfare offices they file for benefits.
Mexico is NOT what it used to be - no matter how it's painted it is still CRAP!!! Health care in Mexico is also crap - which will be the same here also very soon - if not already.

What do you mean Mexico is not what it used to be? did Mexico used to be good?

American is not what it used to be either. :eusa_whistle:
Depends on where you go in Mexico. Go where drug cartels families actually live and there is no crime in their neighborhoods. You don't have to lock your doors are cars, Children are safe.etc.
Depends on where you live in America. Next door to the white house or in Chief of Police Beck's neighborhood.:eusa_hand:
I now finally live in a gated community and I pay for it to have a little peace in my golden years. If I moved to Mexico, I would move to Guadalajara.

No bunch of invading Mexicans are going to force me to leave my America. God put me here, not Mexicans. He'll get His revenge for them destroying the US and making poor Americans starve. Just watch.
Do you really want to eat Mexican food 3 times a day

Mexican food is some of the most amazing food in the world. But I doubt you know what Mexican food is like. You probably hear "Mexican food" and you think of Taco Bell or some crappy "Mexican" restaurant in town that is about as Mexican as Pizza Hut is Italian. The only drawback with Mexican food is that it can be fattening. But the one thing I miss about living in Texas is the fact that you cannot get real Mexican food anywhere around where I live now.
Do you really want to eat Mexican food 3 times a day

Mexican food is some of the most amazing food in the world. But I doubt you know what Mexican food is like. You probably hear "Mexican food" and you think of Taco Bell or some crappy "Mexican" restaurant in town that is about as Mexican as Pizza Hut is Italian. The only drawback with Mexican food is that it can be fattening. But the one thing I miss about living in Texas is the fact that you cannot get real Mexican food anywhere around where I live now.

Mexican food is definently fantastic.




I love Shrimp Fajitas.
Do you really want to eat Mexican food 3 times a day

Mexican food is some of the most amazing food in the world. But I doubt you know what Mexican food is like. You probably hear "Mexican food" and you think of Taco Bell or some crappy "Mexican" restaurant in town that is about as Mexican as Pizza Hut is Italian. The only drawback with Mexican food is that it can be fattening. But the one thing I miss about living in Texas is the fact that you cannot get real Mexican food anywhere around where I live now.

You can tell when it's genuine Mexican food.
It smells like sweaty armpits!:lol:

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Granny says, "Dat's right - is cause most of `em is here illegally an' dey got somebody else's identity...
Census finds more Hispanics than originally estimated
Monday, March 14,`11: More Hispanics were counted in the census than anticipated, reflecting the difficulty of calculating the size of the Hispanic population in states where the communities are small and growing rapidly, according to a new study.
The 2010 Census counts of Hispanics were higher in 23 of the first 33 states whose population counts were released, including Virginia and Maryland, the Pew Hispanic Center’s analysis showed. Most of the growth was in states that have fewer than 1 million Latinos and that are relatively recent destinations for large numbers of Hispanics, underscoring how Hispanics have spread to communities where they haven’t lived before.

The Pew analysis compares the actual count made in April with annual estimates the Census Bureau makes using birth and death records. The estimates are useful to demographers and planners. More importantly, they are the basis for determining how billions of dollars in federal funds are distributed. In Virginia, 40,000 more Hispanics were counted in the 2010 Census than expected, based on previous census estimates. The difference between the 592,000 thought to be residing in the state and the 632,000 actually counted was almost 7 percent.

The gap was larger in Maryland. The census counted 471,000 Hispanics instead of the 425,000 estimated, an almost 11 percent difference. Detailed statistics for the District have not been released. The biggest discrepancy Pew found was in Alabama, where the census count of 186,000 people was 16 percent higher than estimated. In contrast, gaps were much smaller in many states with large and long-standing Hispanic communities. In California, Colorado, Illinois and Texas, for example, the actual count and the estimate varied by less than 1 percent, Pew said.

Because the estimates were so accurate in these states with a lot of Hispanic residents, the total nationwide census count of about 39 million Hispanics was 1.5 percent higher than previous census estimates had suggested. That was a considerable improvement. The 2000 Census count of 35 million Hispanics was almost 10 percent higher than census estimates. In some states that year, the count was 50 percent above the estimate.


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