Lily Frank identified as woman spitting on Stein

Who is making these children so angry?...
Kids are too young to be able to process all the crap that is going on in the world, thus all the self-destructive and anti-social behaviors. Any grounding they might have had has been pulled out from underneath their feet, and they have nothing to stand on. They selfishly personalize every social issue, and failing the ability to make rational decisions about them lash out as if they have been personally harmed in some way.
Who is making these children so angry?...
Their angry, completely narcissistic parents. I watched a leftist idiot friend raise two daughters to adulthood and they turned out just as useless as my friend. Went to liberal arts colleges and learned nothing useful. Could be the ignorant spitting ****.
Her parents need to be sued in a major lawsuit. Human saliva is a hazardous material and this was clearly an assault. Alex needs a big payday.
I'd totally support that. Leftist bitches want us to believe covid is so deadly, so she just assaulted the man with a deadly weapon. Otherwise, why did we do all the stupid theater exercise of masking, social distancing and clot shots? They want us to believe it's deadly, we get to treat it as deadly.

I'd like to see the **** charged with attempted murder.
Spitting is an attack. No telling what germs she sprayed on him after her last bj's with the football team.
Arrest her.

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