Limbaugh insults McCain as a POW

I gotta go with, and I can't believe I'm saying this, DavidS. John McCain is anti-torture because it works. It is also beneath us. Limbaugh is actually advocating that we use the same methods as the Communist Vietnamize. This is pure dumbassery on Limbaugh's part. I would like to pull Limbaughs arms out his sockets and see if thinks it works.

Then Limbaugh would have to bail out of A-4 Skyhawk and forget to pull his arms in...

THAT'S not possible, because Limbaugh is 4-F...he got a deferment because of a pilonidal cyst, an ingrown hair follicle on his ass.

Tell me you are not insinuating that McCain wasn't tortured.

I honestly don't know Kitty, but here are some credible people that don't have a high regard for the guy...

Didn't we try the Japanese as war criminals for waterboarding?
Then Limbaugh would have to bail out of A-4 Skyhawk and forget to pull his arms in...

THAT'S not possible, because Limbaugh is 4-F...he got a deferment because of a pilonidal cyst, an ingrown hair follicle on his ass.

Tell me you are not insinuating that McCain wasn't tortured.

I honestly don't know Kitty, but here are some credible people that don't have a high regard for the guy...


Here, go hang out with this bitch then:

No matter, petty little bickerings, bottom line is there is nobody telling the news and exposing politicians like Rush, that is why all the attacks. The statist fear Rush so they must silence free speech.

Petty bickerings?? You and Rush annouced to the world that torture works on american soldiers.

Which is a complete fabrication, that is not only a lie, but possibly puts american soldiers at risk if Rush's propoganda becomes accepted conventional wisdom.

The only thing McCain did was to not honor his oath to keep his mouth shut, and only give name and serial number. When he "broke" the only thing he gave the vietnamese were useless factoids, and flat out lies to decieve them. He never gave them any useful intelligence. I don't fault him at all for that. After what he endured, he still had the presence of mind to mislead his captors with bogus information.

that's why torture doesn't work. Committed soldiers and terrorists can just make up any shit to make the torture stop.
McCain served his nation with great honor during exteremely trying circumstances.

He has had a long career in the Senate - and therein is his problem with attaining a position like President. Being a member of the Senate for that long instills in one the rule of compromise. While not in itself a bad thing, it can over time, result in one forgetting their own moral bearings and simply evolving into the collective morass of bi-partisan politics.

McCain has been working so hard on his legacy, he has at times, failed to lead. His inconsistent presidential campaign was a perfect example of that fact.

His role in the party will continue to be minimized, even as the same media that bashed him relentlessly, now attempts to elevate him to some level of importance due to his moderate Republicanism.

Moderation wins one friendly adversaries - but it rarely results in anything substantial.

McCain is old news.

This is now the Age of Obama...
Tell me you are not insinuating that McCain wasn't tortured.

I honestly don't know Kitty, but here are some credible people that don't have a high regard for the guy...


Here, go hang out with this bitch then:



Funny you mention Hanoi the video, former Republican Congressman Bob Dornan mentioned her too!

The tape mentions that McCain made 32 propaganda tapes while a POW. While it is understood that all POW’s were forced to do things they regret and were not responsible for these actions, it is implied that McCain went further in accommodating the North Vietnamese than necessary. Dornan reports on a transcript from another POW who heard one of the McCain tapes:

“Oh my God, is that Admiral McCain’s son, is that the admiral’s son? Is that Johnny, telling us that our principle (bombing) targets are schools, orphanages, hospitals, temples, churches?”

As Dornan says, “That was Jane Fonda’s line.”

Towards the end of the tape, Dornan reports a story that McCain told the Vietnamese that if the records of POWs were released they would not get diplomatic relations with the U.S.
» Did McCain Collaborate With North Vietnamese? Prominent Republicans Suggest He Is Covering Something Up Foolocracy: Government by fools, silliness and unintelligent people
What's the insult he said?

Gotta tell you, everything I see on him here actually makes me wonder what all the outrage is.

The insult is saying publicly that a Untied States Senator and a former member of our military was "broken" due to torture. You don't just go out and say that to anyone and everyone! That's something that John McCain has discussed and said that he's extremely shameful about (which he shouldn't be). AND John McCain is AGAINST torture.

"I had learned what we all learned over there," McCain said. "Every man has his breaking point. I had reached mine."

Rush said, "It's a myth that torture doesn't work."

That is a 100% condoning of torture. Rush is sick.

And why does he keep tugging at his shirt?
Rush said, "It's a myth that torture doesn't work."

That is a 100% condoning of torture. Rush is sick.

And why does he keep tugging at his shirt?

they wanted mccain to sign a piece of paper, he would not, they tortured him, he signed the paper

You just proved my point.

I wasn't arguing about whether torture is effective or not. Rush was defending torture.

By now we've all learned that those who are most enthusiastic about war and torture are those least likely to step up and serve in the military.

Rush would be a perfect example.
The insult is saying publicly that a Untied States Senator and a former member of our military was "broken" due to torture. You don't just go out and say that to anyone and everyone! That's something that John McCain has discussed and said that he's extremely shameful about (which he shouldn't be). AND John McCain is AGAINST torture.

I don't see the insult there, McCain admitted it openly himself, Rush used it to make a point (though it failed on me) ... he kind of opened himself up to criticism in other areas, why would this be shocking. I also still don't get the insult, McCain served, he's proud to have served, Rush didn't make the contention that he was weak because of it, he was just asking how McCain would claim something that worked on him wouldn't work on others.

This is NOT an issue for Rush Limbaugh to talk about as an example of how torture works! It is for John McCain to discuss IF and WHEN he chooses to discuss it. It's something that is EXTREMELY SERIOUS. You don't just talk about it on a radio show as if it were an every day occurance. He was beaten and tortured for years because of those bastards.

This is WRONG.

Absolute HORSESHIT. McCain made a PUBLIC comment and all Rush did is reference it. He made no editorial about it, he just pointed out that McCain's position ignores what he himself ADMITTED. That Torture WORKS.
Rush said, "It's a myth that torture doesn't work."

That is a 100% condoning of torture. Rush is sick.

And why does he keep tugging at his shirt?

they wanted mccain to sign a piece of paper, he would not, they tortured him, he signed the paper

big fucking deal. he signed a piece of paper. That does nothing to prove whether torture is an effective means to gather accurate intelligence.

Torture is a means of control. That's why dictsators, thugs, narco drug lords, and Rush Limbaugh approve of it. Its Not a means of gathering accurate intelligence. McCain went out of his way to lie, decieve, and provide bogus information when tortured for information about bombing targets, or the names of his squandron mates.

Signing a piece of paper didn't do one fucking ounce of damage to the united states. It was political theater for some communist thugs.
What's the insult he said?

Gotta tell you, everything I see on him here actually makes me wonder what all the outrage is.

The insult is saying publicly that a Untied States Senator and a former member of our military was "broken" due to torture. You don't just go out and say that to anyone and everyone! That's something that John McCain has discussed and said that he's extremely shameful about (which he shouldn't be). AND John McCain is AGAINST torture.

So, correct me if I am wrong you have no problem with Obama releasing these documents. This type of document was a legal document between a president and his advisors, no other president in history has released these type of documents. Obama just keeps showing us he does not care, I will be adding this to my list of, in my opinion, Obama's treason....

Worse; he shows any of us willing to look not only that he doesn't care, but that he will say anything, or risk anything to make a political and partisan point to take out political enemies but not the enemies of our nation. Not only does he over and over again not show good taste, but he shows again and again that he doesn't understand the tactical value of not revealing our weaknesses to our enemies, or the weakness he exhibits by constantly criticizing his own country. Foreign leaders must think he is little more than a knave.

Claire McGaskill said again today on Fox News Sunday that this removes a known powerful recruiting tool from the Al-Qaeda and the Taliban; saying that they'd be more likely to join those terrorist groups knowing they'd be tortured if captured. That sounds like an odd incentive to join. It seems more likely the reverse would be true.
The insult is saying publicly that a Untied States Senator and a former member of our military was "broken" due to torture. You don't just go out and say that to anyone and everyone! That's something that John McCain has discussed and said that he's extremely shameful about (which he shouldn't be). AND John McCain is AGAINST torture.

I don't see the insult there, McCain admitted it openly himself, Rush used it to make a point (though it failed on me) ... he kind of opened himself up to criticism in other areas, why would this be shocking. I also still don't get the insult, McCain served, he's proud to have served, Rush didn't make the contention that he was weak because of it, he was just asking how McCain would claim something that worked on him wouldn't work on others.

This is NOT an issue for Rush Limbaugh to talk about as an example of how torture works! It is for John McCain to discuss IF and WHEN he chooses to discuss it. It's something that is EXTREMELY SERIOUS. You don't just talk about it on a radio show as if it were an every day occurance. He was beaten and tortured for years because of those bastards.

This is WRONG.

Who the fuck are you to tell people what they can and can't talk about? Are you just looking for excuses to take things out of context. THERE IS NO INSULT HERE YOU TWIT. Rush simply restated something that was already public knowledge. It wasn't a value a judgement. He didin't call McCain a traitor. He wsn't calling him a coward. It's precisely due to people like you why we can't have real discussions about this stuff, because it requires a level of objectivity people like yourself are obviously incapable of.

For the record I generally oppose torture from a purely practical standpoint. Sure hafter a point pretty much anyone will talk. The question is, will it be the truth?
Rush said, "It's a myth that torture doesn't work."

That is a 100% condoning of torture. Rush is sick.

And why does he keep tugging at his shirt?

Where EXACTLY is it stated in what you quoted that torture is condoned? Maybe you need this spelled out for you since you don't have a real firm grasp of written english. For that sentence to be condoning torture it basically needs to say something like, uh, I condone the use of torture. It doesn't say that. It is basically a statement of whether or not a method of obtaining information works. In no way does it state that we should use that method. Whether Rush believes we should or not is irrelevant. This is why having conversations with some of you lib tards is so pointless. We can't even get to a starting point because you're so hell bent on spinning shit that you have decided to ignore the rules of basic english.
Didn't we try the Japanese as war criminals for waterboarding?

Yes, I believe we did.

No we did not. They were tried for the murder and attempted murder of Prisoners in their care.

Yes we did.

See, I actually went to law school, so I don't your senile ass getting technical. Because technically, torture was one of the charges brought against the Japanese at trial. Chase J. Nielson testified at trial and described the process of waterboarding used on him by the Japanese. These procedures were used as evidence against the Japanese, but it is okay for us to use them now? I don' tthink so.

Good article on the subject:

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