LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

Across Texas, 60,000 babies of noncitizens get U.S. birthright08:59 AM CDT on Sunday, August 8, 2010

"They're violating our law, and we're giving their children the benefit of U.S. citizenship," said state Rep. Leo Berman, R-Tyler, whose 2009 bill in the Legislature would have challenged the birthright of immigrant children.

That bill died in committee, although Berman has vowed to file another version next year that would prohibit the state from issuing birth certificates to the children of "illegal aliens."

"I've checked the Congressional Record for when the 14th Amendment was written, and the author was quoted as saying that it did not apply to foreigners," he said. "There's no question in my mind about it."

I hope he is right and the 14th do not need amending but correctly applied. The mistake may have been trying to change the 14th and it did not need changing.
Abuse of Amnesty; Chain Migration-Immigration Law
by Ed Winkler-

Chain Migration

Chain migration is the primary mechanism that has caused legal immigration in this country to quadruple from about 250,000 per year in the 1950s and 1960s to more than one million a year since 1990. As such, it is one of the chief culprits in America's current record-breaking population boom and all the attendant sprawl, congestion, school overcrowding, and other impacts that reduce American's quality of life.

Chain migration is about family reunification beyond the nuclear family. Until the late 1950s, America's immigration tradition of family unity had only included spouses and minor children. But since then, immigrants can also send for their siblings, parents and adult children. These non-nuclear family members actually get precedence over an immigrant’s nuclear family. This ill-conceived system also creates incentives for illegal immigration because adult relatives of legal residents are known to overstay their visas (becoming illegal aliens) in hopes of becoming legal immigrants. Moreover, since hundreds of millions of people in the world have a relative in the U.S., the migration chain can eventually reach them all.

The claim that chain migration is about “family reunification” ignores the fact that each immigrant who comes to the U.S. “disunites” another family by leaving some new relatives behind. If a person really wants to live near his/her extended family, he/she should remain in the country where that extended family lives. Except for the very small percentage of each year's newcomers who are refugees, nobody is forcing immigrants to leave their families. Chain Migration | NumbersUSA - For Lower Immigration Levels
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Immigration Amnesty Pushed Through Back Door In Houston Federal Courts
“In early August, federal attorneys in Houston started filing unsolicited motions to dismiss cases involving suspected illegal immigrants who have lived in the country for years without committing serious crimes.

News of the dismissals, first reported in the Houston Chronicle in late August, caused a national controversy amid allegations that the Obama administration was implementing a kind of “backdoor amnesty”— a charge officials strongly denied.

Immigration Amnesty Pushed Through Back Door In Houston Federal Courts – Indyposted

Why Birthright Citizenship Matters

By Linda Thom
September 30, 2010
(LT Note: all numbers are from California Department of Public Health and have been collected by me since the 90s. The numbers are unpublished and were obtained directly from the state vital statistics personnel. Current numbers are available their website.
The surge in births between 1975 and 1990 was caused, in large part, by illegal immigration from Mexico and Central America. Their children became citizens at birth. And now these babies are all grown up and producing babies of their own.

The most current national data cause the same concern as do the California and Texas numbers. Many of the Hispanic, birth-mothers arrived illegally and their numbers are huge and growing.
The table below shows birth data for the whole country. The Center for Disease Control publishes annual reports with data collected by hospitals, transmitted to counties, states and then to the federal government. 09/30/10 - Why Birthright Citizenship Matters

Mexican terrorist (drug cartels) with WMDs (drugs) are waging war against American citizens and winning because we don’t want to recognize it. They have crossed the border with their WMDs (drugs) and occupying parts of Arizona, kidnapping and killing Americans. Parts of Arizona has been declared a war zone by drug cartels and our limp w**** government will not let us fight back. What did we do when we were attacked on 9-11 by Muslim terrorist? We followed them where ever they were and waged war against them with all our military might. What are we not going after drug cartels terrorist with all our military might? Are we afraid of offending Mexico and losing their cheap labor? We were not afraid of offending Afghanistan. If we did declare war on Mexican terrorist, would we put Mexican Americans in internment camps and deport those here illegally?

Mexico is a bigger threat to our freedom than Iraq or Afghanistan. Illegal aliens and drugs have killed more Americans than 9-11, al Qaeda and IEDs. It is time we send Mexican drug terrorist the same message we sent Muslim terrorists. Uncle Sam don’t play that.
Sheriff makes his case for anti-smuggling unitBy KATHLEEN STINSON
Staff Writer
Published: Friday, October 15, 2010

FLORENCE — Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu laid out his case for an anti-smuggling enforcement squad on Oct. 13 before the Board of Supervisors to “take out the eyes” of the smugglers who require lookouts or scouts as they pass through the county.

The board heard the sheriff’s request in work session and did not take action.

Babeu proposed a seven-person unit to patrol a narrow corridor in the vicinity of Arizona City and Silverbell, where the drug and human traffickers are known to pass through Pinal County.

Including salaries and equipment, the unit is estimated to cost $1,044,219 the first year and $501,716 each following year.

TriValley Central
The argument for keeping "birthright citizenship"??

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This should send a message to millions of illegal aliens who have no cajones who tucked and run when the going got rough. This girl is a real Mexican.

Mexican student made police chief A 20-year-old Mexican woman has been appointed to fight drugs cartels in a town on a major trafficking route to the US.

As drugs-related violence in Mexico continues at a staggering pace, in one municipality where seasoned professionals have failed to provide security a 20-year-old student has been appointed as chief of the police force.
Marisol Valles Garcia was sworn in on Wednesday as head of a small police team in Praxeids G Guerrero, one of the most dangerous towns close to the US border, near El Paso in Texas.
Mexican student made police chief - Americas - Al Jazeera English
Differences in Education Between Mexico & USBy Gina Confessore,
September 11, 2009

Structure in United States Schools•In the United States, free public schooling may begin as early as preschool around age 4 and continues on to the end of high school, or grade 12. There are one to two years of preschool, depending on the state. Then there is elementary school, which is from grades one to five or six, depending on the district. Most elementary schools are kindergarten through grade five. Then middle schools teach students in grades six through eight, mostly. High school almost always consists of grades nine through 12.

Structure in Mexican Schools•In Mexico, there is preschool as well, followed by primary school. Primary school consists of six years of education until approximately ages 11 or 12. Afterward, students attend secondary school, or middle school, for three years much like in the United States. After secondary school, students attend the high school, which can either be a technical school for those who will attend college or a vocational school. High school lasts only three years in Mexico.

Public Education Laws•The United States provides free education for students from until grade 12, with free textbooks. Students are required to attend school until a certain age, depending on the state. In Mexico, the states must provide education up until upper secondary school; however, after grade six, families must pay for textbooks.

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Education in Mexico is comparable to education in the U.S. and the excuse that the poor little kids that are here by no choice of their own, have to stay here in order to get a good education is bunk. Many americans attend school in mexico. And we mean old americans want to deprive poor little kids of a good education. CMAO

Education in Mexico
Proof of Mexican citizenship is required to attend public schools for free, but foreigners can attend public schools by paying a tuition.
Section 287(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) was made law in the United States in 1995 as a result of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA). Section 287(g) authorizes the Federal Government to enter into agreements with state and local law enforcement agencies, permitting designated officers to perform immigration law enforcement functions, pursuant to a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), provided that the local law enforcement officers receive appropriate training and function under the supervision of sworn U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers. Under 287(g), ICE provides state and local law enforcement with the training and subsequent authorization to identify, process, and when appropriate, detain immigration offenders they encounter during their regular, daily law-enforcement activity.

The March 2010 arrest of undocumented student Jessica Colotl sparked an intense debate around immigration issues, with Colotl's supporters calling for an end to 287(g). Colotl was arrested in Cobb County, Georgia, which has 287(g) legislation, and faces deportation.

Enforcement: The bill repeals the controversial 287(g) program, a provision of immigration law relating to cooperation between state and local enforcement agencies and ICE (misused by some agencies bent on harassing immigrants) and clarifies that the authority to enforce the federal immigration law lies solely with the federal government.

“If you reward bad behavior you, get more bad behavior”
“If we don’t learn from history, we’re bound to repeat it”
“AMNESTY means never having immigration enforcement”
When you consider the countless men and women that have given their lives to keep this country free and allow free elections, when you think of all the courageous men and women that continue to volunteer to serve and keep this country free it is outrageous that there are those among us that think so little of our freedoms.

The penalty for voter fraud should be death.
illegals and non citizens should not be permitted to vote.

Felons or ex felons, that depends on the state....some states allow felon's/exfelons to's up to the state.

if florida in 2000....
# In Florida, election observers say a “sizable number” of Florida votes in the 2000 election may have been cast by ineligible felons, illegal immigrants, and non-citizens. [6]

then Bush should not have been president, the Cubans in florida supported republicans and president bush, NOT Gore....

they HATED clinton for what he did to elian gonzalez...

there were thousands of citizens that had a ''right'' to vote that were PREVENTED from voting because of the 'felon list' that was absolutely bogus that katherine harris PAID millions for, that was inaccurate. it was a drag net of a list and many people who were eligible to vote were prevented from voting.

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