LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

Mexico Medical Student:
An American Gets an Education South of the Border

by Elizabeth Titus
July 19, 2010

Armando Martinez did not fear the violence that has engulfed his hometown, Juárez. Like thousands of young people from the border region, he moved to avoid getting sucked into the same life he'd always known. He wanted more, better.

With a full-ride scholarship, he set his sights on the state capital to escape “a border-town mentality," he says. Now, as a fifth-year advertising major leading the Mexican Student Association, Martinez knows many of his fellow border region transplants in Austin. "Once we've taken a step," he says, "we've liked it."

“Annually, we're losing thousands of kids to places like Austin,” he says. Villescas is concerned about “who will keep the lights on” in his hometown in the future.
Fewer Mexican Students Attending Border Universities — Texas-Mexico Border | The Texas Tribune
Dirty Jobs Americans Supposedly Won't Do
From Ted Twietmeyer
[email protected]

And the next time someone feeds you a whining line of BS about "Oh, we need those illegal aliens to do the jobs Americans won't do?" Tell them about some of these jobs. Note that these jobs on the show are being performed by Americans - NOT illegal aliens. When watching that show one must ask the question - "Would an illegal alien do it, and do it fast enough not to get fired?"

So to all those AMERICANS out there that "do the jobs that make modern life possible" as Mike says, you have my eternal respect!
For short videos of these jobs, see

And those are not the jobs we Americans are complaining about. We are complaining about the constructions jobs and millions of other jobs that 98% of illegal aliens are doing in the urban and inner cities across American. There are 20 million illegal aliens in this country and less than 2% work on farms. What are the other 98% doing in this country? Let illegal aliens farm workers keep their farming jobs on a temporary workers program. The majority of American live and work in the inner cities and their children go to school in the inner cities. American who live in farming cities do work in the farming industry.

If you put those illegal alien farm worker on a path to citizenship, you put them on a path out of the farmers field and on a path into the inner cities taking jobs away from American workers. Most illegal aliens by-pass the farmers fields and go straight into the inner cities, drop a “jackpot baby” and collect the benefits and on the path to the American dream.

If the farmers need workers, make a sweep of the inner cities and see how many illegal aliens will take jobs on the farms? None. Illegal aliens don’t want to do jobs American don’t want to do either. We don’t need immigration reform, we need enforcement and a real temporary worker program to supply farmers with sufficient workers so our lettuce will not go to $3.00 a head.

If farmers want workers, let them have workers. Legal temporary workers.
The reason farmers do not have adequate supply of workers is because they work a season, save their money and go on into the inner cities.

Amnesty via Immigration Reform or the Dream Act will never solve our immigration problem. Enforcement will with controlled and limited immigration.

Stop the incentives, jobs, free healthcare, automatic birthright citizenship with all the benefits thereof and social services freebies and they will leave and they will not come.

Enforcement do not separate families. That’s a lame excuse advocates of illegal alien cheap labor and votes use and the pig don’t fly. Illegal aliens brought children with them when they came across the border and they can take them back with their American born siblings.

Mexico is not a third world country with disease ridden, starving children with jobless parents. They quit jobs in Mexico to come here and some pay thousands to smugglers because of free healthcare, automatic birthright citizenship and more, not a better life. Greed bring illegal aliens into this country and not necessity.

Mexico has the 10th largest economy in the world. There are more billionaires in Mexico than in Switzerland and is fully capable of providing education, healthcare and jobs for it’s people.

It's the illegals from Mexico who are the first to claim that Mexico is so bad they can't live in it, being deported back to their homeland is worse than what the Nazis did to the Jews when they sent them to gas chambers. Just not true or they would not be moving back by the millions.

By Heather Mac Donald · November 15, 2006 06:26 PM
Open-border conservatives love to tout the myth of the redemptive Hispanic, whose strong family values will allegedly return America to its traditional roots. Don't buy it: No ethnic group in the U.S. is producing out-of-wedlock children at a higher rate than Hispanics.
The Immigration Blog
Obamas Illegal Alien Aunt says U.S. "obligated to grant citizenship" to her.

Public Housing and collects $700 a month in disability... even though she was illegal, she came here illegally in 2000, was 'disabled' more than two years ago and was only granted asylum last year... she never legally worked in this country and yet she is in public housing and collects disability money from the government.

Obamas Illegal Alien Aunt says U.S. "obligated to grant citizenship" to her.

This is so typical of our broken government. Thousands of illegal aliens are in public housing and collecting disability checks and welfare checks for their jackpot babies.
and don't forget the free healthcare and food stamps she probably gets.
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Obamas Illegal Alien Aunt says U.S. "obligated to grant citizenship" to her.

Public Housing and collects $700 a month in disability... even though she was illegal, she came here illegally in 2000, was 'disabled' more than two years ago and was only granted asylum last year... she never legally worked in this country and yet she is in public housing and collects disability money from the government.

Obamas Illegal Alien Aunt says U.S. "obligated to grant citizenship" to her.

This is so typical of our broken government. Thousands of illegal aliens are in public housing and collecting disability checks and welfare checks for their jackpot babies.

old news. already a long thread on this.

Be sure not to say she should be sent back to Kenya. (where she is from) or you will be called a racists by reactionary Liberal assholes :)
Thousands of illegal immigrants live in public housing
Associated Press
Jan. 1, 2009, 10:
Untold thousands of illegal immigrants live in public housing at a time when hundreds of thousands of citizens and legal residents are stuck waiting years for a spot.
Illegal immigrants make up a tiny portion of the 7.1 million people in federal housing, according to government statistics. But authorities may be unaware of thousands more, and critics say no illegal immigrant should get housing benefits.
Thousands of illegal immigrants live in public housing | National | - Houston Chronicle

One more incentive for illegal immigration.

County’s Monthly Welfare Tab For Illegal Aliens $52 Million

Those figures don’t even include the extra millions that local municipalities dish out on welfare payments to the U.S.-born children of illegal immigrants, commonly known as anchor babies. In Los Angeles County alone that figure increased by nearly $4 million in the last year, sticking taxpayers with a whopping $52 million tab to provide illegal immigrants’ offspring with food stamps and other welfare benefits for just one month
Nationwide, Americans pay around $22 billion annually to provide illegal immigrants with welfare perks that include food assistance programs such as free school lunches in public schools, food stamps and a nutritional program (known as WIC) for low-income women and their children

County?s Monthly Welfare Tab For Illegal Aliens $52 Million | Judicial Watch

One more incentive for illegal immigration.
Obamas Illegal Alien Aunt says U.S. "obligated to grant citizenship" to her.

Public Housing and collects $700 a month in disability... even though she was illegal, she came here illegally in 2000, was 'disabled' more than two years ago and was only granted asylum last year... she never legally worked in this country and yet she is in public housing and collects disability money from the government.

Obamas Illegal Alien Aunt says U.S. "obligated to grant citizenship" to her.

This is so typical of our broken government. Thousands of illegal aliens are in public housing and collecting disability checks and welfare checks for their jackpot babies.

old news. already a long thread on this.

Be sure not to say she should be sent back to Kenya. (where she is from) or you will be called a racists by reactionary Liberal assholes :)

May be an old thread, but new people are arriving daily and may not know the updates.
Thousands of illegal immigrants live in public housing
Associated Press
Jan. 1, 2009, 10:
Untold thousands of illegal immigrants live in public housing at a time when hundreds of thousands of citizens and legal residents are stuck waiting years for a spot.
Illegal immigrants make up a tiny portion of the 7.1 million people in federal housing, according to government statistics. But authorities may be unaware of thousands more, and critics say no illegal immigrant should get housing benefits.
Thousands of illegal immigrants live in public housing | National | - Houston Chronicle

One more incentive for illegal immigration.

County’s Monthly Welfare Tab For Illegal Aliens $52 Million

Those figures don’t even include the extra millions that local municipalities dish out on welfare payments to the U.S.-born children of illegal immigrants, commonly known as anchor babies. In Los Angeles County alone that figure increased by nearly $4 million in the last year, sticking taxpayers with a whopping $52 million tab to provide illegal immigrants’ offspring with food stamps and other welfare benefits for just one month
Nationwide, Americans pay around $22 billion annually to provide illegal immigrants with welfare perks that include food assistance programs such as free school lunches in public schools, food stamps and a nutritional program (known as WIC) for low-income women and their children

County?s Monthly Welfare Tab For Illegal Aliens $52 Million | Judicial Watch

One more incentive for illegal immigration.

Which bit of 'there's already a thread on this' is above your intellectual pay grade?
September 24, 2010

Obama's aunt says US obligated to make her citizen
By Associated Press ,

BOSTON (AP) — President Barack Obama's aunt, who lived for years illegally in Boston before being granted asylum in May, said the United States has an "obligation" to grant her citizenship.
Obama's aunt says US obligated to make her citizen

Tell Associated Press this is old news. The point I am making is pubic housing and welfare benefits for illegal aliens. Nothing to do per se about Obama's aunt.

By Heather Mac Donald · November 15, 2006 06:26 PM
Open-border conservatives love to tout the myth of the redemptive Hispanic, whose strong family values will allegedly return America to its traditional roots. Don't buy it: No ethnic group in the U.S. is producing out-of-wedlock children at a higher rate than Hispanics.
The Immigration Blog

You truly need to back the fuck off on Hispanics in general. I don't like illegals anymore than you do, However my wife is of Mexican decent ( her family was in Texas when Texas won it's independence from Mexico) and I have several nieces and nephews who are half Puerto Rican. All of them are as American as you are. You get the idea? Also, remember that not all illegals are Hispanic.
What part of illegal immigration do you not understand, california girl? Everything we are discussing is old news. Does that mean we should not discuss it? Illegal immigration is old news.
Where village statesmen talk'd with looks profound. And news much older than their ale went round.
Author: Oliver Goldsmith

Master, master, old news! And such news as you never heard of!
Author: William Shakespeare
She is a legal resident of US. Now let's see. Obama's cousin twice removed......
Obamas Illegal Alien Aunt says U.S. "obligated to grant citizenship" to her.

Public Housing and collects $700 a month in disability... even though she was illegal, she came here illegally in 2000, was 'disabled' more than two years ago and was only granted asylum last year... she never legally worked in this country and yet she is in public housing and collects disability money from the government.

Obamas Illegal Alien Aunt says U.S. "obligated to grant citizenship" to her.

This is so typical of our broken government. Thousands of illegal aliens are in public housing and collecting disability checks and welfare checks for their jackpot babies.

old news. already a long thread on this.

Be sure not to say she should be sent back to Kenya. (where she is from) or you will be called a racists by reactionary Liberal assholes :)

May be an old thread, but new people are arriving daily and may not know the updates.

Yawn...when a working immigration program is put forth and begins a serious debate, I'll start paying attention. In the meantime, there isn't a single thing anyone can say, pro or con, that hasn't already been said a gazillion times before.
Where village statesmen talk'd with looks profound. And news much older than their ale went round.
Author: Oliver Goldsmith

Master, master, old news! And such news as you never heard of!
Author: William Shakespeare

Jeezus. Can you say SPAM???

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