LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

A Place to Call Home:
What Immigrants Say Now About Life in America

By Scott Bittle and Jonathan Rochkind, with Amber Ott and Paul Gasbarra
Prepared with support from the Carnegie Corporation of New York

Congress and the Bush administration tried to reform immigration policy in 2006, and failed. A year later, they tried again, with no more success. Now President Barack Obama and congressional leaders say they'll try once more. Political leaders are speaking of it in just those terms: one last chance, one last try.
"We've got one more chance to do this," said Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., after a White House meeting in June. "If we fail this time around, no politician is going to take this up in a generation."

Another truth is that if we're going to overhaul immigration policy, it only makes sense to listen to the people who will be most affected by it: immigrants.:confused:

A Place to Call Home: What Immigrants Say Now About Life in America | Public Agenda
A place called STOLEN home. Get real asswipe. STOLEN home, stolen identity, STOLEN treasure. You suck.
Nevada high in foreign births
By Steve Timko • [email protected] • November 8, 2010
About one out of every four children born in Nevada recently were to mothers who were not U.S. citizens, the second-highest rate in the nation, according to a U.S. Census Bureau report released Thursday.

The data, collected as part of the Census Bureau's ongoing American Community Survey, did not distinguish between noncitizen mothers who were here legally or illegally.
The American Community Survey sends questionnaires to households in every state every year to get a demographic snapshot. This data was from the 2008 ACS and asks participants if they had children in the prior 12 months. The estimates said 26.3 percent of the children born in Nevada were to mothers who were not U.S. citizens. California ranked first at 29.1 percent.
The figures did not surprise Mary Ann Robinson, coordinator of the Washoe County School District's English Language Learner department.
The school district has 11,243 students in its English Language Learner program, and 75 percent of them were born in the United States, Robinson said.
To make sure it can communicate with all of the parents of its students it translates letters, it is required to send home into several languages.
Many schools have bilingual clerks and parent facilitators who are bilingual. There are also bilingual aides in classrooms, and if needed, the school can hire translators so school staff can talk with parents, Robinson said.
"We do everything we can to communicate with parents to make sure that they know where their children are academically and what support we're providing for them," Robinson said.
Nevada Hospital Association president and chief executive officer Bill Welch said that historically, noncitizens are less likely to have health insurance. That puts financial strain on Nevada's hospitals because when they show up to give birth, the hospitals will deliver the babies even if payment is not guaranteed, Welch said.
In the past 18 months four Nevada hospitals, all based in Southern Nevada, closed their obstetrics services.
"We have other hospitals evaluating their OB services at this time based on the number of uninsured and underinsured patients presenting to deliver babies," Welch said.

Nineteen out of 33 Nevada hospitals are losing money -- the average Silver State hospital had an operating loss of 2.71 percent -- and obstetrics is almost always a money loser, he said.
"OB already tends to be a loss leader for most hospitals," Welch said. "What is collected in payments for services is typically less than what it us to operate that department."
Hospitals have cut costs where they can and shifted the costs of some money-losing services into areas where other patients can make up the difference, he said. The last option is to reduce or cut services.
Bob Fulkerson, executive director of the Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada, said it is important not to scapegoat noncitizens for problems.
"This is a prime example of why Congress needs to pass immigration reform, so that noncitizens can become citizens," Fulkerson said. "It shows the failure to act nationally is having a profound effect at the community level."
Noncitizens are also taxpayers, Fulkerson said.
"They pay their sales taxes when they buy everything else here," he said. "They pay property tax through their landlord or through the homes they own. They are paying into the system. Let's not blame them for national immigration problems."
They also boost the economy, he said.
"Without a robust immigrant population, Nevada's economy would be much, much worse, and that's borne out by studies from the Wall Street Journal and universities through out the country," Fulkerson said. "Immigrants, both citizens and noncitizens, have an overwhelmingly positive effect on our economy."
Nevada high in foreign births | | The Reno Gazette-Journal

Comprehensive Immigration Reform is nothing more than chain migration. Needed so non-citizens can become citizens as if they will have less babies if the become citizens. They will still be low wage earners, pay very little in taxes, if any and eligible for welfare benefits via the taxpayers. Then the families they will be able to bring into the country. Elderly parents who never paid into the system added to the system. Fulkerson’s solution is to make a big problem bigger. What part of this article do Fulkerson not understand.
Arizona cops bust illegal immigrant smuggling ring
| Wed Nov 10, 2010 9:09pm EST

(Reuters) - Arizona police on Wednesday arrested 12 people accused of operating a smuggling ring that brought thousands of illegal immigrants from Central and South America using large cargo vans.
The smugglers used large cargo vans and other vehicles to run illegal immigrants from the Mexico border to the Phoenix valley, from where they were moved across the United StatesArizona cops bust illegal immigrant smuggling ring | Reuters

After a year long investigation they only arrested 11 people and 3 of them were juveniles?
And thousands of illegals are roaming freeling throughout the country? They had already crossed the border and this seem like a waste of time. And they call it a bust? With or without smugglers, they will get here.
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Supreme Court Overturns Illegal Immigrant’s ID Theft Conviction 05/04/2009

The Supreme Court has unanimously ruled that an illegal immigrant who used stolen documents to work is not guilty of identity theft because he didn’t know the information belonged to another person.

The ruling eliminates an important tool for prosecuting and deporting illegal aliens who victimize Americans by stealing their identities to get jobs in this country. In its 18-page decision the court says that the crime of identity theft is limited to those who actually know they stole someone else's information

Supreme Court Overturns Illegal Immigrant?s ID Theft Conviction | Judicial Watch
Florida judge tells illegal aliens who raped 12 yr old,
"You are not worthy of being buried in USA"

I may write in "Walter Komanski" on my 2012 ballot.

Fitting and just sentence.
Supreme Court Overturns Illegal Immigrant’s ID Theft Conviction 05/04/2009

The Supreme Court has unanimously ruled that an illegal immigrant who used stolen documents to work is not guilty of identity theft because he didn’t know the information belonged to another person.

The ruling eliminates an important tool for prosecuting and deporting illegal aliens who victimize Americans by stealing their identities to get jobs in this country. In its 18-page decision the court says that the crime of identity theft is limited to those who actually know they stole someone else's information

Supreme Court Overturns Illegal Immigrant?s ID Theft Conviction | Judicial Watch

Now this is funny if it was not so tragic! Does the SCOTUS really think that these thieves did not know they stole someone else's ID??? Well, let's see what they think when one of THEIR loved one has to go through the hell one goes through trying to unravel the mess that this causes in a person's life!!!! It literally destroys lives. And these thieves now will continue to steal since now they are deemed above the law. Congrats SCOTUS!!!
When the Immigration Reform and Control Act was passed in 1986, it was only meant to be a “one time” amnesty. However, in actuality, many amnesties have followed that legislation. To date there have been additional amnesties that have been granted to illegal immigrants which include:

1.Immigration and Reform Control Act (IRCA), 1986: A blanket amnesty for some 2.8 million illegal aliens.

2.Section 245(i) Amnesty, 1994: A temporary rolling amnesty for 578,000 illegal aliens.

3.Section 245(i) Extension Amnesty, 1997: An extension of the rolling amnesty created in 1994.

4.Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central American Relief Act (NACARA) Amnesty, 1997: An amnesty for close to one million illegal aliens from Central America.

5.Haitian Refugee Immigration Fairness Act Amnesty (HRIFA), 1998: An amnesty for 125,000 illegal aliens from Haiti.

6.Late Amnesty, 2000: An amnesty for some illegal aliens who claim they should have been amnestied under the 1986 IRCA amnesty, an estimated 400,000 illegal aliens.

7.LIFE Act Amnesty, 2000: A reinstatement of the rolling Section 245(i) amnesty, an estimated 900,000 illegal aliens

8.The are currently several bills in the United States Congress that could possibly create an 8th Amnesty.

Each amnesty legislation has been on a different scale, some granting amnesty to as little as 125,000 illegal immigrants while others have granted amnesty to almost 1 million illegal immigrants. Recently, there were plans to introduce amnesty legislation that would have affected the approximately 12 million illegal immigrants residing in the United States. Critics of immigration amnesty claim that an amnesty would entice an even greater number of illegal migrants, since they would be hopeful that amnesty would eventually grant them permanent resident status in the United States.

Immigration Amnesty for illegal Immigrants
“— Using false documents to be employed: A maximum penalty of 10 years without parole in federal prison and a fine up to $250,000.
— Making a false statement on an I-9: A maximum penalty of 5 years in federal prison without parole and a fine up to $250,000.
— Misusing a Social Security number: A maximum penalty of 5 years in federal prison without parole and a fine up to $250,000.
— Making a false claim of resident alien status: A maximum penalty of 5 years in federal prison without parole and a fine up to $250,000.
— Using false documents with intent to defraud the United States: A maximum penalty of 15 years in federal prison without parole and a fine up to $250,000.
— Possession of false United States documents: A maximum penalty of 15 years in federal prison without parole and a fine up to $250,000.
— Aggravated identity theft: A mandatory penalty of 2 years in federal prison to run consecutively to any other sentence, and a fine up to $250,000.””

Every illegal aliens in this country has committed a crime. Even if the document does not belong to someone else, using false documents is a crime with punishment.
The decision apparently came down in May of 2009, LilOlLady and I cannot find a copy of it to read. I'm going out on a limb here and say the laws need to be rewritten. Criminal statutes require intent, and I cannot intend to deprive you of your identity if I dun even know that you exist, as in, the documents I use could be wholly fictious.

Legislators will need to alter the language to read "guilty if known by the defendant's not to be the his" and drop the claim that a defendant specifically intended harm to the legitimate holder of the identification.

Assuming this is true, are there any efforts underway to rewrite these laws?
With the way this country's been going I'm suprised the police involved in the task force weren't arrested for profiling or for denying the coyote's rights to make a buck....

Item: The Wall Street Journal for October 8 reported that President Obama is likely to scale back his legislative plans next year, citing immigration reform as an example. White House officials have indicated “a willingness to push through piecemeal changes to immigration law, instead of a comprehensive bill that combines border controls and immigration law enforcement with a path to citizenship for many of the 11 million illegal immigrants already in the country.”

The Journal continued: “Under the incremental scenario, the White House would embrace Republican proposals to step up immigration law enforcement and border and port security in exchange for measures such as the DREAM Act, which would give illegal immigrant children a path to citizenship through military or public service. White House officials could add an agricultural-workers program to that bill but put off :eusa_liar::eek::cuckoo:Incremental Amnesty

The Dream Act would deal with the “bulk” of illegal immigration. It will be an excuse to give amnesty to the parents via the Dream Act and Anchor Babies. Cannot deport the parents and leave the children and separate families? Instead of a Path to Citizenship, it would be blind amnesty and democrat dirty politics. Dirty Harry tried to sneak the Dream Act into the defense bill.

Mexicans are not; "tired, poor, huddled masses yearning to breathe free, wretched refuse of your teeming shore, homeless and tempest-tost.” Ever seen a skinny, big belly malnutrition looking Mexican running across the border? Those that are caught is because they are too fat to run and in designer shoes and clothes.
They do not come for a life but for a better life and they could make a better life for all of Mexico if they stayed home and worked as hard there as they do to stay here. Even crime is more lucrative here than in Mexico and they turn to crime when they cannot find work. Like we need more criminals.
They don’t come because they are homeless and starving but for the better life, life we have worked so hard to build for us and the future of our children. They are taking my dream away by taking jobs and lowering wages.
I use illegals from Mexico because they are the majority of illegals in this country.
Moonbattery: How Many Illegals?


We do not need Mexico’s young and strong in our workforce or our military to fight for our freedom and the threat of terrorism. But Mexico needs it’s young men and women to fight a real threat that is killing their people and a real threat to the freedom for Mexico. Mexico is at war with drug cartels. Mexico also need a young, strong work force to build a strong economy for Mexico and to keep it’s people home. And a strong military to win the war against drug cartels.
We are doing a great harm to the future of Mexico by allowing uncontrolled migration of it’s people.
Comprehensive Immigration Reform is a nation destroyer. A bigger threat to Mexico then the drug cartels. Mexico needs man power worse than they need money and we have their man power. 10 million at least who are Mexico’s future.
Educate their children but then send them home to benefit Mexico. A strong Mexico means a strong America. By destroying Mexico, we are destroying ourselves. Isn’t that what Obama said on his last trip? Our economy depend on a strong economy world wide? We need to help Mexico by sending it people home and amnesty for it’s people will destroy Mexico. Amnesty for illegal aliens is not only wrong but immoral.
Mexico’s future in not in our workforce or our military. We are letting future votes and cheap labor for corporations that are big campaign contributors blind our senses.

Feinstein seeks to block Steve Li's deportation

Jessica Kwong, Chronicle Staff Writer

(11-14) 16:03 PST SAN FRANCISCO -- Sen. Dianne Feinstein has asked immigration authorities to halt the deportation of City College of San Francisco nursing student Steve "Shing Ma" Li while she considers introducing a bill that would allow him to stay in the United States temporarily, her office said Sunday.

Feinstein seeks to block Steve Li's deportation

His excuse to stay is the same of sad story which don't fly. "I've been here since I was a child and don't have any family or firend in Peru" You cannot make friends? I have been in Reno for 40 years and have no family here?

It is a classic example for enforcement, not Comprehensive Immigration Reform
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I don't understand this at all. We pay 6,000 ice agent whose jobs is to find, arrest and deport those in the country illegally and we have people like Fienstein who is blocking every deportation they can. There is no statue of limitations of illegal immigration that I know of. We pay them to do a job and then turn around and block them when they do their job?
Mexico doesn't really need it's people to come back. It needs to stop it's corruption from internal matters.
We need to improve barriers to prevent new people from coming in, but I refuse to treat the ones that are currently here like monsters. The United States have provided a welcome home to those who were affected by war, dictatorships, and communism, and yet we have a "send them back on a bus" mentality when they come from a country that is just poor.

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