Limbaugh and Fox - a bad soap opera

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Rush Limbaugh Tears Into Fox News For Ted Cruz Criticism (AUDIO)

He said he had expected to hear such talk from MSNBC or Politico, adding:

"Of all places Fox News trashing all over this, and Fox News essentially blaming me and other conservative media for making Ted Cruz what he is! Brit Hume, of all people, essentially said that Ted Cruz is who he is because he's being pressured by people like me. And left to his own devices, Cruz might not be doing this, is the implication. He didn't actually say that. I was literally stunned watching this. The fact that, even after 21 hours, even at the beginning of it, they cannot at least admit that this is who the man is. He doesn't need any advisers here. He doesn't need any pressure. The man is not a coward. Ted Cruz isn't afraid of anybody. The real question is, what is the Republican establishment afraid of? What are some of these conservative media types at Fox News afraid of? What is the Washington establishment on the Republican side afraid of? Government shutdown, losing elections, what do you guys think you've been doing?"

Before you rw's try to lie out of this or say the source is wrong, the video is at the link.

Its not just the GObP/pubs who are imploding, falling apart. Now their cheerleaders are at each other's throats.

Edited to add - even if you don't want to watch the video, go to the link to see the photo of lushbo. Looks like he's hitting the food, booze and drugs a little too hard. I saw some other photo of him that looked really bad. Oh well. The right is welcome to him.
Why is the left so fixated on overcoming free speech? They have tax exempt propaganda networks like Media Matters and Newshounds (we watch Fox so you don't have to) and they have ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, MSNBC the NY Times, Al Jazeera and yet they find the time to hate Limbaugh and Fox. It doesn't make sense unless you believe Michael Savage when he says "liberalism is a mental illness".
The left cannot understand how republicans can disagree with one another. Democrats permit only lickstep thought. Juan Williams found that out to his detriment when he disagreed with democrat orthdoxy.
The lefties have no idea how often Rush takes issue with the Republican party so it's no surprise they think doing likewise to a media outlet is a big deal.

Intra-party debate or lockstep stupidity? Well, we know the Dims' approach.
I find Rush Limbaugh to be completely unlistenable, not because of his message or because of how he presents it, but entirely because of the commercial formatting of his show. Five minutes of commentary followed by ten minutes of the same commercials over and over followed by a quick teaser for more show followed by another five minutes of hawking Craftmatic Adjustable Mattresses.
I find Rush Limbaugh to be completely unlistenable, not because of his message or because of how he presents it, but entirely because of the commercial formatting of his show. Five minutes of commentary followed by ten minutes of the same commercials over and over followed by a quick teaser for more show followed by another five minutes of hawking Craftmatic Adjustable Mattresses.

It depends on the local radio network sponsorship. Now that you mention it I find the glitzy federal taxpayer funded ads to be unlistenable but you hear more and more of them every day sponsoring everything from beating a person on the chest if he collapses to the federal government offering to instruct men how to be fathers. Personally I'd rather listen to a mattress commercial that didn't involve my taxpayer dollars.
Why is the left so fixated on overcoming free speech? They have tax exempt propaganda networks like Media Matters and Newshounds (we watch Fox so you don't have to) and they have ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, MSNBC the NY Times, Al Jazeera and yet they find the time to hate Limbaugh and Fox. It doesn't make sense unless you believe Michael Savage when he says "liberalism is a mental illness".

Post just one "left" leaning poster calling for "overcoming free speech".

Just one.

Or, put another way,

What a lame ass and dishonest post.
I find Rush Limbaugh to be completely unlistenable, not because of his message or because of how he presents it, but entirely because of the commercial formatting of his show. Five minutes of commentary followed by ten minutes of the same commercials over and over followed by a quick teaser for more show followed by another five minutes of hawking Craftmatic Adjustable Mattresses.

Poor guy has lost a lot of his sponsors.

You just have to put up with it in order to have that pithy punditry from the king of the lard asses.
Why is the left so fixated on overcoming free speech? They have tax exempt propaganda networks like Media Matters and Newshounds (we watch Fox so you don't have to) and they have ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, MSNBC the NY Times, Al Jazeera and yet they find the time to hate Limbaugh and Fox. It doesn't make sense unless you believe Michael Savage when he says "liberalism is a mental illness".

Where's the free speech violation you're talking about? Like the people on the right don't rant about Maddow et al. It's amazing how you turn into a whiny little bitch at the hint of criticism. :itsok: .
I find Rush Limbaugh to be completely unlistenable, not because of his message or because of how he presents it, but entirely because of the commercial formatting of his show. Five minutes of commentary followed by ten minutes of the same commercials over and over followed by a quick teaser for more show followed by another five minutes of hawking Craftmatic Adjustable Mattresses.

Only a dedicated listener such as yo'self could possibly have sufficient information with which to provide us.

I'm sure Mr. Limbaugh appreciates your support.
Why would the radical left care about a voice on the radio and a single news source that claims to be fair and balanced when they have freaking tax exempt propaganda 24/7 junksters like Media Matters and Newshounds"? Why would left wingers whine about a single voice on the radio when they have Al-Jazeera?
WOW! Luddly listens to Rush Limbaugh. I have always suspected that liberals secretly listen to his podcasts when they know none of their friends are around...but Luddly too? Just wow...
WOW! Luddly listens to Rush Limbaugh. I have always suspected that liberals secretly listen to his podcasts when they know none of their friends are around...but Luddly too? Just wow...

In my neck of the woods, the car radio choices are shit kicking or bible thumping but no, I don't "listen" to Lard Ass Big Mouth any longer than a very few phrases at a time. Its like that old saying that the poison is in the dose. If I were to listen to very much at a time, my brain would shrivel up and fall out through my nostrils.

Seriously, Limbaugh is a one man hate group. He has said that he is paid to lie (look it up) but what's scary is that Boehner actually calls him (look it up) for his marching orders. Rush himself has said he is the head of the R party and apparently, many/most/all Rs seem to be afraid of him.

And, it looks like rw's are just fine with their party being controlled by a tv network run by a Muslim Arab oil sheik and a radio entertainer who is known for lying, drugs, drug smuggling and flat out racist stupidity.

You're welcome to him but my standards a LOT higher.
Limbaugh is becoming more of a joke each day, and yet some of his ardent supporter still wear his ties and parrot his idiocy. He was one one the first to chart the downfall of the Republican Party...Thank You Rush!
Yay Rush!

Spot on.

You worship an unpatriotic sissyboy who used a pimple on his ass to get out of fighting Communists. You must expect us to be proud to die taking a rich kid's place. "Senator McCarthy, have you no shame?"

How about a VC bayonet up this Jabba the Hutt's belly? That's the only way real Americans can get closure.
I find Rush Limbaugh to be completely unlistenable, not because of his message or because of how he presents it, but entirely because of the commercial formatting of his show. Five minutes of commentary followed by ten minutes of the same commercials over and over followed by a quick teaser for more show followed by another five minutes of hawking Craftmatic Adjustable Mattresses.

Art Bell's show was the same way. Both deal in paranoiac weirdness.
Yay Rush!

Spot on.

You worship an unpatriotic sissyboy who used a pimple on his ass to get out of fighting Communists. You must expect us to be proud to die taking a rich kid's place. "Senator McCarthy, have you no shame?"

How about a VC bayonet up this Jabba the Hutt's belly? That's the only way real Americans can get closure.

whoo boy, now you've done it.

Tiny Dancer also worships the pederast Ted Nugent who sat in his own shit for days in order to dodge the draft.

If she finds out you have spoken factually about ole tubbo, she will hound you forever.
I find Rush Limbaugh to be completely unlistenable, not because of his message or because of how he presents it, but entirely because of the commercial formatting of his show. Five minutes of commentary followed by ten minutes of the same commercials over and over followed by a quick teaser for more show followed by another five minutes of hawking Craftmatic Adjustable Mattresses.

Only a dedicated listener such as yo'self could possibly have sufficient information with which to provide us.

I'm sure Mr. Limbaugh appreciates your support.

He might if I listened. I catch about 20 minutes a year just to see if the pattern holds. So far, he's failed to disappoint.

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