LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

On 9/11, I was sitting in my living room drinking a cup of coffee watching the news on tv and just about ready to get up and head to the office to begin the work day. The news cut into the scene at the WTC showing what was going on with the tower because of the plane crash. As I watched the news I saw the second plane fly into the other WTC building. I thought to myself, some air traffic controller is in very deep shit this morning but then it became apparent that this was a planned event because of all the other plane take-overs. I got myself another cup of coffee and continued to watch and eventually called my office and said that I would not be coming in to work today and to let everybody go home with pay. I watched the news on tv all day long.

"Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think, and act for myself--and I will obey every law or submit to the penalty.”Chief Joseph
Harry Reid: No Illegal Aliens Working Construction in Nevadaby Ira Mehlman

Explaining to CBS News 8 in Las Vegas why, in his capacity as Senate Majority Leader, he blocked a vote on requiring the use of E-Verify for all contractors benefiting from federal stimulus money while his Nevada constituents suffer from one of the highest unemployment rates in the country, Sen. Harry Reid flatly denied that illegal aliens work construction jobs in his home state.
Responding to a reporter's question about concerns expressed by unemployed construction workers in Nevada that illegal aliens are filling many of their jobs, Reid replied, "Any information you have [about illegal aliens working construction in Nevada] is absolutely without foundation." Pressed further by the reporter who cited a Pew Hispanic Center study that illegal aliens occupy 17 percent of construction jobs nationwide, and assertions by local labor leaders that illegal immigration is harming union members, Reid stuck to his guns. "That may be true someplace, but not here in Nevada," the senator insisted.

Harry Reid: No Illegal Aliens Working Construction in Nevada | DAN STEIN // STEIN REPORT 2000-2010®

But their latest 2009 numbers show Nevada is the state with the highest percentage of “unauthorized immigrants” in the labor force.
Something else I bet you didn’t know: According to Reid, paying income taxes in the United States is “voluntaryHarry Reid: There are no illegal immigrants working in construction in NV Sister Toldjah

Harry Reid need to visit a construction site in Nevada and see the illegal working in construction
Obama need to visit the Arizona borders and see the hard working illegal aliens smuggling drugs.
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It's alot harder to find an illegal alien at a NV. construction site because there are currently few active construction sites here anymore.
I hope this is the final nail in Reid's reelection hopes coffin. Lying mother fucker... needs his shit stain ass kicked to the curb.
There is alot of construction near Mountains Edge and when i drive by it seems alot of the workers are mexican..but you cant really tell. It makes you wonder though......
It's alot harder to find an illegal alien at a NV. construction site because there are currently few active construction sites here anymore.

Where there is construction going on, you will find an illegal. Yard work and road work, you will find them too. And a lot of stimulus money is going to road work.
Why are all the illegal aliens coming out of the shadows accusing canidates of knowing they are in the country illegal. One just came of against Sandoval in Nevada and he say he never knew her. She owned a cleaning business then? Illegals are owning business getting business loans?
They are NOT in the shadows because they have nothing to fear.
Nevada don't want Reid or any of his off springs. Rory Reid.

Reid, 48, is running against Republican Brian Sandoval, a former federal judge who was the first Hispanic in Nevada to win a statewide election when was elected attorney general in 2002.

Reid has enlisted Hispanic leaders, including comedian Carlos Mencia and labor leader Dolores Huerta, who've criticized Sandoval as being Hispanic in name only.

Sandoval, 47, angered some Latinos for supporting Arizona's tough immigration law, though he later said a similar law was not needed Nevada. He also apologized when a reporter for a Spanish language network, writing in a newspaper column, accused Sandoval of saying his own children "don't look Hispanic" when asked if racial profiling would be a concern. In a written statement, Sandoval said while he didn't recall making the remark, which was not recorded, "it was wrong" if he did.
Rory Reid Fights To Gain Traction In NV Gov Race - CBS News
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There is alot of construction near Mountains Edge and when i drive by it seems alot of the workers are mexican..but you cant really tell. It makes you wonder though......

There's so much construction here, that's why the pawn shops stopped taking construction workers' tools over a year and a half ago :rolleyes:.

But I'll cut you a break, you just moved here.
Next time you ride by there, stop and ask some of the workers if they're illegal or not. No, wait.....don't do that, it would be 'racial profiling'. :lol:

1986 Comprehensive Immigration Reform did not work to control immigration and secure the border so why do we think Comprehensive Immigration Reform #2, a repeat performance, will work when we now have 20 million illegal aliens and we will have 30 million more illegal aliens in the country in 20 years? Illegal immigration has tripled since 1986 which mean it had the opposite effect and did not control illegal immigration and secure the border.

Our immigration system was broken in 1986 and it is still broken in 2010. Are we going to learn from that mistake or are we going to have a repeat performance of 1986? Or will we try something else like enforcing our immigration laws that worked in the past with “Operation Wetback” and it will work now without out rounding them up, putting them on busses and deporting them. Just say, we cannot round 20 million people up and deport them, but we can take away the incentives (that broke the system) that bring them here and keep them here, jobs, freebies and the 14th Amendment.

Parents of 500,000 anchor babies feel they have a right to remain in this country only because they have American born children by default and that is “unconstitutional.”

Our immigration system is broken because we allowed it to be broken. Citizenship is not attained by way of anchor babies but by way of at least one parent being an American citizen.

It is way past time to enforce our immigration laws or get rid of them and open the border because as long as we don’t enforce them our border patrol agents are working their butts off in vain.

“If we do not learn from our mistakes, we are bound to repeat them.” Comprehensive Immigration Reform #2 will only lead to Comprehensive Immigration Reform #3.

It is not possible to put a bag of cookies in front of a baby and expect him to take only one. We cannot put out the call for cheap labor, advertising freebies, and the 14th Amendment and expect no takers. When we advertise Comprehensive Immigration Reform, there is a rush across the border like the 1849 gold rush.

A temporary worker program worked in the past to control the need for workers and we can make it work again.

We have 17% of illegal aliens working in construction and we have 200 million unemployed construction workers.
Charting jobs & unemployment - Fundmastery Blog - MarketWatch
Where is my post?The Mexican Invasion and Occupation:

OBAMA AND HIS SELLOUT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE FOR WALL ST. AND THE ILLEGALS' ILLEGAL VOTES. In California alone, WELFARE to illegals cost $20 billion! Keeping criminal illegals in state prisons cost ONE BILLION! Los Angeles County pays out $600 million per year in welfare to illegals! While 47% of those with a job are illegals with stolen social securty numbers. And then there's the MEXICAN CRIME TIDAL WAVE!TIME TO END THE MEX INVASION? - EMAIL ARTICLES TO EVERYONE

The Mexican Invasion and Occupation: Who Pays? ANOTHER FORM OF CORP WELFARE?


Arizona Sheriff: Mexican drug cartels control parts of Arizona...
The federal government has posted signs along a major interstate highway in Arizona, more than 100 miles north of the U.S.-Mexico border, warning travelers the area is unsafe because of drug and alien smugglers, and a local sheriff says Mexican drug cartels now control some parts of the state.

The signs were posted by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) along a 60-mile stretch of Interstate 8 between Casa Grande and Gila Bend, a major east-west corridor linking Tucson and Phoenix with San Diego.

They warn travelers that they are entering an "active drug and human smuggling area" and they may encounter "armed criminals and smuggling vehicles traveling at high rates of speed." Beginning less than 50 miles south of Phoenix, the signs encourage travelers to "use public lands north of Interstate 8" and to call 911 if they "see suspicious activity."

If Germans had occupied part of US pre WWII we would have ignored it?

Arizona Sheriff: Mexican drug cartels control parts of Arizona...

Is it Assimilation or Invasion?
by: Phyllis Schlafly
November 28, 2001


While there is no evidence that the 9/11 terrorists entered over the Mexican border, the trial in El Paso of an Iraqi smuggler produced evidence that he alone brought more than 1,000 Middle East illegals into the United States via that route, charging his clients $10,000 to $15,000 each. Border Patrol agents have confirmed the increase in illegal aliens coming from the Middle East across our southern border and the fact that Arabs pay up to $50,000 each for a "coyote" to smuggle them into the United States.

The 9/11 events have temporarily shelved the foolish proposals to grant amnesty to three million ????Mexicans illegally living in our country. Unfortunately, there is no indication that Mexico has retreated from its longtime goal of opening the U.S. border.

The Mexican invasion of the United States of America
There is alot of construction near Mountains Edge and when i drive by it seems alot of the workers are mexican..but you cant really tell. It makes you wonder though......

There's so much construction here, that's why the pawn shops stopped taking construction workers' tools over a year and a half ago :rolleyes:.

But I'll cut you a break, you just moved here.
Next time you ride by there, stop and ask some of the workers if they're illegal or not. No, wait.....don't do that, it would be 'racial profiling'. :lol:

When and where there is construction work there are illegal aliens working in place of Americans. I don't need a break, I've been here since 1970 and have seen the influx of illegal aliens and Americans moving away. Jobs in casinos, hotels, garbage collecting, lawn work, fast food resturants, road work, etc has taken jobs from unskilled black, whites and legal aliens. What little construction is going on now is done by illegal aliens. Open your eyes.

By Frosty Wooldridge
August 24, 2009

It is worth noting that very few immigrant parents are actually refugees or asylum-seekers and the majority are people who have come over here to have an Irish baby and Irish citizen," said Dr Keane.

A member of Fianna Fail, Ireland's Republican Party, appearing on television stating that "60% of all female asylum-seekers over the age of 16 arrive here pregnant."
Ireland is experiencing the same abuse of their immigration laws as the U.S. The difference is they choose to do something about it. In January 2003 the Irish Supreme Court ruled in a landmark decision by a 5-2 verdict that immigrant parents of an Irish born child could be deported. This was the first reversal of Ireland's liberal policy of granting residency and possibly citizenship to anyone who had a baby on the island, including illegal aliens. Deputy Prime Minister Mary Harney was encouraged by the courts decision, saying, “It will prevent others from coming to Ireland to abuse our asylum process on the basis that they are pregnant."

By November 2001 asylum seekers had submitted 5,247 applications asking for permission to remain in the country on the basis of parenting an Irish citizen child. :eusa_hand:
Frosty Wooldridge -- Anchor Babies: The Irish Got it Right, Part 3
HUD: Five Million Fraudulent Mortgages Held by IllegalsKFYI ^ | OCT 7 2008 | KFYI

Posted on Tuesday, October 07, 2008
by HollyButler

One illegal alien was arrested this year in Tucson after allegedly using a stolen social security number to buy two homes and rack up over $780,000 in bad debt.
Some five million fraudulent home mortgages are in the hands of illegal aliens, according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. It's not known how many of those have contributed to the subprime housing mortgage meltdown, but it has affected every state, including Arizona.

The problem began years ago when banks were forced to give mortgages without confirming social security numbers or borrower identification. As a result, illegal immigrants were able to obtain home mortgages which they could not afford.

HUD: Five Million Fraudulent Mortgages Held by Illegals

Proof of Citizenship and the Foreclosure CrisisPosted by BEREL News Team on Friday, June 18th 2010

So, we have established that the lenders were not breaking the letter of any laws by issuing loans to illegal aliens, but what about the number of illegals defaulting on their mortgages? Not surprisingly, these numbers are difficult to come by since the entire identification process is somewhat difficult. Particularly in light of recent stabs at immigration reform, illegal residents of the United States that have put down roots and purchased homes are not rushing to fill out surveys about how, why and how long they plan to pay their mortgages

Bryan Ellis Real Estate Letter - Proof of Citizenship and the Foreclosure Crisis
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