Limbaugh says Hillary very likely INELIGIBLE for presidency

Another huge democrat scandal blacked out by the controlled media.

Is Hillary Eligible for the Presidency? - The Rush Limbaugh Show

jan 7 2016 I'll tell you something here, folks. You know who really, really, really might be ineligible to run for the presidency? And it isn't Ted Cruz. Nobody on the Republican side. Let's examine Hillary Clinton in terms of eligibility.

She might not be eligible to be elected president when everybody gets finished. Look at this, 18 US Code 107: "Concealment, Removal, or Mutilation Generally: Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both. ... and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States."

...and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office..."

If she is ever indicted on this e-mail business, or if they find that she has mutilated, destroyed, hidden, or otherwise done away with documents that were classified that came under her purview? Sorry, folks. She's gotta be convicted, of course. But if that were to ever happen, she's not qualified.

The mouth that bored.
Fascinating. The HDS crowd has been humiliating themselves over and over with these crazy claims, but it doesn't phase them at all.

But then, a person must possess a conscience in order to feel shame. The sociopathic Hillary-haters have no conscience, hence they are incapable of feeling shame.
Fascinating. The HDS crowd has been humiliating themselves over and over with these crazy claims, but it doesn't phase them at all.
But then, a person must possess a conscience in order to feel shame. The sociopathic Hillary-haters have no conscience, hence they are incapable of feeling shame.

HAHAHA. Nothing but namecalling. Why don't you address the issue for once? Is hillary guilty.?
Fascinating. The HDS crowd has been humiliating themselves over and over with these crazy claims, but it doesn't phase them at all.
But then, a person must possess a conscience in order to feel shame. The sociopathic Hillary-haters have no conscience, hence they are incapable of feeling shame.

HAHAHA. Nothing but namecalling. Why don't you address the issue for once? Is hillary guilty.?


Fascinating. The HDS crowd has been humiliating themselves over and over with these crazy claims, but it doesn't phase them at all.
But then, a person must possess a conscience in order to feel shame. The sociopathic Hillary-haters have no conscience, hence they are incapable of feeling shame.

HAHAHA. Nothing but namecalling. Why don't you address the issue for once? Is hillary guilty.?


damn, a bear really does shit in the woods.
"Limbaugh says Hillary very likely INELIGIBLE for presidency"

He's right...I don't think you can run be President if you are a convicted FELON!

View attachment 59166
Hey, Hillary supporters, find yourselves at the picture^

:laugh: Yeah, i think the Democratic Party is actually paying people to show up to her speeches. Seriously, who wants to listen to her drone on and on with her lies? Pretty boring stuff. Trump's actually drawing real crowds.
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the thing is, the server WAS NOT WIPED CLEAN, the FBI has the server with everything on it including the emails she did not forward to the State department for government archiving purposes, and they have back up discs, all in their possession since September the OP is deliberately trying to deceive or blatantly ignorant on the topic...

the other thing is Federal employess are required to go through their emails and delted and not forward to the government archives anything that is personal, and only send govt archival emails. Hillary did not break the rules by not sending her personal emails to the government archives, she followed the rules by not sending them to the government archives.

Your right wing rags are spinning and twisting and turning this issue, every which way but loose, and you all will end up being very disappointed in the end, and crying foul, like babies, when the writing has been on the wall for a while now, she didn't break the law....

she might have been stupid and naive to what the republicans would do with something like her using her private email, but nothing criminal.

NO ONE told her she could not do what she did, not the President, not the FBI, not others in the State Department, NO ONE came to her and said, she needed to go to the unclassified .gov system, in the four years she was there...and they ALL KNEW, every single person above and departments above, knew she was using a private email server....

Obviously, no one thought a thing about it being criminal in any way....
If Limbaugh said it then it must be true. He's never been wrong about anything.
November 05, 2012
RUSH: My friends, I've been looking at all the data that you have been looking at. I've been trying to separate feelings from thoughts and come up with some sort of an educated prognostication. You know, common sense tells me this election isn't gonna be close and shouldn't be.

If the Redskins win at home, the incumbent party wins the presidential race, 17 out of 18 times going back to 1940. If the Redskins lose at home, the challenger prevails. Well, the Redskins lost to the Carolina Panthers. That means Romney wins.
the thing is, the server WAS NOT WIPED CLEAN, the FBI has the server with everything on it including the emails she did not forward to the State department for government archiving purposes, and they have back up discs, all in their possession since September the OP is deliberately trying to deceive or blatantly ignorant on the topic...

the other thing is Federal employess are required to go through their emails and delted and not forward to the government archives anything that is personal, and only send govt archival emails. Hillary did not break the rules by not sending her personal emails to the government archives, she followed the rules by not sending them to the government archives.

Your right wing rags are spinning and twisting and turning this issue, every which way but loose, and you all will end up being very disappointed in the end, and crying foul, like babies, when the writing has been on the wall for a while now, she didn't break the law....

she might have been stupid and naive to what the republicans would do with something like her using her private email, but nothing criminal.

NO ONE told her she could not do what she did, not the President, not the FBI, not others in the State Department, NO ONE came to her and said, she needed to go to the unclassified .gov system, in the four years she was there...and they ALL KNEW, every single person above and departments above, knew she was using a private email server....

Obviously, no one thought a thing about it being criminal in any way....

The twat handled classified information on a home server and appears to be getting away with it.
In fact, the left is supporting her!
Odd all the way around.
You try handling classified material at your home, dingbat. Let us know how it works out.
the thing is, the server WAS NOT WIPED CLEAN, the FBI has the server with everything on it including the emails she did not forward to the State department for government archiving purposes, and they have back up discs, all in their possession since September the OP is deliberately trying to deceive or blatantly ignorant on the topic...

the other thing is Federal employess are required to go through their emails and delted and not forward to the government archives anything that is personal, and only send govt archival emails. Hillary did not break the rules by not sending her personal emails to the government archives, she followed the rules by not sending them to the government archives.

Your right wing rags are spinning and twisting and turning this issue, every which way but loose, and you all will end up being very disappointed in the end, and crying foul, like babies, when the writing has been on the wall for a while now, she didn't break the law....

she might have been stupid and naive to what the republicans would do with something like her using her private email, but nothing criminal.

NO ONE told her she could not do what she did, not the President, not the FBI, not others in the State Department, NO ONE came to her and said, she needed to go to the unclassified .gov system, in the four years she was there...and they ALL KNEW, every single person above and departments above, knew she was using a private email server....

Obviously, no one thought a thing about it being criminal in any way....


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