Limbaugh: "Extreme Cold is Melting Polar Ice, not Warming"

October 23, 2009
"RUSH: I'm also told that the blog containing the passage on Obama's thesis is a satire blog. So it's one of these sites like ScrappleFace or The Onion or some such thing... So we stand by the fabricated quote because we know Obama thinks it anyway.

Since the quotes in your sig originate, not with Rush, but with a radical left wing whackjob, it is just a fraction disingenuous for you to claim any outrage about what he says. Credibility..... fail.
All brainwashed DittoNazis have been programmed to mindlessly claim that anyone who exposes their MessiahRushie as the worthless lying scum he is had to have gotten their info from some Left wing website and not directly from the lying POS.

I can source every one of my quotes directly to his website, I challenge YOU to source the Left wing websites you claim I got each of my quotes from. You won't because you can't. It is extremely rare for another website to use the same quotes I do, and in the rare occasion that they do use one of them, they never use it in the same way that I do and most likely got it from me. If you had taken the time to google the quotes I use, almost always you will find only my posts, places that cite my posts, and his website as the only sources of the quotes.

So until you can back up your programmed bullshit, STFU!!!! :asshole:

Im pretty sure she doesn't really give a damn what you think of anything he says, does or doesnt do.
The POS cared enough to neg me and reply to my post, so you are obviously wrong.

Which is why you are still waiting for a response.
Wrong again! I predicted she wouldn't because she couldn't, and she didn't!
The CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood is piss easy to predict!!!

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