LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

Fake Birth Certificates Make Mexican Kids Citizens
June 12, 1996
Federal investigators have questioned a midwife they suspect filed as many as 1,000 fake birth reports with the state so children born in Mexico could grow up as U.S. citizens. A spokesman for the Immigration and Naturalization Service allegedly sold the fake certificates for $800 each to parents with children born in Matamoros, Mexico, across from Brownsville, Texas.

Fake Birth Certificates Make Mexican Kids Citizens - Orlando Sentinel
The Truth About Anchor Babies ^ | September 13, 2010 | Bruce Bialosky

There is another reason that people have adopted the impression that the law covers the children of illegal aliens – it is because the issue was rarely asserted. If a person came here illegally a century ago and had a baby, they would give birth with a midwife and then raise the child by their own means. The world has changed. People come here and have babies in hospitals. Even a simple birth can run $10,000. If the baby is a preemie, the bill can be as high as $500,000. Once they leave the hospital, they can be supported by their parents or they can become beneficiaries of the state. In one year alone, Los Angeles County spent over $50 million on welfare benefits for the children of illegal aliens. That does not include other governmental costs, such as expenses borne by the state and federal bureaucracies. That is just one county. We are a uniquely humane and generous country, but very few people who understand the real costs would endorse these expenditures. It has little to do with the fact that they are foreigners or the color of their skin. It has everything to do with them being here illegally, and, while we are a humane country, we are also a country of laws. Illegal aliens, by definition, are not following the process and are not abiding by our laws.

The Truth About Anchor Babies

If our immigration laws are enforced first then it will be easier and less costly to secure our border. If ICE enforced the law against businesses hiring illegal aliens it would dry up the jobs which is one incentive that brings them across the border illegally. No jobs, they leave and they will not come. As long as there are jobs for them they will get to them and no amount of border security will not stop them. Then replace 20 million illegal immigrants with 20 million legal immigrants. That takes care of the excuse that our economy will suffer if 20 million illegals were deported. Punish those who break the law and reward those who abide by the law.

When American criminal break the law, the kids are left behind and families are broken. Criminals or illegal aliens should think of that before they commit the crime. When illegal aliens are deported they have the choice to take their children with them. Americans who break the law and go the jail don’t have that choice. Enforcing our immigration laws do not separate families, the 14th Amendment does. Committing crimes do not keep families together.

Border agents are busting their butts 24-7-365 chasing illegal aliens across the border states, while drug smugglers are getting across. Enforcement first will dry up the incentive to come and border agents are free to bust their butts chasing drug smugglers 24-7-365.

Democrats and illegal immigrant advocates want to “put the wagon in front of the horse” and that don’t work.

Amnesty, n.

The state's magnanimity to those offenders whom it would be too expensive to punish.

If we need Mexico’s 20 million men, women and children and 500,000 anchor babies in our workforce, our military, save our social security, replace our retiring, and fix our economy and our future, who is going to replace Mexico’s workforce, military, social security, and secure it’s future and replace the $35 billion sent back to Mexico’s to families which will stop because those we legalize will be able to bring those families, 200,000 of them here? Who is going to fix Mexico’s economy, retiring, education, welfare, social services, military, workforce and secure it’s future, etc?

We will need more Mexican’s to pay for retiring Mexicans. Mexico will need more money from us. If we kept the money we send Mexico and sent Mexico’s people back to them, we could secure our future.

We had the 1986 amnesty and since we have added 20 million more illegals and our economy, education, law enforcement, healthcare, social security and Medicare system is STILL failing. Mexico’s people are not our fix.

Cheap labor will still exist, bringing down wages because there will be an over supply of cheap labor.

If we need Mexico’s’ people to fix our problem, who is going to fix Mexico’s future? We are?

Mexico’s people are not our fix, but our problem
I applaud you, LilOlLady. What so few pro-Amnesty assholes will admit is that they advocating for a permanent slave class or underclass in the US. Nothing could be more predatory or anti-American that that IMO.
War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen, and I say let us give them
all they want.

William Tecumseh Sherman
Mexico's Cultural Imperialism
Relationship Between Mexico's Cultural Imperialism
and America's Failure to Enforce Immigration Laws

Mexico is unable to manage its own government.
Mexico is unable to educate and employ its own citizens.
There is an economic diaspora of Mexico's poor and dark-skinned peoples to America.
Mexico disregards the national sovereignty and geographic territory of America by permitting illegal emmigration.
American businesses disregard American immigration laws.
American government fails to enforce its immigration laws.
Mexicans and Mexican Americans in America become major contributors to the Mexican economy through remittances and through purchase of Mexican exports.
1970's: Mexican foreign policy begins promoting the development of Mexican culture and Mexican national identity among Mexicans and Mexican Americans residing in America.
1975: American government recognized Hispanics [and Asians] as a victimized minority by amending the 1965 Voting Rights Act. Hispanic electoral districts were then created.
1986: American government passed the Simpson-Rodino Act which granted amnesty to over 2 million illegal immigrants.
Mexico begins to re-define itself as a borderless, cultural, collective unit as well as a geographic territory.
1990: Mexican culture-based foreign policy was made official when the Program for Mexican Communities Abroad was established by Mexico's Secretariat of Foreign Affairs.
1996: Mexico declared that Mexicans who become American citizens are still recognized by Mexico as Mexican nationals.
Fostering cultural pluralism and the self-esteem of Mexicans and Mexican Americans in America is now regarded as the joint responsibility of the American and Mexican governments.
2007: President of Mexico, Felipe Calderón, says, "Mexico does not end at its borders."
2008: Calderón tells the American government how to manage the illegal immigration problem: "It is clearly important to have comprehensive immigration reform, and that comes at the federal level," (i.e., state rights and city ordinances should not go into effect when the federal government refuses to enforce current immigration laws).
2015: Mexicans, Mexican Americans, and other Hispanics will form a majority in California and Texas.
Wave of Consciousness - Mexico's Cultural Imperialism.
How morally depraved must a super patriotic american clown be to go looking for a foreign scapegoat to blame for the pornographic dereliction of duty of her own federal government?

The reality check says:

America is the richest country on Earth, has a sovereign, democratically elected federal government and the most badass military in the history of the human species that no country would be crazy enough to mess with.

No other country on the planet is better prepared, better equipped to protect its borders and expel illegals than America as soon as her government gathers enough political will.

They just want their country back! I'll take my Tea with a shot of tequila, thanks. :cool:
José;2806685 said:
How morally depraved must a super patriotic american clown be to go looking for a foreign scapegoat to blame for the pornographic dereliction of duty of her own federal government?

The reality check says:

America is the richest country on Earth, has a sovereign, democratically elected federal government and the most badass military in the history of the human species that no country would be crazy enough to mess with.

No other country on the planet is better prepared, better equipped to protect its borders and expel illegals than America as soon as her government gathers enough political will.

I remember the same chin music out of the USSR.
Prepare for your demise.

They are working, paying taxes, have driver license, renting, buying home and cars, getting loans, have bank accounts, in maternity wards giving birth, in ERs and clinics, welfare offices, public housings, committing crimes, victims of crimes and in our prisons, their children are in schools, gangs and dealing drugs, in our stores using food stamps and WIC and cannot speak English. They are working for Colin Powell and Meg Whitman. They may even be cutting the Whitehouse lawn. “Nicky” is on national television all across the country. Why is she still here? And isn’t her attorney aiding and abetting an illegal alien?

Only shadow illegal aliens are in is mine. Every where I go they are there and some. They are not underground hiding out. I am sick of the same old lame rhetoric excuses to give illegal aliens amnesty;
“We cannot round up 12 million people, put them on busses and deport them”
“We cannot deport illegal aliens because they have anchor babies and it would separate families”
“Only way we can fix the “broken” immigration system is with amnesty”
Confirmed: Illegal Alien Burned Black Church

The Perpetrator Who Burned The Black Church In Los Angeles Is In Fact An Illegal Alien

The Los Angeles Fired Department has confirmed that the apprehended Mr. Ricardo Aguilar Martinez, the perpetrator of the burned Black owned – operated worship of GOD and Jesus Christ sanctuary in Los Angeles is indeed on immigration hold, and is therefore, as we all have suspected, is in fact, an illegal alien. Though he has confessed to the crime, the perpetrator has pleaded in court “Not Guilty”. ... Part_I.htm
I find it stupid to attack the people in this case. I am against illegal immigration myself. But I find it very bigoted and moronic to try and scapegoat the illegal-immigrants themselves. If all these companies improved working conditions and raised wages in a lot of sectors then millions of Americans can get back to work and we wouldn't have an illegal-immigration problem. People pretty much show their true colors in the illegal-immigration debate. All these illegal immigrants are the sole source of all our problems. But 90% of the anti-immigration crowd never say a word about all these corrupt companies hiring the illegals. They somehow get a pass. It's the equivalent of calling for all drug-users to be arrested while leaving the drug-dealers alone. If there's no jobs for these people then they wouldn't risk their lives trying to come here. Some people need to get their heads out of their asses. Then again most are probably your average uneducated backwater rubes who's pure motivation is racism. Either way illegal-immigration will never stop until we start cracking down on THE SOURCE.
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VIDEO – The Constitution refutes “Automatic Birthright Citizenship”

These unconstitutional births are in violation of the 14th Amendment regarding citizenship. HOWEVER, the most important part of this issue is not just the births, but the VOTE that comes along with each illegal alien child in the USA!

Each Illegal Alien Infant can VOTE at the age of 18 in our Presidential Elections and every other local and State elections. With the millions of illegal alien children born from Mexico in the USA today, we already see the affects of our politics change with Anchor Baby Politicians who have and are representing the Illegal Alien communities not the legal citizens in every state. It is only a matter of time when their VOTES will outnumber the LEGAL US Citizen.

VIDEO – The Constitution refutes “Automatic Birthright Citizenship”
I find it stupid to attack the people in this case. I am against illegal immigration myself. But I find it very bigoted and moronic to try and scapegoat the illegal-immigrants themselves. If all these companies improved working conditions and raised wages in a lot of sectors then millions of Americans can get back to work and we wouldn't have an illegal-immigration problem. People pretty much show their true colors in the illegal-immigration debate. All these illegal immigrants are the sole source of all our problems. But 90% of the anti-immigration crowd never say a word about all these corrupt companies hiring the illegals. They somehow get a pass. It's the equivalent of calling for all drug-users to be arrested while leaving the drug-dealers alone. If there's no jobs for these people then they wouldn't risk their lives trying to come here. Some people need to get their heads out of their asses. Then again most are probably your average uneducated backwater rubes who's pure motivation is racism. Either way illegal-immigration will never stop until we start cracking down on THE SOURCE.

If you believe all this garbage you need a dose of reality.:cuckoo:

Only only excuse pro illegal aliens have is racist and begots.:lol:

SOURCE? you got that right and there are incenitves; Automatic BIrthright Citizenship, free healthcare, welfare checks, food stamps and public houseng for their anchor babies and business who want cheap labor. and if they cannot get foreign illegal cheap labor they will considering moving over seas.
Or a “path to citizenship” as pro-illegal immigrant prefer to call it because it sounds better than amnesty, will do nothing to stop illegal immigration and secure our borders or fix our “broken immigration system” which is not really broken except in pro-illegal immigrant’s minds who want amnesty for 20 million illegal immigrants who have been claiming there is only 12 million for the past 10 years. The Dream Act that Dirty Harry tried to sneak past the American people is nothing more then amnesty via the children.

Comprehensive Immigration Reform means never enforcing our immigration laws until “after” they commit a “serious” crime? Since entering this country illegally and using stolen or false document in order to work, etc is a felon, what is considered a “serious” crime? A felon committed by illegal aliens are not really a felon or “Nicky” would be on her way home instead of appearing on national television crying crocodile tears. Americans who commit felons are not allowed to vote and businesses will not hire them, but illegal aliens who are felons have no problem getting jobs and they all should be deported. ASAP. Deportation by attrition, which take away jobs is the only way to fix our “broken immigration system” and control immigration and secure our borders. Plus taking away the other incentive Automatic Birthright Citizenship. Anything less is just a cheap band-aid they will fall off after the next 20 million illegal aliens. We need a permanent fix and not a temporary fix.
thank God we handled the those pesky indians in the proper fashion.

That's why I get a check each year from the Chickasaw nation, per government, for $23,000?:clap2::clap2:
Did not handle it too well, uh?:lol:
thank God we handled the those pesky indians in the proper fashion.

That's why I get a check each year from the Chickasaw nation, per government, for $23,000?:clap2::clap2:
Did not handle it too well, uh?:lol:

you and 12 others, vs 20,000,000 mexicans. I say your political power if you harnessed it all in one county might get you a dog catcher position.

Kudos on your Big Governemnt check you fucking hypocrite:clap2:

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