LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

Holy crap. Somebody's found a chewed up old bone and is still gnawing on it hoping to find a morsel of meat. Take a nap, Lady, and give it a rest.
old news. already a long thread on this.

Be sure not to say she should be sent back to Kenya. (where she is from) or you will be called a racists by reactionary Liberal assholes :)

May be an old thread, but new people are arriving daily and may not know the updates.

Yawn...when a working immigration program is put forth and begins a serious debate, I'll start paying attention. In the meantime, there isn't a single thing anyone can say, pro or con, that hasn't already been said a gazillion times before.

You are here, maggie mae, and that means you ARE listening to old news and paying attention. In the meantime we keep talking and we keep listening. :eusa_hand:
Right now we are not talking about anything but wasting each others time. I have been talking about illegal immigraiton for the past 50 years and I keep talking and you keep listening. LMFAO
Here's a bumper sticker for you, lOl:


By Heather Mac Donald · November 15, 2006 06:26 PM
Open-border conservatives love to tout the myth of the redemptive Hispanic, whose strong family values will allegedly return America to its traditional roots. Don't buy it: No ethnic group in the U.S. is producing out-of-wedlock children at a higher rate than Hispanics.
The Immigration Blog

You truly need to back the fuck off on Hispanics in general. I don't like illegals anymore than you do, However my wife is of Mexican decent ( her family was in Texas when Texas won it's independence from Mexico) and I have several nieces and nephews who are half Puerto Rican. All of them are as American as you are. You get the idea? Also, remember that not all illegals are Hispanic.

I will back the fuck off when all illegal aliens are gone back home and the majority of illegal aliens are HISPANIC.
I got the message and I too have Mexicans in my family and it is not Mexicans that I don't like, it's illegal aliens. Did you get that message?
Holy crap. Somebody's found a chewed up old bone and is still gnawing on it hoping to find a morsel of meat. Take a nap, Lady, and give it a rest.

Illegal immigraton might be an old bone but it still got a morsel of meat on it and I will keep chewing on it until it's all gone.:eusa_hand:
I don't sleep on the job and this is my job and I do it well. Sound like I am doing it too well.
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I will go away when my job is done but i still have lots of work to do yet. Don't like it, don't read it.
Right now we are not talking about anything but wasting each others time. I have been talking about illegal immigraiton for the past 50 years and I keep talking and you keep listening. LMFAO

they're not 'listening'. they're making fun of you. :cuckoo:
Study: Americans not losing jobs to illegals
Associated Press Posted September 27, 2010 at 10:30 p.m.

VISALIA, Calif. — It’s a question rekindled by the recession: Are immigrants taking jobs away from American citizens? In the heart of the nation’s biggest farming state, the answer is a resounding no.
Government data analyzed by The Associated Press show most Americans don’t apply to harvest fruits and vegetables. And the few Americans who do usually don’t stay in the fields.
Study: Americans not losing jobs to illegals Abilene Reporter-News

Is the a Colbert joke? Maybe in Visalia Calif,. but 30 million illegal aliens and 500,000 anchor babies are not picking lettuce, apple or tomatoes. They don't pick lettuce, apples and tomatoes, beans and corn in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, etc.
Less than 2% of 20 million illegals work on farms. What are the other 98% doing in this country?
Hi Lady:

Study: Americans not losing jobs to illegals
Associated Press Posted September 27, 2010 at 10:30 p.m.

VISALIA, Calif. — It’s a question rekindled by the recession: Are immigrants taking jobs away from American citizens? In the heart of the nation’s biggest farming state, the answer is a resounding no.
Government data analyzed by The Associated Press show most Americans don’t apply to harvest fruits and vegetables. And the few Americans who do usually don’t stay in the fields.
Study: Americans not losing jobs to illegals Abilene Reporter-News

Is the a Colbert joke? ...

No. This is typical Open Border Lobby Disinformation Propaganda deposited on the foolish American Public like cow dung out in the field. I have worked with hundreds of Illegal Alien Foreign Nationals here in Florida and none of them ever picked any fruit. They start off as laborers for masons, carpenters, dry-wallers, stucco workers throughout all the trades where people work with their hands. Illegal Aliens displace common laborers at the bottom of the socioeconomic pyramid, until eventually they are trained to use the tools of the trade. Then the masons and carpenters are displaced from their jobs, after training the Illegal Aliens over the course of time.

The unscrupulous company owners get rid of their expensive American workers to replace them with cheap Illegal Aliens to increase their bottom line. One white guy hires fifty Illegal Aliens and lowers his prices to 'below cost,' until eventually he drives legitimate companies out of work and out of business. The fact is that most trade workers are displaced by Illegal Aliens without ever seeing them, because other companies hiring them simply lower the prices far below their company's ability to compete.

The same goes for carpentry companies and dry-wall companies and every construction outfit that must eventually replace their American Workers with Illegal Aliens in order to compete in an environment where the politicians are corrupt and everyone is looking the other way with a wink and a nod.

The US Economy can never recover, so long as we have 20 to 30 Million Illegal Aliens serving as a Cheap Illegal Labor Pool. That one white guy will continue using more than his fair share of Illegal Aliens, until someone starts 'enforcing' our perfectly good Immigration, Employment and Document Fraud Laws already on the books.


Sale benefits unemployed illegal immigrants
American Apparel sells clothes at up to 85% off, with proceeds going to help the 1,600 employees recently let go after federal inspections found problems with their immigration documentation.

December 20, 2009|By Patrick J. McDonnell
It was a holiday sale for a singular group of beneficiaries -- illegal immigrants who had been thrown out of work.

Sale benefits unemployed illegal immigrants - Los Angeles Times

Anyone kno how many unemployed illegals there are?
There are not many post on this site that have not been posted many times, so if you are bored, C;est la vie!
I never let opinion, opposition and insults stop me. I've been doing this way too long and all of you are a piece of cake compared...............
Legal, illegal immigrants face high unemployment rates

The high unemployment figures among immigrants also debunk the arguments for granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens, Camarota adds.

"The available evidence suggests that now unemployment for illegal immigrants is probably over ten percent; it's probably closer to fifteen percent," he suggests. "So the idea that we are desperately short of unskilled workers just simply doesn't make sense anymore."
Legal, illegal immigrants face high unemployment rates (

How are these 15% living? Of their anchor babies benefits. Welfare, food stamps, healthcare and public housing?
Lil Ol Lady and Bullfighter.........

A match made in racist hell.

Shouldn't you be in your sailor suit guarding the Pacific just in case the Mexicans try to use it to sneak into the US?


Go take a shower with your buddies and leave the important stuff to grown-ups!:lol:
People should not be allowed in this country if they cannot at least speak English.
It should be a requirement for anchor babies to enter school and would save the tax payers and state millions to teach them English after they enter school.
No one who cannot speak, read and write English should be put on a path to citizenship.

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