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LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

No doubt, jumping in the river and risking her life was easier than immigrating legally.
Mexico probes agent pursuit of migrant into river
Mar 25,

MEXICO CITY – Mexican authorities have launched investigations into the behavior of an immigration agent who pursued a migrant into the river that marks the border between Mexico and Guatemala, and then stood by the bank as the woman drifted away, officials said Friday.

A video shot by bystanders shows the agent standing on the bank of the Usumacinta river as the female migrant barely stays afloat. She apparently jumped into the river to avoid capture, and was eventually rescued by a boater.

Mexico probes agent pursuit of migrant into river - Yahoo! News

:confused:What do they think border patrol agents are. Even Mexican agents. Life guards? Baby sitter? Boy scouts?
She jumped into the river by choice.

So some Latinos stood around taking pictures while their fellow countrywoman could have drowned? I guess they thought they could cash in on it.
Mexico probes agent pursuit of migrant into river
Mar 25,

MEXICO CITY – Mexican authorities have launched investigations into the behavior of an immigration agent who pursued a migrant into the river that marks the border between Mexico and Guatemala, and then stood by the bank as the woman drifted away, officials said Friday.

A video shot by bystanders shows the agent standing on the bank of the Usumacinta river as the female migrant barely stays afloat. She apparently jumped into the river to avoid capture, and was eventually rescued by a boater.

Mexico probes agent pursuit of migrant into river - Yahoo! News

:confused:What do they think border patrol agents are. Even Mexican agents. Life guards? Baby sitter? Boy scouts?
She jumped into the river by choice.

The border agent could have been shot for swimming into mexican territory. Good for him - better safe than sorry! She made a bad choice so she will have to think about this next time.
Mexico probes agent pursuit of migrant into river
Mar 25,

MEXICO CITY – Mexican authorities have launched investigations into the behavior of an immigration agent who pursued a migrant into the river that marks the border between Mexico and Guatemala, and then stood by the bank as the woman drifted away, officials said Friday.

A video shot by bystanders shows the agent standing on the bank of the Usumacinta river as the female migrant barely stays afloat. She apparently jumped into the river to avoid capture, and was eventually rescued by a boater.

Mexico probes agent pursuit of migrant into river - Yahoo! News

:confused:What do they think border patrol agents are. Even Mexican agents. Life guards? Baby sitter? Boy scouts?
She jumped into the river by choice.

The border agent could have been shot for swimming into mexican territory. Good for him - better safe than sorry! She made a bad choice so she will have to think about this next time.

OOPS!!! MY bad - should have read the whole article! No comment.....:redface::redface:
The agent is seen in the video, which was posted on the internet, with a machete that he lay on a stone wall, but it is unclear whether he threatened the woman with it. Mexican immigration agents normally do not carry weapons.
Mexico's National Migration Institute announced that it was investigating the incident. And the government's National Human Rights Commission said Friday it is also investigating whether her rights were violated.
In response to complaints that police and gangs abuse the tens of thousands of migrants who cross the country to reach the United States, Mexico changed its laws and no longer consider illegal immigration a crime.

Rights? What fucking rights? SHE HAS NO RIGHTS.

No longer a crime for whom?
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That story makes me think of one of my favorite poems:

Not Waving But Drowning
Stevie Smith

Nobody heard him, the dead man,
But still he lay moaning:
I was much further out than you thought
And not waving but drowning.​

Poor chap, he always loved larking
And now he's dead
It must have been too cold for him his heart gave way,
They said.​

Oh, no no no,it was too cold always
(Still the dead one lay moaning)
I was much too far out all my life
And not waving but drowning.

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Sheriff Joe: Job Creator
By James R. Edwards Jr.,
March 21, 2011

Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona, whom the Obama administration has targeted with intimidation tactics to quash other local law enforcers' resolve, now has effectively become a job creator for Americans. A local TV news report from Phoenix followed up on what happened after the arrests of illegal alien workers that the sheriff made at a string of Pei Wei Asian Diners. Read more

Sheriff Joe: Job Creator | Center for Immigration Studies

Mexico probes agent pursuit of migrant into river
Mar 25,

MEXICO CITY – Mexican authorities have launched investigations into the behavior of an immigration agent who pursued a migrant into the river that marks the border between Mexico and Guatemala, and then stood by the bank as the woman drifted away, officials said Friday.

A video shot by bystanders shows the agent standing on the bank of the Usumacinta river as the female migrant barely stays afloat. She apparently jumped into the river to avoid capture, and was eventually rescued by a boater.

Mexico probes agent pursuit of migrant into river - Yahoo! News

:confused:What do they think border patrol agents are. Even Mexican agents. Life guards? Baby sitter? Boy scouts?
She jumped into the river by choice.

The border agent could have been shot for swimming into mexican territory. Good for him - better safe than sorry! She made a bad choice so she will have to think about this next time.

OOPS!!! MY bad - should have read the whole article! No comment.....:redface::redface:

My bad too, Angelhair.:lol:
I posted it before I fully understood it was about an Mexican agent on Mexican's border. I had to make it work real fast.:lol::eusa_whistle:
Read the replies, We are not alone, Angelhair. LMAO
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Mebbe dey oughta worry `bout the narco-war comin' across the border...
Anglos unfazed by Mexico's encroaching drug war
27 Mar.`11 - John McWilliams traded a Victorian home in Galveston, Texas, 13 years ago for a bed-and-breakfast in this village of cobblestone streets and later a three-bedroom abode overlooking Lake Chapala, where an estimated 20,000 U.S. and Canadian expatriates — split roughly equally between the two nationalities — reside during the winter months.
He also traded insecurity for tranquility, having suffered three robberies back in Texas. Even with Mexico's organized-crime violence now encroaching on the region, McWilliams and his partner of 40 years, Earl French, maintain, "We feel safer here than there." McWilliams and French formed part of a foreign relocation wave in which retirees began moving to Mexico, taking advantage of the cheaper prices, idyllic climate and welcoming local culture. Not to mention opportune real estate investments.

The financial crisis diminished the relocation trend as aging Baby Boomers were left with lower home prices and smaller retirement nest eggs. Organized-crime activities now threaten to diminish the trend further — and violence has flared in Chapala (the municipality containing Ajijic) and its environs. Graves known as narcofosas were discovered last November, while thugs with guns and grenades later attacked the local police chief's home. Blockades known as narcobloqueos, in which gunmen hijack and torch vehicles, have occurred on the Guadalajara-Chapala highway.

Such stories appear to have fazed few expatriates, and many compare the violence to random attacks in high-crime cities north of the border. The U.S. Consulate in Guadalajara, 40 miles north of Chapala, recommends against driving the Guadalajara-Chapala highway at night, one of the "nerve-rattling tidbits" of information that El Paso native and real estate agent Tony Harries says U.S. citizens receive. Some residents ignore the advisory. "I worry more about animals on the highway" than violence, says Christy Wiseman, a retired teacher from Reno, adding that Mexican friends express concerns about her driving the road at night. Concerns from worried relatives are common.


See also:

Mexican drug traffickers spark trend for designer labels
Mon, Mar 28, 2011 - NARCOFASHION:The latest fad to hit Mexico is based on the country’s new generation of gangsters, who have a more urban and elite sense of fashion than their predecessors
The cliche of Mexican drug traffickers in gaudy cowboy outfits and flashy jewelry is rapidly losing ground, with younger generations setting discrete new trends in designer labels. Last year, three suspected drug traffickers, including Edgar Valdez, nicknamed “La Barbie,” and Jose Jorge Balderas, nicknamed “El JJ,” were presented before television cameras at their arrest — as is the custom in Mexico — wearing Ralph Lauren polo shirts. “That’s what they were wearing at the moment of their capture,” said an officer, who took part in operations to detain the two suspects who made new fashion statements.

In Mexico City street markets fake green polo shirts sporting the slogan “London,” which La Barbie wore, or the blue model worn by El JJ, sell for the equivalent of US$30. “It’s the new ‘narcofashion,’ we sell a lot. People ask us for the ‘Barbie’ or ‘JJ’ model,” a woman, who only gave her name as Elsa, said as she sold shirts out of the back of a car. “I think that the sales have an unhealthy side, but I have to respond to demand. That’s how I make my living.” Nearby, in the Ralph Lauren section of a department store, where a polo shirt costs US$150, both models were also in high demand, sales assistants said. Jesus Manuel, a 21-year-old cookery student, shrugged his shoulders when asked about his “JJ” polo shirt. “I’m not a drug trafficker. I like the polo shirt, that’s all,” he said.

Meanwhile, on the Internet site Mercado Libre, or Free Market, about a hundred users offer to sell the models. About 20 of the adverts include photos of the two detainees. “We’ve excluded a lot of adverts which alluded to what they call ‘narcofashion.’ We’re constantly checking the site,” site director Francisco Ceballos said. However, he said millions of products were sold on the site and eliminating adverts that violate its rules takes time.

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Birthing tour scam busted...
Arriving as Pregnant Tourists, Leaving With American Babies
March 28, 2011 — The building inspectors and police officers walked into the small row of connected town houses here knowing something was amiss. Neighbors had complained about noise and a lot of pregnant women coming and going. And when they went into a kitchen they saw a row of clear bassinets holding several infants, with a woman acting as a nurse hovering over them.
For months, officials say, the house was home to “maternity tourists,” in this case, women from China who had paid tens of thousands of dollars to deliver their babies in the United States, making the infants automatic American citizens. Officials shut down the home, sending the 10 mothers who had been living there with their babies to nearby motels. “These were not women living in squalor — it was a well taken care of place and clean, but there were a lot of women and babies,” said Clayton Anderson, a city inspector who shut down the house on March 9. “I have never seen anything like this before. We really couldn’t determine the exact number of people living there.”

For the last year, the debate over birthright citizenship has raged across the country, with some political leaders calling for an end to the 14th Amendment, which gives automatic citizenship to any baby born in the United States. Much of the debate has focused on immigrants entering illegally from poor countries in Latin America. But in this case the women were not only relatively wealthy, but also here legally on tourist visas. Most of them, officials say, have already returned to China with their American babies. Immigration experts say it is impossible to know precisely how widespread “maternity tourism” is. Businesses in China, Mexico and South Korea advertise packages that arrange for doctors, insurance and postpartum care. And the Marmara, a Turkish-owned hotel on the Upper East Side in New York City, has advertised monthlong “baby stays” that come with a stroller.

For the most part, though, the practice has involved individuals. The discovery of the large-scale facility here in the San Gabriel foothills raises questions about whether it was a rare phenomenon or an indication that maternity tourism is entering a new, more institutionalized phase with more hospital-like facilities operating quietly around the country. The San Gabriel town houses are nestled in a small street lined with modest houses, small apartment buildings and palm trees. A construction crew was at work late last week, closing up walls that had been knocked down between units, in violation of the housing code.

More http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/29/us/29babies.html?_r=1
We stop Qadaffi from murdering HIS people but we allow the narcos to murder 30,000 people (and counting) in Mexico - our 'great' neighbor just across the border???? And we keep QUIET!!! What is wrong with this picture??? AM I WRONG????
What's Wrong With Illegal Immigration?

The Costs of Illegal Immigration
By draining public funds, creating unfair competition for jobs with America’s least prepared workers and thereby lowering wages and working conditions, and by imposing unwanted strains on services designed to provide assistance to Americans, illegal immigration causes harm to Americans and legal residents.

Illegal Aliens' Numbers are Large and Growing

Illegal Immigration Undermines Legal Immigration.

Illegal immigration harms the American workforce

Illegal Immigration is a Burden on the Taxpayer

The Number of Deportations is Low

Recent Improvements Have Not Solved the Problem

Some Aspects of INS Enforcement are Getting Worse

Amnesty is Not the Answer
The answer is to deter further illegal immigration and to tackle the removal of the current illegal alien population by:

FAIR: What's Wrong With Illegal Immigration?

The effort began in California and Arizona, and coordinated 1075 Border Patrol agents, along with state and local police agencies, to mount an aggressive crackdown. Tactics employed included going as far as systematic police sweeps of Mexican-American neighborhoods, and using racial profiling on random stops and ID checks of "Mexican-looking" people in a region with many Native Americans and native Hispanics. In some cases, illegal aliens were deported along with their American-born children.

Some 750 agents targeted agricultural areas with a goal of 1,000 apprehensions per day. By the end of July, over 50,000 illegal aliens were caught in the two states. An estimated 488,000 illegal aliens are believed to have left voluntarily, for fear of being apprehended. By September, 80,000 had been taken into custody in Texas, and the INS estimated that 500,000 to 700,000 had left Texas of their own accord. To discourage illicit re-entry, buses and trains took many deportees deep within Mexican territory before releasing them.

Tens of thousands more were deported by two chartered ships: the Emancipation and the Mercurio. The ships ferried them from Port Isabel, Texas, to Veracruz, Mexico, more than 500 mi (800 km) to the south. Some were taken as far as 1000 mi (1600 km). Deportation by sea was ended after seven deportees jumped overboard from the Mercurio and drowned, provoking a mutiny that led to a public outcry in Mexico.

Operation Wetback - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Who said we cannot round them up, put them on busses, train, planes and ships and deport them and release 7.5 million jobs for unemployed Americans..[/B]


Our constitution protects aliens, drunks and U.S. Senators. Will Rogers

The effort began in California and Arizona, and coordinated 1075 Border Patrol agents, along with state and local police agencies, to mount an aggressive crackdown. Tactics employed included going as far as systematic police sweeps of Mexican-American neighborhoods, and using racial profiling on random stops and ID checks of "Mexican-looking" people in a region with many Native Americans and native Hispanics. In some cases, illegal aliens were deported along with their American-born children.

Some 750 agents targeted agricultural areas with a goal of 1,000 apprehensions per day. By the end of July, over 50,000 illegal aliens were caught in the two states. An estimated 488,000 illegal aliens are believed to have left voluntarily, for fear of being apprehended. By September, 80,000 had been taken into custody in Texas, and the INS estimated that 500,000 to 700,000 had left Texas of their own accord. To discourage illicit re-entry, buses and trains took many deportees deep within Mexican territory before releasing them.

Tens of thousands more were deported by two chartered ships: the Emancipation and the Mercurio. The ships ferried them from Port Isabel, Texas, to Veracruz, Mexico, more than 500 mi (800 km) to the south. Some were taken as far as 1000 mi (1600 km). Deportation by sea was ended after seven deportees jumped overboard from the Mercurio and drowned, provoking a mutiny that led to a public outcry in Mexico.

Operation Wetback - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Who said we cannot round them up, put them on busses, train, planes and ships and deport them and release 7.5 million jobs for unemployed Americans..[/B]


Our constitution protects aliens, drunks and U.S. Senators. Will Rogers

The good old days when US Presidents would protect the lives of Americans first.

When did it all go wrong and the American became the bad guy in his own country?

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