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LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

The fact that this country is being inundated with hispanics does not mean it's a good thing. Let's wait and see what they give instead of take from it. So far all they have done is take. Maybe the furture will show something different but so far that is not the case. This crying victory by the spanish news media due to the rise in the latino population is getting a mite sickening as they seem to think that this country will continue to prosper under them when they become the majority. ' Me' thinks they are in for a BIG surprise and will be the first ones to cry about it and continue their cry of racism when they see that they are ill prepared to continue to make this country the great country which it is now. Quantity does not mean a thing; quality means everything.
How to control illegal immigration by Rep. Peck.
http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011 ... e-pigs.php

Rep. Pecks analogy of controlling hogs and illegal immigration by shooting them from helicopters drew demands for an apology and compared him to those who oppose abortions that kill innocent in the womb.
At the same time those who demanded an apology condone the killing of innocent Muslim men, women and children when we drop bombs on terrorist and they get in the way. We have actually been doing it for the past 10 years in Iraq and Afghanistan. We did in in world war 11 when we dropped bombs, twice, on innocent Japanese men, women and children all in the name of war. We did in it in Vietnam when we deliberately killed innocent men, women and children. Rep. Peck gave a simple apology but that was not enough for some. We have been making simple apologies to leaders of Afghanistan and Iraq for the pass 10 years and keep killing innocent Muslims when they get in the way of our targeting terrorist.
Illegal aliens invade and occupy this country killing 15 Americans daily and raping 8 children daily, costing tax payers billions and some want to make it easier for them to enter? After being invaded by 20 million illegal aliens we still have not recognized that we are at war with a foreign entity that want to do us harm.
We condemn killing the innocent in the womb and when they grow up we should still condone killing innocent people.
Rep. Peck was just joking, but this is what happens when our government stand by and do nothing to stop illegal immigration.
Illegal aliens invade and occupy this country killing 15 Americans daily and raping 8 children daily,

Do you have a source for this. I find getting accurate information in this aria to be quite difficult as it is covered up due to it being politically incorrect to report crime rates for illegals.

Also, I could not get our link to work. Don't know why but it was forbidden...

The biggest and most expensive entitlement program we have. Illegal immigration is a liability not an asset.

Illegal aliens do not pay enough taxes to off what they receive in benefits such as education, healthcare, welfare and public housing and law enforcement and incarcerations. Cutting this program will save us billions. Many states with large populations of illegal aliens are bankrupt.
How is it that 7.5 million low wage earning illegal aliens in our workforce earn enough money to send $35 billion back to their home countries each year? $35 million earned in this country going into the economy of other countries and they are doing nothing in using any of that money to provide for their people in this country. American tax payers are footing the bill with what jobs are left for them.

Cutting the illegal immigration program will go a long way in balancing federal and state budgets.

Utah want to expand that entitlement program by giving them green cards so they can legally take more jobs from Americans and send more money home going into that country’s economy.

Democrats are big on entitlement programs for the poor as was Jesus but Jesus did believe in taking care of your own first and Mexico need to take responsible for it’s own people.

We take one step forward in controlling immigration and federal government take us two steps backward.

I heard Arizona is relaxing it’s enforcement laws regarding driver’s license, hospital admits and schools. Cannot ask for proof of citizenship.

All are efforts is just a patch like my mother used to do to my fathers pants, but eventually those pant had to be thrown away. We will eventually bypass green cards and path to citizenship and go full force ahead with amnesty. It will save us money that we are using the patch the problem that eventually will lead to amnesty anyway.
GOP lawmaker backs off Arizona-style immigration law
Associated Press
Posted: 02/09/2011

PHOENIX – Arizona legislators took a timeout from illegal immigration with the Senate easily defeating five related bills, reflecting little appetite for an issue that made the state the focus of national debate and protest last year.

Majority Republicans were split Thursday in their votes on the defeated bills, which included two measures intended to force a U.S. Supreme Court ruling against automatic citizenship for U.S.-born children of illegal immigrants. The other three dealt with health care, public services and everyday activities such as driving.
Ariz. Senate rejects illegal immigration bills - Yahoo! News

WTF do we even try to enforce immigration laws. We take one step forward and back off two steps? Why don’t we just go straight to amnesty and stop this game playing between democrats and republicans. Neither of them are serious about anything to do with immigration enforcement. Just when we think we are getting ahead something stops us dead in our tracks.
Illegal aliens invade and occupy this country killing 15 Americans daily and raping 8 children daily,

Do you have a source for this. I find getting accurate information in this aria to be quite difficult as it is covered up due to it being politically incorrect to report crime rates for illegals.

Also, I could not get our link to work. Don't know why but it was forbidden...

Illegal aliens murder 12 Americans daily
Death toll in 2006 far overshadows total U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq, Afghanistan
By Joseph Farah
November 28, 2006
© 2011 WorldNetDaily.com

WASHINGTON – While the military "quagmire" in Iraq was said to tip the scales of power in the U.S. midterm elections, most Americans have no idea more of their fellow citizens – men, women and children – were murdered this year by illegal aliens than the combined death toll of U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan since those military campaigns began.

While King reports 12 Americans are murdered daily by illegal aliens, he says 13 are killed by drunk illegal alien drivers – for another annual death toll of 4,745. That's 23,725 since Sept. 11, 2001.

King also reports eight American children are victims of sexual abuse by illegal aliens every day – a total of 2,920 annually.

Read more: Illegal aliens murder 12 Americans daily Illegal aliens murder 12 Americans daily

Illegal aliens murder 12 Americans daily
Far right fit to be tied over defeat of Arizona immigration bills

As expected, those on the far fringe of the Republican Party are after the 11 GOP senators who had the nerve (I would call it courage and good common sense) to vote against at least one of a series of illegal immigration bills on Thursday.

Apparently, if the bill contains the words "illegal immigration" and you're a Republican, you're supposed to march in lockstep with the right wing or get out of line at your peril.

The right wing blog Sonoran Alliance is calling them "Turncoat Republicans"and asking people to contact them and demand they change their votes when the bills come up for reconsideration next week. And if not, we are told that the Tea Party will consider recalls.

azcentral.com blogs - Laurie Roberts' Columns & Blog - LaurieRoberts - Far right fit to be tied over defeat of Arizona immigration bills

:confused: How is enforcing our immigration laws going to far? Or backing off enforcement because it cost too much? When has a price tag been put on lives of Amerians?
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Arizona boycotts will hurt Hispanics who make up the large part of the hospitality industry. A no win situation for all. But Arizona will recover and SB107 is not going away.

Arizona illegal aliens who are protesting will protest them selves out of jobs and out of the state saving Arizona billions in education, healthcare, law enforcement and welfare.

If illegal aliens are force to leave, either by SB1070 or boycotts, they will go to other state and they will have to provide jobs, healthcare, education, law enforcement and welfare. Costing those states.

If SB1070 is unconstitutional so is the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act that gives Arizona state and local officers the right to do exactly what SB1070 allows them to do. Federal Immigration and Nationality Act goes even farther to allow racial profiling. “Hispanic appearance” coupled with “reasonable suspicion.” I guess that does not make a difference since ICE do not process those illegal aliens Arizona turn over the them. They are released if there is no criminal act other than illegal entry.

I can tell by your incredible grasp of the English language that you are indeed a constitutional scholar and a deep thinker.

BTW: There is no "if" about it. SB1070 WAS unconstitutional. Arizona had to remove much of that awful law before implementing it.

What most of you low-information folks don't understand is this: ONLY the Feds can make and enforce immigration laws. States cannot do it. They cannot make any law that overrides the Feds....any law....period.

The biggest problem in AZ is the Governor, her criminal cronies, her kisses the backsides of her big donors - like the Corrections Corporation of America...who own many prisons in AZ. (1070 is THEIR bill....they paid off Gov. Blondie and her henchman to get it done...would have added millions of dollars to their bottom line).

AZ, like many other states, have been taken over by the crackpots, poorly educated, easily influenced folks interested in one thing...filling their own pockets.

Statistics show that illegal immigration has fallen consistently in AZ for years....that crimes committed by undocumented immigrants has fallen over 30% between 2009 and today.

And,.....many sheriffs in that state refuse to enforce the parts of 1070 that ARE in effect and allowed by Federal courts.
English, Irish, German, Scot, Welsh and Native American by blood here. 100% American at heart.

Speaking specifically of Hispanic Illegal Immigrants. Why does it seem like so many of them do not actually want to be Americans? They want to work here and send money home, Not learn the language, and not assimilate at all into our society. Not all of them by any means but it sure seems like more than any other group of immigrants. Maybe it is just because there are so many more of them than any other group. It just seems like when our ancestors came here, they came here to be Americans, Not to be Mexicans living in America and supporting Mexico.

Just saying.
With a little research on your part, you'll find that several million people live and work here and send their money home to families. They are here by invitation or by working visas..they do not live here, do not want to live here. They are here to work and support their families.

Not everyone wants to be a citizen...they just want a job.
My ass has been kicked so many times by wittier and faster people than you, you can’t imagine You can't fight these people, they will win. I tried, lord knows. Game over. But, you know what? I still have hope for the future, those poor Hispanic kids will realize just how fucking good they have it here, and 50 years from now, they will hold people like us in high regard. I know it, and they will regret this mess their parents are causing now. Those icky illegals. I mean. It might take a while. They will figure it out eventually.

Spoken like a true demagogue...and a frequent Glenn Beck viewer.
[BTW: There is no "if" about it. SB1070 WAS unconstitutional. Arizona had to remove much of that awful law before implementing it.

What most of you low-information folks don't understand is this: ONLY the Feds can make and enforce immigration laws. States cannot do it. They cannot make any law that overrides the Feds....any law....period.


Then aren't the sanctuary laws that town and cities create also illegal because they clearly announce that those governments will not give any aid whatsoever to the federal government? Isn't that sedition? Isn't that rebelling against federal authorities? Why not just say "We will also not enforce the taxes the federal government imposes."

Sedition:an illegal action inciting resistance to lawful authority and tending to cause the disruption or overthrow of the government
[Statistics show that illegal immigration has fallen consistently in AZ for years....that crimes committed by undocumented immigrants has fallen over 30% between 2009 and today.

Good old LA RAZA propaganda!! Following Hitler rule:
Tell a lie often enough and it becomes the truth!

The state, Illinois, with the greatest protections to illegal aliens also has the highest number of gang members per capita. Source....FBI
Birthright citizenship change would have wide effects
by Daniel González and Dan Nowicki -
Mar. 20, 2011
The Arizona Republic

It might not happen this year, or even the next, but supporters of restricting birthright citizenship for the children of illegal immigrants are not giving up on their drive to force a reinterpretation of the 14th Amendment.

Backers of the idea, which they believe will discourage illegal immigrants from coming to the U.S., hit a major setback Thursday when the Arizona Senate rejected two birthright citizenship bills.

Read more: Birthright citizenship change would have wide effects

Same old lame exuse; cost too much to change. cost too much to enforce our immigration laws. cost too much to round them up and deport them. E-Verify system to costly to enforce. What about the savings in benefit given to anchor babies and their families benefit. "But they don't come here to have babies but to work" But an anchor baby is an added benefit.
I believe that is a good thing. It is wrong for two illegals to come to the US and have a baby then the baby be legal. Two illegals do not make it legal. Even 1 illegal with a legal doesn't make it right. In my opinion of course.
Ariz. 'birthers' see tie to birthright citizenship

By PAUL DAVENPORT Associated Press Story Published: Mar 23, 2011 at 3:50 PM PDT

(Story Updated: Mar 23, 2011 at 6:20 PM PDT )
PHOENIX (AP) - Legislation that would require proof of U.S. birth from presidential candidates is intersecting in Arizona with the question of whether U.S.-born children of illegal immigrants are entitled to automatic citizenship.

The proposed legislation on documentation requirements for candidates asks for information on the citizenship of a candidate's parents. Tea party backers said Wednesday they believe people are only natural-born citizens if their parents are citizens.

Ariz. 'birthers' see tie to birthright citizenship | KLEW CBS 3 - News, Weather and Sports - Lewiston, ID - Lewiston, Idaho | National & World News
Mortgage defaults

Illegal immigrants don't default on mortgages?
Oct 9th 2007
by Zac Bissonnette
Filed under: Newspapers, Housing

The Journal talks about the possibility of a weakening in this lost stronghold but there's another interesting story here: If these immigrants can pay their mortgages, why can't other people? Part of the reason could be that these mortgages are evaluated using different, more stringent metrics.

But I also wonder if too many Americans have just lost the sense of pride and commitment to keep their homes. If illegal immigrants can keep their homes, while they send money to families abroad and face tough job conditions, why can't Americans?

Illegal immigrants don't default on mortgages? - BloggingStocks

Home mortgage relief for millions of illegals
Obama's program provides $275 billion to assist homeowners facing foreclosure

Posted:February 24, 2009
By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2011 WorldNetDaily

USA offers help to homeowners facing foreclosure

Illegal aliens can apply for mortgage relief under the Obama administration's $275 billion plan, according to immigration experts and a group the government will use to help homeowners modify loans.

Steven Camarota, director of research at the Center for Immigration Studies in Washington, D.C., told WND approximately 1 million households headed by illegal immigrants acquired mortgages through the beginning of 2007, before the housing bubble burst.

"A lot of mortgage modifiers out there never ask about the legal immigration status of the homeowner, and we do not ask either," Buchanan said. "This is the first time I've had that question asked. All we are looking to do is to modify the current note, regardless what the legal immigration status of the client is

Read more: Home mortgage relief for millions of <I>illegals</i> Home mortgage relief for millions of <I>illegals</i>
If immigrants can keep up with their mortgages, does it really make sense for Congress to push for bailouts for homeowners who are falling behin
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Mexico probes agent pursuit of migrant into river
Mar 25,

MEXICO CITY &#8211; Mexican authorities have launched investigations into the behavior of an immigration agent who pursued a migrant into the river that marks the border between Mexico and Guatemala, and then stood by the bank as the woman drifted away, officials said Friday.

A video shot by bystanders shows the agent standing on the bank of the Usumacinta river as the female migrant barely stays afloat. She apparently jumped into the river to avoid capture, and was eventually rescued by a boater.

Mexico probes agent pursuit of migrant into river - Yahoo! News

:confused:What do they think border patrol agents are. Even Mexican agents. Life guards? Baby sitter? Boy scouts?
She jumped into the river by choice.
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Woman escapes deportation until status of same-sex marriage made clear
By Kristen Hamill, CNNMarch 26, 2011

New York (CNN) -- An Argentine woman living illegally in the United States after overstaying her tourist visa will not be deported until the legality of her same-sex marriage is made more clear.

Judge Terry A. Bain and government attorneys agreed Tuesday to halt deportation hearings in Manhattan's immigration court for Monica Alcota, 35, who came to the United States from Argentina more than 10 years ago.

Woman escapes deportation until status of same-sex marriage made clear - CNN.com

Can they nab her when she leaves conn?

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