LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

Should we teach ESL students or not?

An absence of TESOL education classes would have severe detrimental effects on the quality of education provided to the children of Nevada. Our state has reached a pivotal point. Today we have the highest increase of English language learners in the nation. In 2007-2008, nearly 18% of Washoe County School District students took English language learning classes, and in 2009 Limited English Proficient students in Washoe County graduated at a rate of only 16%. It would seem obvious that TESOL teacher education courses will remain essential to the professional preparation of all K-12 educators and become increasingly so into the future.
Any lack of trained TESOL educators would have a profound effect on the already undereducated workforce of Nevada. An increase in high school dropouts in Reno will lead to more people living in poverty, increased health care costs, increased crime (80% of prisoners in America are high school dropouts), and declining revenues for the state. Studies put the average cost to taxpayers, including incarceration costs, over the working life of each high school dropout at $292,000.

All Ages : Discussions : Should we teach ESL students or not? (Need your opinions) -- Mom to Mom Forums Reno
CARSON CITY -- Teaching children with limited English skills costs the state $722 million a year, takes instruction time from other students and contributes to Nevada's bottom ranking on student achievement on tests, according to a study by a national anti-illegal immigration group. ... 79594.html
Wanting our immigraiton laws enforced, contolled and limited immigration is not racist. Its patriotism and love of your country.

"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude."
People should not be allowed in this country if they cannot at least speak English.
It should be a requirement for anchor babies to enter school and would save the tax payers and state millions to teach them English after they enter school.
No one who cannot speak, read and write English should be put on a path to citizenship.

All applicants should be able to read and speak American not English. We need to to start speaking and labeling our language right. It is American not English. English is the that weird language being spoken over the pond on that little isolated speck of land across from France.
Lil Ol Lady and Bullfighter.........

A match made in racist hell.

What is a racist?

"Any concept of one person being superior to another can lead to racism."
Walter Lang

I want all our laws enforced does that make me a racist toward everyone?
Calling me a racist does not make me a racist, it just gives you an excuse to break the law.
There is a difference in hating Hispanics and hating illegal immigration. :eusa_hand:

Get the fuque over yourself, sonny boy. I don't feel your pain. :eusa_hand:
People should not be allowed in this country if they cannot at least speak English.
It should be a requirement for anchor babies to enter school and would save the tax payers and state millions to teach them English after they enter school.
No one who cannot speak, read and write English should be put on a path to citizenship.

All applicants should be able to read and speak American not English. We need to to start speaking and labeling our language right. It is American not English. English is the that weird language being spoken over the pond on that little isolated speck of land across from France.

Why is is called ESL? American is not a language. American English, a derivative of old English is according to what someone told you it is and made you a believer. Drop the sarcacism. :lol: :cuckoo:
People should not be allowed in this country if they cannot at least speak English.
It should be a requirement for anchor babies to enter school and would save the tax payers and state millions to teach them English after they enter school.
No one who cannot speak, read and write English should be put on a path to citizenship.

All applicants should be able to read and speak American not English. We need to to start speaking and labeling our language right. It is American not English. English is the that weird language being spoken over the pond on that little isolated speck of land across from France.

Why is is called ESL? American is not a language. American English, a derivative of old English is according to what someone told you it is and made you a believer. Drop the sarcacism. :lol: :cuckoo:

And Spanish is derived from an earlier form of Italian. Why do we persist in keeping the shackles of European colonialism alive today in our classification of languages? The American language is a living language, growing everyday with new words and meaning and the assimulation of other languages. Old English or what is spoken in England is a dying language and soon will be like Latin a dead language. It is time to change the name from English to American.
Lil Ol Lady and Bullfighter.........

A match made in racist hell.

Shouldn't you be in your sailor suit guarding the Pacific just in case the Mexicans try to use it to sneak into the US?


Go take a shower with your buddies and leave the important stuff to grown-ups!:lol:

Hey stupid, go check a map..........if Mexicans were going to sneak into this country, they wouldn't come from the Pacific as much as they would come via the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic.

You really are a window licker on the short bus minus a helmet, ain't ya?
Hey stupid, go check a map..........if Mexicans were going to sneak into this country, they wouldn't come from the Pacific as much as they would come via the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic.

You really are a window licker on the short bus minus a helmet, ain't ya?

Did you ever think those Mexicans could sneak attack San Diego which is on the Pacific side? Forget the map those Mexicans gave you. They can't even find their way out of a dessert when all they have to do is go North!!

Why not change your name to match your favorite activity: Ben Dover! HA! HA! HA!
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Hey stupid, go check a map..........if Mexicans were going to sneak into this country, they wouldn't come from the Pacific as much as they would come via the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic.

You really are a window licker on the short bus minus a helmet, ain't ya?

Did you ever think those Mexicans could sneak attack San Diego which is on the Pacific side? Forget the map those Mexicans gave you. They can't even find their way out of a dessert when all they have to do is go North!!

Why not change your name to match your favorite activity: Ben Dover! HA! HA! HA!

Hey stupid.......ever stop to think that one of the largest concentrations of MILITARY PEOPLE is IN San Diego?

Like I said, you've got 2 brain is lost and the other is sitting down, crying in the corner.

What are you.....12?
[Hey stupid.......ever stop to think that one of the largest concentrations of MILITARY PEOPLE is IN San Diego?

Like I said, you've got 2 brain is lost and the other is sitting down, crying in the corner.

What are you.....12?

Really? How many Mexicans have the Military Police stopped invading California? HA! HA! HA! California has the most Mexican invaders in the US. What an example. Did the remove your brain as well as your anal sphincter in the Navy?:lol:
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All applicants should be able to read and speak American not English. We need to to start speaking and labeling our language right. It is American not English. English is the that weird language being spoken over the pond on that little isolated speck of land across from France.

Why is is called ESL? American is not a language. American English, a derivative of old English is according to what someone told you it is and made you a believer. Drop the sarcacism. :lol: :cuckoo:

And Spanish is derived from an earlier form of Italian. Why do we persist in keeping the shackles of European colonialism alive today in our classification of languages? The American language is a living language, growing everyday with new words and meaning and the assimulation of other languages. Old English or what is spoken in England is a dying language and soon will be like Latin a dead language. It is time to change the name from English to American.

Fact is many languages are spoken by Americans and some speak English, not American.:lol::lol:
Who the hell are you to make such assumption? Old English is NOT spaken in England. Haven't for centuries. Latin will never be a dead language. English will always be spoken in America. :cuckoo::eusa_hand:
zzzzzzzzz alert!!!!
English Speaking Countries
Countries Where English is Spoken (Not American) English will NEVER be called American.
By Matt Rosenberg, Guide

English Speaking Countries - A List of English Speaking Countries


Ahhh. Have you not learned that the word "never" should not be spoken. With the increase of nationalism in the US do you not think that eventually Congress will pass a resolution or law changing the name of our language to American? You do not think this is possible?
[Hey stupid.......ever stop to think that one of the largest concentrations of MILITARY PEOPLE is IN San Diego?

Like I said, you've got 2 brain is lost and the other is sitting down, crying in the corner.

What are you.....12?

Really? How many Mexicans have the Military Police stopped invading California? HA! HA! HA! California has the most Mexican invaders in the US. What an example. Did the remove your brain as well as your anal sphincter in the Navy?:lol:

That's a possibility, I'm still wondering how the Mexican illegals come in from the Atlantic.:confused:
[Hey stupid.......ever stop to think that one of the largest concentrations of MILITARY PEOPLE is IN San Diego?

Like I said, you've got 2 brain is lost and the other is sitting down, crying in the corner.

What are you.....12?

Really? How many Mexicans have the Military Police stopped invading California? HA! HA! HA! California has the most Mexican invaders in the US. What an example. Did the remove your brain as well as your anal sphincter in the Navy?:lol:

That's a possibility, I'm still wondering how the Mexican illegals come in from the Atlantic.:confused:

They don't.

But Mexicans can be shipped to Cuba and then float over to the US and say they are Cubans, then they are legal! Solves the illegal part of the problem doesn't it.

Send Mexico’s government the bill for educating children of illegal aliens, incarcerating criminal illegal aliens, cost of delivery and medical care, welfare and public housing and see how fast Mexico would close the border and come and get it’s people. Those that overstayed their visa is as illegal as those that crossed the border.

To deport them is not a punishment, it’s sending them home. There are doctors, schools, jobs and jails in Mexico. Mexico is more than capable of taking care of it’s own. But why should they, when we do it for them.

Why should the American taxpayer be responsible for illegal aliens? We don’t want them here. We did not bring them here. We did not ask for them. Businesses that want cheap labor did not bring them here either. They came on their own and Mexico did nothing to stop them.
Illegal aliens are bankrupting this country and no one does nothing but talk and talk some more.
Let’s send Mexico a message. A past due bill for $113 billion a year.______________________________________________________
“Poverty is not an excuse to lie and steal"
“Nowadays it is about as big a crime to be dumb as it is to be dishonest"
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than a sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”
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