Limbaugh says Hillary very likely INELIGIBLE for presidency

Rush said Romney would win in a landslide. Rush was wrong.
Rush said the Marines in Cairo were not allowed to have bullets. Rush was wrong.
Rush said there is a link between abortion and breast cancer. Rush was wrong.

There you go, gummo.

Hey einstein. Rush has 8 trillion dollars. How much you got?

Rush is a very successful entertainer- and he knows how to entertains his victims....I mean audience.

The mere mention of Rush Limbaugh's name is enough for liberal's heads to explode...yeah I have to admit that is pretty entertaining :laugh:

LOL- I give kuddo's to Rush- he has become a millionaire with his shtick. You folks eat up all the crap he feeds you. He knows his audience.
No law can over-rule the Constitution. No law passed by Congress can disqualify a candidate eligible under the Constitution- not Cruz- not Hillary- not Rush.

The constitution just sets minimum requirements. Of course congress can add others.

And where in the Constitution does it say Congress can do any such thing?

Article 2 section 1 "No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States"

"no" "neither" "not". Everything is stated in a negative sense. Those are MINIMUM requirements. THINK

They are the only eligibility requirements.

If a candidate meets those, and the Electoral College elects the person, and Congress confirms the election- the person is President.

Congress has no Constitutional authority to write any eligibility rules for the President- any more than the President has the right to decide who can be a Congress man.

Even a convicted criminal like Rush could be President.

When has Rush ever been convicted of anything?

My apologies- I was wrong- I thought Rush had been convicted of the drug charges- but he got off with a deal

On April 28, 2006, a warrant was issued for his arrest on the charge of doctor shopping. According to Teri Barbera, spokeswoman for the sheriff, during his arrest, Limbaugh was booked, photographed, and fingerprinted, but not handcuffed. He was then released after about an hour on $3,000 bail.[145][146][147] After his surrender, he filed a "not guilty" plea to the charge. Prosecutors explained that the charges were brought after they discovered he received about 2,000 painkillers, prescribed by four doctors in six months, at a pharmacy near his Palm Beach mansion. In 2009, after 3 years of prolonged discussion regarding a settlement, prosecutors agreed to drop the charge if Limbaugh paid $30,000 to defray the cost of the investigation, completed an 18-month therapy regimen with his physician, submitted to random drug testing, and gave up his right to own a firearm for eighteen months.[148] Limbaugh agreed to the settlement, though he continued to maintain his innocence of doctor shopping and asserted that the state's offer resulted from a lack of evidence supporting the charge.[149]
Rush said Romney would win in a landslide. Rush was wrong.
Rush said the Marines in Cairo were not allowed to have bullets. Rush was wrong.
Rush said there is a link between abortion and breast cancer. Rush was wrong.

There you go, gummo.

Hey einstein. Rush has 8 trillion dollars. How much you got?

Rush is a very successful entertainer- and he knows how to entertains his victims....I mean audience.

The mere mention of Rush Limbaugh's name is enough for liberal's heads to explode...yeah I have to admit that is pretty entertaining :laugh:

LOL- I give kuddo's to Rush- he has become a millionaire with his shtick. You folks eat up all the crap he feeds you. He knows his audience.

80% of his show's content are quotes and clips from liberals...OH SNAP!
Rush said Romney would win in a landslide. Rush was wrong.
Rush said the Marines in Cairo were not allowed to have bullets. Rush was wrong.
Rush said there is a link between abortion and breast cancer. Rush was wrong.

There you go, gummo.

Hey einstein. Rush has 8 trillion dollars. How much you got?

Rush is a very successful entertainer- and he knows how to entertains his victims....I mean audience.

The mere mention of Rush Limbaugh's name is enough for liberal's heads to explode...yeah I have to admit that is pretty entertaining :laugh:

LOL- I give kuddo's to Rush- he has become a millionaire with his shtick. You folks eat up all the crap he feeds you. He knows his audience.

80% of his show's content are quotes and clips from liberals...OH SNAP!

Like I said- Rush is a very successful entertainer.
So, basically, Limbaugh knows the GOP can't beat Hillary, so they have to find some other way to knock her out of the running.

You can smell the flop sweat oozing out of Limgaugh's pores.
Another huge democrat scandal blacked out by the controlled media.

Is Hillary Eligible for the Presidency? - The Rush Limbaugh Show

jan 7 2016 I'll tell you something here, folks. You know who really, really, really might be ineligible to run for the presidency? And it isn't Ted Cruz. Nobody on the Republican side. Let's examine Hillary Clinton in terms of eligibility.

She might not be eligible to be elected president when everybody gets finished. Look at this, 18 US Code 107: "Concealment, Removal, or Mutilation Generally: Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both. ... and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States."

...and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office..."

If she is ever indicted on this e-mail business, or if they find that she has mutilated, destroyed, hidden, or otherwise done away with documents that were classified that came under her purview? Sorry, folks. She's gotta be convicted, of course. But if that were to ever happen, she's not qualified.

On what does Limbaugh base this opinion? His High School education?

Net worth 70 mil
Yours ?
Numb nuts?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

LOL! He exploited YOUR stupidity, not mine.

Yes - but here you are
Whining about his success
He's fucked you and you are too stupid to realize it

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Not at all. I don't care about Rush. Nor do I listen to him. He's just a pumped up egomaniacal carnival barker who's found a great gig exploiting the mental weaknesses of his listeners. I perceive him as being much the same as Televangelists who find sheep to sheer (exploit) in order to enrich themselves.
Another huge democrat scandal blacked out by the controlled media.

On what does Limbaugh base this opinion? His High School education?

Net worth 70 mil
Yours ?
Numb nuts?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

LOL! He exploited YOUR stupidity, not mine.

Yes - but here you are
Whining about his success
He's fucked you and you are too stupid to realize it

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Not at all. I don't care about Rush. Nor do I listen to him. He's just a pumped up egomaniacal carnival barker who's found a great gig exploiting the mental weaknesses of his listeners. I perceive him as being much the same as Televangelists who find sheep to sheer (exploit) in order to enrich themselves.

Yeah clearly Rush isn't living rent free in your head /sarcasm :laugh:
Another huge democrat scandal blacked out by the controlled media.

On what does Limbaugh base this opinion? His High School education?

Net worth 70 mil
Yours ?
Numb nuts?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

LOL! He exploited YOUR stupidity, not mine.

Yes - but here you are
Whining about his success
He's fucked you and you are too stupid to realize it

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Not at all. I don't care about Rush. Nor do I listen to him. He's just a pumped up egomaniacal carnival barker who's found a great gig exploiting the mental weaknesses of his listeners. I perceive him as being much the same as Televangelists who find sheep to sheer (exploit) in order to enrich themselves.

Actually Rush is responsible for saving AM radio and making it profitable again. Not only that, but he took a big chance by going against the wave of MSM who dominated the market and still do to some degree.

If you could go back 30 years or so and tell people back then that somebody in the future would become a multi-multi millionaire off AM radio alone, they would have laughed in your face.

Rush doesn't tell people what to think, he just discusses what people are already thinking. That's why he's so popular. The mentally weak are liberals who repeat what they heard their liberal politicians say, but can't explain anything they repeat.

They can't explain how Voter ID is racist when the law applies to everybody. They can't explain how disarming the public would not give criminals the advantage since they will never disarm. They can't explain how taking more money from our job producers would actually result in producing jobs. You see, they are just told to say these things.

It doesn't upset liberals that Rush is wealthy. It doesn't upset liberals that Rush is popular and gave birth to other outlets like Fox news. What really bothers liberals is Rush tells the other side of the story; the side liberals don't want anybody to know about.
Rush said Romney would win in a landslide. Rush was wrong.
Rush said the Marines in Cairo were not allowed to have bullets. Rush was wrong.
Rush said there is a link between abortion and breast cancer. Rush was wrong.

There you go, gummo.

Hey einstein. Rush has 8 trillion dollars. How much you got?

Rush is a very successful entertainer- and he knows how to entertains his victims....I mean audience.

The mere mention of Rush Limbaugh's name is enough for liberal's heads to explode...yeah I have to admit that is pretty entertaining :laugh:

LOL- I give kuddo's to Rush- he has become a millionaire with his shtick. You folks eat up all the crap he feeds you. He knows his audience.

80% of his show's content are quotes and clips from liberals...OH SNAP!

That's funny because Rush discussed this years ago when liberals were trying to find their own Rush Limbaugh.

He said liberals can't do what he does only the opposite way. That's because liberals are the entertainment of his show. He plays clips, he reads transcripts of what they say. He plays their speeches from years ago. Liberals are the entertainment.

You can't do the the same thing only with conservatives. That's why there will never be a left-wing Limbaugh now or in the future.
Hey einstein. Rush has 8 trillion dollars. How much you got?

Rush is a very successful entertainer- and he knows how to entertains his victims....I mean audience.

The mere mention of Rush Limbaugh's name is enough for liberal's heads to explode...yeah I have to admit that is pretty entertaining :laugh:

LOL- I give kuddo's to Rush- he has become a millionaire with his shtick. You folks eat up all the crap he feeds you. He knows his audience.

80% of his show's content are quotes and clips from liberals...OH SNAP!

That's funny because Rush discussed this years ago when liberals were trying to find their own Rush Limbaugh.

He said liberals can't do what he does only the opposite way. That's because liberals are the entertainment of his show. He plays clips, he reads transcripts of what they say. He plays their speeches from years ago. Liberals are the entertainment.

You can't do the the same thing only with conservatives. That's why there will never be a left-wing Limbaugh now or in the future.

There will never be another Limbaugh.

But when it came to playing back what people said- Jon Stewart with the Daily Show did a great job.

Of course John Stewart and Limbaugh are both very talented entertainers.
Rush doesn't tell people what to think, he just discusses what people are already thinking. That's why he's so popular. The mentally weak are liberals who repeat what they heard their liberal politicians say, but can't explain anything they repeat.
Neither your MessiahRushie nor his audience has even a remote idea what he blathers on about, but they BOTH know it's BRILLIANT even though neither can even repeat it! :rofl::lmao:

February 10, 2012


RUSH: Jerry on Long Island in New York, welcome to the EIB Network. Hello, sir.

CALLER: Rush, mega, mega dittos from New York. Thank you for taking my call. It's a thrill to be speaking to you.

RUSH: Thank you, sir, very much.

CALLER: A huge thrill. Thank you very much.

RUSH: You bet.

CALLER: I was telling Snerdley, your opening monologues are usually amazing but this morning's was brilliant, and I think it should be distributed to every high school student in this country. Because it was absolutely conservatism on parade this morning, and if our candidates could talk anywhere near what you said this morning, it would be a landslide in November, don't you think?

RUSH: You know, I've forgotten what I said. I thought I opened up talking about the Obama Health and Human Services, the abortion thing. What did I say that...? I'm not denying it was great. I just don't remember it.

CALLER: I was never really prompted to call anybody. When I heard it I just thought, "This was conservatism." Everything you said, Rush. Just... I don't know what you said, but it was just conservatism.
Rush is a very successful entertainer- and he knows how to entertains his victims....I mean audience.

The mere mention of Rush Limbaugh's name is enough for liberal's heads to explode...yeah I have to admit that is pretty entertaining :laugh:

LOL- I give kuddo's to Rush- he has become a millionaire with his shtick. You folks eat up all the crap he feeds you. He knows his audience.

80% of his show's content are quotes and clips from liberals...OH SNAP!

That's funny because Rush discussed this years ago when liberals were trying to find their own Rush Limbaugh.

He said liberals can't do what he does only the opposite way. That's because liberals are the entertainment of his show. He plays clips, he reads transcripts of what they say. He plays their speeches from years ago. Liberals are the entertainment.

You can't do the the same thing only with conservatives. That's why there will never be a left-wing Limbaugh now or in the future.

There will never be another Limbaugh.

But when it came to playing back what people said- Jon Stewart with the Daily Show did a great job.

Of course John Stewart and Limbaugh are both very talented entertainers.

Nonsense. Stewart is a stand up comedian (a bad one) and an actor. He only became a talking head later..and he never shares ideas, he just pokes fun.

Limbaugh has never been anything except a political commentator. That is what he does. He investigates and talks about politics.

But lefties can't tell the difference. Which is why your so-called "answer to Rush Limbaugh" commentators can't hold a candle to Rush, and nobody takes them seriously (except a few brainwashed dolts who don't get it).
The mere mention of Rush Limbaugh's name is enough for liberal's heads to explode...yeah I have to admit that is pretty entertaining :laugh:

LOL- I give kuddo's to Rush- he has become a millionaire with his shtick. You folks eat up all the crap he feeds you. He knows his audience.

80% of his show's content are quotes and clips from liberals...OH SNAP!

That's funny because Rush discussed this years ago when liberals were trying to find their own Rush Limbaugh.

He said liberals can't do what he does only the opposite way. That's because liberals are the entertainment of his show. He plays clips, he reads transcripts of what they say. He plays their speeches from years ago. Liberals are the entertainment.

You can't do the the same thing only with conservatives. That's why there will never be a left-wing Limbaugh now or in the future.

There will never be another Limbaugh.

But when it came to playing back what people said- Jon Stewart with the Daily Show did a great job.

Of course John Stewart and Limbaugh are both very talented entertainers.

Nonsense. Stewart is a stand up comedian (a bad one) and an actor. ).

True- Limbaugh is not a comedian.

Stewart really is funny when he skewers Conservatives.

But they are both very talented entertainers.
LOL- I give kuddo's to Rush- he has become a millionaire with his shtick. You folks eat up all the crap he feeds you. He knows his audience.

80% of his show's content are quotes and clips from liberals...OH SNAP!

That's funny because Rush discussed this years ago when liberals were trying to find their own Rush Limbaugh.

He said liberals can't do what he does only the opposite way. That's because liberals are the entertainment of his show. He plays clips, he reads transcripts of what they say. He plays their speeches from years ago. Liberals are the entertainment.

You can't do the the same thing only with conservatives. That's why there will never be a left-wing Limbaugh now or in the future.

There will never be another Limbaugh.

But when it came to playing back what people said- Jon Stewart with the Daily Show did a great job.

Of course John Stewart and Limbaugh are both very talented entertainers.

Nonsense. Stewart is a stand up comedian (a bad one) and an actor. ).

True- Limbaugh is not a comedian.

Stewart really is funny when he skewers Conservatives.

But they are both very talented entertainers.

Lefties get their book larning from lefty actors. And because you're educated by idiots, you never understand 2/3 of what is happening around you.
80% of his show's content are quotes and clips from liberals...OH SNAP!

That's funny because Rush discussed this years ago when liberals were trying to find their own Rush Limbaugh.

He said liberals can't do what he does only the opposite way. That's because liberals are the entertainment of his show. He plays clips, he reads transcripts of what they say. He plays their speeches from years ago. Liberals are the entertainment.

You can't do the the same thing only with conservatives. That's why there will never be a left-wing Limbaugh now or in the future.

There will never be another Limbaugh.

But when it came to playing back what people said- Jon Stewart with the Daily Show did a great job.

Of course John Stewart and Limbaugh are both very talented entertainers.

Nonsense. Stewart is a stand up comedian (a bad one) and an actor. ).

True- Limbaugh is not a comedian.

Stewart really is funny when he skewers Conservatives.

But they are both very talented entertainers.

Lefties get their book larning from lefty actors. And because you're educated by idiots, you never understand 2/3 of what is happening around you.

Conservatives get their "book learning" from Conservative entertainers like Rush Limbaugh.

Which is why you are so gullible.
That's funny because Rush discussed this years ago when liberals were trying to find their own Rush Limbaugh.

He said liberals can't do what he does only the opposite way. That's because liberals are the entertainment of his show. He plays clips, he reads transcripts of what they say. He plays their speeches from years ago. Liberals are the entertainment.

You can't do the the same thing only with conservatives. That's why there will never be a left-wing Limbaugh now or in the future.

There will never be another Limbaugh.

But when it came to playing back what people said- Jon Stewart with the Daily Show did a great job.

Of course John Stewart and Limbaugh are both very talented entertainers.

Nonsense. Stewart is a stand up comedian (a bad one) and an actor. ).

True- Limbaugh is not a comedian.

Stewart really is funny when he skewers Conservatives.

But they are both very talented entertainers.

Lefties get their book larning from lefty actors. And because you're educated by idiots, you never understand 2/3 of what is happening around you.

Conservatives get their "book learning" from Conservative entertainers like Rush Limbaugh.

Which is why you are so gullible.

Rush shares ideas and presents facts.

Unlike the comedians and sexual deviants the left drools after.
Rush doesn't tell people what to think, he just discusses what people are already thinking. That's why he's so popular. The mentally weak are liberals who repeat what they heard their liberal politicians say, but can't explain anything they repeat.
Neither your MessiahRushie nor his audience has even a remote idea what he blathers on about, but they BOTH know it's BRILLIANT even though neither can even repeat it! :rofl::lmao:

February 10, 2012


RUSH: Jerry on Long Island in New York, welcome to the EIB Network. Hello, sir.

CALLER: Rush, mega, mega dittos from New York. Thank you for taking my call. It's a thrill to be speaking to you.

RUSH: Thank you, sir, very much.

CALLER: A huge thrill. Thank you very much.

RUSH: You bet.

CALLER: I was telling Snerdley, your opening monologues are usually amazing but this morning's was brilliant, and I think it should be distributed to every high school student in this country. Because it was absolutely conservatism on parade this morning, and if our candidates could talk anywhere near what you said this morning, it would be a landslide in November, don't you think?

RUSH: You know, I've forgotten what I said. I thought I opened up talking about the Obama Health and Human Services, the abortion thing. What did I say that...? I'm not denying it was great. I just don't remember it.

CALLER: I was never really prompted to call anybody. When I heard it I just thought, "This was conservatism." Everything you said, Rush. Just... I don't know what you said, but it was just conservatism.

Okay......... I don't know what the hell this has to do with the price of rice in China..... but okay.....
Rush is a very successful entertainer- and he knows how to entertains his victims....I mean audience.

The mere mention of Rush Limbaugh's name is enough for liberal's heads to explode...yeah I have to admit that is pretty entertaining :laugh:

LOL- I give kuddo's to Rush- he has become a millionaire with his shtick. You folks eat up all the crap he feeds you. He knows his audience.

80% of his show's content are quotes and clips from liberals...OH SNAP!

That's funny because Rush discussed this years ago when liberals were trying to find their own Rush Limbaugh.

He said liberals can't do what he does only the opposite way. That's because liberals are the entertainment of his show. He plays clips, he reads transcripts of what they say. He plays their speeches from years ago. Liberals are the entertainment.

You can't do the the same thing only with conservatives. That's why there will never be a left-wing Limbaugh now or in the future.

There will never be another Limbaugh.

But when it came to playing back what people said- Jon Stewart with the Daily Show did a great job.

Of course John Stewart and Limbaugh are both very talented entertainers.

You can throw Howard Stern in that mix as well. But yes, it's genius when you can take something as boring as politics and make it entertainment. It's one of the reasons Trump is leading the pack in the primaries.

I remember years ago how I started listening to Rush. We were at a family gathering when me and my father began debating politics as we always do when we get together. My brother-in-law was helping my sister serve dinner and overheard us talking.

He came in with a dish of mashed potatoes or whatever and said to me "You must be a huge Limbaugh fan" while he was laughing. I never knew who Limbaugh was although I've heard the name before.

Several months later Democrats did something that pissed me off. I forget what it was now. But anyway, I decided to turn on Limbaugh remembering what my brother-in-law said to me months ago.

It was a guy on the radio that was speaking my thoughts. At the time I was young and didn't know left from right--Republican from Democrat, but I knew what my beliefs were. I was a listener ever since.

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