LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

Meg Whitman’s Cleaning Lady: Is $23 an Hour Exploitive?

But undocumented or not, unfairly let go or not, one of the more interesting parts of all this is Ms. Santillan’s accusation that she was “exploited..and financially abused” by Ms. Whitman. But she was earning $23 an hour.

All the details aren’t known, so maybe Ms. Santillan was financially abused. But at a time when the minimum wage in America is $7.25 an hour (California’s is $8), and millions of Americans are out of work, calling $23 an hour “exploitation” seemed worth further research
What also struck me was that Ms. Santillan was hired through an agency. Agencies are supposed to screen for things like immigration status. “In my experience, agencies want to get paid, they get paid by placing staff,” Ms. Pearl says. “And yes, we have seen situations, which honestly we find shocking, where agencies have placed staff who are not legally able to work in the U.S.”
Meg Whitman’s Cleaning Lady: Is $23 an Hour Exploitive? - The Wealth Report - WSJ
New RN Grad's First Job - $23/hr. Is this a rip off?Aug 14, 2009
So after 3 months, 50+ applications to hospitals, doc offices, agencies, nursing homes.... I finally got my first job as a Registered Nurse at a nursing home and rehabilitation center in Chicago. The pay is $23 per hour with benefits or $25 per hour without benefits. I have heard from other people that the starting salary for RNs in Chicago is usually $25-27 per hour. I was so desperate to get a job so I accepted the offer but of course, I asked the DON why it's so low compared to other places. She tells me that I am new with no experience. OK, I just graduated so fine, I understand.
New RN Grad's First Job - $23/hr. Is this a rip off? - Nursing for Nurses
Minuteman Message Board • View topic - Where were You on 9/11?15 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Sep 10
“America, roll up your sleeves, this might hurt a little, but this too will pass”. "The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who ...Minuteman Message Board • View topic - Where were You on 9/11? - Cached
SB1070 WILL STAND‎ - 2 posts - Jul 31, 2010
MS-13 GANGS: IMMIGRATION'S ...‎ - 1 post - Jun 26, 2010

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Where were You on 9/11?

LilOlLady was certainly on the Internet blaming Mexico and illegal Mexicans for everything that happens under the sun... :razz:
José;2824542 said:
Where were You on 9/11?

LilOlLady was certainly on the Internet blaming Mexico and illegal Mexicans for everything that happens under the sun... :razz:

I was watching the BBC show Mexicans cheering!
New RN Grad's First Job - $23/hr. Is this a rip off?Aug 14, 2009
So after 3 months, 50+ applications to hospitals, doc offices, agencies, nursing homes.... I finally got my first job as a Registered Nurse at a nursing home and rehabilitation center in Chicago. The pay is $23 per hour with benefits or $25 per hour without benefits. I have heard from other people that the starting salary for RNs in Chicago is usually $25-27 per hour. I was so desperate to get a job so I accepted the offer but of course, I asked the DON why it's so low compared to other places. She tells me that I am new with no experience. OK, I just graduated so fine, I understand.
New RN Grad's First Job - $23/hr. Is this a rip off? - Nursing for Nurses
Latino group awarded $3.4M to fund health career program

February 26, 2010
The Illinois Dept. of Labor has awarded the National Council of La Raza a $3.4 million award to invest in health services training for high-need Latino communities in Chicago

The money will fund the Carreras en Salud program, which provides low-income, low-skilled Latinos with a structured but flexible career pathway to nursing and health occupations, according to a release from the NCLR.

Carreras en Salud offers integrated services to overcome barriers to employment and career advancement, such as job training, career counseling and assistance in job placement, the release said.

The program represents a workforce parternship betwen NCLR and its Chicago-based affiliates, the Instituto del Progreso Latino, Association House of Chicago and HumboldtParkVocationalEducationCenter, the release said.

Services will be easily accessible, as all three partners are located in Latino communities -- HPVEC and AHC in the HumboldtPark area, and Instituto del Progreso Latino in the Pilsen neighborhood.

NCLR is the largest national Latino civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States, the release said

You'll never see a nurse that isn't Latino again!
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On 9/11, I was sitting in my living room drinking a cup of coffee watching the news on tv and just about ready to get up and head to the office to begin the work day. The news cut into the scene at the WTC showing what was going on with the tower because of the plane crash. As I watched the news I saw the second plane fly into the other WTC building. I thought to myself, some air traffic controller is in very deep shit this morning but then it became apparent that this was a planned event because of all the other plane take-overs. I got myself another cup of coffee and continued to watch and eventually called my office and said that I would not be coming in to work today and to let everybody go home with pay. I watched the news on tv all day long.
José;2824542 said:
Where were You on 9/11?

LilOlLady was certainly on the Internet blaming Mexico and illegal Mexicans for everything that happens under the sun... :razz:

Sorry, Jose, The post was not about you or illegal immigration at all.
Since it was not about you, except for
SB1070 WILL STAND‎ - 2 posts - Jul 31, 2010
MS-13 GANGS: IMMIGRATION'S ...‎ - 1 post - Jun 26, 2010

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I would not expect you to get it.:cuckoo::eusa_hand:
I have enough to blame illegal alien Mexicans for than 9-11. and I may find something about 9-11 to blame them for. Hold on a minute.:eusa_whistle:
Exclusive: Illegal Aliens and Driver's Licenses: A Terrorist Connection?
Michael Cutler

Following up on a recent op-ed I wrote on the subject, we find that yes, illegal aliens who were recently arrested in New Mexico for trying to procure driver's licenses by using fraudulent documents were indeed from so-called "special interest countries" (countries linked to terrorism). We also learn that the illegal aliens who took advantage of the fraudulent document scam (also run by illegal aliens) came from...New Jersey!

Think about it: illegal aliens traveled across the United States to get to New Jersey, then crossed it again to obtain fraudulent licenses.Thanks to New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson,the DMV in New Mexico does not take immigration status into account when issuing licenses.A quote from the film A Field of Dreamsis most appropriate here: "If you build it, they will come."
Exclusive: Illegal Aliens and Driver's Licenses: A Terrorist Connection? Publications Family Security Matters
Did Mexicans really cheer when 9-11 happened in America ?

"I understand Mexico did and to that poster we deserved it, tell me how many family members did you lose that day that makes you say my sister deserved to die "

Did Mexicans really cheer when 9-11 happened in America ? - Yahoo! Answers

Smugglers carry people with links to terror into U.S.

By Pauline Arrillaga and Olga R. Rodriguez

July 3, 2005 "Several al-Qaeda leaders believe operatives can pay their way into the country through Mexico," Jim Loy, deputy secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, told a congressional committee in February. Further, he said, "entrenched human smuggling networks and corruption in areas beyond our borders can be exploited by terrorist organizations."
Smugglers carry people with links to terror into U.S. | The San Diego Union-Tribune

Jose, Mexicans do have a connection to terrorist.
Impacts Of Illegal Immigration: Terrorism

When it comes to the impact of illegal immigration, terrorism must be at the top of the list due to its potential to directly harm the greatest number of Americans. It is worth noting that three of the four terrorist pilots in the 9/11 attack were in the country illegally. 9/11 was a precursor. The next big incident could be far greater and kill many more Americans.

"We really don't know who comes into this country illegally over the Southwest border," Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., says. "This is a big problem."

For all you parents and grandparents who still don't think controlling our borders and knowing who is in the country is important, you might want to check out Mass Slaughter in Our Public Schools: - The Terrorists' Chilling Plan where it is reported:

Impacts Of Illegal Immigration: Terrorism
Amnesty Costs 70 Times More Than Enforcement

The cost of amnesty: $999 billion.
The cost of attrition by enforcement: as little as $14 billion.
Amnesty would cost up to 70 times as much as enforcing existing law.
Source: The Heritage FoundationSummary: The Heritage Foundation issued two studies in 2007 pointing out that the big problem with mass legalization is that (a) most illegal aliens are low-skilled and therefore do not earn enough money to pay enough taxes to cover the government benefits they receive; and (b), amnesty would eventually make them eligible for the full array of welfare and medical benefits offered by local, state and federal governments. They found the cost of allowing illegal aliens to remain in the United States, and eventually to become citizens, would be $3.7 trillion through the year 2056. That works out to a present cost of $1 trillion, at a 5 percent discount rate. In other words, immediately upon passage of an amnesty bill, the United States government would need to put $1 trillion into an investment earning 5 percent per year if it were honest about paying for the costs of amnesty.
Amnesty Costs 70 Times More Than Enforcement | NumbersUSA - For Lower Immigration Levels
José;2824608 said:
José;2824542 said:
Where were You on 9/11?

LilOlLady was certainly on the Internet blaming Mexico and illegal Mexicans for everything that happens under the sun... :razz:

I was watching the BBC show Mexicans cheering!

You got the wrong people, dude... those were Palestinians...

They sure look like the people who take over US neighborhoods then plant the Mexican flag there.
I was having sex before 911, during 911 and after 911.

I was not going to allow Bush and the Israeli Teror spoil my sex.
There is no part of American society that illegal immigration do not affect. I just don't have time to name them all.
The major issue with legalisation is not the cost (as proven by Obama's previous trillion dollar bailouts), the problem is the fact that illegal aliens are going to simply continue coming if they find that they can become citizens as easily as Obama says they will. Multiple other problems ensue from the fact that although I do not want to be the steriotipical "they took our jerbs" conservative there are Federal laws in place to prevent illegal aliens from taking jobs here in our glorious country, but no the federal govt. is to interested in forcing what they believe to be their "morals" and "ethics" onto America the land for the people and by the people. Obama wants the votes that amnesty will get him, because lets face it congress and the house are going to get slaughtered come November and Barrack will not be able to put any more of his socialist doctrines into place. It is our duty to America to get our power back from Capitol hill in whatever way we must be it in the polls or resistance when they come to take our guns. America help make our country great again.
Amnesty was granted once before and it didn't work out so well for anybody except the illegal aliens. Even more have come back into the country and why not? It seems like an easy thing to do. Sneak into America, have a baby so the baby becomes an America due to it's birth in this country, i.e., "anchor baby" and bingo - it becomes almost impossible to get you back across the border and out of the country. How do we solve this problem of a constant influx of illegal aliens? Simple. Once an illegal alien is discovered, escort them back to the border, inform them to not come back into the country illegally and allow them to walk back across the border into their own country. Take the "anchor baby" with you. The second time they are caught illegally in the country, take them back to the border, return them to their own country on a stretcher and tell them not to come back into the country again illegally. The third time they are caught in the country illegally, take them back to the border and carry them in a body bag back across the border and tell some body there to bury them. I think this would solve the problem of illegal aliens sneaking into the country from Mexico.
I was on a orchard full of Hindu and could tell by there silence that they knew dumb rednecks would soon be calling for blood and anyone with a turban would be viewed as both Muslim and the enemy...about the most any of them had to say was"oh my this is not good" "no,no ..not good at all..."

We need to put the military on the border if we are serious about stopping the flow of drugs and illegal aliens and the flow of drug money and guns going back across the border. The only way to defeat drug cartels is to hit them were it hurt. Stop their flow of drugs and money. If they cannot move their drugs across the border they will take their drugs elsewhere. Our problem is solved and Mexico’s problem is solved.

If we really wanted to stop the flow of drugs and illegal aliens, we need to get as serious as drug cartels are about moving their drug and getting their money by stopping them from moving their drugs and getting their money.

Border agents are doing the best job they can with what they got but that is not enough and drug cartels know it. Drugs and money are still getting across the border. Until we stop the flow of drugs, Mexico‘s problem with drug cartels will continue.

We need to put the military on the border, if only temporary, until drug cartels get the message they their drugs are not going to get across.

If we enforce our immigration laws, illegal aliens will get the message and will go home and will not come. Another problem for border agents solved.

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