LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

I don't want a bunch of kids struggling to get their useless piece of paper watching my baby.
Mexico doesn't really need it's people to come back. It needs to stop it's corruption from internal matters.
We need to improve barriers to prevent new people from coming in, but I refuse to treat the ones that are currently here like monsters. The United States have provided a welcome home to those who were affected by war, dictatorships, and communism, and yet we have a "send them back on a bus" mentality when they come from a country that is just poor.

And how do you expect the corruption to be fought if Mexico's young and able bodied are over here? So do we just roll over and let them in because their country is facing a serious war between the cartels and government?
So what you're saying is we should first invest in educating illegal mexicans and then give up our investment by returning them to mexico? A better idea would be to just deport the illegals and return the money we save back to the taxpayer via taxcuts.

Immigration Reform: What Will The Dream Act Cost Americans By Stephanie Robins on September 15, 2010, 9:37 am Posted in Finance News

The astronomical costs to the Dream Act have been estimated above $20 billion in the first two years alone. This disaster in the making comes at a time when the US economy has stretched so many millions of Americans so thin that their connection with the economy has become irrevocably broken. The Dream Act is simply another example of the hundreds of misguided policies that have plagued the United States from the beginning of the century.

LINK:Immigration Reform: What Will The Dream Act Cost Americans

Is the Dream Act a Earmark?

Is Compehensive Immigration Reform an Earmark?
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Legalization Would Have Financial And Social Benefits
The legalization of illegal immigrants would lead to some improvements in governmental programs. Many states are required to treat illegal immigrants with medical problems without payment. The states and their taxpayers, then, foot the bill. This sort of policy has helped to bankrupt states like California. But legalizing illegal immigrants would help reduce such instances. Once legalized, immigrants would become responsible for their own medical care. LOL

Immigration Reform: DREAM Act Could Solve Social Problems At A Cost | U.S. Financial Post

Illegal aliens are low income earners and pay little or no taxes and would qualify for social services. Medicaid, food stamps and public or low income housing. Section 8. Adding them on to Obamacare would be astronomical in cost.
The Economics of Immigration Enforcement
Assessing the costs and benefits of mass deportation
by Edwin S. Rubinstein
Research from
The National Policy Institute
All NPI publications can be found at:
Welcome to the NPI E-Bookstore | National Policy Institute

Rep. Tom Tancredo (R.–CO) called the study “an interesting intellectual exercise” that is “useless…because no one’s talking about” mass deportation. Rather than deport individuals he would impose fines and impose sanctions on employers who employ illegals—something the government has stubbornly refused to do.

The Economics of Immigration Enforcement | National Policy Institute

Enforcement of our immigration laws against business would generate revenue from fines and result in cost saving self deportation. Deportation could generate revenue instead of costing Americans.
Congressman King from Iowa I have to say is another example of a (do nothing) politician who has never done much of anything to help in any way except to bitch for political purposes.
I just hear him say that over 4 million (11,000+) a day come accross the border illegally. Yet I look on the govt site of accountability that says that the population of illegals increased 550,000. Now this is too many as far as I am concerned but I ask why does King have to LIE.
I just listen to more of his garbage and being from Iowa, this guy is an IDIOT and a revisionest exceptionor.
My God do you republicans think you will ever do anything to better the country other than try and make people believe not what happened but what their opiions say happened where they say things that have been proven to be false should now be looked at as being true because they say so.
KING u r a NUT.

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Congressman King from Iowa I have to say is another example of a (do nothing) politician who has never done much of anything to help in any way except to bitch for political purposes.
I just hear him say that over 4 million (11,000+) a day come accross the border illegally. Yet I look on the govt site of accountability that says that the population of illegals increased 550,000. Now this is too many as far as I am concerned but I ask why does King have to LIE.
I just listen to more of his garbage and being from Iowa, this guy is an IDIOT and a revisionest exceptionor.
My God do you republicans think you will ever do anything to better the country other than try and make people believe not what happened but what their opiions say happened where they say things that have been proven to be false should now be looked at as being true because they say so.
KING u r a NUT.

Steve King is one of about four members of Congress worth saving. The voters in Iowa obviously don't see it the way you do. Good!
'Birthright citizenship' will be target of House GOP majority

By Rob Hotakainen | McClatchy Newspapers
WASHINGTON — As one of its first acts, the new Congress will consider denying citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants who are born in the United States.

Those children, who are now automatically granted citizenship at birth, will be one of the first targets of the Republican-led House when it convenes in January.


'Birthright citizenship' will be target of House GOP majority - Patriotic Resistance
The rightwingnut loons can "consider" anything they want to in order to toss red meat to their "base" of xenophobes....

But they aren't getting a constitutional amendment. So they can waste time shrieking about it, or they can actually do something.
'Birthright citizenship' will be target of House GOP majority

By Rob Hotakainen | McClatchy Newspapers
WASHINGTON — As one of its first acts, the new Congress will consider denying citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants who are born in the United States.

Those children, who are now automatically granted citizenship at birth, will be one of the first targets of the Republican-led House when it convenes in January.


'Birthright citizenship' will be target of House GOP majority - Patriotic Resistance

Wouldn't they need a full fledged Constitutional Amendment to do such a thing?
Immigrant Rights Activists Defend 14th Amendment
New America Media, News Report, Deirdre Ruscitti ,Aug 05, 2010

Changing the rules of citizenship would not only change the rules for the children of immigrants, but also for the children of citizens, notes Margaret Stock, an attorney who works with the Immigration Policy Center. If the 14th Amendment were revoked, a U.S. birth certificate would no longer be sufficient proof of citizenship, so every child would have to go through a lengthy bureaucratic process to show that they meet all the requirements of citizenship. Such a change could cost billions of dollars.
“Before we change the rules, we need to do a cost-benefit analysis here,” said Stock. “There’s absolutely no attention being paid to the practicality.”

Immigrant Rights Activists Defend 14th Amendment - New America Media

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