LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

Reid Aide Departs Over Fake Marriage Allegations

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s Hispanic press secretary has departed after a news report accused her of a sham marriage to help a man evade immigration laws.

LAS VEGAS (October 26, 2010)--A spokesman for U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says Reid's Hispanic press secretary in Nevada is no longer with the office in the wake of a news report accusing her of a fake marriage to help a man evade immigration laws.

The Fox News report said Tejada, 28, lied to authorities to cover up her marriage to 37-year-old Bassam Mahmoud Tarhini, but the report says Tejada was never charged with a crime. ... ml?ref=928
Federal Immigration and Nationality ActSection 8 USC 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv)(b)(iii)

"Any person who . . . encourages or induces an alien to . . . reside . . . knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that such . . . residence is . . . in violation of law, shall be punished as provided . . . for each alien in respect to whom such a violation occurs . . . fined under title 18 . . . imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both."

Section 274 felonies under the federal Immigration and Nationality Act, INA 274A(a)(1)(A):

A person (including a group of persons, business, organization, or local government) commits a federal felony when she or he:

* assists an alien s/he should reasonably know is illegally in the U.S. or who lacks employment authorization, by transporting, sheltering, or assisting him or her to obtain employment, or

* encourages that alien to remain in the U.S. by referring him or her to an employer or by acting as employer or agent for an employer in any way, or

* knowingly assists illegal aliens due to personal convictions.
Penalties upon conviction include criminal fines, imprisonment, and forfeiture of vehicles and real property used to commit the crime. Anyone employing or contracting with an illegal alien without verifying his or her work authorization status is guilty of a misdemeanor. Aliens and employers violating immigration laws are subject to arrest, detention, and seizure of their vehicles or property. In addition, individuals or entities who engage in racketeering enterprises that commit (or conspire to commit) immigration-related felonies are subject to private civil suits for treble damages and injunctive relief.
I posted this earlier today. This should be big news. Either Reid's people got this woman off, or they were simply unaware of her shady fake husband. In one scenario they are corrupt, In the other, they are incompetent. Let's see how the lame stream media covers it. They were all over that illegal maid story in CA.
Ballads For The Bad Guys

In Rialto, on old route 66 just outside Los Angeles, young Mexican Americans in sharp cars and glittery, cowboy-goth clothes are pouring into a hangar-size nightclub to hear El Komander sing. Brawny, buzz-cut and with a midnight pallor, El Komander looks as if a Mexican drug cartel might have sent him on a summer internship with the Russian mob. He's wearing a black satin cowboy outfit with flashes of silver lightning embroidered on its sleeves. His narcocorridos — narco ballads — are about the gunfights and beheadings going on south of the border: the word asesino (murderer) figures heavily in his lyrics. "Trashed with drugs," he croons in a deceptively sweet voice. "Blowing heads off those who cross us."
(See a documentary about the dangerous lives of narcocorridos.)

Read more: Ballads For The Bad Guys - TIME

Ballads For The Bad Guys - TIME
Ballards For the Bad Guys.

….the songs celebrate the violent lives…and grisly deaths…of Mexican drug lords…spread quickly from Mexico…touring the US…..Alfred Rios, “My fans think this music give them and identity”
….many balladeers receive money form drug lords to write paeans about the exploits, …paid to perform at gangs private parties in secret hideouts
…With an AK-47, trashed with drugs, blowing heads off those who cross us. We are bloodthirsty crazies, very high. We like to kill, to kidnap. We are the best, always traveling by caravan
….The Narcocorredo has given some young Mexican-Americans and young second and third generation Hispanic Americans who feel the “hopelessness” of making a living in the US during these grim economic times….has given some young Mexican-Americans a new, if violent , sense of identity within the American cauldron of ethnicities…I feel I am from down here, Mexico, and I am proud of it
…“It’s as tough as gangsta rap, and it’s Mexican. It’s who we are.”
….They update the lyrics to keep up with the barbarism of the cartel killers. Beheadings were passe; killers were chopping their rivals into pieces and dumping them into vats of lye so the bodies could never be identified
….most of the men in the audience were dressed like wannabe drug traffickers, sporting Ed Hardy cowboy shirts emblazoned with golden eagles and AK-47s….”It’s a lifestyle”
….our audience is the illegal immigrant, the second-generation Mexican-American who wants to rediscover their roots”
…..a drug trafficker’s birthday party, the singer performed with a brand new M16 simi-automatic rifle slung across his shoulder. The head boss got for his birthday
……the King of Crystal had been exporting several tons of meth and cocaine in the US over the past 10 years.

Napolitano said homeland security needs help from local law enforcement in catching homegrown terrorist. But she don’t need help in stopping illegal aliens who have killed more Americans than homegrown or foreign terrorist and more of a threat to this country. That’s not the job of local and state law enforcement?
23 year old Julian Castro, mayor of San Antonia, TX supports amnesty and Comprehensive Immigration Reform. Is he an anchor baby? IF he is, he is a homegrown terrorist and a threat to America.

Massachusetts health program, model for Obama’s reform, strains state budget

Physicians for a National Health Plan, a doctor’s group that supports a fully socialized, single-payer health-care system, warned in a February 2009 report that the new system had failed to reduce medical spending, and has subsequently drawn funding away from crucial health resources such as emergency room care.

And in summer 2009, the state announced plans to drop coverage for 30,000 legal immigrants with a goal of cutting $130 million in health-care expenses

Massachusetts health program, model for Obama’s reform, strains state budget | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Then they will only use ER and that will cost more.
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There are too many unanswered questions about how Comprehensive Immigration Reform will be implemented. Most important question is not we pay for it and the population explosion of poverty through the chain migration of family members. How much is it going to cost just to process 20 million illegal aliens on a path to citizenshp? Sound like a nightmare with no waking up.

What happens if one do not pass a background check? Are they or the entire family deported even those with anchor babies or nothing? What happens if one commit a crime after they are put on a path to citizenship under the same circumstances? This will separate families and we don’t want to do that? Lot of them are already committing crimes and just have not been caught.

How do you get them to pay the $5,000 fine? And don’t want to be put on a path to citizenship? Go to the back of the line which is 20 years long and if they are stupid enough to think they will ever become citizens. What if they only want legal status and not citizenship?

What about those who are criminals and do not come forward because they have a criminal background? How will you find them or will you even look for them?

How will putting 20 million people on a path to citizenship stop or control illegal immigration and secure the border?

The are too many unanswerable question to even think about Comprehensive Immigration Reform and I am afraid it will end up being nothing less than blind amnesty. How do you get them to pay back taxes when it is not possible to know how much they owe?
Comprehensive Immigration Reform cannot be implemented as planned. Way too complicated that a rocket scientist could not do it. 1986 amnesty did not stop or control illegal immigration or secure the border and Comprehensive Immigration Reform will not either. It led to 20 million more illegal aliens, half million anchor babies and the border no where near being secured. Matter of fact the border has been moved 80 miles inland in Arizona.
Comprehensive Immigration Reform is just another Democrat ploy for amnesty.
Reid vows immigration vote in lame-duck Congress

By Stephen Dinan
The Washington Times
10:57 a.m., Sunday, October 31, 2010

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid this weekend promised to force the Senate to vote on an immigration bill, the Dream Act, in a lame-duck session of Congress next month.
Reid vows immigration vote in lame-duck Congress - Washington Times

Haven't we been there and done that many time before? Why don't Read just by-pass all this crap, Dream Act and Immigration Reform and border security and go straight to Amnesty with Chain Migration.
Reid is like a diaper rash. Irritating and keep coming back.
hello capt. smith..........this is a naked political play, nothing more, to drive one more wedge and play identity politics with peoples lives/feelings, they are just tools. Exactly why a scumbag like this needed to go down...I hope his spptters are proud of him.....lets see how many dems he gets to go along with the plunge to the bottom....the 2012 race started last night at midnight.


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Reid vows immigration vote in lame-duck Congress

By Stephen Dinan
The Washington Times
10:57 a.m., Sunday, October 31, 2010

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid this weekend promised to force the Senate to vote on an immigration bill, the Dream Act, in a lame-duck session of Congress next month.
Reid vows immigration vote in lame-duck Congress - Washington Times

Haven't we been there and done that many time before? Why don't Read just by-pass all this crap, Dream Act and Immigration Reform and border security and go straight to Amnesty with Chain Migration.
Reid is like a diaper rash. Irritating and keep coming back.

This doesn't surprise me. The dems got their butt kicked royally for the way they were pushing the agenda on the Americans, now it's like he's too stupid to even understand just what happened. I doubt there is enough time to push it through because they no longer have 60 in the Senate, and it will get hung up until the new Senate gets in. I also doubt that the dem Senators that did survived last night are really all that keen on ramming something through such as that, along with the ones that are looking for re election in the next election, after seeing what went down.
Reid vows immigration vote in lame-duck Congress

By Stephen Dinan
The Washington Times
10:57 a.m., Sunday, October 31, 2010

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid this weekend promised to force the Senate to vote on an immigration bill, the Dream Act, in a lame-duck session of Congress next month.
Reid vows immigration vote in lame-duck Congress - Washington Times

Haven't we been there and done that many time before? Why don't Read just by-pass all this crap, Dream Act and Immigration Reform and border security and go straight to Amnesty with Chain Migration.
Reid is like a diaper rash. Irritating and keep coming back.

Washington Times.. :lol:
Reid vows immigration vote in lame-duck Congress

By Stephen Dinan
The Washington Times
10:57 a.m., Sunday, October 31, 2010

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid this weekend promised to force the Senate to vote on an immigration bill, the Dream Act, in a lame-duck session of Congress next month.
Reid vows immigration vote in lame-duck Congress - Washington Times

Haven't we been there and done that many time before? Why don't Read just by-pass all this crap, Dream Act and Immigration Reform and border security and go straight to Amnesty with Chain Migration.
Reid is like a diaper rash. Irritating and keep coming back.

Washington Times.. :lol:

oh and since dirty harry is on his jihad......nancy has no regrets....hey cannon fodder be damned eh?

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said today she has "no regrets" one day after a Republican landslide stripped her of the power that defined her historic tenure as the first female Speaker of the House.

The California Democrat, who won a new two year term in Tuesday's election, also said she has yet to consider what she will do now.

"I'll have a conversation with my caucus, I'll have a conversation with my family, and pray over it, and decide how to go forward," she said in an exclusive ABC News interview with "World News" anchor Diane Sawyer. "But today isn't that day."

Exclusive House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Interview With Diane Sawyer - ABC News

why yes of course, she'll pray....:rolleyes:
Reid vows immigration vote in lame-duck Congress

By Stephen Dinan
The Washington Times
10:57 a.m., Sunday, October 31, 2010

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid this weekend promised to force the Senate to vote on an immigration bill, the Dream Act, in a lame-duck session of Congress next month.
Reid vows immigration vote in lame-duck Congress - Washington Times

Haven't we been there and done that many time before? Why don't Read just by-pass all this crap, Dream Act and Immigration Reform and border security and go straight to Amnesty with Chain Migration.
Reid is like a diaper rash. Irritating and keep coming back.

This doesn't surprise me. The dems got their butt kicked royally for the way they were pushing the agenda on the Americans, now it's like he's too stupid to even understand just what happened. I doubt there is enough time to push it through because they no longer have 60 in the Senate, and it will get hung up until the new Senate gets in. I also doubt that the dem Senators that did survived last night are really all that keen on ramming something through such as that, along with the ones that are looking for re election in the next election, after seeing what went down.

He's not that stupid. That's how he got the hispanic vote. Bribery. But, I still believe in Karma.

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